Showing posts with label Egypt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Egypt. Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2013

Welcome Back Hosni (Part 2)

Back in June I predicted we would see a military coup in Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood members killed, Morsi who knows where, and Mubarak back in the reins.

The first 3 have happened, and now I just read in that Mubarak may be out of jail in less than a week.

Meanwhile the NYTimes is blaming Israel for wanting the Egyptian military back in charge, instead of Islamic radicals.

I find that amusing, because America should want it too - if they wanted a stable, functioning Egypt and to keep the peace treaty viable (which they are guarantors for).

But unfortunately, Obama seems to think the Muslim Brotherhood is the way to go, so he keeps betting on their apocalyptic horse, and if he can't get Islam in control over Egypt, well, then he'll try to bring them into power in Judea and Samaria by creating an opening for Hamas to take over there.

Anyway, the point of this post is simply to toot my own horn, and thank the blogger, Daled Amos, for reminding me of my Mubarak prediction.

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Thursday, July 04, 2013

Egypt: Is It Good For the Jews?

One thing you pick up in Yeshiva in the first question one asks when a major (or minor) event happens, "Is it good for the Jews?".

It's not egotistical or self-centered. It's just a historical fact that events, whether we Jews were involved or not, will ultimately start having ramifications for Jews.

The answer isn't always clear either. Sometimes it might look good for the Jews, but not be, and sometimes it might look bad, but actually turn out good.

Egypt is an interesting case study. Morsi wasn't exactly good for the Jews.

An unstable and collapsing Egypt is dangerous for Israel, as is a more radically Islamic Egypt. So Morsi was bad for the Jews.

Except, as a result of his and the Muslim Brotherhood's takeover and mess, the Gaza Islamists and the Egyptian Islamists aren't the best of friends anymore. And that's likely to stay that way for a while. And that's good for the Jews.

And now, once again we're seeing the possibility of the more secular and more democratically inclined Egyptians trying to take over Egypt, as well as an Egyptian distaste for radical Islam, and that would also appear to be good for the Jews.

It would mean a stable Egypt, hopefully a less extreme Egypt, and perhaps even a democratic Egypt. Except that last part's unlikely.

The reality is that somewhere between 30% to 50% of Egyptians are illiterate and uneducated.

Given the opportunity they will probably vote for the Muslim Brotherhood again. (It will be interesting to see if I'm proven right or wrong on this theory).

It's in the cities, where Egyptians are more educated and more secularized, where they understand and want a less religiously fanatic leadership.

Only problem is, they aren't the majority, so the only likely way they'll get what they want is if they find a non-democratic method of getting a non-Muslim Brotherhood leadership installed.

Good for the Jews? Don't know.

But there are other after-effects from this latest Egyptian revolution.

In Tunisia, they are now also trying to reignite their revolution, and empower moderate leadership.

Perhaps this could even affect the final results of the Syrian civil war, and teach them to also reject Islamic leadership.

Regardless, it's good to see the Egyptians are rejecting their radical Islamic elements, and all we can hope is that this will be good for the Jews.

Of  course, as one Rebbe of mine once said, as long as they're busy fighting each other, they'll be too busy to attack us.

And that unfortunate reality is good for the Jews.

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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Welcome Back Hosni

Call me optimistic, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Egypt’s favorite dictator back in power in the near future. The current protests in Egypt have got Morsi on the ropes, and the army certainly doesn’t appear to be backing him at all. And why should it? The country has deteriorated to incredibly low levels since Mubarak was kicked out. I’m willing to bet the Egyptian people would be glad to have Mubarak back at the reins, and putting everything back where it belongs. Consider this – after being deposed, Mubarak wasn’t shot or hung. Quite an unusual move, I’d say. Almost as if someone (the army?) wanted to keep him in reserve in case things got really, really bad. Bad, sort of like where Egypt is now, with only a few weeks of gas left. Morsi, on the other hand, doesn’t really enjoy that kind of support from the army, or the people. If a coup happens, you can be rest assured that Morsi will most likely quietly find his end somewhere behind a building, and if Mubarak does come back after his extended sabbatical vacation, the rest of the Muslim Brotherhood members will likely be meeting Allah almost as soon. I just want to remind (the potentially) returning President Mubarak of one thing. It was Fuad Ben-Eliezer and others in the Israeli government that showed you support and offered you asylum when the going got tough, not America, and definitely not your fellow Arab countries. So when you’re back in power and cleaning house, if you could take care of the Sinai for us and those Gaza tunnels, it would be much appreciated.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Egyptian Arab Spring Forms Nazi Party

Three Cheers for the Arab Spring!

