Showing posts with label Israel.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israel.. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Gaza Rocket Range Map for Israelis (now in English)

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Thursday, February 09, 2012

Yet another "mysterious" explosion in Iran

4:12 PM Arab sources are reporting a mysterious explosion in the Iranian town of Mashab. An "experimental" facitiliy has been serious damaged, and source are reporting that no civilians are allowed to enter the area. (initial source)

Don't look to this commerical for clues...

The Muqata hereby announces that it cannot confirm or deny any Israeli involvement in today's explosion in Iran. And we also adopy the same policy with regard to this HuffPo article from today.

Deadly attacks on Iranian nuclear scientists are being carried out by an Iranian dissident group that is financed, trained and armed by Israel’s secret service, U.S. officials tell NBC News, confirming charges leveled by Iran’s leaders.

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Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Israel's Elite SWAT team wins International Urban Shield 2011 Competition

For the second consecutive year since Israel's Police elite SWAT team, the "YaMaM," has participated in the prestigious Urban Shield counter-terror competition in the USA, the YaMam has once again won first place.

Similar to last year's impressive win, Israel's accomplishment remains strangely, highly under-reported. The only mention of this impressive achievement is on the Facebook page for Israel's police.

32 SWAT teams from the USA, the FBI and from other countries, participated in the non-stop 48 hour competition. The competition included counter-terror, dealing with serious crimes, hostage retrieval, and a variety of tactical and urban combat situations.

Last year's winners from Israel's YaMaM - CTU.

The Israeli winners for 2011.

More pictures of the YaMaM in action, at last year's post.

I find it curious that there is no English-language mention of this win anywhere on the internet (or even on the Urban Shield website) as of this posting. Help get the word out!

Update; Israel Hayom has just published about this as well...
For the second consecutive year, a team from Israel's Counterterrorism unit has taken first place in an international competition testing homeland security and readiness to respond to acts of terror.

The team swept the prestigious "Urban Shield" competition, held last week in California in the framework of a national emergency drill organized by the U.S. Homeland Security Office.

During the internationally acclaimed competition, combat teams were tested in a variety of anti-terrorist, extreme crime, hostage rescue, and tactical combat scenarios. An FBI team and a team of royal Jordanian guards were also among the participants.

The national emergency drill was created in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, with the aim of testing the preparedness of emergency services and anti-terrorist units should another terrorist attack occur.

Although this marked the competition's sixth consecutive year, Israel only began participating two years ago. It has now taken first place in both attempts.

Israel's Counterterrorism Unit is an elite unit in the Border Police, comparable to such global crime-fighting groups as U.S. SWAT teams, the French GIGN, and the German GSG-9, which was established after 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team were murdered at the 1972 Olympic games in Munich.

The Counterterrorism Unit is tasked with handling a number of security and civilian-related situations, and its members are trained in various types of drills and simulations -- some secret -- mainly focusing on terrorist attacks and hostage crisis situations.

The Counterterrorism Unit is one of Israel's most in-demand security units. Its members take on complex and dangerous missions, sometimes working in tandem with the Internal Security Agency. They arrest crime bosses and take on missions in some of the nation's most high-risk areas. The unit employs advanced hi-tech equipment and unique methods of operation, some of which were developed especially for the unit.

In September, the same Israeli team won first place in a handgun shooting competition for special IDF and police units. Other participants in that competition were the National Police Undercover Unit, the Border Police Undercover Unit, and several elite IDF units.

Police Commissioner Yochanan Danino congratulated the Counterterrorism Unit on winning the international competition.

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Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Who Manufactures the World's Best Qassam Rockets?

Every Israeli knows what a Qassam rocket is -- the primitive rockets that our neighbors in Gaza have been lobbing at us for years.

What started as a tube with fins, loaded with solidified fertilizer as fuel, the "rocket" has improved over time and now causes mayhem in Southern Israel.

While Israel's best defense from a Qassam would be deterrence and the fear of serious Israeli reprisals, Israel has been instead working on defensive solutions such as the Iron Dome anti-rocket defense system and defensive materials.

This led to the revelation of one of Israel's military secrets, as reported by "Israel Defense"
At the "HomeFront as the Civilian Frontline" conference this past week in Tel-Aviv, Israel Military Industries (IMI) CEO Avi Felder exposed one of the most carefully guarded "Top Secrets" in the military industry...Felder said that IMI develops the most powerful Qassam rockets in the world today.

Felder said that the IMI Qassams are produced to test and evaluate the damage caused by rockets when fired at rocket-proof shielding products from the IMI. The defensive rocket shielding materials are used in protecting Israel's Southern communities.

