Showing posts with label boycott. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boycott. Show all posts

Sunday, November 06, 2011

The Boycott of Lod's Arab Taxi Drivers

Found this interesting tidbit tonight...on Yediot Ayalon/MYNET.

There is a taxi company in the Israeli city of Lod, which employs both Jewish and Arab taxi drivers. Upon the release of the 1027 terrorists in the "Gilad Shalit" exchange, some of the terrorists were Israeli Arabs...who returned to their hometown of Lod. The Arab taxi drivers partied publicly, honking and celebrating in the streets of Lod at the heroic release of their terrorist-brothers, Mohammad Ziada and Mochlis Borgial.

Ziada and Borgial were convicted and sentenced to life in prison for throwing a grenade onto a bus full of IDF soldiers. Luckily, the grenade didn't explode.

The Jewish residents of Lod, were disgusted by this behavior and started a boycott of their own; when calling the aforementioned taxi company, they openly request a Jewish driver. As a result, for the past 2 weeks, the number of calls to this particular taxi company has decreased dramatically, almost to the point of many drivers sitting around all day, doing nothing.

It's probably illegal under Israel law for the Jewish residents to boycott the Arab taxi drivers, and I wonder how long before someone is brought up on charges for this.

The Arab drivers do not see anything wrong with their support for the released terrorists:
"In the recent weeks, people specifically request a Jewish driver," said an anonymous driver. Like all the taxi drivers in this article on MYNET, every single driver spoke only on the condition of absolute anonymity for fear of hurting their livelihood.

"We feel are significant drop of work in the taxi station, and currently I am searching for additional work. On the other hand, this is infuriating. Who are these people boycotting the taxi drivers and telling them how to behave? Drivers have the freedom to behave how they wish. Its true that some of the drivers went to visit [released terrorist] Mochlis, because they are friends of his family. What's the big deal?"

Another driver commented, "We went to visit Mochlis just to wish him well and say, "Welcome home to your city", we just wanted to see him. But now we are talking about our livelihood, and we don't deal in politics."
"We the driver respect Jews and Arabs alike, but when a customer requests only a Jewish driver, it is very humiliating.

One Lod resident saw on TV the tax drivers that she usually drivers with, when they were celebrating the return of the 2 terrorists. "Even if there is no other taxi available, I will never go into one of those [Arab-driver] taxi. It was extremely offensive to their joy and celebration [when the released terrorists returned to Lod....]"

Like her, there are many similarly-minded residents. "Should I need to worry then they drive me, because they lifted the released terrorists onto their shoulders as heroes?", said one of the residents who now refuses to use that taxi service.

"Why did they behave like that -- I thought they respected their customers...their neighbors..."
The taxi station manager replied: "We don't understand politics and don't want our drivers will be politically active. We live here in mutual harmony between Arabs and Jews and see no reason for this issue... (MYNET)"
It's pretty telling that the Station manager has no clue why the behavior his drivers giving a heroes welcome to convicted terrorists might be a turn off to some people. To say "its all politics" shows how little they really understand what terrorism really is...

Here's a short video clip of the day the terrorists were released in Lod (note all the Palestinian flags being waved by the Israeli Arab residents of the city).

So...would you boycott these taxi drivers?

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Who does the boycott hurt?

In response to the anti-boycott law, Peace Now went all out and declared a boycott on products from Judea and Samaria. They printed up fancy ads listing the top companies to boycott. Other leftists went around putting stickers on “Settler” products in stores.

The end result?

The number one company on the list “Meshek Achiya” a producer of fine olive oil reported a record jump in sales in Israel this week. The same for Psagot Winery and Tekoa Farms. In fact, all the companies that the Left targeted reported a jump in sales.

Why? Because the average Israeli wanted to show their support to the Settler enterprise and against boycotts of Israel and against the Left, and the Left told them who best to buy from to show that support.

But the real question is, who does the boycott really hurt?

Let’s start with Gush Katif. The 8000 residents of Gush Katif accounted for 10% of international sales of agricultural products from Israel. Who did the disengagement hurt?
The Israeli economy.

But it also hurt the Arabs of Gaza, who were gainfully employed at salary levels above those they would have in their own market.

But let’s talk Judea and Samaria.

There are some 788 factories in Judea and Samaria (including of course the Jordan Valley). The factories produce for export at least $100 million dollars in sales (I need to check if that is per month or per year).

