Showing posts with label liveblogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label liveblogging. Show all posts

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 22 of the War, Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 22 of the Gaza War, Saturday (night), January 17, 2009
Daily sticky post, constantly updated.

Go to Day 23 for the latest.

More liveblogging at IsraellyCool and on Twitter at Keyword #GazaWar

Note: Using the "Refresh" (F5 key) command in your Web Browser will show you the latest updates -- Refresh on an Apple/Mac is apple+R.

Additional New posts from today can be found below this post.

As a general rule we will try and keep operational details to a minimum, that includes troop movements and the exact location of rocket hits. If items are reported in the Mainstream Israeli Media we will report them as well.

11:59 PM 3 rockets launched at Ofakim.

11:58 PM 22 Israelis in shell shock from GRAD rocket that explodes near their bus in Ashdod.

11:53 PM
Due to the success of Israel's unilateral ceasefire, there will be no school in Be'er Sheva tomorrow. IDF intelligence reports to expect an increase in rocket attacks in the coming hours due to the ceasefire.

11:50 PM More on the unilateral nonsense:

"If the Israeli military continues its existence in the Gaza Strip, that is a wide door for the resistance against the occupation forces," Hamas representative in Lebanon Osama Hamada told al-Jazeera television.

In his statement, PM Olmert said that for the time being the IDF would not be withdrawing from Gaza.

"These understandings do not guarantee a cessation of Hamas' rocket attacks on Israeli civilians. If they stop, we too shall stop. If not, IDF soldiers will hit back," he said.

Turning his [back on] attention to IDF captive Gilad Shalit, Olmert said: "The Israeli government is working in many ways to bring Gilad Shalit home and, during the days of the operation, we did many things that brought us closer to this goal, upon which I will not elaborate."

"Gilad is at the top of our list of priorities," the PM said. (ynetnews)

11:48 PM Only 2 hours more till Israel unilaterally stops defending Southern Israeli communities.

11:42 PM
8 Rockets have fallen since the cease fire was announced.

PM Sirens in Be'er Sheva

11:27 PM
Rockets launched. Fell in open areas. No injuries.

11:06 PM
As rockets fell on Israel and Gilad Shalit remains in captivity, Olmert declared that the Gaza operation achieved its goal and Hamas knows how strong we are. (You can't make this stuff up!)

11:04 PM
Israel will stop defending itself starting at 2:00AM

10:55 PM
Cabinet votes for Unilateral Cease Fire. Gilad Shalit still held captive.

10:45 PM
UN head calls for timetable of Israeli withdrawal from Gaza.

10:43 PM
Power out in parts of Ashdod from rocket strike.

10:41 PM Reserve soldiers received emergency call up during Shabbat.

10:40 PM
Rockets slamming into Southern Israel. Ashdod and Ashkelon hit. Israel talking about a Unilateral Cease Fire!

7:46 PM
Dr. El Ayash asks on Israel Channel 2, "Why didn't the soldiers fire only on the upper room of his house?" (which by default is where he is admitting the shooting was coming from).

7:09 PM
Correction and update: 9, not 4 soldiers injured over Shabbat. 4 Paratroopers hurt by friendly fire from another paratrooper unit. 5 Givati soldiers hurt by anti-tank missile.

7:06 PM IDF Update:
Hamas Snipers were shooting from the home of Dr. El Ayash at IDF forces.

6:31 PM
Defense Ministry reporting IDF forces came under fire from the home/medical office building of Gazan (Israeli trained) Doctor El Ayash (who also worked at Seroka hospital in Be'er Sheva). IDF forces returned fire on the terrorist source and among the killed were Dr. Ayash 3 daughters.

6:29 PM
4 paratroopers injured this morning. During exchange of fire. Details of event still unclear.

6:04 PM
During Sabbath morning prayers a synagogue in the South (Netivot) was directly by Palestinian a rocket. Miraculously no one was injured as the rocket hit during the break.

6:01 PM
Shavuah Tov (Good Week). Updates will commence soon.

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Passover in Israel - Celebrate Pesach in Israel

Warm the Needy - Keeping the poor of Israel warm in the winter

Nefesh B'Nefesh - Now with special offers for Doctors who make Aliyah

StartFresh - online Kosher diet program

Western Wall Prayer - Praying for you at the Western Wall in Jerusalem

Siach - Post high school (pluralistic) program in Israel

United Hatzalah - Saving Lives - "First on the Scene"

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Friday, January 16, 2009

Day 21 of the War, Friday, January 16, 2009

Day 21 of the Gaza War, Friday, January 16, 2009
Daily sticky post, constantly updated.

More liveblogging at IsraellyCool and on Twitter at Keyword #GazaWar

Note: Using the "Refresh" (F5 key) command in your Web Browser will show you the latest updates -- Refresh on an Apple/Mac is apple+R.

Additional New posts from today can be found below this post.

As a general rule we will try and keep operational details to a minimum, that includes troop movements and the exact location of rocket hits. If items are reported in the Mainstream Israeli Media we will report them as well.