Felder said that over the past few days of Qassam rockets being shot from Gaza at the Israeli home front, the IMI-owned subsidiary, "Ashot Ashkelon" which is developing active and defensive systems against Qassam attacks -- is located in Ashkelon, a city sufferring from the threat of missiles. "Ashot Ashkelon" now uses the fortification developed by IMI so that they can withstand Qassam and Grad rocket attacks.

He said that IMI protective shelters are located right next to the production lines, proving a safe solution for employees who do not have time to run to bomb shelters when the air raid/color red rocket warning system sounds.

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Another week....another barrage of rockets.

Since last Wednesday, Israel has been rocketed again and again by Gaza.

Shabbat was particularly bad, as GRAD rockets were fired at Ashdod, Asheklon, Gan Yavneh, Beer Sheva...some direct hits took place as well. As of this morning, over 24 rockets have been launched at Israel from Gaza since Shabbat morning.

Ashkelon resident Moshe Ami, 56, died Saturday after sustaining serious shrapnel wounds by a rocket fired at Ashkelon as part of a relentless attack from Gaza. Another victim was lightly injured. Both were taken to the Barzilai Medical Center. (ynet)
The following picture (with rainbow in background) was taken this morning; you the vapor trail of an Iron Dome anti-missile rocket having successfully shot down a Gazan GRAD rocket this morning next to Ashdod. Photo Credit: Rotter

Going to be a long day...

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011 - News from Israel

New News Updates being posted in new link...visit for the latest news.

Refresh your Browser to see more updates....rocket attacks on Israel have resumed.

11:39 PM
As you read this, there are currently close to a million Israelis in Southern Israel who are in bomb shelters tonight.

11:26 PM Conflicting reports over the age of the young child wounded by the Gazan rocket attack; his age is put at 9 months or 2 years.

11:24 PM
In the rocket attack on Ashkelon before (10:44 PM), there are numerous suffering from shell shock who are being treated by emergency medical services.

11:03 PM Three Gazan mortars fired at Kissufim IDF base.

11:02 PM
Reports that 3 wounded by shrapnel in Gazan rocket attack on Kibbutz; 2 adults and a 2 year old wounded in his arm.

10:59 PM Reports that an infant has been wounded by the rocket attack.

10:55 PM Gazan Rocket hits house in a kibbutz -- there are reported wounded.

10:52 PM No reports of wounded in Beer Sheva rocket attack. Forces responding to direct hit in on Israeli community near Gaza.

10:50 PM Direct Hit on Community near Gaza. Security and Emergency Medical forces responding.

10:49 PM
Grad rockets launched at Ashkelon - Iron Dome is activated.

10:47 PM
3 Grad rockets shot down by Iron Dome in Beer Sheva, 2 rockets landed in the city. MDA ambulances responding -- possible wounded.

10:44 PM Color Red Rocket Alarm Sirens in Ashkelon

10:36 PM Reports of IAF attack helicopters flying over Gaza, shooting at Terrorist targets.

10:29 PM
Emergency Message from the US Consulate in Jerusalem: US Consular staff are forbidden from taking new Jerusalem Light Rail public train system - cites "security concerns"
The U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem advises U.S. citizens that the light rail system in Jerusalem has now started operations in the city. This new form of transportation is part of the public transportation network. Official U.S. Government personnel are currently prohibited from utilizing public transportation facilities, including municipal buses and the light rail network. The Consulate General will monitor the performance and security climate of the new light rail system as it begins operations. (US Consulate in Jerusalem)

10:26 PM Rocket Attack on Beer Sheva - Iron dome shoots down one Grad rocket.

8:35 PM Rocket attacks on Eshkol region. 2 rockets land in open areas. No injuries or damage.

7:52 PM
Palestinian sources report that IDF tanks are firing at Gazan rocket launchers in the area of Beit Lehiya (Gaza Strip)

7:40 PM
Apparently the Grad rocket aimed at Beer Sheva landed outside the city.

All residents of Southern Israel communities within rocket range are requested to stay in bomb shelters at this time.

7:38 PM
Reports of rocket strikes in Ofakim. No information yet about possible injuries or damage.

7:36 PM
Israel Radio reports that Grad rockets launched at Beer Sheva and Netivot. Civilians report they heard an explosion in BeerSheva (could be Iron Dome, or a grad)

7:35 PM
Sirens in Beer Sheva - explosion heard in city...

7:32 PM
Sirens in Eshkol region.

7:31 PM
Sirens in Lachish Region...Grad rockets launched at Israel.

7:30 PM
Sirens in the Zikim/South Ashkelon area.

