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Showing posts with label war. Show all posts

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 2 of the Gaza War 15-Nov-2012

Day 2 of the Gaza War 15-Nov-2012

Refresh your browser often to see latest updates from the IDF "Pillar of Defense" operation against Gaza's Palestinian terror.   Link to us on Facebook!

Join us at our new link for the Gaza Operation - Day 3 of the Gaza war 16-Nov-2012 at the top of the blog:

11:59 PM Islamic Jihad leader Haled Al-Batash: "Soon there will be new surprises"

11:53 PM Reports that 3 senior tactical members of Hamas killed earlier this evening by IDF airstrike.

11:42 PM Air Raid Sirens sounding in the general vicinity of the Beer Sheva metropolitan area.

11:36 PM IDF's targetted killing continue in Gaza....reports from Gaza of 4 killed and over 23 wounded.
11:34 PM More updates coming momentarily. In the meantime, here is a very high quality video of the Iron Dome system in actiom over Beer Sheva.

10:00 PM Rockets fired over Netivot and Sha'ar Ha Negev.

9:59 PM Ministry of Education: Schools withing 40km of the Gaza strip will be closed.

9:58 PM 80 sites in Gaza have been hit by IAF and Israeli Navel bombardment in the last hour.

9:16 PM Colleges in Rishon L'Tzion and the region closed tomorrow.

9:07 PM During meetings with Defense establishment, Prime Minister Netanyahu was forced to go to protected area when air raid sirens started.

9:04 PM Arab sources: Following 10 air strikes Gaza is totally blacked out.

9:02 PM Israeli Government sources: "We will not stop until Hamas begs for mercy."

8:53 PM IDF reporting that the are planning major ground operation in Northern Gaza.

8:52 PM Sirens in Eshkol region and Chevel Shalom. 

8:36 PM Storage area destroyed by rocket in Be'er Sheva, 3 treated for shock.

8:21 PM IDF Spokesman confirms, Defense Minister green lights calling up 30,000 reservists.

8:19 PM Direct hit on house in Be'er Sheva. No injuries reported.

8:16 PM 5 rockets shots down by Iron Dome system over Be'er Sheva.

8:14 PM Rockets landing near Kiryat Melachi during funeral of Mira Sharf HY"D and Aaron Semadje HY"D.

8:10 PM Explosions over Ashkelon. More rockets fired at Be'er Sheva, Benei Shimon and Ramat Negev.

8:09 PM Watching Rothschild Blvd in Tel Aviv during air raid siren.

8:08 PM Shooting attack on IDF jeep near Kalkilya, no injuries.

8:07 PM Rocket explosions heard around Ashdod. No confirmation of rockets landing or Iron Dome.

8:05 PM Palestians from Gaza shooting at Army vehicles on Israeli side of border.

8:03 PM More sirens in Ashdod, Kiryat Melachi, Be'er Tovia, Yavneh, Ashkelon Beach and Yoav.

8:00 PM How much time do you have?

7:54 PM Sirens now in Be'er Tovia, Ashkelon, Shafir, Kiriyat Melachi.

7:50 PM Sirens sounding now in Be'er Sheva and Har Hevron

7:45 PM Magen David Adom has raised the level of preparedness in the Central Region (Tel Aviv area) to the highest level possible.

7:43 PM More rockets fired at Eshkol region.

7:40 PM Reports that one rocket landed in Bat Yam.

7:36 PM Cellular networks in Tel Aviv area crashing under pressure.

7:35 PM Rocket lands in cow shed in Eshkol region. No injuries. No report on cow situation.

7:33 PM At least 1000 reserve soldiers mobilized on an emergency footing.

7:31 PM BREAKING: Anti-tank rocket fired at IDF troops from Gaza.

7:23 PM  Iron Dome system knocks down 7 rockets over Be'er Sheva.

7:22 PM IDF Spox confirms 2 rockets fired at Tel Aviv. 

7:15 PM Still know official confirmation of rockets landing in Tel Aviv area. Local residents reporting only.

7:10 PM Amorphous Statement from IDF Spox: "No Rockets Landed on the ground in Tel Aviv"  No known injuries in rocket attack on Greater Tel-Aviv. Islamic Jihad takes responsibility. Claims they shot a Fajr5 rocket.

7:06 PM Israel Radio saying the rocket may have landed in Bat Yam and not in Tel Aviv.  Other sources I know have contradicted this. 

7:01 PM IDF attacking Khan Yunis and Rafiach area.

6:58 PM In light of the Rocket attack on Gush Dan - its safe to say the countdown has started for the ground offensive.
6:55 PM No one wants to say exactly where the rocket landed due to security considerations.  Definite Rocket Strike on Tel Aviv area. Confirmed.

6:52 PM Air Raid Sirens in Sederot

6:51 PM Waiting for official confirmation of rocket landing on Tel Aviv beach...also checking reports of rockets hitting Rishon and Bat Yam

6:50 PM Confusion over location of where rocket landed...stay tuned.  Network Servers Crashing due to overload.
6:46 PM Rocket Lands on Tel Aviv beach.  No known injuries at this time...Forces responding.