A group of Egyptian political activists have announced plans to set up a local version “of the Nazi party,” an Egyptian newspaper reported on Thursday.

Citing a leftist Egyptian news portal, the Al-Masry Al-Youm daily said that “the party’s founding deputy is a former military official,” and that the party would be aimed at bringing “together prominent figures from the Egyptian society.”

The report cited founding member Emad Abdel Sattar as saying that the unestablished party “believes in vesting all powers in the president after selecting him or her carefully,” and that “preparations are under way to choose the most competent person to represent the party.”

Almasry Alyoum added that an Egyptian Nazi party “operated secretly under former President Hosni Mubarak, whose regime prevented party leaders from carrying out their activities freely.”

The newspaper said it could not verify the report, but said it found two Facebook pages that appeared recently under the title of “the Egyptian Nazi Party,” which have so far attracted 70 followers.

Members are “increasing at an unexpected rate, and several people came to ask about the nature of the party and its plans,” the report said.

The party has a one-year plan to develop Egypt – unlike the “marginalized liberal parties, which are like dead bodies,” a source was quoted as saying.

The idea to start it came after some fundamentalist-religious waves emerged, which, according to the source, created a state of chaos, and led to the burning of churches, the destruction of shrines and assaults on unarmed civilians.

Responding to the report, Dr. Mordechai Kedar, of Bar-Ilan University’s Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, said Egypt was going through a highly turbulent period, adding that all manner of bizarre individuals were launching Facebook groups and attracting members.

Historically, he said, the German Nazi party saw three attempts to copy it in the Arab world in the 1930s in Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt. The Egyptian party of that time was led by former president Anwar Sadat, who went on to sign a peace treaty with Israel in 1979.

“They were copying the extreme nationalism of Germany, before the Second World War, and before the word ‘Nazi’ became a coarse word,” Kedar said.

Irrespective of the unconfirmed report on “the Egyptian Nazi party,” Egyptian activists opposed to army rule in Egypt are planning to hold demonstrations on Friday, Kedar noted.

“Egypt is a country of 85 million people. Some activists want a second and a third revolution. No one knows where things are heading yet,” he said.
Note the Swastika's on Sadat's tie.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Arab Spring Update: Egpytian Terrorists Blow Up Gas Pipeline to Israel (again)

For the fourth time since the "Arab Spring" started flourishing in Egypt, (when an 18-day uprising toppled President Hosni Mubarak's regime on Feb. 11,) Egpytians have sabotaged the Gas Pipeline between Egypt, Jordan and Israel.

Masked gunmen blew up a terminal of the Egyptian natural gas pipeline to Israel and Jordan in a predawn attack Tuesday, security officials said.

The officials said the attack was carried out by at least four assailants. The terminal is located in the city of El-Arish in the northern part of Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, about 30 miles (50 kilometers) west of the Israeli border.

The attackers ordered the guards on duty to leave and then blew up the terminal, starting a huge fire that sent flames shooting into the air that lit up the night sky, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media. YNETnews
With an Arab Spring like this, it makes hay-fever seem like child's play.
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Thursday, July 07, 2011

Arab Spring: Holocaust is a Lie

Ahh...The Arab Spring.

Secular Democracy in Egypt...the great white hope for liberal Westerners. Peace in our times.

Today in the Washington Times:
A leader of Egypt’s top secular party says the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks were “made in the USA,” the Holocaust is “a lie” and Anne Frank’s memoir is “a fake” — comments sure to roil the post-revolution political debate in the Arab world’s most populous country.

Ahmed Ezz El-Arab, a vice chairman of Egypt's Wafd Party, made the remarks in an exclusive interview with The Washington Times last week while in the Hungarian capital attending the Conference on Democracy and Human Rights.

He denied that the Nazis killed 6 million Jews during World War II.

“The Holocaust is a lie” Mr. Ezz El-Arab said. “The Jews under German occupation were 2.4 million. So if they were all exterminated, where does the remaining 3.6 million come from?”

Mr. Ezz El-Arab said he accepted that the Nazis killed “hundreds of thousands” of Jews. “But gas chambers and skinning them alive and all this? Fanciful stories,” he added.