7:20 PM
IDF Homefront Command has cancelled the "Breeze Festival" scheduled for this evening in Ashkelon. Confirmation that a rocket landed in the Southern Ashkelon area...

7:15 PM
IDF Homefront Command: All residents in the areas surrounding Gaza should be in the vicinity of bomb shelters/safe rooms due to the elevated threat levels that rockets may be launched in the immediate future from Gaza.

7:12 PM
Reports that a rocket landed in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Ashkelon. No Damage or Injuries.

7:06 PM Gazan rocket lands in open area near South Ashkelon. No reports of injuries or damage.

7:05 PM
Sirens continue throughout Southern Ashkelon.

7:03 PM Color Red Rocket Warning System and Sirens in Southern Asheklon.
Homefront Command requests that Sederot Residents stay in secure areas for the time being.

6:59 PM IDF Intelligence: Immediate threat of rocket launches to Southern Communities.

4:49 PM
IDF Homefront command lowers threat levels for Southern Israel communities.

4:03 PM
IDF Homefront command instructs the Ashdod municipality to close all yeshiva and camp programs today, sending everyone home due to possible rocket strikes (IDF intellegence has warnings of increased terrorists activity in Gaza)

3:17 PM
As a reward for Gazan Palestinian terrorists shooting 130 rockets at Southern Israel, the following convoy of "humanitarian" aid was allowed to cross into Gaza via the Kerem Shalom checkpoint today.

1:41 PM Despite rumors racing around on Facebook and twitter, there are no terrorists running around Ashdod. Israeli police have stated there is no known terrorist threat within Ashdod.

1:23 PM
Earlier today, due to terror threats, the IDF homefront command ordered the immediate closure of the Sami Shimon College of Engineering in Ashdod and BeerSheva -- no tests or classes will be given today. (viewable on the SCE website at the top).

1:18 PM
and there are now "hot" alerts for rocket launches against Southern Israel. The open-air market in Kiryat Gat has been ordered closed, as well as in Ashdod.

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Monday, August 15, 2011

Scotch Whisky Counter-Boycott on IDF Radio

Imagine my surprise when a friend called me up this morning to say that IDF Radio, Galei Tzahal would be discussing the Scotch Whisky Counter-Boycott on the popular "Razi Barkai" radio show today. How strange, that none of the show's investigators even bothered to email me for comment (considering the Muqata Blog initiated the counter boycott!), as opposed to all the other serious news outlets that did contact me (ranging from the Jerusalem Post to Scottish TV).

Barkai interviewed Rabbi Andy Sacks from Israel's Masorti movement, and Sacks blew his opportunity to bring redemption to the world. It is written in Pirkei Avot, the "Ethics of Our Fathers" that whoever quotes in the name of its originator, they bring redemption to the world.

Unfortunately, Rabbi Sacks didn't mention who started the counter-boycott, or mention the Muqata Blog which started it all.

A brief listing of articles about the counter-boycott:

Initial Boycott Posting


Official Condemnation by the Scottish Government of Boycotts of Israel:

Jerusalem Post: Kiddush clubs declare boycott on Scottish whiskey

Jewish Chronicle (England): Scottish whisky hit by boycott threat

Commentary Magazine: Fed Up With Scotch Boycotts of Israel? Boycott Their Whiskey.

5 Towns Jewish Times: Scotch, Israel and the Men's Club Ban

JTA: Whiskey boycott urged in reponse to Scottish council’s anti-Israel effort

The Five Towns: Conservative Kiddush Clubs Declare Boycott on Scottish Whiskey

Dumbarton Report: (Scotland) Boycott on whisky

Australian Jewish News: Council Be Damned

After his interview, the importer for Chivas Brothers in Israel had rebuttal time, and fell into the trap perfectly. All he could say is that Chivas is a blend of whisky which comes from all over he was trying to get Chivas "off" the counter-boycott list through a technicality...even though in reality, its bottled in West Dunbartonshire, where the the evil regional council is boycotting our true blue and white, Israeli products.

Despite my quibble with Rabbi Sacks' failure to note the Muqata Blog during his interview, I will say this unequivocally:

Kudos to Rabbi Sacks. I'm embarrassed that leadership from the Orthodox stream doesn't have the guts to come out and make a pro-Israel statement on a counter-whisky boycott, such as that of Rabbi Sacks.

When reported in the 5 Towns Jewish Times, the reactions from the Orthodox leadership were uber-pareve at best, to say the least.
How is the local Jewish community reacting to the counter-boycott?

“Anything that is done in the interest of Israel should always be checked with the government of Israel, said Rabbi Hershel Billet, rabbi of the Young Israel of Woodmere. “If they do not agree with it, then it is pointless. It should not be a unilateral decision made by individuals alone.”