6:46 PM Explosion Heard -- Forces checking for rocket location. First Time Tel Aviv has been attacked since the First Gulf War in 1991.



6:32 PM Air Raid Sirens - Shaar HaNegev

6:29 PM More Air Raid Sirens in Eshkol region. Hamas announces it is not prepared for a cease fire.  IDF pounding away at terror targets in the Northern Gaza Strip.

6:19 PM Air Raid Sirens in Eshkol region

6:17 PM News claimed 4...(IDF radio this morning)

6:11 PM Bnei Akiva Youth Movement announces that it will be attending a massive prayer rally at the Kotel / Western Wall in Jerusalem on this coming Saturday evening, with buses of youth arriving from all over the country.  Jameel asks: I wonder if this means that the "Chodesh Irgun" closing celebrations will be postponed?

6:08 PM Tel Aviv mayor, Ron Huldai announces that Tel Aviv is opening its cultural centers to residents of the South, free of charge, including the Camari Theatre, HaBima, Beit Lessin, and many others.  (The entire list can be seen here)

6:05 PM Official Statement from the Rishon Municpality:

We request from the public to adhere to the directives of the IDF Homefront Command.
When hearing a siren, enter the nearest secure area; bomb shelter or room with the least amount of external walls, windows and doors. It is forbidden to leave the safe area till 10 minutes after the siren was sounded.  The municipality is now, at this very moment opening all the public bomb shelters

6:01 PM Since the rocket launch at Rishon, there is severe cellular service disruption.
5:59 PM 4 Grad rockets that were shot at Beer Sheva region were taken out by Iron Dome.  Ambulances are scouring the area.

5:51 PM 6 explosions heard in Beer Sheva region, Sirens in Chatzeirim (IAF airbase)

5:49 PM IDF combat soldiers and ground troops positioning themselves near Gaza, preparing for ground incursion.  Waiting for "go ahead" from Government.  Soldiers continue to stream southwards in preparation...

5:45 PM Internal Security Minister Aharonovitch confirms rocket launch towards Rishon LZiyon, says it landed, but not "in" Rishon. (Channel 2 TV)

5:42 PM Tzeva Adom / Air Raid Sirens in Sederot.

5:36 PM No reported injuries in any of the recent attacks.  Waiting for confirmation of any rockets strikes (this time) in the Southern Edge of Gush Dan.  As of now, none identified by Israeli sources.

5:33 PM Another barrage of rockets at the Kissufim area (adjascent to Central Gaza strip)

5:30 PM Sirens all over the southern edge of Gush Dan / Greater Tel Aviv:
Holon, Bat Yam, Rishon...rockets launches seen....

5:12 PM Mira Sharf HY"D, of Kiryat Melachi, killed this morning by rocket fire. Her husband Shmulik and and one year old son were also seriously injured. Their neighbor Aaron Semdaje HY"D was also murdered in the attack.Mira and Shmulik were planning to go to India to serve as Shluchim for Chabad. 4 years ago today (Rosh Chodesh Kislev) the Chabad Shlichim in Mumbai, India were murdered by Islamic terrorists.

5:03 PM Another barrage of rockets fired over Ashdod, air raid sirens sounding.

4:58 PM One of the rocket sites destroyed by Israel was dug in between an elementary school and a mosque. (Channel 10 news)

4:53 PM CONFIRMED: Grad missile lands in open area near Rishon L'Tzion.No injuries or wounded.

4:45 PM Rocket falls in S'derot. Unconfirmed report of rocket landing in Rishon. UPDATE: Sirens in S'derot were false. But reports of rocket landing in Ashdod.UPDATE: Sirens also heard in Bat Yam and Nes Tziona.

4:42 PM Sirens heard in Rishon L'Tzion which is much closer to the Dan Region. No report of rockets.

4:37 PM More rockets fired over Sderot as air ride sirens sound once more.

4:23 PM Round up of pictures for the 2nd day of Pillar of Deffense operation at The Blaze.

4:20 PM IDF soldiers firing of Iron Dome anti-missile missle.

4:13 PM Foreign press (Sky News, Al Arabiya) reporting that Israel has offered a "cease fire" starting at 5 PM. UPDATE: Reporter on Arutz 2 has said IDF has no plans to stop any time soon.

4:04 PM Direct hit on small factory in Sha'ar HaNegev. No injuries reported.

3:57 PM Rachel's Tomb closed to visitors due violent Arab protests, throwing rocks and molotov cocktails.

3:53 PM 5 additional rockets fired over Eshkol region.

3:44 PM Reports of IAF planes striking in Khan Yunis.

3:28 PM British Ambassador to Israel in Kiriyat Melachi declares UK's full support for Israel's defensive actions and her full right to self defense.

3:27 PM Since the start of Israel's actions in Gaza IAF has destroyed over 100 long range Hamas missile launchers.

3:20 PM Violent protest in front of Bahad 3 army base in Samaria. 40 people throwing rocks at civilian cars and army vehicles.

3:19 PM Another rocket fired at Sderot.