Of the 17,000 employees of those factories, 11,000 are Arabs (“Palestinians”). Some 100,000 family members of these 11,000 Arabs are dependent on these Settler factories. That doesn’t include the Arab satellite companies that opened up, such as taxi and food services. And the salaries these factory employees get (along with the associated social benefits) is far more than they could possibly get in the PA work market.

I might also mention that these factories are typically models of peaceful coexistence (except when the occasional Arab employee tries to kill some Jews).

A while back, one Israeli company decided to move out of the Barkan (Settler) Industrial Park because of the pressure from the Left. As a result, its 90 Arabs employees were fired as they couldn’t work within the “Green Line”, the Jewish employees merely had to commute in the opposite direction. The firing of 90 Arabs means that some 800 Arabs no longer had a provider of income.

The truth is, a successful boycott would in reality hurt the Palestinians far, far more than it would hurt the Jews. But don’t confuse the Leftists with that piece of information, because their calls for boycott are helping improve the Settler economy they hate so much.

Oh, and here’s a question for you (as asked in Makor Rishon).

If Ahmed Tibi, an Israeli citizen currently living over the Green Line (making him a Settler) were to open a factory, would the Left call for its boycott too? Or are their calls to boycott actually racist and only targeting Jews?

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Whisky Counter-Boycott Scores!

For all those who thought the Whisky Counter-Boycott was a bad idea -- the Scottish Government has firmly issued a statement which strongly disavowed the West Dunbartonshire Council's boycott of Israel.

A little more pressure and the West Dunbartonshire Council will crumble and rescind their boycott of Israel!

Thanks to all those across the globe for making this happen!



Scottish gov't disavows Israeli boycott

Many Jewish Scotch drinkers were drunk with anger -- almost to the point of vomiting -- when a small village in Scotland enacted a ban on Israeli-made goods last year.

The town, West Dunbartonshire, is home to many distilleries that produce a brand of booze considered sacred by many alcohol-guzzling Jews: Scotch whisky.

But when the West Dubartonshire Council passed a motion to boycott all Israeli goods in 2009, Jewish activists responded with a counter-boycott. As much as it pained their palettes, Jewish Scotch enthusiasts put an embargo on all whisky products originating from distilleries in West Durbantonshire. (This reporter, however, kept his bottle open, and imbibed with pleasure.)

Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), not a Jew, was one of the few in Congress to take this issue seriously (which is a good thing). Kirk quickly realized that while the Scots may be perpetually sloshed, those in the West Durbantonshire Council were demonizing Israel in a serious way.

"The Scottish Government and the Scottish National Party have a responsibility to speak out against attempts to delegitimize and castigate a fellow democracy and strong Scottish ally like Israel," Senator Kirk said in a statement.

Kirk demanded that the Scottish Government take a stand: Are they on board with the local council's anti-Israel boycott?

When a powerful lawmaker like Kirk demands answers, he soon gets them: The Scottish Government and the Scottish National Party today strongly disavowed the West Dunbartonshire Council's boycott of Israel (via the British embassy).

Kirk praised the move.

"I welcome the Scottish Government's decision to disavow the West Dunbartonshire Council's boycott of Israel and urge the First Minister to take further steps to reaffirm the Scottish-Israeli relationship," he said in the statement. (Washington Jewish Week)
Score ONE against the BDS movement!

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Whisky Counter-Boycott Update #1

Tuesday, June 14 Global Whisky Counter-boycott
Update #1

The Global Whisky Counter-boycott is directed at the West Dunbartonshire Council in Scotland, which is boycotting Israel. Their boycott which extends to all products from Israel includes a ban on all Israeli books.

That has not stopped them from purchasing "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and Mein Kampf, in the name of "free speech". (link)

West Dunbartonshire Council member, Jim Bollan, (Scottish Socialist Party) who is spearheading the anti-Israel boycott has come out publicly in defense of the Palestinian murderers of the Fogel family, in which the murderers expressed no regret for their heinous and brutal terrorism.

Udi and Ruth Fogel and three of their children were murdered, and the youngest victim, three month old Hadas, was decapitated by the friends of West Dunbartonshire Council member, Jim Bollan. (link)

The counter-boycott of Whiskys distilled OR bottled in the West Dunbartonshire Council Region of Scotland is extremely important as 10 other Scottish councils are considering similar, anti-semitic and anti-Israel boycotts -- the success of the current counter boycott will act as a deterrant against other Scottish Councils. Email the bottlers and distillers of whiskys in the West Dunbartonshire Council Region and let them know your outrage at the antisemitic and anti-Zionist boycott...and that you cannot sit by idly while Israel is maligned by West Dunbartonshire Council.