Rabbi Kenneth Hain of Beth Sholom said, “This has been rather precipitous and has gone viral; we should be very careful before we start boycotting. We should not be flippant about it. People who are engaged in the serious advocacy for Israel should be consulted.”

“Unless the religious Jewish organizations come out for this boycott, I will not join,” remarked a retired public school teacher who davens locally. “I take my cue from them. If we were to boycott every single country that has harmed the Jews we would be sitting in a hovel dressed in rags.” (5 Towns Jewish Times)
Thankfully, dozens and dozens of Orthodox lay-people have contacted me that they are proudly counter-boycotting the whiskys from the list, even though their leadership remains timidly quiet.

The BDS movement is out to destroy Israel through boycotts of Israel, divestment from Israeli companies, sanctions against Israel, and bans on Israeli Universities.

And yet, the voice of Orthodox leadership is too timid to loudly claim, enough!

And not even to boycott Scotch Whisky from West Dunbartonshire?!

Shame on you!

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Monday, July 18, 2011

Racism vs. Expression of Political Freedom

This past week, a left-winger I know tried to explain to me the dangers of Israel's newly legislated "anti-boycott" law. I asked how come it was perfectly legal, democratic, and acceptable for left-wingers to boycott produce from the settlements, yet it was illegal, undemocratic, and unacceptable for Jews to not rent homes to Arabs in Tzfat, who are harassing their Jewish neighbors.

The answer I received is that not renting homes to Arabs is racist, yet boycotting produce from settlements is an "expression of political freedom."

I don't understand why when left wingers boycott Jews from the settlements, and its called "political freedom" (after all, the expressly do NOT boycott from Arabs in the West Bank), yet refusing to rent your home to an Arab in Tzfat is considered racism.

Actually, the people hurt most by the left's boycott of settler produce, are Palestinian workers from the Palestinian Authority who are the primary employees.

At first I though that "Expression of Political Freedom" must be some sort of a code word for "stab Jews in the back" -- instead, I realize its just "stab everyone in the back."

Gilad Evron, a "noteworthy" leftist was shocked and appalled to learn that his spacious home in Tel Aviv-Yaffo, 15a HaTzadaf Street used to belong to an Arab family prior to their running away (or eviction) in 1948.

So what did Evron do? Find the family and give his home to them? Find an alternative Arab family and give it to them? Find any 1948 Arab refugee and offer it to them rent free?

Evron did something far more noble.

He placed a sign on his house:

The Home of the Khalil Family,
Bashir Al-Bitar,
till 1948.

As he and his fellow left wingers call on boycotts of settlement produce and call for the removal of all Jews from the territories, we can all be proud that Evron has done the right, non-hypocritical thing, and placed a sign on his home.

Now that's expression of political freedom.

N.B.: The JPost has a good Op-Ed piece today about the anti-boycott law; how today’s champions of free speech are yesterday’s censors. More insidiously, Israel is held to a standard never applied to the rest of the universe, and Israel is criticized for passing laws that are well within the western democratic mainstream.

Cartoon courtesy of Shay Charka -- the official political cartoonist of Makor Rishon.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Arab Spring Update: Egpytian Terrorists Blow Up Gas Pipeline to Israel (again)

For the fourth time since the "Arab Spring" started flourishing in Egypt, (when an 18-day uprising toppled President Hosni Mubarak's regime on Feb. 11,) Egpytians have sabotaged the Gas Pipeline between Egypt, Jordan and Israel.

Masked gunmen blew up a terminal of the Egyptian natural gas pipeline to Israel and Jordan in a predawn attack Tuesday, security officials said.

The officials said the attack was carried out by at least four assailants. The terminal is located in the city of El-Arish in the northern part of Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, about 30 miles (50 kilometers) west of the Israeli border.

The attackers ordered the guards on duty to leave and then blew up the terminal, starting a huge fire that sent flames shooting into the air that lit up the night sky, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media. YNETnews
With an Arab Spring like this, it makes hay-fever seem like child's play.
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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Unemployment in Israel: All Time Low!

YNET brings us today's good news:
Israel's unemployment rate has reached an all-time low, standing at only 5.8% in April – a total of 186,000 unemployed people, despite the rise in the number of workers joining the labor market.

Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz said Thursday, "I promised to bring down the unemployment rate in Israel to less than 6% within four years, and we did it within as little as two years." (ynetnews)
Aliya, anyone?

Nefesh bNefesh is standing by to help!