4:02 PM Shabbat Shalom -- a Restful, Peaceful and Quiet Shabbat weekend to all.

Signing off till Saturday night.


3:51 PM 3 rockets landed in Ashkelon minutes ago, no injured or damage.

3:49 PM Video from GRAD attack in Ashdod today (over 20 people in shell shock)

3:03 PM At around 4 pm Israel time we will be signing off for the Jewish Sabbath and will recommence blogging after the Sabbath's departure on Saturday night. We pray for the safety and welfare of our soldiers in the field (and civilians in the home front) and wish our soldiers success in their missions over the weekend. May we see kidnapped IDF soldier come home soon safe and sound, along with the defeat of Hamas.

2:59 PM 2 rockets on Ashdod - lots of damage, one civilian wounded. 2 rocket at Kiryat Gat - 2 civilians wounded. Sirens in Be'er Sheva - no rockets landed in the area.

1:19 PM 3 rockets launched at Israel's Western Negev earlier today. They landed in open fields. No injuires.

11:35 AM The photos posted below from the IDF spox are from yesterday, not today (and they even appear in yesterday's post) Sorry.

11:34 AM Reuter's Photo: (on the left) Hamas shooting a rocket at Israeli civilian targets, (on the right) IDF shooting at Hamas terrorist location.

11:18 AM NRG interviewed 2 of the 250 captured Hamas terrorists. They expressed total shock at Israel's reaction to Hamas' breaking the "ceasefire" over 7 weeks ago. "We never imagined Israel would react like this...we thought at worse a few bombs from the air, a small incursion, and that's it....what's gotten into Israel?"

They think its totally normal behavior to shoot rockets at civilians and for us not to react. Hopefully, they've learned a serious lesson.

11:15 AM For those of you in Southern Israel who are still having problems with your car alarm remote controls (IDF counteroffensive interference in Gaza), a simple solution is to disconnect your car battery for a minute to allow the alarm to reset.

10:54 AM Fresh IDF Spox photos from the front.

8:05 AM There will be a protest today opposite the Kirya (military HQ) to demand that Gilad Shalit be released (or freed) before any ceasefire may be implemented.

7:58 AM
Here's something out of the blue (and to be praised)... More than 20 prominent British Muslim leaders have signed a letter denouncing the rise in anti-Semitic attacks resulting from Operation Cast Lead and calling on Muslims to help prevent attacks on Jews in the UK.
Read more on the JP.

7:53 AM
IAF attacked 40 targets overnight.

2:42 AM
For medical students or professionals in particular: The Lancet (one of the most prominent medical journals) printed a "Medical Students' Letter of Solidarity With Gaza", and a group of students in Einstein have written a response which they wish to get published as well, and need as many signatures as possible (before motzei Shabbos, so it can go in this week):

Dear Fellow Medical Students,

A petition entitled "Medical Students' Letter of Solidarity with Gaza" has recently been circulated among medical students and was published in the Lancet. In light of the complexity of the situation in Israel and the Palestinian territories, and the recognition that the civilian population of both nations are suffering, please consider the following letter, also to be published in the Lancet, which declares solidarity with all those who suffer in this conflict, and presents a more balanced picture of the situation, as a more appropriate representation of the medical community's commitment to the alleviation of human suffering.

Please join us in signing the letter and disseminating it to your medical peers:

In other medical related news:
Nefesh B'Nefesh has restarted their special Aliyah packages for doctors. This package includes special grants and assistance specifically designed for doctors who want to make Aliyah, so if you are a doctor reading this blog and are at all interested in Israel you should check it out (and sign the petition mentioned above).

1:41 AM It's a new day. As we reported yesterday, there is talk of a cease fire to begin within 72 hours for a period of two weeks.

Can you imagine anything so ridiculous?

Has Hamas been defeated? Have they stopped shooting? Have they released Gilad Shalit? Will they be prevented from rebuilding their military? Will they be disarmed? Are they still actually going to remain in power? Have they surrendered? Is Israel accepting a State of Hamastan? You know the answer to all those questions.

And all this just in time for Israeli politicians to get in nearly a month of campaigning ahead of elections.

Please Support (sign up, donate, join) our Advertisers.

Passover in Israel - Celebrate Pesach in Israel

Warm the Needy - Keeping the poor of Israel warm in the winter

Nefesh B'Nefesh - Now with special offers for Doctors who make Aliyah

StartFresh - online Kosher diet program

Western Wall Prayer - Praying for you at the Western Wall in Jerusalem

Siach - Post high school (pluralistic) program in Israel

United Hatzalah - Saving Lives - "First on the Scene"

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 20 of the War, Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 20 of the Gaza War, Thursday, January 15, 2009
Daily sticky post, constantly updated.

More liveblogging at IsraellyCool and on Twitter at Keyword #GazaWar

Note: Using the "Refresh" (F5 key) command in your Web Browser will show you the latest updates -- Refresh on an Apple/Mac is apple+R.

Additional New posts from today can be found below this post.

As a general rule we will try and keep operational details to a minimum, that includes troop movements and the exact location of rocket hits. If items are reported in the Mainstream Israeli Media we will report them as well.