Mr. Ezz El-Arab also attacked the authenticity of “The Diary of Anne Frank,” which he said he studied as a doctoral student in Stockholm. “I could swear to God it’s a fake,” the Wafd leader said. “The girl was there, but the memoirs are a fake.”

Established in 1919 and disbanded in 1952, the Wafd Party was refounded in 1983 under reforms instituted by then-President Hosni Mubarak to allow token opposition to his dominant National Democratic Party. (Washington Times)
With an Arab Spring like this, the Arab Summer Monsoons, Tornadoes and Hurricanes are soon to follow.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hidden Undertones in the new "Arab Democracies"

I heard this on the radio, this past Sunday:

"Former chief Palestinian Authority negotiator Saeb Erekat told Army Radio on Sunday that Israelis should not be afraid of democracy in the Arab world. Democracy is the "main support system for peace," he said." (JPost)

Should Israelis really fear Arab Democracy?

Let's examine many of the "democratic" Arab revolutions going these days.

A CBS reporter was brutally attacked while covering the Democracy Riots in Egypt (source) As she was assaulted by the peaceful mob, they kept screaming, "Jew, Jew". (source) The reporter in question isn't Jewish, but the mob thought she might be. Noted Israeli-American left wing reporter says she deserved it because she's a "[right wing] warmonger" (source)

Of course, this attack and others on media correspondents, an the rampant violence is completely ignored by Thomas Friedman, as he wrote in the NY Times that "It [the riot] was completely non-violent and only resorted to stone-throwing when faced with attacks by regime thugs." He also wrote, "This was about Egypt and about the longing of Egyptians for the most basic human rights, which were described to me by opposition Egyptian newspaper editor Ibrahim Essa as “freedom, dignity and justice.’" Friedman means freedom and dignity for Arab men, not for Western female reporters.

Digressing from Egypt, let's focus on Jordan. As a result of Democracy demonstrations in Jordan, King Hussein fired and replaced the entire government cabinet. The new and improved Justice Minister has Israel rather miffed.
Minister Hussein Mjali was appointed last week in a government shakeup following protests inspired by the Egyptian uprising. He drew condemnation in Israel after he joined protester calling for the release of Ahmed Deqamseh, a terrorist serving time in Jordan for killing seven Israeli school children in 1997.

Mjali, who is seen as close to the Muslim opposition, served as the defense lawyer for Deqamseh, who was a soldier when he killed the children who were on an outing in Naharayim, on the border between Israel and Jordan.

"Israel is a terrorist state," Mjali said in the interview, adding that that explained Israel's position over freeing Daqamseh. (Haaretz)

While the previous Jordanian monarch visited the 7 families of the murdered girls, and at their homes in Beit Shemesh he expressed his grief and apologies, the current "new and improved democracy cabinet Justice Minister" is lobbying for the terrorist's release.

So much for Jordan. Democracy is also sweeping Tunisia.
In a shocking, horrible video (here) posted to facebook, hordes of Western, modern-looking, "democratic" Muslims attack the Great Synagogue of Tunis to the chants of "Allahua Akbar!" and the genocial Islamic death chant:

"Khaybar Khaybar ya yahud, Jaish Muhammad saya'ud," which means "Jews, remember Khaybar, the army of Mohammed is returning." This cry relates to an event in the seventh century when Muslims massacred and expelled Jews from the town of Khaybar, in modern-day Arabia. (Atlas Shrugs)
Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, don't forget the Bialin weekly security fence riots, where naive Western female "activists" can expect to be assaulted by their male Palestinian co-demonstrators. (source)

When Saeb Erekat says that Israel shouldn't be afraid of democracy in the Arab world, he's basically trying to convince Israel to embrace suicide.

Till we see responsible, moral, ethical and non-antisemitic Arab democracies in the Middle East, Israel needs to be extremely careful and vigilant. To date, none of the "Middle East Democratic Arab Revolutions" fit that bill.

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Friday, February 11, 2011

Live Feed from Tahrir Square

Watch a live video feed from Tahrir square on the Muqata:

Click here to our dedicated Tahrir Square page.

Turn on the volume to to listen too.

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Thursday, February 03, 2011

Muslim Brotherhood wants end to Egypt-Israeli peace deal

Received the following news tidbit...
12:46 03/02/2011

Egypt's banned Muslim Brotherhood movement has unveiled its plans to scrap a peace treaty with Israel if it comes to power, a deputy leader said in an interview with NHK TV.

Rashad al-Bayoumi said the peace treaty with Israel will be abolished after a provisional government is formed by the movement and other Egypt's opposition parties.