1. Kudos to the JPost for their excellent article about the counter boycott, which is gaining popularity around the globe. "Kiddush clubs declare boycott on Scottish whiskey" (link). Many newspapers have picked this up as well...The Forward...and organizations as well CiF Watch, etc.
2. Letters Received from the Distillers:

Dear Jameel,

We have received your email regarding West Dunbartonshire Council’s boycott of Israeli products and your views on this decision. Neither Morrison Bowmore Distillery nor Auchentoshan take any political stance and this policy has been made independently from us and without our consultation.

Auchentoshan has invested significantly in working with its many friends and supporters around the world, including the Jewish community and the Kosher London Beth Din, where we recently certified our Auchentoshan Classic as a Kosher Single Malt Whisky.

As a business we recognise the concerns you have expressed regarding this policy. We are forwarding your email and separately writing to the West Dunbartonshire Council to ensure it is made fully aware of the potential implications of its policy.

As a valued friend of Auchentoshan we would very much appreciate your
continued support.

Kind regards,


Head of Brands Marketing
Morrison Bowmore Distillers Ltd


Thank you for contacting Chivas Brothers and its sister company, Pernod Ricard USA, regarding the attributed decision of The West Dunbartonshire Council in Scotland to participate in the BDS campaign (Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions) against Israel.

Please be assured that the West Dunbartonshire Council does not represent the views of Chivas Brothers and Pernod Ricard USA.

Pernod Ricard USA is a long and proud supporter of several leading Jewish causes, including the UJA Federation of New York, which has worked for decades to improve the quality of life for millions of Israelis.

While some Chivas Brothers brands are bottled in Dumbarton, none of its whiskies are distilled in this region and both The Glenlivet and Chivas Regal are bottled at their site in Paisley and not Dumbarton.

Thanks for sharing your concerns with us and we hope that this makes it clear that Chivas Brothers is not associated with the views attributed to the West Dunbartonshire Council. We will be passing on any correspondence on this subject to West Dunbartonshire council so they are fully aware of the potential implications of their policy.”

Catherine SERVIER
PA to Denis FIEVET
VP Investor relations
12 Place des Etats Unis
75016 PARIS
T: +33 1 41 00 41 71
F: +33 1 41 00 42 32

3. Whisky Updates

For the sake of accuracy, the following list is based on the reports of expert Whiskys afficinados living in Scotland who are extremely familiar with the Whiskys in West Dunbartonshire.

This is the most up to date and accurate list as of June 14, 2011 of Whiskys Distilled OR Bottled in West Dunbartonshire.

Morrison Bowmore Distillers Ltd.
Distillers and bottlers of:

Loch Lomond Distillery Co. Ltd
Distillers and bottlers of:
Loch Lomond, Scots Earl, Distillery Select, Littlemill, Croftengea, Craigslodge, Inchmurrin, Glen Douglas, Inchfad

Chivas Brothers
Distillers and bottlers of:
Single Malts: Glenlivet, Aberlour, Longmorn, Strathisla, Scapa, Tormore
Blends: Chivas Regal, Ballantine's, Royal Salute, Clan Campbell, 100 Pipers, Something Special, Passport
Gins: Beefeater Dry Gin, Plymouth

4. Kudos to Kiddush Clubs around the world who are joining the struggle against immoral and unethical boycotts of Israel.

Some include:

Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs - FJMC (link)
International Kiddush Club (link)
Kiddish club of the Old City of Jerusalem

If your Kiddush Club joins the counter-boycott, please let us know and we'll proudly add you to the list! Email us at

Keep up the great work!

Jameel Rashid
The Muqata Blog

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Official Scotch Whisky Counter-Boycott

This is the official pro-Israel, counter-boycott page against Scotch Whisky, distilled in the anti-Israel region of West Dunbartonshire, Scotland.

My good friend and fellow blogger, Aussie Dave from Israellycool has been following this story since it's inception.

- Scottish Council Launches Ban On Israeli Books

- Follow Up On The Dumbies of Dunbartonshire Council

- Jim McElhill of West Dunbartonshire Council Leaving Nasty Comments

The story also appeared on my blog, and in other news sources as well.