3:16 PM 3 soldiers wounded by mortar fire in Eshkol region. One with medium wounds and two with light.

3:15 PM Air Raid sirens in Eshkol and Tze'ilim

3:11 PM Kasam rocket falls in Sderot. No word of injuries.

2:58 PM Rockets fired over Sderot.

2:50 PM Security Commitee of the Knesset has decided on a broad call up of reserve units.

2:45 PM Be on the lookout for Pallywood!
Guess what, not a picture from Gaza. The picture is 3 weeks old and is from Syria. 

2:39 PM PA Prime Minster and Holcaust Denier Abbas calls for Hamas to stop the rockets.

2:38 PM Multiple rockets fired, sirens in Ashkelon and Asheklon Beach regional council.

2:35 PM Building in Kiryat Melachi that was struck with rocket has been evacuated for fear that it will collapse.

2:28 PM IDF dropped flyers earlier today over Gaza.  The following translation from the Arabic is from the IDF Spox:

2:24 PM Eshkol region Air Raid Siren.

2:22 PM Air Raid Sirens in Kiryat Gat, Eshkol Region, Ashkelon Beach area, Yoav Area, Lachish and Shapir.

3 wounded in previous attack on Eshkol region - 1 moderate, 2 light. Medivac Helicopter dispatched.

2:13 PM Iron Dome takes out 7 rockets simultaneously over Ashdod area.

 2:10 PM IDF firing at Beit Lahiya terror cell which is launching rockets at Israel.

2:06 PM Air Raid Sirens in Eshkol and Merhavim regions

2:04 PM Photo of Iron Dome shooting down a Gazan rocket over Ashkelon at 1:59 PM. (Courtesy: mickeyb/

2:02 PM Air Raid Sirens going off in South Haifa/ Tirat HaCarmel region -- this is due to siren malfunction and NOT a rocket strike

2:00 PM From the Algemeiner: Source: Kiryat Malachi Victim Was Chabad Emissary From India Visiting Israel for Mumbai Victims’ Memorial Service
Israeli political consultant Jonny Daniels citing an Israeli source and a Chabad leader in Israel told The Algemeiner that among the victims of this morning’s Gaza rocket attack on the Israeli city of Kiryat Malachi was a Chabad “shlucha (female emissary)” to India, who was visiting Israel this week for the memorial service of Chabad Mumbai terror victims Gabi and Rivka Holtzberg. The Hebrew anniversary of their brutal murder is today.

A second victim said to be in his late forties was the father of the 8 month old baby girl who was injured. (source)

1:59 PM Ashkelon region Air Raid Sirens going off...

1:45 PM Air Raid Sirens in Shaar HaNegev and Sedot Negev Regions.

1:43 PM Update: The diplomats are being held by Hamas at the Erez crossing.

1:41 PM Air Raid Siren in Eshkol region

1:37 PM Channel 2 Israel TV: Hamas holding 43 diplomats hostage, and not allowing them to leave the Gaza strip.

1:03 PM Air Raid Siren in Eshkol region

1:01 PM Arutz Sheva reports of a direct rocket hit in Sederot, no injuries but there is a gas leak.

12:57 PM Report of a car hit by a rocket at Gilat interchange; car went up in flames. Confirmed: No injuries.

12:57 PM Marwan Issa (47) appointed by Hamas to replace Ahmed Jabri.  Dead Man Walking.

12:56 PM Reverse Pyschological Warfare? Hamas claims IDF ground offensive in Northern Gaza strip

12:52 PM Air Raid Sirens in Eshkol region.

12:45 PM Couple due to be married tonight in Ashkelon requests help... The Asheklon.Net website reports that the IDF homefront command has cancelled a wedding hall tonight, and the couple is looking for logistical help to relocate their wedding to Central Israel this evening.  For more information to help, the mother of the Bride, Tzippy, call be reached at 052-445-3941  They aren't looking for financial help -- just logistical help. Israeli students in Central Israel -- this is your chance to help! Source:

12:42 PM Newly released IDF Spox video of IDF targeting underground Gaza rocket launcher.

12:40 PM Sirens sounding in South Hebron Hills, Omer, Lachish, Kiryat Gat and Rahat.

12:35 PM Multiple rockets shot at Sderot and taken out by Iron Dome anti missle system. No injuries.

12:32 PM Leftist and Arab students at Haifa University holding "moment of silence" for arch terrorist Ahmed Jabari.

12:30 PM How Hamas works.

12:28 PM Air raid sirens sounding in Ashkelon Beach region.

12:23 PM  Do you understand?

12:19 PM Rockets fired over Netiv HaAsarah.

12:11 PM So far 200 rockets have been fired into Israel since the start of the current offensive.

12:09 PM Rocket hits in Sderot. Magen David responding.UPDATE: House in Sderot hit. No injuries but gas leak detected.

12:08 PM Army Sources reporting that they have managed to cripple Hamas and Islamic Jihad long range missle capabilities.

12:06 PM Air Raid sirens sounding in Sderot.

12:05 PM In the Gaza mall at this minute

11:59 AM Putting things into perspective.