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Official Scotch Whisky Counter-Boycott

This is the official pro-Israel, counter-boycott page against Scotch Whisky, distilled in the anti-Israel region of West Dunbartonshire, Scotland.

My good friend and fellow blogger, Aussie Dave from Israellycool has been following this story since it's inception.

- Scottish Council Launches Ban On Israeli Books

- Follow Up On The Dumbies of Dunbartonshire Council

- Jim McElhill of West Dunbartonshire Council Leaving Nasty Comments

The story also appeared on my blog, and in other news sources as well.


- Scottish areas ban Israeli products

I believe its best to contact the whisky distillers directly, since the West Dunbartonshire Council of Wise Men couldn't care less what a pro-Israel, pro-liberty, person might think...but they might listen to voices of their constituents; specifically the Scotch whisky distilleries in their council's region.

You can contact them directly at:

Morrison Bowmore Distillers Ltd.

Distillers of: Auchintoshan, Bowmore, Glen Garioch, McClelland’s

Loch Lomond Distillery Co. Ltd

Distillers of Loch Lomond, Scots Earl, Distillery Select, Glen Scotia, Littlemill, Croftengea, Craigslodge, Inchmurrin, Glen Douglas, Inchfad

Chivas Brothers

Distillers of Ballantine’s, Chivas, Royal Salute, Clan Campbell, Something Special, Passport, 100 Pipers, Imperial, Long John Aberlour, The Glenlivet, Glendronach, Strathisla, Longmorn, Scapa, Tormore, Jameson, Paddy, Powers, Walker Special Old, Wisers

This is the most current and accurate list I could procure based on the addresses of distiller's in the West Dunbartonshire Council region. Please contact me if I have omitted any whisky from this region, and I will gladly update the list.

I urge you to write to these fine distillers of whisky, and express your outrage and support of the counter-boycott. Pass this list on to your friends and neighbors. It is simply immoral for the West Dunbartonshire Council to boycott Israel.

Following is the letter I sent them today...feel free to use it in expressing your sentiments to these distillers.

Regards from Israel,

Jameel Rashid

Click here to see the letter I wrote to the distillers. It is the official landing page of the Scotch Whisky Counter Boycott.

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Scotch Whisky Boycott

Update: This post is outdated. The updated link with all the information is here.

This is the post I wish I didn't have to write.

Areas of Scotland are now boycotting Israeli books...and products.
Two and a half years ago, shortly after Operation Cast Lead, the West Dunbartonshire Regional Council, located west of Glasgow, approved a bill that called to boycott goods produced in Israel.

According to the law, the council and all public bodies under its jurisdiction are forbidden to sell goods that originated from Israel.

Following the botched raid on the Turkish Flotilla to Gaza last May, the council expanded the boycott to include a ban on the purchase of English translations of Israeli books and the distribution of these books in public libraries throughout the council's jurisdiction.

West Dunbartonshire was joined by the large Scottish city Dundee, which decided to issue a recommendation to boycott all goods produced in Israel.

Legal advisers instructed Dundee's mayor to refrain from legally enforcing the boycott in order to avoid future lawsuits. Instead, the municipality plans to distribute posters throughout the city, calling on some 150,000 residents to refrain from buying Israeli goods, and will also apply a special mark on Israeli products, in order to make them easily identifiable. (YNET)
Its only fitting for people who believe that Israel is entitled to self defense (something Scotland obviously believes Israel isn't entitled to), that we boycott Scottish whiskys from the areas in Scotland (West Dunbartonshire, Dundee) that are boycotting Israeli products.

The whisky's I've found so far:

- Ballentine's
- Auchintoshan
- Chivas


- Glenlivet (sigh)
- Loch Lomond (never heard of them)
- Laphroaig
- The Singleton
- Bowmore

If you find more...please let me know in the comments section. Once we have a definitive list, I will present it the Duty Free people in Ben-Gurion airport and will make the case for them to remove those whiskys from their shelves.

Boycott these whiskys, people! They don't deserve your money...though I wonder how much support they would get from Gaza.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Breaking Story: Train Accident

11:55 AM Over 60 people hurt in this train fire, many from broken glass when jumping out of windows to escape flames; 2 of them in moderate condition the rest were lightly hurt; smoke inhalation, minor burns. Updates are now closed on this incident.

Photo credit: On Line News in Real Time. (source)

11:13 AM Train fire caused by train engine.

11:03 AM
Suspicion lowering regarding train accident being possible terror attack.
Soldier shooting open the door to save everyone apparently caused concern it might be a terror attack.

4 train cars burning at this point.
49 injured so far (2 moderate).

11:01 AM
Count is up to 40 lightly injured so far.