- Scottish areas ban Israeli products

I believe its best to contact the whisky distillers directly, since the West Dunbartonshire Council of Wise Men couldn't care less what a pro-Israel, pro-liberty, person might think...but they might listen to voices of their constituents; specifically the Scotch whisky distilleries in their council's region.

You can contact them directly at:

Morrison Bowmore Distillers Ltd.

Distillers of: Auchintoshan, Bowmore, Glen Garioch, McClelland’s

Loch Lomond Distillery Co. Ltd

Distillers of Loch Lomond, Scots Earl, Distillery Select, Glen Scotia, Littlemill, Croftengea, Craigslodge, Inchmurrin, Glen Douglas, Inchfad

Chivas Brothers

Distillers of Ballantine’s, Chivas, Royal Salute, Clan Campbell, Something Special, Passport, 100 Pipers, Imperial, Long John Aberlour, The Glenlivet, Glendronach, Strathisla, Longmorn, Scapa, Tormore, Jameson, Paddy, Powers, Walker Special Old, Wisers

This is the most current and accurate list I could procure based on the addresses of distiller's in the West Dunbartonshire Council region. Please contact me if I have omitted any whisky from this region, and I will gladly update the list.

I urge you to write to these fine distillers of whisky, and express your outrage and support of the counter-boycott. Pass this list on to your friends and neighbors. It is simply immoral for the West Dunbartonshire Council to boycott Israel.

Following is the letter I sent them today...feel free to use it in expressing your sentiments to these distillers.

Regards from Israel,

Jameel Rashid

Click here to see the letter I wrote to the distillers. It is the official landing page of the Scotch Whisky Counter Boycott.

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Scotch Whisky Boycott

Update: This post is outdated. The updated link with all the information is here.

This is the post I wish I didn't have to write.

Areas of Scotland are now boycotting Israeli books...and products.
Two and a half years ago, shortly after Operation Cast Lead, the West Dunbartonshire Regional Council, located west of Glasgow, approved a bill that called to boycott goods produced in Israel.

According to the law, the council and all public bodies under its jurisdiction are forbidden to sell goods that originated from Israel.

Following the botched raid on the Turkish Flotilla to Gaza last May, the council expanded the boycott to include a ban on the purchase of English translations of Israeli books and the distribution of these books in public libraries throughout the council's jurisdiction.

West Dunbartonshire was joined by the large Scottish city Dundee, which decided to issue a recommendation to boycott all goods produced in Israel.

Legal advisers instructed Dundee's mayor to refrain from legally enforcing the boycott in order to avoid future lawsuits. Instead, the municipality plans to distribute posters throughout the city, calling on some 150,000 residents to refrain from buying Israeli goods, and will also apply a special mark on Israeli products, in order to make them easily identifiable. (YNET)
Its only fitting for people who believe that Israel is entitled to self defense (something Scotland obviously believes Israel isn't entitled to), that we boycott Scottish whiskys from the areas in Scotland (West Dunbartonshire, Dundee) that are boycotting Israeli products.

The whisky's I've found so far:

- Ballentine's
- Auchintoshan
- Chivas


- Glenlivet (sigh)
- Loch Lomond (never heard of them)
- Laphroaig
- The Singleton
- Bowmore

If you find more...please let me know in the comments section. Once we have a definitive list, I will present it the Duty Free people in Ben-Gurion airport and will make the case for them to remove those whiskys from their shelves.

Boycott these whiskys, people! They don't deserve your money...though I wonder how much support they would get from Gaza.

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Who's boycotting Israel for Money

9:00 AM News report on Galei Tzahal has identified 2 of the 20 companies that have chosen to boycott their fellow countrymen and deny Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem and the Golan, in exchange for cash from the Palestinian Authority for working on the Arab town of Rawabi.

The companies named so far are:

Ytong denies they signed the contract with the anti-Zionist/anti-Semitic/Apartheid clause in it, but they are working in Rawabi (either directly or through contractors).

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Authority stated that no Israeli company working in Rawabi is allowed to work there without having signed the contract. (Who do you believe?)

More information, clarifications, and companies will be listed as information becomes available.


Teldor has a factory in the Golan.

Knesset Economics Committee meeting this morning to discuss companies who signed boycott.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Israel firms boycott Israeli products

At 9:33 AM IDF Radio/Galei Tzahal reported that approximately 20 Israeli companies signed contracts with the Palestinians Authority to participate in the building of Rawabi, the new Arab city being built in the Shomron between Shchem (Nablus) and Jerusalem.