11:54 AM Two more rockets fired at Ashkelon. No report of damage or injuries.

11:49 AM How not to do PsychWarfare: Islamic Jihad say their retaliton will shock Israel. Says an IDF ground incursion will result in heavy caualties. Funny, they sad the same in Operation Cast Lead. When most of their minions ran away and hid.

11:48 AM YNET reporting that IAF fighter jets have been scrambled from the North to help with targeting the abundance of terror hotspots in Gaza.

11:44 AM Primer on the Fajr-5 Rockets by @DougPologe

11:42 AM Pictures from funeral of slain Hamas leader Ahmed Jabari

11:40 AM Air raid sirens sounding in Ashkelon.

11:34 AM In what CNN describes as a news report
CNN: (CNN) -- Israel continued a blistering assault early Thursday against Gaza, targeting what it described as 100 terror sites in response to ongoing rocket attacks by Palestinian militants, a move that has raised fears of a wider regional conflict. (emphasis added)

11:30 AM Preliminary reports of IDF soldier lightly wounded on the Golan Heights from gunfire out of Syria. UPDATE: Soldier wounded by shrapnel from mortar fire, not bullets.

11:15 AM Hamas threatening to live broadcast rocket attacks on Tel Aviv.

11:11 AM Operation Piller of Defense moves online.

11:05 AM UNCONFIRMED- Reports that a vehicle filled with armed men has broken through the border with Egypt near Eilat.

10:58 AM IDF video footage of strikes on Fajr missile sites in Khan Yunis camp in Gaza.

10:55 AM Another salvo of rockets reported to have been fired at Ashkelon.

10:54 AM 4th Israeli dies of wounds from rocket attack on Kiryat Melachi. 

10:46 AM Pictures of building hit by rocket that killed 3 and injured 6.

10:43 AM Grad Rocket from Gaza that was fired over Dan region knocked down by Iron Dome system. This is the farthest north that a rocket from Gaza has gotten. UPDATE: This report has been disputed. More information as it becomes available.

10:37 AM Video of rockets fired by Islamic Jihad earlier this morning.

10:35 AM Iron Dome system knocks down missile over Ashkelon. No damage or injuries reported. Sirens sounding in Kiryat Melachi.

10:27 AM Hamas military wing Izzadim Al-Kasam has taken responsibility for deadly rocket attack on Kiryat Melachi.

9:31 AM Ahmed Jabari eulogies have begun. At 11:30 they will be taking what's left of the terrorist's body to burial  Note to IDF: 11:30 might be a good time to kill a lot of terrorists in one shot.

9:29 AM Rockets landing in Ashdod. Sirens sounding throughout the city.

9:12 AM Israel Radio correspondent Nissim Keinan reported this morning that some of the Grad rockets fired from Gaza to Israel were also loaded with phosphorus. (IMRA)

9:08 AM 2 women, 1 man killed in Kiryat Melachi strike. Baby moderately wounded. Dozens being treated for shell shock.

9:05 AM In the past 5 minutes, 4 barrages of rocket attacks on Ashdod.
House in  Kiryat Gat hit. No injuries reported.
IDF expresses concern that as the day goes by, rocket attacks will intensify.

9:01 AM 3 confirmed dead in Kiryat Melachi, Rockets falling in Kiryat Melachi and Kiryat Gat. 6 injured.

8:52 AM There are 3 confirmed dead in the rocket strike in Kiryat Melachi, and a baby is injured, in moderate condition. 

 The rocket hit the 4th story of an apartment building.
IDF reporter is under rocket fire in Kiryat Melchi, as she is reporting live from the scene

8:52 AM There are confirmed dead in the rocket strike in Kiryat Melachi, and a baby is injured, in moderate condition.

8:46 AM Unconfirmed reports of 3 dead in 2 rocket strikes on Kiryat Melachi

8:40 AM In the past 20 minutes, 30-40 rockets fired from Gaza. There was a direct hit on a house in Kiryat Melachi. Reports of critically wounded woman.
MDA and police responding.

8:01 AM Muslim Bros call for global "Day of Rage" against IDF "aggression"

8:00 AM Sirens in Ashkelon

7:57 AM Sirens in Ashkelon / Beer Tuvia region

7:48 AM Sirens in Beer Sheva - massive explosion reported. Barrage of rockets launched at Beer Sheva.

7:14 AM Red Alert in Eshkol Region

7:14 AM Overnight Update
Two missiles launched since midnight (total 104 since the operation began Wednesday afternoon.
Three terrorists were killed in Khan Yunis that were firing rockets towards the Eshkol region.
28 Israelis were treated for shell shock.
1 person lightly wounded from broken glass, in Be'er Sheva.
UN Security Council discusses situation between Israel and Gaza, but reached no conclusions.
At 4:38 AM, Israel targeted the Palestinian Parliament building in Gaza.
13 dead in Gaza, and over 90 wounded.
President Obama discusses situation with Egyptian president Morsi, telling him it is Israel's right to defend itself.
Last rocket attacks for at 6:51 AM in the Eshkol region. No injuries reported. 