12:05 AM Good night people -- I'm off to bed. 20 straight days of live blogging is enough to make anyone exhausted.

Thanks again (as always) to Litvshe, JoeSettler, the rest of the Muqata Exhausted Crew (and our families for putting up with us).

Wishing everyone a quiet and safe evening.

Regards from Israel,


11:55 PM Senior Hamas terrorist Salach Abu Sharach, also killed today when IAF targeted (and killed) Hamas Minister of the Interior.

Looks like we got the last smile...


11:51 PM Maybe you should take the safety announcements about life vests on airplanes a little more seriously. They saved a lot of lives today in NYC. Everyone on the plane (150 people) rescued.

11:47 PM The public has been asked to say a prayer for the 7 year old boy hurt in a Grad rocket attack on Be'er Sheva earlier today, now in critical condition; Ar'el ben Angela.

11:40 PM Good News from Israel! Natural Gas found off of Haifa coast -- new drilling analysis finds that initial estimates of 109 billion cubic meters...were low, and it appears there is much more. The market value of 109 Billions cubic meters of natural gas is approximately 15 Billion dollars. (source, "Calcalist" Financial Website in Hebrew)

11:28 PM Italy Demonstrates for Israel (from a Senior Italian Goverment Minister, Fiamma Nirenstein)

Dear friends,

We didn’t expect what you see now in the picture. This is the square of the Italian Parliament in Rome, Piazza Montecitorio: you can see the Palace on top of the square, and in front a lot of Israeli flags.That was yesterday night from 6,30 to 9,30 pm. What you cannot see here, is the extraordinary number and variety of members of the Parliament, about 100 from all political sides, that took the stage during our marathon: for about three hours we have been speaking about the role of Israel, its right to self defense, its moral height, its fight in name of all of us, of our civilization and values, against the wild hate of the Islamic jihad represented by hamas. It seems to me that for the first time in the too long history of the arab Israeli conflict, apart from a minority of crazy leftists and fascists that took the street on anti-Semitic slogans, we have obtained a huge consensus about one critical point: this is not an episode of a local conflict, there is nothing in it that reminds the land for peace theme that has characterized the Palestinian issue. This is an episode of the attack agains the western world, and Iran has a lot to do with it.

The change of attitude is great: the dictatorial religious nature of Hamas and the democratic, civilized nature of Israel are seen face to face for what they are al least by the European elite at large, dead and wounded notwithstanding, and there rises an identification with Israel against a regime that uses human shields and promises slaughters of jews in its chart.

hat-tip: B. Rubin.

11:22 PM Breaking News: YNET reports that Palestinians claim a 2 week cease fire has been reached -- to take effect within the next 72 hours. During the cease fire, talks will continue about the issues of border crossings and weapons smuggling tunnels. (Only in Hebrew so far)

11:15 PM
IDF Spox photos of IDF Paratrooper Units operating in Gaza. (via Omedia)

11:14 PM
Channel B Israel Radio reports that the IDF just shot an additional rocket shell at a hospital in Gaza.

11:05 PM
Survivors have gotten safely off the plane -- (Survivor speaking: We took off from La Guardia Airport in NY going to Charlotte, USAir flight 1549....we heard a loud bang, the plane shook, smoke filled the cabin, plane started turning as if they were turning back....captain announces "brace for impact"...and then we hit the water. The plane stayed afloat and some of us got into a raft. Survivor claims everyone got off the plane safely.

10:59 PM
Developing Story: In NYC, an A320 aircraft lands in the Hudson River. The fuselage in sticking out of the 40 degree water, and its unknown if the 135 people aboard are able to get out (or survived). Helicopters have dropped live preserves to the crash site in the water in the hope that survivors can use them. (I'm watching this live on CNN)

10:57 PM
Due to massive IDF jamming in Gaza (cellphones, SA-7 anti-aircraft counter measures, etc.) simple remotes for car alarms have stopped working in the Israeli communities around Gaza. For those who understand Hebrew, here's a TV report from Channel 2 about the issue...

10:54 PM
Updates coming shortly. 7 Year old boy seriously hurt in Rocket attack in Be'er Sheva, is now unfortunately in critical condition.

9:16 PM
IAF jets successfully take out Grad rocket launcher which shot the rocket at Be'er Sheva today.

8:49 PM
MUQATA EXCLUSIVE: IDF soldiers concerned about acne epidemic. Soldiers report that Israel and its supporters around the world have sent the soldiers so much chocolate that in some locations there is more chocolate bars than ammunition. Furthermore, supermarkets around Israel are offering half price on items being delivered to IDF troops.

DoubleTapper reports that some people must have gotten their donations mixed up because his troops received several size 3 (toddler) girl's dresses. Regardless Israel and its supporters generosity is extremely appreciated.

We are waiting for the pictures of DoubleTapper in his new outfit.

8:47 PM
7 year old boy (not girl as previously reported) in very serious condition after shrapnel hit his head from Grad rocket attack in Be'er Sheva. Boy's mother shielded him with her own body as rocket hit. The boy is going into emergency neurosurgery right now at Seroka hospital.