This report has been transcribed by JoeSettler as directed by Jameel, for the Muqata blog as reported live on the radio.

The contracts specifically states that no raw materials or services provided by the companies will originate from "the Occupied Territories".

The contract specifies the "Occupied Territories" as:
  • "the Occupied West Bank",
  • the "Occupied Gaza", (JoeSettler adds: at least they acknowledge that)
  • "Occupied Golan Heights", and
  • the "Occupied East Jerusalem".

The money for this project is coming from the European Union and United States, and the publicity surrounding this is causing considerable embarrassment to all parties.

The PA is embarrassed that it has become known that they are using Israeli firms to build their "Palestinian" town. (Jameel adds: an interesting twist).

The Israeli firm are worried that Zionist-Israelis will now "retaliate".

The European Union and United States are worried because talk around this issue might impact the building of this new city.

IDF radio reports that the list of companies is a well kept secret, but as soon as we know, we will let everyone know who they are.

Israel's Ministry of Trade said that while it welcomes economic ties between Israeli companies and the Palestinian Authority, they are shocked that any Israeli company would sign off on a boycott of Israeli products and services.

The Muqata will be closely following this breaking story and provide you with more details as they become available. As always follow the Muqata on Twitter for the first and latest update.

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Monday, September 27, 2010

The Irony of it All

You've got to admit, this is all quite a bit ironic... and confusing.

On one hand you've got Im Tirtzu threatening BGU (Ben Gurion University) with bad publicity if it doesn't start reigning in its radical left (anti-Zionist, by definition) professors and instructors, threats which could ultimately result in a boycott.

You've then got BGU's radical left professors and staff calling for a boycott of not just Israel but also of their own university.

And now you've got the University of Johannesburg considering whether or not to boycott Ben Gurion University.

The only thing that isn't at all clear to me is for which reason do they want to boycott BGU.

Is it because they support Im Tirtzu and don't like the radical left-wing professors and administration?

Or is it because they are listening to BGU's radical leftwing professors and administration who are calling for a boycott of their own university?

Or is it because they don't care that BGU might be a hot-bed of anti-Zionism, and it just bothers them that its in occupied Israel?

Perhaps its because BGU is doing important research that will help South Africa deal with water contamination problems and they want to hurt South Africa.

I hope they clarify their reasoning.

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Sunday, May 09, 2010

PA to Arabs: No Shopping at Rami Levy Supermarkets

I guess this is a case of "Is the shopping cart half empty, or half full?"

One of the most resourceful reporters at the JPost, Khaled Abu Toameh got this scoop last week:

Palestinian Authority Economy Minister Hassan Abu Libdeh provided a not-so-burka-veiled threat to Palestinians against shopping at Rami Levy supermarkets located in Yehuda vShomron/West Bank.

Thousands of Palestinians routinely shop at Rami Levy supermarkets at Sha’ar Binyamin and Mishor Adumim, the only two branches in the Shomron. The two stores also employ dozens of Palestinians. A third mega branch is being constructed in Gush Etzion as well.

This was the first threat of its kind issued by the PA against Palestinians who visited the Israeli supermarkets, which are named after their founder.
"Abu Libdeh said in an interview with the local Al-Watan TV station that the PA knew the names of individuals and families who shop in the Rami Levy stores.

He condemned the phenomenon of Palestinians buying goods at the Israeli supermarkets in the West Bank as a “big disgrace.”

Abu Libdeh said the PA was serious in implementing the decision to boycott settlement-made goods. Nevertheless, he denied that the boycott was politically motivated or had anything to do with the resumption of indirect negotiations between the PA and Israel.

The boycott was intended to “cleanse” the Palestinian market of settlement products and boost Palestinians’ confidence in their national products, he said." JPOST
On the bright side, the PA Minister didn't level any death threats to those buying in Jerusalem's South Eastern Talpiyot industrial zone. Could the PA have already accepted that Talpiyot (or at least the Rami Levy supermarket there) is part of Israel? After checking the Rami Levy website, I see there are also branches in Ramot (North East Jerusalem), Beitar Illit (Northern Gush Etzion). Or, itt could be the JPost article didn't fully explore all the locations of Rami Levy supermarkets...