1:39 AM Last update before I go to bed.  IDF Homefront Command Webpage -- OOOPS!

1:22 AM Update to recent rocket attack on Beer Sheva; Iron Dome successfully knocked out 2 Grad rockets.  No reports of injuries.

1:16 AM I'm taking a break from liveblogging -- will resume early morning Israel time / 5 AM Israel time / 10 PM Eastern Standard Time / 0300 GMT.

To our brothers and sisters in Southern Israel, may you have a quiet and peaceful night.  To the IDF, may God bless and protect the brave warriors of the Israel Defense Forces.  May God grant wisdom to the Israeli government to direct the IDF to ensure the safety and security of the residents of the State of Israel.

Good night from the Muqata.


1:13 AM Reports of 8 rockets launched simultaneously from Gaza towards Beer Sheva.

1:11 AM Two explosions heard in Beer Sheva; could be Iron Dome counter missiles.  

1:10 AM Air Raid Sirens erupt throughout the Beer Sheva region.

1:08 AM IDF and Hamas fight it out via Twitter.

1:06 AM IAF warplanes continue to pound Northern Gaza.  Palestinians report that there are wounded as a result of the attack.

1:02 AM Israeli Channel 2 TV reports -- Minister of Internal Security Aharonovitch says that Israel is prepared for the possibility of terror infiltrations from Yehuda vShmron/West Bank

12:57 AM YNET reports that Prime Minister Netanyahu has spoken to US President Obama and updated him on the IDF operation in Gaza, and thanked him for the USA support for Israel to defend itself. (source)

12:54 AM No way to confirm attacks / attempted attacks on Israeli positions in the Golan.  Lets assume for the time being that the report is incorrect. (12:43 AM report)

12:53 AM Israeli Cabinet Approves Open-ended Combat Reservists Draft

12:46 AM Gazan town of Beit Lahiya under attack by IAF warplanes and IDF artillery.

12:43 AM Totally unconfirmed reports from the Arab meda: REPORTS: Syria have attacked Israeli bases in Golan in retaliation to the aggression on Gaza. Unconfirmed. Investigating...

12:40 AM Israeli Military Reporter Alon Ben-David: "Finally Israel has conducted a pointed and decisive attack.  Hamas is currently still in shock.  When they regain their composure, there will be some difficult days for us.  Take care of yourselves, I'm on my way [to the battlefield]"

12:35 AM Palestinian Authority begs the UN to force Israel to stop the"agression" against the Palestinian people.  Note: Maybe the Palestinians should have thought of that before firing rockets at us...

12:15 AM Rocket Warning Sirens in Beer Sheva.

Continued from Day 1 of the Gaza War 14-Nov-2012

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 1 of the Gaza War 14-Nov-2012

Day 1 of the Gaza War 14-Nov-2012

Refresh your browser often to see latest updates from the IDF "Pillar of Defense" operation against Gaza's Palestinian terror.   Link to us on Facebook!

Join us at our new link for the Gaza Operation - Day 2 15-Nov-2012 at the top of the blog:

12:09 AM (Thursday) IDF Radio confirms that Israeli Embassy staff in Egypt are returning home due to security concerns. It's not known if Israel's ambassador will be returning in the near future.

12:02 AM (Thursday) IDF Radio reports that 70 rockets were fire at Israel from Gaza today. 25 were successfully intercepted. One woman was injured y shrapnel in Be'er Sheva.

11:49 PM Conflicting reports on IDF radio. Egyptian sources claim entire Israeli diplomatic staff returning home to Israel. Reuters says that the embassy staff are remaining and the embassy remains open as usual.

11:42 PM IDF announces that not only did they destroy most of the long-range Fajr missiles, but also Hamas's unmanned military drone program. GLZ 23:41 Hamas didn't even know that Israel knew all about it.

11:42 PM From the IDF Facebook page

11:25 PM On Channel 2 Israel TV-- watching in real time as the Iron Dome knocks out a grad rocket.

11:23 PM Air Raid Sirens in Ashdod, Beer Tuvia, Gan Yavneh, Gedera, Yad Binyamin

11:20 PM Arab and Leftwing Students from Hebrew University in Jerusalem will be demonstrating for solidarity with Hamas tomorrow at 12:00 PM at the Mount Scopus campus.

11:17 PM Channel 1 Israel TV reports that the Iron Dome knocked down a rocket launched at Sederot.  No injuries.

11:15 PM Confirmed rocket strike in Ashkelon, no injuries

11:13 PM Unconfirmed report of a rocket strike in Sederot.  MDA and IDF forces repsonding.

11:12 PM Channel 10 Israel TV News reports that the Israeli Ambassador to Egypt did not leave because of the Gaza operation. (as also noted by Reuters / Commenter SDavidRam)

11:07 PM IDF Naval Warships firing at terrorist postions in Gaza.

11:06 PM Iron Dome anti-missile system taking out numerous grad rockets in Beer Sheva.

10:55 PM Asheklon hit by rocket in attack from 10:51. No known injuries.

10:53 PM 2 Rockets land in Beer Sheva. No known injuries or damage.