"After President Mubarak steps down and a provisional government is formed, there is a need to dissolve the peace treaty with Israel," al-Bayoumi said.

Egypt was the first Arab country to officially recognize Israel and sign a peace agreement with the Israeli government in 1979. It is also a major mediator of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The Muslim Brotherhood has recently come to light amid mass anti-government protests in Egypt. Some media voiced concerns that the banned Islamic movement could eventually take power in the riot-hit Arab country.

The deeply conservative Islamic movement, which wants to move Egypt from secularism and return to the rules of the Quran, failed to win a single seat in the 2010 Egyptian parliamentary election.

The Muslim Brotherhood joined the anti-government protests in Egypt last week. The unrest, seen by many analysts as a major threat to repressive governments in the region, has already claimed the lives of at least 300 people and injured several thousand.

TOKYO, February 3 (RIA Novosti) (Source)
In case you thought al-Bayoumi is a nobody or minor player in the MB, Wikipedia reports:

Cairo University professor Rashad al-Bayumi is one of the heads of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, his appointment pending approval by the Islamist organization's guidance bureau.

He's not a nobody, and it's unfortunate that the majority of the West is treating the MB as a great Democratic hope for Egypt. I guess Bill Clinton thought the same of Yassir Arafat.

If the MB and Egypt breaks the peace treaty, do we get our Mossad-trained shark back?

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Monday, January 31, 2011

Egypt's New "Democracy" Wants to Destroy Israel

Stop fooling yourselves about the wonderful "democracy" evolving in Egypt.

CNN's Nick Robertson speaks with some of the "Democracy seeking" Muslim protesters who have nothing but genocidal remarks to offer him. This wasn't shown on CNN in the USA (to the best of my knowledge)

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

As Egypt Falls Apart...

Some of today's tidbits from a collapsing Egypt.

1. Glad we gave the Sinai to Egypt -- the US guarantees for a demilitarized Sinai don't seem to be working.
"Jerusalem - Israel said Sunday it was watching developments as Egypt moved military forces into Sharm el-Sheikh, but declined further comment.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor, contacted by the German Press Agency dpa, only said Israel was following and checking the media reports about the development.

But in following the Israeli government line about developments in Egypt, he declined further comment.

Nor did he show much concern about whether the Egyptian military move was possibly in violation of the 1979 Camp David peace agreement regarding the number of forces in the Sinai, commenting that these details could be checked in the internet."(M&C) [and kudos to Lurker for spotting this first via Maan]
2. Tens of thousands continue to riot in Cairo...Foreign Minister flees under heavy fire.
Former Egyptian Interior Minister Habib El-Adly was evacuated from the Interior Ministry Building in Cairo under heavy fire, Al-Jazeera reported Sunday afternoon, despite the authorities' attempt to shut down the Qatari network in the country.

At the same time, tens of thousands of protestors were making their way to the Tahrir Square in central Cairo. Al-Jazeera said the protestors were carrying signs calling on President Hosni Mubarak to resign and throwing stones at his picture. Military forces remained deployed in the area, observing the protestors. (Ynetnews)
3. Remains of Egyptian Government Shuts Down Al-Jazeera. (No Leaks for YOU!)
Egypt said on Sunday it had shut down the operations of Arab satellite broadcaster Al-Jazeera, which according to the authorities had encouraged the uprising in the country, in an attempt to restore order.

"The Information Minister ordered ... suspension of operations of Al-Jazeera, cancelling of its licenses and withdrawing accreditation to all its staff as of today," a statement on the official Mena news agency said. The Qatari network said the move was aimed at "silencing the Egyptian people". (Ynetnews)
4. IDF building emergency fence to block roads coming in from Egypt.
No sitting on the fence: Red Division's engineering prepares to block the first of a number of roads on the international border with Egypt. The first roadblock, set up as a pilot, will soon be build via the combined forces of the engineering department (desig), Field Engineering Command, Eilat's IDF Control Center and the IAF-Israeli Air Force.

The model was built by civilian officials, with planning and building lasting only two weeks. The Division is being tasked to seal roads in problematic Eilat IDF Control Center sectors.

The first point to be blocked is considered a "hot" sector, due to multiple infiltrations at that location. For example, this point was infiltrated by a Palestinian terrorist in 2007, who attacked civilians.