8:46 PM
IAF pilots killed Hamas Interior Minister Siad Siyam and his brother, Ayad, in an air strike on the latter's Gaza City home Thursday afternoon.

7:46 PM Channel 10 reports that the IDF is operating in the middle of Gaza City.

7:15 PM
Officer and 2 soldiers lightly injured in Gaza

6:55 PM
Oldie, but a goodie. Whats the best possible use of a Hamas Terrorist? To use him a human shield, to protect yourself from a Hamas grenade. See the video and transcript here.

Note, this video is about a year and a half old, but as Aussie Dave says, [this is an IDF example of] "Bravery and Brains"

6:36 PM
Israeli Meta-Forum website Graphics Group asked its members to design Pro-Israel bumper stickers. (All rights reserved to and sticker artists)

The stunning results are here:

Cast Lead - We will never lose hope
by "Shahar A"

Cast Lead - Let the IDF be victorious over the Qassam
by "Zippo"

IDF -- In all our hearts
by "Crow"

Cast Lead - IDF will beat the enemy through intelligence, not strength
By "BomBast"

Painting Hamas in RED
by "PlayB0y"

Cast Lead - To be a Free people in our land
by "long"

Cast Lead - end of the stress
by "MiTMan"

by "John Doe"

With G-d's help we will win - Operation Cast Lead
(remove the apostrophe, and it reads, "In Gaza, we will win"
By "Eljazira"

Cast Lead - With G-d's help we will win
by "X-SLash"

Cast Lead - Because it is ours.
By "SilverArt"

Because it's time to change the headlines
(Jewish star is made up of words:"Rocket Strikes, Qassms, Wounded, etc)
Cast Lead - Because there are things worth fighting for.
By "WestCast"

Cast Lead - Time to put an end to it [the rocket strikes on Israel]
by "ThugLife"

Cast Lead - I came, I saw, I won
By "Admin2000"

6:04 PM "Rabbis for Human Rights" call for immediate ceasefire.
"In a letter issued Monday, the rabbis wrote, "We, dozens of male and female rabbis who are members of the Rabbis for Human Rights organization, would like to express our shock over the bloodshed on both sides, and grieve the death of hundreds of people – half of them civilians – and the injury of thousands in the Gaza Strip and in Israel. " (ynet)
Other calls from "Rabbis for Human Rights" include the immediate cessation of Israeli archeologists from excavating ancient Jewish sites around the Old City of Jerusalem, and its leaders have been detained by the police for attacking Israel's archeologists.

6:01 PM
Hamas Minister of Interior Saeed Siad, the 3rd highest ranking member of Hamas...eliminated by IDF. (Channel 10 TV)

5:56 PM
Gazan Palestinian who fled Gaza to Israel and converted to Judaism: "Gazans voted for Hamas, and they should live with the consequences. I was there and I know -- they do not want peace."

I don't have time to translate the article from Hebrew -- but the link is to the article and interview is here.

5:36 PM
Roundup of wounded in Be'er Sheva GRAD rocket strike earlier:
2 serious, 2 moderate, 2 light -- and one of the seriously wounded is a 7 year old girl, currently undergoing emergency surgery at Soroka hospital in Be'er Sheva.

Reminder: Hamas is targeting civilians with these rocket attacks. The IDF is targetting Hamas terrorists, and there may be collateral damage since Hamas are shooting from civilian locations. There's no moral comparison.

5:15 PM
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert apologizes for the damage to UNRWA compound in Gaza by IDF shelling, yet justifies the IDF shelling at Hamas terrorists shooting from the UNRWA compound.

5:14 PM
(catching up on some news) In the 4:45 rocket launching at Beer Sheva, 2 rockets landed. At one location there are 2 wounded seriously, 1 light, and at the second location there are 3 lightly-moderately wounded.

5:11 PM
Thanks to all those who noted that the picture below from Turkey is not a recent photo, but is an example of antisemitism in Turkey from 3 years ago (source)

5:09 PM
Grad rocket lands in Beer Sheva

4:45 PM
Sirens sounding in Be'er Sheva, Netivot and Ashdod at this moment. Rocket lands in open area in Sha'ar HaNegev region.

4:26 PM
Army refuses to apologize for strike on UNWRA HQ and Al-Quds hospital.

4:18 PM
I'm not an expert on the provenance of this clip, but it is supposedly footage of Hamas terrorist firing from UN compound in Gaza.

4:02 PM
Major bombing raid going on at this moment.

3:59 PM
It has been pointed out that the UNWRA compound is in the middle of Gaza city, the army is reporting that the Givati unit was about a kilometer away when it came under fire. Additionally, there were armed Hamas terrorists in the building where the Reuter's office is located and Isreal returned fire when it's forces were attacked.

3:52 PM
Arab sources reporting that IDF forces have surrounded the house of Hamas commander Muhammed A-Zahar.