10:51 PM Sirens in Ashkelon

10:46 PM Color Red Missile Siren Warning in Bnei Shimon

10:44 PM As of 10:44 PM, a total of 55 rockets were fired at Israel from Gaza.

10:42 PM Photo of Grad Rocket strike in Beer Sheva from this evening.

10:39 PM Video from IDF Spox of Hamas hiding Fajr (long range) rockets.

 10:34 PM Israel's ambassador to Egypt left Egypt suddenly, with no explanation.

10:26 PM Otzem (Atzmona) Premilitary Academy Evacuated by order of IDF homefront command. Jameel's son is on his way home...

10:25 PM organizing hosts for families from Israel's south for Shabbat.

9:02 PM Barzilai hospital moving all patients to protected area.

9:02 PM Channel 1 reports that missiles shot at Dimona!

8:56 PM Arab Mob Threatening Jews Inside Kever Rachel!

8:55 PM Egypt confirms missiles fired from Sinai

8:32 PM Arab Party to Protest Outside Likud HQ Over Gaza Op

8:30 PM (Sorry, had to leave for a bit). Palestinian News Agency Server Down

7:29 PM The IDF and Shabak are working closely together along with the Artillery units to take out individual Hamas terrorists in Gaza. 

7:25 PM Official IDF video of assasination:


7:19 PM Video of after the Jabari Strike:

 7:15 PM Throngs of Israeli student pack the Be'er Sheva train station, due to the closing of Ben Gurion University. To accommodate the masses of students, Israel Rail Road is sending extra long trains to evacuate the students looking to escape northward.

7:14 PM Israel has achieved a  major success by taking out Hamas's Fajr-5 rocket capabilities which could have hit Tel Aviv. IDF is reporting that Hamas wanted to prove their capabilities due to Israel's strike on Jabari, but are now almost completely powerless to hit anything further than 40KM from Gaza.

7:04 PM IAF continuing strikes, explosions heard throughout Gaza.  Secondary explosions from munition bunkers also heard.

7:02 PM Bibi meeting with Cabinet and Defense officials in Defence Ministry in Tel Aviv.

7:02 PM Egyptian Foreign Ministry demands that Israel immediately stop attacking Gaza, and warned Israel against the consequences of not stopping.

6:54 PM Palestinians report that the IAF took out 2 more terrorists in Beit Lahia that were about to launch a rocket at Israel.

6:51 PM Picture of airstrike at 4:30 PM

6:33 PM Meretz MK Zahava Galon says killing Jabri was not worthwhile and that Israel should negotiate immediately to stop the violence.

6:31 PM Color Red / Rocket Alert to Sha'ar HaNegev region.

6:30 PM Israeli leftists and Arabs decry defensive IDF operation on Gaza, calling for demonstration tonight in front Likud Tel-Aviv HQ.

(see photo on right saying "Stop Netanyahu, The Nation is against war")

6:27 PM Hamas Spokesman:  The Zionist Enemy has done something very stupid; even places farther away from Tel Aviv should be scared.

6:24 PM Due to sensitive IDF combat operations , not all the information flowing in to the Muqata will be printed at this time.  Stay tuned...

6:22 PM Reports that the Moslem Brotherhood in Egypt is called for Egpyitan President Muhammed Morsi to sever all ties with Israel as a result of the Israeli operation against Gazan terror.  Morsi's office to hold press conference within the hour. (Ehud Yaari, Channel 2 TV)

6:17 PM Update from Magen David Adom: MDA has gone to level 3 (highest level of prepardeness) in Israel's South, and the rest of the country has gone to MDA level 2...

6:08 PM Homefront Command Cancels School for all municipalities within a 40 kilometer radius of Gaza.

6:04 PM Live Broadcasts on the Internet; Israeli TV and Radio (Hebrew)

ערוץ 1
ערוץ 2
ערוץ 10
 גלי צה"ל
רשת ב'

6:03 PM Homefront Command Immediate Update: Eshkol Region residents should remain in extremely close proximity to bomb shelters.

5:59 PM Update from the field: IDF "Tzav 8" emergency call up orders for reservists are currently for Homefront Command soldiers (to help with incoming missile threats) and not for additional combat battalions.

5:54 PM Palestinian sources report of additional top Hamas commanders killed.  Israeli media reports of "Tzav 8" emergency draft notices going to IDF reservists. (Channel 10, Channel 2)

5:49 PM forum says that "Phase 2" of the Gaza operation was just approved by the Israeli government cabinet via telephone (calling each minister individually) 

5:45 PM Palestinian sources claiming that 10 killed so far in IDF attacks, including Ahmed Jabri, his son and 2 bodyguards.

5:43 PM Israeli war planes pounding terrorist targets in the Northern Gaza strip.

5:38 PM Israel's Chief of Staff is currently in the "bor" -- the underground command center of the IDF in Tel-Aviv, monitoring the war effort.  IDF Spokesman says that IDF ground troops are poised to enter Gaza.  Preparations are in place for IDF reserve call ups.

5:29 PM The Fajr-5 rocket installation hit by IDF had a range of 75 kilometers.