The road will be blocked by fences, with varying heights. Designed to be "thorny" and with razor blades on the sides will make it difficult for infiltrators to pass through. The fence will have such small holes in it, that it will be too narrow to insert even a finger. Special sections of the fence will be installed by transport helicopters and constructed by the engineering corps. (IDF Spox)
5. As Egypt hunkers down, Al Jazeera reports that Hosni Mubarak is planning his getaway.

Not to Europe, England or the USA.

Al Jazeera believes he's on his Tel-Aviv!
"According to sources in the Egyptian Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel is making preparations to welcome Hosni Mubarak into exile after Saudi Arabia rejected overtures" (Al-Jazeera)
You don't have to believe it (after all, it's from Al-Jazeera), but take a look at the faces of Mubarak's good friends from Israel's Labor and Kadima parties.

Fuad "Binyamin" Ben-Eliezer promised us last week that his good friend Mubarak was in total control of his country (and that Mubarak cares about his people).

Olmert is smiling wider than a cat that swallowed the canary...

And don't forget Labor Leader (oops, aren't they now called the "Independence" party?) Ehud Barak with his close friend Mubarak.

Don't fool yourselves -- this is exactly what we can expect from Abu Mazan in the Palestinian Authority...and unstable regime with a peace treaty not worth the paper it's signed on.

6. Last but not least...Globes is reporting that the Iranians are blaming the entire destabilization demonstrations in Egypt...on Israelis vultures and sharks? Nope...Israeli command units.

(poorly translated by google translate)
"Israeli commando forces came to Cairo in order to create tension and unrest in the city," he distributes today (Sunday)'s official news agency of Iran's Islamic Republic. Information sources to IRNA reported that the appointment of Egyptian Intelligence Chief Gen. Omar Suleiman, whom they call the main negotiating with the Zionist regime, the deputy of President Mubarak, shows in fact that Mubarak gives green light to the Zionist regime to intervene in local events in his country. "

Eyewitness to the Iranian news agency said on the phone that "he saw suspicious attacks on commercial and residential places and killings by people suspected of Cairo which created uncertain conditions in the country." Witness referred rumor that Israeli agents integrated into the crowd to lead the public protest turned violent civil conflicts.

Several witness that when his contract with a number of American and Zionist leaders in the last 24 hours, President Mubarak warned that toppling his administration will pave the way for the "flow of oxygen" to Israeli rule.

Meanwhile, Zionist officials have expressed strong support for Mubarak's dictatorial regime and believe that the possible collapse will lead to further isolation in the Zionist regime" was written.

The article noted that while the American daily newspaper, The Washington Post reported that Israel is closely following the developments in the Arab world as developments in the area are considered "an earthquake." (Globes)
There are other reports of demonstrations in Jordan and Saudi Arabia, but the press is keeping a tight lid on those. (The Muqata posted about Mubarack's son fleeing to England a full 24 hours before most news outlets picked up on it)

Stayed tuned.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Scoop: President Mubarak's son and family flee Egypt

Scoop: Gamal Mubarak, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak's son who is widely tipped as his successor, has fled to London with his family, Arabic website Akhbar al-Arab said on Tuesday. (source)

Israeli and Western media are trying to downplay the threat of the riots in Egypt, and this morning on IDF radio, Labor party senior member, Fuad Ben-Eliezer spoke about his good friend, President Mubarak, and how he can't imagine that the riots would threaten the stability of the current regime. You have to wonder why Fuad is such "good friends" with a corrupt leader.

More on the riots in Egypt, Lebanon, and the PA later today.

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hypocritical silence about Egyptian crimes against humanity

by Lurker

While human rights activists and bleeding hearts focus all their attention on the plight of the African migrants in Israel, nobody seems to give a flying leap about what the Egyptians are doing to them every day, just over the border. Arabs apparently have a free hand to commit brutal torture, mutilation, rape, and savage massacres with complete impunity:
They are hung from trees by metal chains attached to their arms and provided with plastic bags to collect their urine to drink when they are thirsty. They are gang raped, tortured with electricity and held prisoner in desert camps. When they escape they are shot, either by their Beduin captors or by Egyptian police. These savage and disturbing details, published piecemeal over the years, are just a part of the picture of what is being done in Egypt's Sinai desert to African migrants.
Read the rest here, if you can stomach it:

The long road of death, massacre in Sinai

Apparently this isn't worth anyone's attention, since there's no way to blame Jews for it.