Regardless, once again the Palestinian Authority is willing to inflict suffering on the average Arab, by forbidding their shopping at Rami Levy which has lower prices, and of course, killing their livelihoods by forbidding Arabs to work at Rami Levy, or at any Jewish owned business over the "Green Line."

It goes without saying that a reciprocal boycott is bound to happen.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Politics of Saving Lives

The famous Jewish adage, "Whoever saves a single life, it as if he saved an entire world", is adopted by every life saving organization in Israel. Apparently, the mitzva (Jewish commandment) of savings lives is so great, that even organizations that should be working together, end up as rivals. Throw in the politics of Jerusalem as "The United Capital of Israel," and the issue becomes explosive.

As a volunteer for Magen David Adom (MDA) and United Hatzalah, I'm called as a first responder to road accidents throughout the Shomron, West Bank around the clock, 7 days a week. My fellow volunteers and I treat wounded regardless of race, religion, or nationality.

I was impressed with the press release announcement last week from United Hatzala, that they were opening up a new branch of volunteers -- specifically, Arab volunteers in the Eastern Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem.
"Last night at the YMCA building on King David Street history was made. A group of Arab medics from East Jerusalem joined the growing ranks of United Hatzalah's medics. Arab and Jew, religious and secular, right and left joined together to welcome the 30 new medics.

In addition to the medics, 2 doctors in East Jerusalem have also joined United Hatzalah to help upgrade the level of emergency medical care available to Arab citizens in East Jerusalem. "

Until now, emergency medical care was seriously hampered by the security requirements for police escort of responding ambulances, unmarked and inaccessible alleyways along with simple language barriers.

United Hatzalah developed the concept of community based medics in the religious communities and expanded it countrywide. Expansion to the underserved Arab communities was a logical extension of the concept." (United Hatzalah Website)
So what's the problem? The following attack from Aryeh King was published all over Hebrew web-boards here and here for example, and then followed up on Arutz Sheva in English.

From Aryeh King, Head of the office of public inquiries concerning East Jerusalem issues. [Jameel adds: I have never heard of such an organization]

The "office of public inquiries concerning East Jerusalem issues" hereby notifies all supporters of the following urgent issue:

1. To stop all connections and cooperation with the medical organization called "United Hatzalah"

2. To stop all donations to "United Hatzalah"

His many reasons all boil down to this: Supporting United Hatzalah means you are supporting medical aid to terrorists, Arabs, dividing Jerusalem and supporting an organization that removed the Jewish Star from its symbol for Arabs.

Lets take a look at some salient facts:

1. The facts on the ground are that MDA is ceding East Jerusalem's emergency services calls to the PA-controlled Red Crescent. This alone easily facilitates an eventual transfer of all social, municipal and political control -- a squeeze play straight out the Olmert/Livni/Kadima playbook, as Israel will cut their ties with Eastern Jerusalem.

Eli Beer of United Hatzalah has confirmed this to the Muqata Blog -- based on his numerous sources within MDA that a "secret agreement" of this type exists, brokered by, and involving Livni, Olmert, MDA and the International Red Cross -- that MDA will be phasing out their emergency medical services to Arab neighborhoods in East Jerusalem.

2. United Hatzalah (as opposed to Hatzala Israel, which was ordered closed by the Rasham HaAmutot/Non Profit Organization Registrar due to corruption) is the only nationwide fully volunteer emergency medical organization" --- welcomes Jews from all backgrounds Ashkenazi and Sefardi, Chassidish and Litvish, men and women, religious and secular and now non-Jews -- Arabs, Bedouin, Druze and Christians. I have received general greetings on my MIRS emergency radio from United Hatzalah wishing their Jewish volunteers a "Shana Tova", their Moslem volunteers a "Ramadan Kareem"

3. The Arab volunteers who live in Eastern Jerusalem are all volunteers or employees of Jerusalem's Jewish hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, MDA and other entities within the Jewish areas -- and they all want Israeli emergency medical services for their neighborhoods. Why? Because the level of service and professionalism far outperforms that of the Palestinian Red Crescent. Therefore, by United Hatzalah providing services -- they are in fact, STRENGTHENING any Jewish connection to these neighborhoods, instead of abandoning them completely like MDA...and as Kadima and Ehud Olmert would have preferred.