5:23 PM Photo of  IDF heavy artillery hitting Gazan targets (source)

5:21 PM IDF Firing heavy artillery at Gazan targets -- reports that a Hamas Fajar missile launching complex was severely damaged.  This complex would have been used to launch rockets at Tel-Aviv.

5:16 PM Photos from the IDF strike on Ahmed Jabri  (source)

5:09 PM Top Hamas Military Commander of Rafiach / Southern Gaza killed by IDF fire; Ra'ed Aater (one of the top 5 military Hamas commanders)

5:07 PM  IDF intelligence balloons are being raised around the entire Gaza strip.

5:05 PM  Name of the Operation: Amud Anan -- Pillar Cloud

5:03 PM Hamas declares war on Israel - and calls for general call-up.

5:02 PM Israeli Government Official: This is just the beginning...

4:59 PM Schools closed tomorrow in Israel's South - Kiryat Melachi, Sederot, Gan Yavneh...more to come.

4:54 PM IDF Spokesman announces: Israel's operation in Gaza has started.

IDF Spokesman:
In the past hour, the IDF targeted Ahmed Jabri, the head of Hamas’ military wing, in the Gaza Strip. Jabri was a senior Hamas operative who served in the upper echelon of the Hamas’ command and was directly responsible for executing terror attacks against the State of Israel in the past number of years.

The purpose of this operation was to severely impair the command and control chain of the Hamas leadership, as well as its terrorist infrastructure. This was a surgical operation in cooperation with the Israeli Security Agency, that was implemented on the basis of concrete intelligence and using advanced capabilities.

The IDF will continue to target sites that are used for carrying out terror attacks against the citizens of Israel while improving their daily security.

4:52 PM Israel's IDF Homefront Command orders Ben-Gurion University closed immediately as a result of warnings of upcoming rocket strikes from Gaza, in retaliation for Israel's killing of the Hamas High Military Commander, Ahmed Jabri.

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Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Attack on Northern Israel

War Blogging updates right after the introduction.
Dear visitors. We see from the traffic spike that many of you are visiting for the latest updates on the clashes up North between the IDF and the Lebanese Army. As you already know, the Muqata is the leading source, in the English language, for up-to-the-minute action reports when it comes to important events in Israel (wars, flotillas, elections, etc.), but the Muqata is much more than that.

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11:42 PM Video of how the attack started...

10:43 PM
Map of attack. As you can clearly see the attack from Lebanon happened on the Israel side of the Blue Line (demarcating the border). The fence is set a few meters inside Israeli territory for tactical and functional reasons.

10:11 PM Still looking for a good copy, but here is the series of events today on Israeli news (thanks to Eitan).

8:08 PM
Entire attack caught on video tape. Will publish it here as soon as we have the link.

7:10 PM Q. Were IDF soldiers attacked using weapons and training supplied to the Lebanese army by the United States? (See PDF)

Some additional relevant articles on the subject: mererhetoric Harvard Law LA Times

7:01 PM Updates to summary below (in the 6:28 briefing)

6:28 PM Press Conference for Bloggers with IDF Spokesman / Lt. Col. Avital Leibovich

Initial Statement:

Today's unprovoked attack by the Lebanese army against the IDF, took place in Israeli territory along Israeli's Northern border. In some areas, there is a gap between the IDF security fence and the actual border, which is where this attack took place. IDF soldiers were
conducting routine maintenance work including clearing bushes from the area. This sort of activity is crucial to keep an open line of sight, to prevent attacks and kidnappings, like the one in the summer of 2006, which was in a similar location.

This crucial work was fully coordinated with UNIFIL, and there was nothing unique about it.

A Lebanese sniper opened fire towards IDF forces in a clear and blatant violation of UN security council resolution 1701.

The IDF retaliated with artillery and helicopter fire.

IDF intelligence is investigating if this was premeditated attack.

Noah Pollak (Commentary Mag): Why was this so well documented on the Lebanese side? Seems odd.
Lt. Col Avital: We are investigating. Were snipers brought especially for this attack? We will know in next few hours.

Michael Totten: Rumors of Hizbollah fighters on scene. Is this true?
Lt. Col Avital: Right now, full responsibility on Lebanese Army. This will be checked.

Lt. Col Avital: Soldiers conducting maintenance work; it was the IDF commanders who watched the work who were shot at.

The LAF opened fire not at the soldiers who were doing the routine maintainance work on the fence, but at the commanders who were standing nearby observing the work. this indicates that it was a preplanned attack not in reaction to the work on the fence.

The IDF estimates 4 casualties on their side.

Some parts of the LAF are influenced by Hezbollah

After the initial exchange of fire, we were requested to suspend our fire so that they could evacuate their wounded. roughly half an hour after we suspended our fire, LAF shot an RPG at one of our tanks. They missed the tank and our tank returned fire.

IDF only opened fire in response to our soldiers being shot at and wounded.

This is the most serious incident along the northern border since 2006.

The Border is currently calm.

Official Casualty Statement:

Lt Col (res) killed: Dov Harari.
Critically wounded (res) company commander (Captain).