Givati units, in action in middle of Gaza City, were under fire from the UNRWA compound by RPG, Mortar and small arms fire and called in an artillery strike on the source of the attack. More news as it breaks. (Source Channel 10 News from Army Sources)

3:35 PM
Not only the men are going out to combat. Major Dana Mishali-Binishu is in the Armored Corps. Out with her support unit. What makes it interesting is, she's 5 months pregnant. Her husband is a fighter pilot and has also been called up. Her only request? A bigger set of overalls. She says "If you're going to take on a job, you better be prepared to finish it. There are no excuses, I'm tired, it hurts, it's that time of the month, you just do it" (source in Hebrew Ynet)

3:19 PM
IDF sending in 6 Israeli Firetrucks to help Gazan firefighters extinguish blaze at UNRWA compound in Gaza. Blaze a result of IDF shelling. (Unsure why UN compound was shelled)

3:09 PM
Why Blogs Matter: Yesterday (Wednesday) The Jerusalem Post featured a story "German Police Take Down Israeli Flags"

During an anti-Israeli demonstration organized by the radical Islamic group, Milli Görüs, which attracted 10,000 protesters last Saturday in Duisburg, two police officers stormed the apartment of a 25-year-old student and his 26-year-old girlfriend and seized Israeli flags hanging on the balcony and inside a window.

People following the Muqata blog got the same story from a first hand account 4 days earlier, at 1:17 AM on Sunday morning with an exclusive photo and first hand account from the students mentioned above.

We may not be as classy as the Jerusalem Post, but we report the the news as quickly as possible (and we didn't even get a hat-tip from the JPost, like we give everyone else...)

[hat-tip; DF, who mailed us the JPost link]

3:08 PM
Reports that IAF aircraft pounding Gaza City

12:17 PM
Palestinians Report of 3 IDF tank divisions approaching Gaza city.

12:12 PM
Italian reporter, one of the first members of the foreign press allowed into Gaza claims that there is no real humanitarian crisis in the strip and, surprisingly enough, reports in the Arab media are greatly exaggerated. This is in line with G.S.S. Yuval Diskin's statement for a couple weeks ago. (source in Hebrew)

11:48 AM
Swedish blogger fired for expressing support for Israel.

11:44 AM
Photo from Israel's friends in Turkey.

11:27 AM
Pics from the front.

10:16 AM Video of Breslevers reaching Gaza to encourage the soldiers.

10:11 AM
In a few hours Jameel will be posting a story about a fireman down south.

10:08 AM
Due to exhaustion we'll be blogging slightly lighter today - but still posting (unless something major happens and then we'll be back in full force regardless of how tired we all are). Jameel will be back later and tell you more. We appreciate your understanding. We tried to hold it off until Shabbat.

Rockets hit in the south. Fell in open area.

9:32 AM
Sirens in Kiryat Melachi

9:28 AM
(Joe Settler) I was just watching a video of the Gaza tunnel systems. Hamas are idiots. These guys could outsource their tunneling skills and turn Hamastan into one of the richest states in the world. Imagine what they could demand for digging and building a Subway system under Jerusalem - considered an almost impossible task technically and logistically. I have no doubt they could do it, and in far less time that the light rail is taking. And don't get me started on a Tel Aviv subway.

7:05 AM
11 soldiers lightly injured during operations last night. At least 10 terrorists killed and over 50 sites (tunnels, weapons depots, and launch sites) hit in and near Gaza City.

12:46 AM
Hamas has (supposedly) turned down the Egyptian cease fire offer. That was quick.

12:01 AM
It's a new day! Lot's of talk/rumors of a cease fire. IDF trying to do as much as they can now before it goes into play. Let's see what this day brings. Hamas is asking for conditional ceasefire (with ridiculous conditions of course).

Please Support (sign up, donate, join) our Advertisers.

Passover in Israel - Celebrate Pesach in Israel

Warm the Needy - Keeping the poor of Israel warm in the winter

Nefesh B'Nefesh - Now with special offers for Doctors who make Aliyah

StartFresh - online Kosher diet program

Western Wall Prayer - Praying for you at the Western Wall in Jerusalem

Siach - Post high school (pluralistic) program in Israel

United Hatzalah - Saving Lives - "First on the Scene"

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 19 of the War, Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 19 of the Gaza War, Wednesday, January 14, 2009 -- Daily sticky post, constantly updated.

More liveblogging at IsraellyCool and on Twitter at Keyword #GazaWar

Note: Using the "Refresh" (F5 key) command in your Web Browser will show you the latest updates -- Refresh on an Apple/Mac is apple+R.

Additional New posts from today can be found below this post.

As a general rule we will try and keep operational details to a minimum, that includes troop movements and the exact location of rocket hits. If items are reported in the Mainstream Israeli Media we will report them as well.

9:15 PM Sirens and Grad rocket falls in Ashdod. No report of Injuries.

7:55 PM
Channel 2 TV: IDF spox denies again all rumors that Gilad Shalit has been found/returned home/hospitalized/etc.