4. MDA (and United Hatzalah) will continue to provide emergency medical support for Jews throughout Jerusalem, but because of pressure from the era of Olmert, Livni, and International Red Cross, it is possible that the first treatment a Jew in Eastern Jerusalem might receive, be from a Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance -- because they are already all over the Eastern part of Jerusalem. With their own hands, Olmert and Livni have divided the city (with MDA's tacit agreement), and the "Palestinians" provide emergency medical services.

5. The money donated for the above United Hatzalah project for Arab medics in East Jerusalem is earmarked specifically for that project, by a donor who wanted it only for that project. Not a cent or agora from a regular donation will go to that project (unless specifically requested), nor will the money end up in "Umm Al Fahm" as alleged by Aryeh King.

Oh, and about the Jewish Star symbol -- the Arab volunteers made up their own "United Hatzalah" symbol which doesn't have a Jewish Star on it...yet they wear their emblem proudly alongside the standard United Hatzalah emblem -- which DOES have a Jewish Star on it.

I don't know exactly who Aryeh King prefers you get your emergency medical aid from -- MDA which has already abandoned Jerusalem, the Palestinian Red Crescent which is operating in Jerusalem, or from United Hatzalah which has committed the terrible crime of forging a relationship with Arabs in Jerusalem on the basis of saving lives for their OWN population, which if anything, keeps the Palestinian Red Crescent farther away from Jerusalem.

While nationalistic and political aspirations of the PA leadership, Ehud Olmert, Tzippy Livny, MDA, and the International Red Cross are the driving force of bringing the Palestinian Red Crescent into Jerusalem, United Hatzala is trying to offer a more professional alternative -- which not only provides a better medical solution for the Arabs of Eastern Jerusalem, but helps keep whatever little Israeli sovereignty is left in Eastern Jerusalem.

I guess Aryeh King can call ZAKA -- since by boycotting United Hatzalah he's eliminating the last emergency medical organization not totally in favor of splitting Jerusalem.

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Boycott Escalates

The UK has struck again.

First it was academics, then military arms, now it's water.

Unison Scotland, the second largest union in Great Britain, has called on people to boycott Eden Springs UK, the British subsidiary of the Mei Eden Israeli bottled-water company.

On July 8th, the union published a notice in which it noted that Mei Eden's wells were located on the Golan Heights, which, it claims, are "occupied territories", according to the United Nations. Therefore, according to the union, a Hague treaty makes it illegal for Israel to distribute the water.

Of course, the water distributed in Scotland and other European countries is from local springs, and not from Israel.

So which UK company should we call for a boycott of next in exchange?

How about British Airways?

Jameel adds: See the 102 idiots supporting this boycott on facebook's "I Don't Drink Eden Springs" activist group.

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

No Bullets, No Booze

If you follow the Muqata twitter, you would have noticed a few days ago that I mentioned that England has decided to begin a partial arms embargo on the Jewish State.

In retaliation for defending ourselves against Gaza terrorism, the UK has decided to place an embargo on replacement parts for some of the guns that our navy uses on the Saar 4.5 gunboats.

Now I've discussed boycotts against Israel extensively in the past.

The funny thing about embargoes and boycotts is that they can go both ways.

Turkey, for instance, decided to insult our President and deride Israel for defending ourselves. Israelis in return decided to boycott Turkey, and as a result, tourism from Israel (which was very significant) has dropped to almost nothing, and the Turkish government is beside itself as a result.

But there are other practical steps one can take on an individual level.

For instance, not long ago, the British government was lobbying the Israeli government to reduce liquor taxes, to boost sales in Israel of Scotch whisky.

With annual exports in excess of £2bn, Scotch Whisky is one of the UK's leading exports and supports thousands of jobs across the economy.

Well there you go. You can shoot off this quick EMAIL to the "Scotch Whisky Association".

Dear Sirs,

I love your country's Scotch Whisky, but due to the decision of your government to place a partial arms embargo against the State of Israel for rightfully defending themselves against acts of terrorism emanating from the Gaza strip, I must regretfully return the favor and boycott all Scotch whisky produced in the United Kingdom (and encourage all my friends and associates who support Israel to boycott your products as well), until such time that your government chooses to rescind their decision.

YOUR NAME [replace your name here]

Now obviously, no one wants to boycott Scotch Whisky, but isn't this email the least our Kiddush clubs can do for our Jewish State?

Up to $10,000 in scholarships, loans and grants for Jewish men (ages 20-30) to acquire a year of learning in Israel at Yeshivat Hamivtar.

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

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