And you won't hear the EU or the UN saying anything about this either, let alone issue any condemnations. They're too busy with much more important things, like investigating the Israeli raid on the terror flotilla, and demonizing Israel for the shortage of coriander in the Gaza Luxury Mall.

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Hypocritical silence about Egyptian crimes against humanity

by Lurker

While human rights activists and bleeding hearts focus all their attention on the plight of the African migrants in Israel, nobody seems to give a flying leap about what the Egyptians are doing to them every day, just over the border. Arabs apparently have a free hand to commit brutal torture, mutilation, rape, and savage massacres with complete impunity:
They are hung from trees by metal chains attached to their arms and provided with plastic bags to collect their urine to drink when they are thirsty. They are gang raped, tortured with electricity and held prisoner in desert camps. When they escape they are shot, either by their Beduin captors or by Egyptian police. These savage and disturbing details, published piecemeal over the years, are just a part of the picture of what is being done in Egypt's Sinai desert to African migrants.
Read the rest here, if you can stomach it:

The long road of death, massacre in Sinai

Apparently this isn't worth anyone's attention, since there's no way to blame Jews for it.

And you won't hear the EU or the UN saying anything about this either, let alone issue any condemnations. They're too busy with much more important things, like investigating the Israeli raid on the terror flotilla, and demonizing Israel for the shortage of coriander in the Gaza Luxury Mall.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Muqata blocks military aid to Lebanon

A joint Joe-Jameel post and news analysis

Much to the Obama administration and State Department's dismay, the US Congress Foreign Relations Committee is blocking $100 million of US military aid and training for the LAF . This follows Lebanon's attack on Israel, possibly using US weapons in the attack, and most likely using snipers who received US training.

Lebanese (LAF) soldier with US weaponry
This is not the first time that the LAF and Lebanese government subverted US military aid to attack Israel and US security interests.

Israel had set up a spy network in Lebanon to specifically spy on Hezbollah.

The US provided the LAF and Lebanese government with counter-surveillance equipment specifically to use against Hezbollah, and Lebanon instead only used it to locate and dismantle Israel's security espionage network against Hezbollah - also damaging US intelligence efforts against Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

The Muqata is proud to have been the first to bring the matter to the attention of the general public of the possible misuse of US aid, equipment and training specifically during last week's attack on Israeli forces by the Lebanese government. Thanks to our investigative efforts we put this snowball in motion.

But this is not the first time that US security funding, equipment and training have been turned against Israel and US interests.

Palestinian Authority "policemen" have been involved in numerous terror attacks against Jews and US citizens. It is only a matter of time before US General Dayton's Palestinian militia is used full force against Israel. In fact, Dayton has himself warned that this is likely to happen by 2011 if no Palestinian state is created.

Dayton has been thrown out from the PA twice already. The first time was from Gaza, the second was a few months ago after Dayton had a disagreement with the PA leadership.

Israel (post on this subject to go up soon) has recently kicked out Dayton's PA "police" forces from some Arab villages after numerous attacks on Israelis coming from those villages that are under PA security management.

The US policy of funding easily subverted foreign military forces in unstable Islamic countries and governments in the hope of propping up weak leadership is not a sustainable policy. It is not good for US interests in the long-term.

Back in 2008, the US was praising Lebanese military aid (while Israel expressed concern), and the NYTimes even provided some relevant quotes supporting US aid to Lebanon's army.

Now, however, American officials say they have faith in the independence and professionalism of the army, which has become thoroughly integrated to include all of Lebanon’s many religious and ethnic factions, and has avoided interfering in politics. American-driven audits have shown that almost nothing given to the army has ended up in Hezbollah’s hands.

They have demonstrated year after year after year that when we give them equipment, they take responsibility for it,” said Mark T. Kimmitt, assistant secretary of state for political and military affairs.
Israel made the same mistake by selling advanced arms to Turkey and supporting the PA, and now this policy is coming back to bite Israel.

Furthermore, it is only a matter of time before the Islamic Brotherhood attempts a coup against US-propped up Egyptian government once Mubarak dies, and gains access and control to all of Egypt's advanced US weaponry.

In short, providing military weapons, training and aid to Islamic countries is simply bad long-term policy.

When will the West learn this lesson?

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Which Arabs Are Shooting at Eilat Today?

This morning, around 11:45 AM:

A Katyusha rocket apparently fired at the southern city on Thursday exploded in the Aqaba industrial zone in Jordan.

There were no reports of injuries. The report was received by the Eilat Municipality from Jordanian sources.