7:54 PM
Hamas also demanding that IDF withdraw all tanks before start of ceasefire. Israel will probably agree (Channel 10 TV)

7:47 PM
Good G-d. Channel 10 is reporting about the upcoming "ceasefire agreement". Channel 10 claims that Israel will open border crossings to Gaza. Hamas will not return Gilad Shalit, Hamas will only cease shooting rockets at Israel for a year.

For this we went to war?

7:37 PM
Updated List of wounded IDF soldiers and civilians, here

7:32 PM
Senior Hamas member, Rafat Nasif: Hamas will not agree to harm their tunnel operation which connects Gaza to Egypt. We reject any attempt to stop our resistance, and any commitment [to a casefire] would harm it. As long as the occupation continues, our resistance will continue" (ynet)

This doesn't really make sense in light of reports that Hamas is willing to accept the Egyptian brokered cease fire.

7:25 PM
Released for publication by IDF censor: In addition to the 5 IDF soldiers wounded this morning by an anti-tank rocket (one seriously), 9 other IDF soldiers were wounded this afternoon; 1 moderately, the rest, light.

6:57 PM
News is rather quiet. IDF soldiers are edgy. Cease fire looming?

6:30 PM
The test of Israel's political leadership is this -- did they demand that IDF soldier Gilad Shalit be released from Hamas captivity as part of the cease fire agreement being reached with Hamas?
YNET: Hamas has agreed to a ceasefire in Gaza based on Egypt's proposal, Arab sources told Ynet Wednesday. The conditions for the truce have not been published at this time.

Senior Hamas official Ayman Taha is expected to hold a press conference at 7:30 pm (GMT) in which it will present the understandings reached during the Cairo talks.

Channel B Israel Radio reports that Hamas is asking for a cease fire.

6:03 PM
Phosphorus Mortar rocket fired at Israel from Gaza. No injuries (Channel 10, Israel TV)

5:42 PM
Number of Gazans killed in IDF ground op reaches 1004.

13 killed (10 IDF soldiers, 3 civilians)
172 wounded (38 still hospitalized)
250 psychological trauma (shell shock)
734 Qassam, Katyusha and GRAD rockets hit Israel from Gaza
192 cars damaged as "total loss"
1000 homes damaged
8 Educational Buildings

1004 Palestinians killed (at least 400 positively identified by IDF as Hamas terrorists)
4550 wounded (200 in serious condition)
4800 homes damaged
13 mosques destroyed
24 hospitals partially damaged
192 smuggling tunnels destroyed
1300 targets hit
70 captured Hamas terrorists


5:10 PM
Rumors abound on the Israeli internet that Gilad Shalt was located this afternoon. Senior IDF officials say that unfortunately, that is not the case, and he wishes it were. (source)

5:07 PM IDF Spox Pics from Operation Cast Lead.

4:55 PM Released for Publication: IDF solider seriously wounded today by Hamas anti-tank rocket fired at IDF troops position today. 1 wounded moderately, 5 lightly. (source)

4:50 PM
Israel's Eretz Nehederet Satire show lampoons the BBC's "balanced" war coverage.

4:34 PM
Its not only in Gaza that Palestinians dig tunnels...Mom in Israel reports that a tunnel was just discovered in Petach Tikva behind the open air "shuk" for illegal Palestinian workers to sleep in. 47 mattresses were found in the underground tunnel...(read it all here)

4:21 PM Iranian "Peace" ship update:
An Iranian aid ship tried to break the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip for the second time Wednesday. Israel Defense Forces sources confirmed that Navy ships contacted the boat's crew and ordered them to turn back.

Iranian media reported Tuesday that the IDF prevented the ship from approaching the Strip – a report which was later denied by the Israeli army.

4:15 PM
Yawn: Silly Psychological Warfare from Hamas. SMS messages sent to Israelis today.

(sourced, ynet, photo Naava Inbar)

3:56 PM IDF to Gilad [Shalit]: WE ARE COMING TO GET YOU!

Photo Courtesy of Rafi G: The Life In Israel blogger:
"My friends brother in law took this picture. It is from a Reserves Battalion connected to the Engineering Corps. This is a giant-armored tractor called a "D9". Their job is to go in and clear the path for the incoming troops.

Before this battalion went in yesterday to Gaza to do their work, the soldiers sprayed graffiti across the whole giant front of the bulldozer shovel expressing their strong desire to bring Gilad Shalit home.
3:48 PM
Released for publication by IDF Spox: 6 IDF soldiers lightly wounded in Gaza battle with Hamas terrorists. (Channel 2, Nir Dvori)

Channel 10 reports : IDF Tank operating in Gaza locates cache of 20 rockets.

3:28 PM
The "Shayetet 13" Ultra Elite IDF Unit is operating in Gaza now according to Channel 10 Israel TV.

Jameel adds: They aren't sent for just any mission -- Only extremely special operations. Read the above link for a description of what their specialties are.

3:26 PM Photo of GRAD rocket launched at Yavneh area today (no injuries)

3:17 PM How dare Israel defend herself? UK Guardian Reports...

Israel faces the prospect of intervention by international courts amid growing calls that its actions in Gaza are a violation of world humanitarian and criminal law.