6:16 PM
Unfortunately confirmed. One senior officer killed - Lt. Col Dov Harari. Another injured in today's ambush.

IDF officially calling today's attack an ambush.

5:55 PM Terrorist attack in South. Terrorists shoot near Kibbutz Nirim at team working on fence.

5:25 PM Work on fence was done in coordination with UNIFIL.

5:15 PM Received this (Reuters) photo of an LAF soldier after they attacked.

5:10 PM Sharp-eyed readers of the Muqata noted that UN soldiers (blue berets) are standing next to LAF soldier as they prepare to fire on Israel earlier today. Photographers were also on site - before the attack.

4:55 PM Lebanese News Reports:
Lebanon will call for a UN Security Council emergency session to discuss Tuesday’s clashes between the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) along the border earlier in the day.
4:51 PM Why would Hizbollah start a war with Israel now? One view is to deflect rising criticism over Hizbollah's involvement in the assassination of Lebanon's Prime Minister.
Five years on, the assassination of Lebanese prime minster, Rafiq Hariri, still dominates political life in Lebanon. Tensions are on the rise due to rumours that a special UN tribunal has been investigating his death in a car bombing.
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia met in Beirut on Friday for a meeting, urging all factions to do what they can to ensure stability. (France24)
4:40 PM UK Press reporting senior IDF officer killed.

4:24 PM
Apparently, this is the Lebanese Army RPG that started the unprovoked attack on IDF forces. Foreign reports continue that there are casualties among IDF soldiers, though there has been zero confirmation of this from the IDF Spokesman's unit.

4:22 PM Reports that IAF Warplanes have struck at an Lebanese army base.

IDF forces and Lebanese Army and Hizbolla forces are advancing additional forces on the Israel-Lebanese border.

Meanwhile, the IDF spokesman has the following official statement:

Earlier today during the mid-day hours, the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) fired at an IDF position along the Lebanese border in northern Israel. The force was in Israeli territory, carrying out routine maintenance and was pre-coordinated with UNIFIL. The border area is east of the Israeli town Metula. The incident occurred west of the internationally recognized "Blue Line" (the border between Israel and Lebanon) and east of the security fence, thus lying in Israeli territory.

The IDF force immediately returned fire with light arms at a force of the LAF, and the IDF also made use of artillery fire. Several minutes later an Israel Air Force (IAF) helicopter fired at the LAF Battalion Command Center in Al-Taybeh, damaging several LAF armored combat vehicles.

The IDF holds the LAF responsible for the incident that disrupted the calm in the region, and its consequences.

The IDF Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi arrived at the Israeli-Lebanese border, is following the events closely as they unfold, and is constantly holding situation assessment reports with the OC Northern Command, Maj. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot, as well as the Galilee Regional Division commander and additional commanders

The Israeli public in the Galilee region to carry on with their routine way of life.

4:19 PM Reports that IAF just attacked LAF forces in Taibe.

3:50 PM Lebanese sources are saying that fighting has resumed. No updates on this from IDF which last reported quiet at 3:00 PM.

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3:19 PM Foreign photographers on site before the attack, taking photos of the LAF aiming RPGs at the IDF position.

3:15 PM Photo of injured IDF soldier being evacuated by MDA rescue evacuation helicopter (photo from foreign source.)

3:12 PM Unconfirmed foreign sources reporting that IDF officer was killed in attack. We are tracking this story. Reminder - this is unconfirmed.

2:59 PM 3 Lebanese reported killed.
Pictures from the scene, apparently right before the attack (AFP):

The context of the pictures in unclear, but it appears to be IDF soldiers adding cameras on the fence the IDF soldier is cutting down trees next to the fence (all within Israeli territory) and LAF soldiers preparing to attack them.

2:19 PM One Lebanese Army soldier confirmed killed. Possibly additional Lebanese soldier killed too.

2:14 PM All indications are that the IDF soldiers were definitely on the Israeli side of the border when fired upon. Pretty much confirmed that no Katyusha's hit within Israel. Hezbollah claims that Israel was trying to install tracking cameras.

1:57 PM Clashes may be over. No confirmed information yet on injuries. Conflicting reports regarding the Katyusha fire, but that seems to have not happened according to latest reports.

1:33 PM At this time, its unclear how many people (and on which sides) were wounded as a result of the Lebanese Army attack on an IDF patrol. Lebanese news reporting a Katyusha was fired into Israel's Northern Galilee, but this is also unconfirmed (and may be the mortar fire which was reported earlier)

1:30 PM JPost: IDF
soldiers were reportedly on a routine patrol. They were operating past the border fence, but within Israeli territory, since the fence does not always exactly parallel the border.

The cause of the clashes was unclear. Lebanese forces may have misconstrued the IDF patrol's position and thought they had crossed the border.

1:27 PM
Muqata sources in Northern Israel report that the exchange of gunfire has subsided. Mortars and gunfire were directed at IDF troops near Misgav Am.

1:24 PM Reports of attack on IDF troops near the South Lebanon border. IDF responding with tank, artillery, attack helicopter and sniper fire. Updates coming shortly.

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