Another rocket was fired, apparently a 107 mm one, and landed in the Red Sea. Jordan is on the look out for a third rocket. (YNET)

So...Who's Shooting at Eilat?

Egypt denies the shooting came from the Sinai:

"Security forces are patrolling the border with Israel, and the area is under Egyptian security control. This comes in addition to alertness of Bedouin residents of Sinai along the border that partake in the defense of the eastern border alongside Egypt's security forces. No extremist group can infiltrate the area in order to shake the security," an Egyptian source reported. (source)

Jordan denies the shooting came from their fact, they aren't even admitting that rockets were fired anywhere.

A Jordanian official said there was a blast at an air-conditioning plant on the outskirts of Aqaba at around 7:00 am (0400 GMT) that did not wound anyone or cause much damage, and that the explosion was under investigation.

The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, denied that any rockets had been fired from Jordanian territory and said "we know of no rockets in Eilat." (source)

So here we have 2 Arab countries which signed peace agreements with Israel, both denying that the shooting came from them.

The IDF said it was investigating the source of the attack, stressing that there was no evidence to suggest either of the rockets hit Israeli territory, though everyone seems convinced that Eilat was the target.

I guess we shot the Katyushas at ourselves.

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Sudanese Refugees in Israel.

Warning: Politically Incorrect Posting ahead.

Despite my support for stopping Sudanese terror in Darfur, I am firmly against Israel accepting the oncoming tidal wave of Sudanese refugees.

Background: Over the past week, dozens of Sundanese refugees have illegally crossed over the border from Egypt into Israel. What started a year ago with a dozen Sudanese refugees seeking refuge in Israel has grown to approximately 1400, with 58 entering Israel illegally last week alone.

These refugees are coming to Israel via Egypt, where an estimated 3 million of them live.

Now, as much as I understand the plight of the Sudanese in Sudan and the dangers they face there, the primary reason they are smuggling themselves into Israel is for better economic opportunities (it can't be that great in Egypt).

That said, there's a world of difference between Israel providing refuge to those fleeing a murderous regime, and naively opening up it's gates to a Muslim community seeking economic advancement.

Israel is not a land of unlimited economic opportunity; in fact, the opposite is quite true. Israel's economy can not survive a massive influx of these refugees.

If you start accepting these refugees into Israel, it will only encourage more.

Israel is not based on "Give me your tired, your weak, your poor Moslem refugees" -- we try to deal exclusively with Jewish immigration. There are 22 Moslem countries who are more than capable of dealing with this issue, so that Israel's already burdened economy does not have to accept this problem as well.

And we have more than enough problems to worry about today which are not being addressed amply.

Hilel Halkin, a contributing editor of the NY Sun criticizes Israel:
One cannot, as an Israeli, feel anything but shame at the way one's government has reacted to the influx of hundreds of Sudanese refugees, many of them from Darfur, who have recently crossed the border from Egypt into Israel.

Or perhaps one should say "has not reacted," because apart from stating its intention of returning them to Egypt, Prime Minister Olmert's government has done nothing while the penniless Sudanese whom have been rounded up by the army, whose patrols have found them on the Israeli side of the desert border between Sinai and the Negev; taken to the Negev's main city of Beersheba; dumped unceremoniously in its streets; and left to fend for themselves with what help they have been able to get from local authorities and volunteer organizations.
Halkin's shame at Olmert and Israel is totally misplaced, since his expectations are totally displaced from reality.

Israel isn't capable of dealing with it's own, self-created refugee problem of those evicted from Gush Katif.

Don't get me wrong; the people from Gush katif didn't flee genocide, but that Israel can't even get their act together for their own citizens, should be proof enough to Halkin that his criticism is off the mark.

Just today the Jerusalem Post reports the following:
The majority of former Gaza periphery residents are in dire conditions, says a report published by an ad hoc parliamentary committee established to determine the aftermath of the 2005 disengagement.

Israel Radio reported Tuesday afternoon that most of the evacuees were still living in temporary housing and that hundreds of families were dependent on assistance from welfare services.

The report also found that the percentage of unemployed Gaza periphery evacuees was double their number before the disengagement.

The Ministry of Education estimated that approximately half the schoolchildren from evacuees' families did not return to normal functioning, that about a third of them needed extensive help in studying and that many of the children needed support and professional counseling.

Junior high- and high school pupils exhibited a decline in achievements and lower concentration span.