The UN general assembly, which is meeting this week to discuss the issue, will consider requesting an advisory opinion from the international court of justice, the Guardian has learned.

(hat-tip: The Purple Parrot)

3:11 PM OK, I give up. Over 25 people have sent me this video clip to go on the blog. While it's an excellent video, its also about 12 minutes long (much too long for a blogger's attention span).

So, if you have a few minutes -- here's something worthwhile to watch about "Who is the Hamas?"

3:05 PM IDF Soldier Praying Near Gaza

Photo courtesy of Michal Harris and StandTogether.
Standing Together is a non-profit organization that started by sending pizzas to soldiers guarding the checkpoints. Seeing the smile on the soldier's faces helped the volunteers of Standing Together realize the importance of keeping our soldiers happy. Standing Together then began to cater to the different needs of soldiers, sending drinks, food, clothes, undergarments, and more to our soldiers in the field. Every Independence Day Standing Together arranges barbecues for over 1,500 soldiers who are on duty instead of celebrating with their families.

See their website, here

2:58 PM Fox News Reports on Grad Missiles that hit Ashkelon and Hamas smuggling tunnels

Advertisement Break for Siach

Now back to our regular programming schedule.

2:24 PM New tape from Osama Bin Ladin -- Calls for Jihad over IDF Gaza Operation (Reuters)

Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden called for jihad (holy struggle) over the Israeli offensive in Gaza in a new audio tape that appeared on Islamist websites on Wednesday. The Saudi-born militant said the global financial crisis had exposed the waning U.S. influence in world affairs and would in turn weaken its ally Israel.

"Our brothers in Palestine, you have suffered a lot.... the Muslims sympathise with you in what they see and hear. We, the mujahideen, sympathise with you also..." bin Laden said in the tape entitled 'A Call for Jihad to Stop the Aggression against Gaza'. "We are with you and we will not let you down. Our fate is tied to yours in fighting the Crusader-Zionist coalition, in fighting until victory or martyrdom."
2:19 PM More Photos from today...

IDF Soldier Praying near Gaza

AFP Photo: Lebanese citizen holding part of a 122mm Katyusha rocket
launched at Israel this morning, but fell in the Al-Mari villiage in Lebanon.

2:09 PM Bnei Akiva Youth Movement Signs all over Israel:

"IDF, The Nation Supports You!"

2:03 PM
Rockets landed in Ashkelon (from 1:45 PM). No Reports of Injuries

1:56 PM
The Palestinian Stone Thrower who was allegedly shot by a Jewish motorist yesterday when his car came under attack did not die from gunshot. The Abu Kabir State pathology Institute released its findings that the Palestinian died from head trauma, probably resulting from running away from the gunfire (which was claimed to be aimed in the air), tripping, and hitting his head on a rock on the ground. As a result, the Israel Police has released the Jewish motorist. (HNN)

1:44 PM
Air Raid Sirens in Ashkelon and Sderot.

1:38 PM
Updated: A7 now claiming the explosion heard in the Beit Shemesh area had nothing to do with the Air Raid Sirens. Apparently the Sirens "malfunctioned" due to human error, resulting in sirens in Jerusalem, Gush Etzion and Beit Shemesh.

1:21 PM
6 Rockets were fired in total at Israel at 12:55 PM. No reports of Injuries.

Arutz Sheva reports that an "explosion" was heard right after the Air Raid siren went off in Beit Shemesh. Are there any readers out there who can confirm this? I personally did not receive any reports like this, nor have I seen any excluding A7. Thanks for your help!

1:11 PM Reports of rockets landing (during Air Raid Sirens 10 minutes ago) in Ashkelon, Beer Sheva, Ofakim, Ashdod and Yavneh region.

1:06 PM
As dozens of people call me and email -- Sirens were heard all over the locations below. Actual rocket strikes hit the Ashdod and Yavneh area...emergency units responding.

1:02 PM Announcement: The Air Raid Sirens heard in Jerusalem, Beitar, and Beit Shemes are ONLY a test!!! (or someone messed up big time) No Rocket Launches at Jerusalem, Beit Shemesh or Beitar.

1:01 PM
Dozens of reports of Air Raid Sirens in Jerusalem...

PM Reports of Air Raid Sirens in parts of Jerusalem, Beitar, Beit Shemesh! People in these areas should immediately seek shelter.

12:57 PM
Rocket landings reported in Ashdod area, Yavneh area...emergency units responding.

12:55 PM
Massive rocket launch at Israel: Air Raid Sirens in Ashdod, Yavneh, Ashkelon, Sderot, Ofakim, Be'er Sheva.

12:51 PM
IDF soldiers kill another Hamas suicide bomber terrorist trying to attack them in Gaza. No injuries to IDF forces. 7 Rockets launched at Western Negev communties, no injuries, no damage. (source)

11:59 AM
Rocket lands in open field. No Injuries, No Damage.

11:42 AM
"Color Red" Rocket warning in Sderot.

11:40 AM
NRG/Maariv Reports from Al-Jazeera; IDF fired 17 artillery shells at source of Katyusha rockets in South Lebanon. Beirut TV analysts believe that neither side wants to escalate the situation up North.