10:50 AM
Train Accident in Azor Yarkon (Sharon area) 2 train cars on fire. 20 wounded. Soldier fired on door to get it open for people to escape.

High suspicion at the moment that train accident is actually a terror attack.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Jook Justice: Cockroach Clears Israeli Courtroom

They say the wheels of justice turn slowly, but today's delay in a Tel-Aviv Courthouse was unexpected. The reason: A cockroach caused a panic in the courtroom, and the proceedings were abruptly halted.

It all started out as a regular hearing on the extension of holding time for a suspect that was brought to court. During the proceedings, the court stenographer started to shriek. A quick check revealed her screams were not due to an escaped fugitive or a rather harsh sentence, but due to a brown cockroach under the frightened stenographer's desk.

Even Judge Jilia Ravid, who is considered a rather hardened judge, fled the courtroom to her private chambers for 5 minutes, till the roach was apprehended and removed.

The court policemen personally apprehended the roach with his bare hands, and bravely removed it's squashed corpse from the courtroom.

source in Hebrew, Mako/Channel 2 News.

Going to Israel?

Now get 2 phones for the price of 1 (and free calls too) with Talk'n'Save.

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Breaking News: Israel to Freeze Jewish Immigration

Note: The following posting is political satire, yet 90% of the quotes are word for word from current politicians about the settlement freeze on Jewish building in the settlements of Israel.

Israel to Freeze Jewish Immigration

December 1, 2009
Jerusalem, Israel

In an emergency cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced today that in order to create the necessary positive atmosphere to restart peace negotiations with the Palestinians, all Jewish Immigration to Israel, "aliya," would be frozen immediately for a temporary period of 10 months.

Netanyahu explained that increased Jewish demographics in Israel via immigration, creating "facts on the ground" would cause mistrust between the Palestinians and Israel and "would not be helpful" in progressing the peace talks.

Israeli government ministers overwhelmingly approved (11-2) the temporary freeze in an effort to restart peace talks with the Palestinians.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the freeze "far-reaching and painful," yet the move would be "a very big step toward peace" and he hoped the Palestinians would "take full advantage" of the opportunity to restart talks during the 10-month window.

At least one key Security Cabinet member, Defense Minister Ehud Barak, came out in favor of the proposal. "Its aim is to open a window for renewing negotiations with the Palestinians," he said.

"I hope that the Nefesh B'Nefesh immigration leadership, which is patriotic, responsible and serious, will understand the need for the decision at this time," Barak added.

"The understandings with the United States are of the utmost importance with regard to negotiations, and guarantees of security and its military supremacy."

The Nefesh B'Nefesh aliya/immigration organization was puzzled over the move. "Classical Zionism always included immigration of Jews to Israel and its our historic right to continue to move to Israel," stated a hastily compiled Nefesh B"Nefesh press-release.

MK and Minister Benny Beigin called the move, "painful but correct", and that after the 10 month immigration freeze, immigration would again resume.

Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon praised the "historic" decision, and urged the Palestinian Authority to seize the opportunity for peace.

"We hope the Arabs will not repeat the miscalculation of November 29, 1947, and will not miss the opportunity to achieve peace. Netanyahu's decision to freeze immigration is historic and unprecedented," Ayalon said during a discussion at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

But Danny Danon, a member of the Knesset from Netanyahu's Likud Party and chairman of the Settlers Council, opposed the announcement. "If the prime minister will implement the ideology of the left, he will not get the support of his own party," he said.

"All the things he wrote in his books, said in his speeches, he so eloquently preached for, he does exactly the opposite," said Danon, calling the move a "disappointment."

Foreign Ministry Director-General Yossi Gal summoned foreign ambassadors in Israel to a meeting in Jerusalem Monday. Gal is expected to brief the ambassadors regarding the cabinet's decision to freeze Jewish immigration for 10 months.

"We must work to achieve understanding and declarations of support for the Israeli move," the Foreign Ministry missive said.

French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said in a statement the Israeli move was a "step in the right direction" and "a positive contribution to peace."

British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said his country wanted the Israeli decision to "become a step towards resuming meaningful negotiations."

He called on Israel to implement a full freeze on immigration, which he deemed "illegal."

Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Monday that he believed Israel's declaration of a 10-month freeze on Jewish immigration would lead to a renewal of peace talks with the Palestinians.

MK Michael Ben-Ari [National Union] slammed the decision, calling it yet another nail in the coffin of Zionism. "First the disengagement from Gaza, then the construction freeze, and now the immigration freeze -- is there nothing left of Zionism?"

The Obama administration welcomed the decision Wednesday as a step toward resuming Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a statement released moments after Netanyahu announced the 10-month freeze.