School counselors reported an increase in abuse of controlled substances, decline in the development of social skills and rise in suicidal thoughts among teenagers.

The report was published preceding a discussion on the disengagement evacuees' condition in the Knesset's State Control Committee.
Some might say that Israel has the moral imperative to accept Sudanese refugees, in light of the Holocaust.

To them I say, there weren't any Jewish countries back then to accept Jewish refugees. Today, we have only one, tiny country.

And we don't need to sacrifice it.

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Egypt MP: Only nuclear bomb can stop Israeli digging [at the Mugrabi gate]

And this wasn't just any Member of the Egyptian Parliment, this was Mohamed el-Katatny of President Hosni Mubarak's National Democratic Party (NDP). (YNET)

"That cursed Israel is trying to destroy al-Aqsa mosque...Nothing will work with Israel except for a nuclear bomb that wipes it out of existence." --MP Mohamed el-Katatny (NDP)

"The war with Israel is still ongoing whether we like it or not," --MP Khalifa Radwan (NDP)

"What this (Israeli) gang is doing makes me demand that we trample over all the agreements we signed." --MP Mohamed Amer (NDP)

"Know that the Israeli establishment, which wants to conquer al-Aqsa, has already started to destroy part of the mosque." --Sheikh Ra’ad Salah, head of the Islamic Movement

"The Aqsa Mosque is in real danger and needs Muslim support to defend and spare it the rancorous Israeli conspiracies" --Palestinian Chief Justice Tayseer al-Tamimi

"The Israeli occupation government is conspiring to finally destroy the Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest Muslim shrine world-wide, and to install the alleged Third Temple on its ruins." --Hamas Website

Last week, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said "There are irresponsible people, who know perfectly well that there is no damage being done to any holy site, who are abusing the Israeli democracy to incite religious sentiments for political gains."

Who loves these irresponsible people?

I assume the answer lies in this AP Confidential News Form which was sent by a loyal Muqata reader.

Friday Prayer Meeting Report Form
Property of the Associated Press

Instructions for Reporters: Please use this form to report on the news that involves Friday prayer meetings. Please have your work turned in no later than 3:00PM on Friday. Keep in mind that it is not necessary for the events to have concluded (or even taken place) before completing your submissions. Accompanying photographs will be created by the graphic design department. Please check the requested photo type below.

__Weeping Muslim Mother
__Weeping Muslim Mother with Injured Child
__Damaged Ambulance – Please circle damage requested (missile damage/fire damage/bullet holes)
__Where’s Waldo (the same man posed in various types of rubble)
__General Rubble (wide angle or close up) – Please indicate the number of smoke plumes: ____

Please note that we are no longer doing “RUSH” jobs on the photos because of the recent problems with the cloning tool in Photoshop. (Thanks a lot Ahmed!)


(Please circle or fill in the blanks as desired)

On Friday following prayer meetings in (Jerusalem/Baghdad/London/Dearborn) a public demonstration was held by Muslims to express their outrage over (fill in the blank). The demonstration included cries of “Allahu Akbar” amid hundreds of Hamas and Palestinian flags. During the demonstration several American flags and effigies of the (American President/British PM/Israeli PM) were burned and stepped on by Muslim youths while veiled women looked on supportively. Imam Muhammad al-Muhammad al-Muhammad said, “The (fill in the blank) is an insult and a humiliation to the people of Islam. We expect an immediate (withdrawal/apology/cash settlement/shipment of goats) to let the world know that the (Israelis/Americans/scary monsters) have wronged the people of Allah.”

During the demonstration the Muslim youths in attendance allegedly began throwing rocks at the (Israeli Defense Force/Police/local KFC). Imam Tariqi al-Husseini al-Sumbahdi stated “We were simply (peacefully protesting/praying/reading the Koran) when we were attacked. Many of our children were killed in the attack but I didn’t see any of them throwing rocks.” An investigation concluded that no rocks could be traced back to the alleged Muslim perpetrators indicating that it was probably incited by the (jooz).

This most recent event makes it clear how (the Israeli-Palestinian conflict/the occupation of Iraq/global warming) is causing increased problems in the region. White House representatives condemned the deaths and issued a (warning/caution/concerned glance) to (the IDF/Israel/scary monsters) for escalating tensions in the region. To help the suffering Muslims the US Administration has agreed to send (fill in the blank) million dollars to help fund peaceful efforts in the region.

Jamil Hussein released a statement verifying all events in this report.

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael

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