11:27 AM Updates from Lebanon:
10:23am Al-Jazeera: 17 artillery shells have landed in various parts of southern Lebanon.
Al-Arabiya: Israel lodges a complaint with the U.N. over the rocket attack from Lebanon.
Al-Jazeera: Israeli artillery intermittently shelling Arqoub region in south Lebanon.
Al-Arabiya: Israel fired four rockets into the southern Lebanese border town of Khiam.
9:20am Future News TV: Israeli helicopters fly low over Haibariyeh

11:16 AM IDF (special Paratrooper unit) kills suicide bomber in North Gaza!

9:57 AM
2 more armed terrorists killed in Rafiach.

9:54 AM
IDF pounding launch area in South Lebanon.

8:53 AM
IDF Radio reports that 3 (not 2) Katyushas landed in the Upper Gallil.

8:46 AM
IDF Radio reporting that no injuries or damage reported...smoke rising from rocket hits in Upper Gallil apparently open areas.

8:43 AM
2 Katyusha rockets struck North of Kiryat Shmona minutes ago, along with a few mortars. (Channel 10 TV, Channel 2 TV)

8:39 AM
Air Raid Sirens in Kiryat Shmona (Northern Israel) and 2 explosions heard. Unknown source of explosions -- IDF Radio

8:25 AM UN: Cash shortage in money for the poor...yet Hamas has plenty of money to pay its terrorists. (UN Press Conference)

He [John Ging, Director of Gaza Operations for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)] said that, while assistance was getting through some of the crossings from Israel, with 90 trucks passing today, another major challenge was the lack of cash being allowed in the blockaded Strip. That shortage had meant that UNRWA's 94,000 special hardship cases -- "the poorest of the poor" -– had not received any aid since 18 November. At the same time, Mr. Ging said his own staff had been paid only half of their December salaries and nothing since then. He had to "take it on the chin" when he found out today that Hamas had paid its staff, while he had not been able to pay his.

And here as well: (More questions on UNRWA from Inner City Press)
UNITED NATIONS, January 13 -- The UN cannot get cash into Gaza, despite protests from its Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, and therefore cannot pay its staff members. Meanwhile, the UN's John Ging told the Press from Gaza on Tuesday, Hamas is meeting its payroll in the Gaza Strip. Ging called this embarrassing, but has declined to answer Inner City Press' question about any steps being taken by the UN to get cash into the Strip.

Inner City Press asked about reports that UNRWA is paying taxes to Israel, despite what are called its privileges and immunities. Yes, Ms. AbuZayd said, we pay, to use the port and taxes, to make claims, hoping to be paid back. Video here, from Minute 49:31. Afterwards, Inner City Press asked Ms. AbuZayd if she or Ban have pushed this tax issue. No, she said.

For the past days, Ging has provided video-link briefings and responded to questions. Inner City Press asked him to respond to claims by Israeli diplomats and newspapers, that his agency UNRWA has been "taken over by Hamas," and that Hamas has looted aid trucks at the Karem Shalom crossing. Ging has denounced these as distractions, emphasizing that he has been provided with no proof. Why is only one trucking company being used? How does UNRWA decide from whom, and at what prices, to buy non-emergency goods in Gaza? These questions have not been answered.
8:25 AM 3 IDF soldiers wounded last night in continuing Gaza fighting. IDF Radio reports that a few Hamas terrorists were killed.

8:02 AM With less than a month to elections and not much time left to campaign, Barak and Livni have begun calls for a unilateral ("humanitarian") cease fire (which will only be observed by Israel). Olmert says no.

7:35 AM
Reports that Hamas have adopted a Hezbollah technique and are shooting Kassams by remote control from the safety of their bunkers (under the hospital?)

7:32 AM
5 soldiers transferred to hospital with light injuries overnight. Since the beginning of the war some 30 soldiers are still being treated in the hospital.

12:52 AM
Gaza Beachfront Hotel loses coveted 5 star rating after IAF airstrike. Before the airstrike...

And after the airstrike...

I'd give them a 3 star rating now -- Whaddaya think?


12:41 AM Firebomb thrown at Israeli vehicle on Emmanuel-Yakir Road in Shomron/West Bank. No injuries. Damage to vehicle.

12:36 AM
Israel re-routing civilian flights far away from Gaza. (source)
TEL AVIV — Israel has revised the flight paths of civilian aircraft to avoid missile strikes from the Gaza Strip. Officials said the Israel Air Force has ordered the distancing, having determined that the Hamas regime has acquired anti-aircraft missiles that could knock out low-flying passenger and other aircraft.

Officials said the air force has determined that Hamas has acquired up to 150 SA-7 and other surface-to-air missiles. They said the SA-7s would not endanger fixed-wing aircraft deployed by the air force.

The air force has already revised combat helicopter missions over the Gaza Strip to prevent SA-7 strikes. Officials said such U.S.-origin helicopters as the Apache and Cobra attack helicopters have been ordered to fly higher to avoid being struck by SAMs.

12:27 AM It's a new day!

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