"Today's announcement by the government of Israel helps move forward toward resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," Clinton said.

Note: The above posting is political satire, yet 90% of the quotes are word for word from current politicians about the settlement freeze on Jewish building in the settlements of Israel.

(c) 2009 The Muqata Blog:

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Monday, November 09, 2009

Clarifications, News and Links: Monday 9-11 (dd--mm)

0. Political Cartoon from the Palestinian Authority newspaper, Al-Lakta, 8/Nov/09:

Title: "Jews Destroying the Arab Dream"

I guess subtlety isn't one of the finer points in Arabic, Anti-Semitic cartoons.

1. Clarification to yesterday's posting about the Congressional Bill, HR 3296 "Affordable Health Care for Americans Act" and its taxation for US citizens living outside the USA.

The bill in the House of Representatives was originally slated to include a tax of up to $1900 for US Citizens, yet non-USA residents -- however, due to lobbying efforts, including those from "Democrats Abroad", a provision was included, exempting Americans living abroad from payment of any penalty or additional taxes imposed by the bill. That's the good news.

The bad news is that current bills before the Senate, however, do not include such an exemption. "Democrats Abroad" is working with Senate staff to include in those bills the same or similar language as the exemption for Americans residing abroad passed by the House.

I would advise American Citizens who live abroad from the United States to continue to send emails and faxes as recommended yesterday. Since this is a bi-partisan issue, applicable to ALL US citizens living abroad from the United States, I wholeheartedly suggest you participate in this lobbying effort.

Thanks to Robert Checkoway, the International Vice Chair of Democrats Abroad, Joanne Yaron, Chair of Democrats Abroad-Israel, and the ACA for alerting us all to this crucial lobbying effort.

2. News Updates about the Ft. Hood shooting in Texas. When a person shouts "Allahu Akabar" and shoots at people, there's very little doubt that the shooter believes he is engaged in a holy mission of death. Praising Allah, while taking the lives of innocent people is clearly behavior of a radical Islamist, and I don't know why some are trying to mute the issue.

It didn't come as a surprise to me that ABC reported the following:

- U.S. intelligence agencies were aware months ago that Army Major Nidal Hasan was attempting to make contact with people associated with al Qaeda, two American officials briefed on classified material in the case told ABC News.

- In a blog posting early Monday titled "Nidal Hassan Did the Right Thing," Awlaki calls Hassan a "hero" and a "man of conscience who could not bear living the contradiction of being a Muslim and serving in an army that is fighting against his own people."

According to his site, Awlaki served as an imam in Denver, San Diego and Falls Church, Virginia.

- The Associated Press reported Sunday that Major Hasan attended the Falls Church mosque when Awlaki was there.

- The Telegraph of London reported that Awlaki had made contact with two of the 9/11 hijackers when he was in San Diego.

U.S. intelligence agencies were aware months ago that Army Major Nidal Hasan was attempting to make contact with people associated with al Qaeda, two American officials briefed on classified material in the case told ABC News.

3. News: In a semi-dramatic announcement at the Muqata @ Ramalla, last week, PA President Mahmoud Abbas revealed that he would not be running for re-election. YNET reports that, "While Abbas' declaration was met with crowds pleading with him to reconsider during a Sunday visit to Bethlehem and Hebron, the Palestinian street seems mostly indifferent. "

The more dramatic issue was that the PA might simply declare their "statehood" as fact, making Israel, by default, a foreign occupier of a sovereign state.

Dan Izenberg at the Jerusalem Post writes a legal opinion on what would happen:
It is clear from the provisions of the 1995 Oslo Interim Agreement that the Palestinian Authority would be perpetrating a material breach of the treaty by declaring an independent state.

According to Article 23 of the internationally recognized accord, "neither side shall initiate or take any step that will change the status of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip pending the outcome of the permanent status negotiations."

Therefore, a unilateral declaration of independence by the PA would constitute a clear and serious violation of the agreement.

According to attorney Allen Baker, a former legal adviser to the Foreign Ministry, on the basis of that breach, Israel could declare the entire agreement void.

Israel could have declared the entire agreement void within days of the agreement's signing, since Fatah terrorists continued to murder Israelis, with the tacit support of Arafat. In 1996, when the Kotel tunnels were opened, PA policemen opened fire on IDF troops everywhere, and that could also have been reason enough to annul the agreement. Or the intifada in October 2000. Israel simply never misses an opportunity, to miss an opportunity, to declare the agreement null and void due to Palestinian Authority non-compliance.

4. Links: Are Israelis Rude? Israel has been improving daily over the years -- customer service is now a real concept, even among government offices.

Over at Mom in Israel's blog, a comment war is raging over Israeli behavior; rude, misunderstood, or simply a generalization?

What set it all off was this comment:

"We spent our sabbatical year in Israel in 07-08. It was a fabulous experience. I agree with most of the observations/comments above. For me, the most striking thing was the bad behaviour of the children AND the adults who had obviously been parented in a similar manner. Don’t get me wrong. My children also misbehave, but the difference is that, when they do, I notice, I care and I act. Many Israeli parents do not notice, care or act. They are raising another generation of rude, spoiled children. I had visited Israel 3 times before our sabbatical year and, of course, I noticed and experienced the rude behaviour of both adults and children. However, over the course of the year, this aspect of Israeli culture REALLY began to wear on me. It was embarrassing, as a Jew, to imagine what non-Jewish tourists thought of “us” as Jews. They are not just seeing rude Israelis, they are seeing rude Jews. Many of the Israelis that I spent time with while in Israel were also embarrassed by the behaviour of their fellow Israelis and their children. The difference, in almost every case, was that the people I spent time with – family and friends – had themselves lived in Canada or the US."

See the comment thread...

5. Clarification about yesterday's post on Democrats and how they voted on the resolution rejecting the Goldstone Report. While the resolution was sponsored by Republican Representative, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Florida), special mention should also go to Rep. Howard Berman (Democrat, California) (and/or members of his staff) -- he deserve a lot of credit for drafting the resolution and for rewriting the resolution to address Goldstone's specious response. (Thanks soccerdad)

This blog doesn't go out of its way to target Democrats or Republicans....the driving factor for this blog, is what is best for Israel. While I have a lot of respect and appreciation for the United States, my primary interest lies with Israel.

Liberal Democrats with Hawkish views on Israel are some of my good friends.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bnei Akiva Teens Slam Leftist IDF Objectors

Its not enough that Turkey's Prime Minister publicly slanders Israel, saying we fired phosphorous bombs on innocent children in Gaza. OK, so Turkey's Islamic community isn't friendly with Israel -- not overly surprising.

Its not enough that self-proclaimed "Zionist" Judge Goldstone slanders Israel that we [allegedly] committed war crimes in Gaza. Goldstone's slept through the testimony of Sederot citizens who were rocketed around the clock by Gaza for 7 years -- not overly surprising either.

Yet for a group of pseudo intellectual, left wing Tel Aviv highschoolers to bash the IDF and Israel as well -- well, it may be expected, but enough is enough. The 80 brats got lots of media attention by sending around a letter, calling on teens to refuse to serve in the IDF.
The letter concludes by stating, "Our refusal to be soldiers of occupation derives from our fidelity to the values and society that surround us, and is part of our continuing battle for peace and equality, a battle whose Jewish-Arab character proves peace and coexistence are possible." (YNET)
These are the Goldstones of tomorrow.

Luckily, the vast majority of Israel is not comprised of such spineless fools.

Outraged religious teenagers from the Bnei Akiva Youth Movement announced that the leftists who refuse to server may be 80, but we're 80,000.

In under a few hours, a counter letter was written, and has already been signed by 500 teens, with the numbers growing quickly.
"We can't let the voice of one minority change the entire national mood to one big down," says 18-year old Eran Vider. He and his friends have decided to write a letter of opposition calling on teens to enlist and fight the evasion of army service.

"Every year we hear the voices of those calling for the evasion of service with ideological declarations, and this year we have decided not to remain indifferent or silent, to show that this is the opinion of a minority and that we, the youth of today, want to continue in the path of the founders of Israel," the letter says

"Really, we don't understand them," says Vider. "If they can't accept the holding of weapons, why can't they at least perform national service?" (YNET)
Why can't they at least perform national service?

Its obvious, but I'll leave that to the leftists who read this blog to provide a "defensible" answer.

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Damned if you do...

Israel's Defense Minister approved (yesterday) the import of Lulavs from Gaza, due to a lulav shortage and fears of an emerging lulav "cartel" monopoly which hopes to gouge prices.

Yaakov Mergi, the Minister for Religious Affairs requested that Ehud Barak allow the imports, and he signed the approval immediately. He thanked Barak for his immediate response saying that the imports will "prevent the possibility of a [lulav] seller's cartel from taking advantage of the shortage at the expense of the consumer." NRG


We're stuck between supporting the Hamas Rocket Brigades and their supporters, and a greedy lulav mafia.

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How the Arab World Views Israel's Democratic Elections

Roundup of Political cartoons from the Arab world depicting Israel's Democratic elections. (source)

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