Showing posts with label Cairo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cairo. Show all posts

Sunday, September 11, 2011

CNN on Arab Spring Egyptian Rioters: "They were animals"

On Friday Night, Arab Spring Rioters surrounded the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, and attempted to enter the embassy and slaughter 6 Israeli security guards. This is nothing new, as Arab mobs have a long and bloody history of mob mentality, ranging from the 1929 massacre in Hevron to the lynching of 2 IDF soldiers in PA controlled Ramalla -- where a Palestinian mob stabbed and pummeled 2 IDF soldiers to death, ripped out the heart of one of them, and threw their bodies from the window of the PA police station -- all to the cheering crescendo of a Palestinian mob.

Luckily, US President Obama intervened on Friday night when Egypt's head of of their "Supreme Military Council" refused to answer urgent telephone calls from Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to defend the Israeli embassy in Cairo.
"I'm glad we managed to prevent a disaster and would like to thank US President Obama for his help. I would also like to congratulate all the intelligence officials who helped in the rescue for their excellent work.

"The fact that the Egyptian authorities acted with determination and rescued our people should be noted and we extend them our thanks," the prime minister added. "However, Egypt must not ignore the severe injury to the fabric of peace with Israel and such a blatant violation of international norms. We will hold consultations later on." YNET
For Jews to call Palestinian or Egyptian mobs, "animals", is simply not politically correct.

In the era of Israel's attempts to reach a semblance of peace with the Palestinians, we do not call the perpetrators of such barbaric acts, "animals." (Unfortunately, some Israelis are so politically correct, they even try to justify terrorist attacks against Israelis and then they get confused about what they were trying to say in the first place).

Yet Friday night's mob attack in Egypt had other targets besides the Israelis....CNN and other foreign reporters.
Cairo (CNN) -- An angry crowd lingering near the Israeli embassy in Cairo after an attack on the building a day earlier turned on journalists reporting the incident Saturday, accusing at least one of being an Israeli spy.

As a CNN crew filmed the embassy from across the street, another crew from American public television -- led by Egyptian television producer Dina Amer -- approached the building.

The crew's Russian cameraman was preparing to film the embassy when a woman in the crowd began hurling insults at the TV team, Amer said.

"There was this older lady who decided to follow me and rally people against me," Amer recalled.

"She said 'you're a spy working with the Americans.' Then they swarmed me and I was a target."

A growing crowd surrounded Amer and her colleagues, as they tried to leave the scene.

Mohamed Fadel Fahmy, a producer working for CNN, rushed to help escort Amer through the angry crowd. But suddenly the two reporters were pinned against the railing of an overpass by young men who were accusing Amer of being an Israeli spy.

Yelling "I'm Egyptian," Fahmy managed to pull Amer another 10 meters down the road, until the pressure from the mob overwhelmed the pair.

Amer screamed as she and Fahmy were knocked to the ground and the crowd started to trample them.

Other CNN journalists tried to reach in to help, but were pushed back by a wall of angry men.

Fahmy lay on top of Amer, shielding her with his body.

"I was thinking, how powerless I was because there was no police to save us," Fahmy said. "I was worried that they were going to rape her."

At that moment, a student bystander named Mohammed el Banna called out to the journalists and pointed out a nearby car.

Somehow, Fahmy managed to carry Amer to the open door of the public television crew's car, where two of her female colleagues were waiting just a few feet away.

The mob pounded on the windows and tried to reach into the vehicle as the panicked reporters fumbled and struggled to get behind the steering wheel.

When Margaret Warner, a correspondent with the PBS program "Newshour" managed to get the vehicle moving away from the crowd, men threw stones at the departing vehicle.

Amer had few words to describe the terrifying ordeal.

"They were animals," she said.

Other Egyptian journalists told CNN they were also attacked Saturday while trying to report near the Israeli embassy.

Ahmed Aleiba, a correspondent with Egyptian state television, said he was pursued by civilians and soldiers.

"I had to run because obviously they were targeting journalists," Aleiba said in a phone call with CNN. "They attacked two other TV crews."

"I was in the car getting ready to film. A soldier knocked on the window with his stick and said 'if you don't leave by midnight your car will be destroyed,"" said Farah Saafan, a video journalist with the English-language newspaper Daily News Egypt. (CNN)
How totally un-PC of CNN to refer to the democratic Arab Spring Egyptian mob as animals. I expected much more from them and I hope they will be quickly admonished by the Huffington Post.

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Friday, February 11, 2011

Live Feed from Tahrir Square

Watch a live video feed from Tahrir square on the Muqata:

Click here to our dedicated Tahrir Square page.

Turn on the volume to to listen too.

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

As Egypt Falls Apart...

Some of today's tidbits from a collapsing Egypt.

1. Glad we gave the Sinai to Egypt -- the US guarantees for a demilitarized Sinai don't seem to be working.
"Jerusalem - Israel said Sunday it was watching developments as Egypt moved military forces into Sharm el-Sheikh, but declined further comment.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor, contacted by the German Press Agency dpa, only said Israel was following and checking the media reports about the development.

But in following the Israeli government line about developments in Egypt, he declined further comment.

Nor did he show much concern about whether the Egyptian military move was possibly in violation of the 1979 Camp David peace agreement regarding the number of forces in the Sinai, commenting that these details could be checked in the internet."(M&C) [and kudos to Lurker for spotting this first via Maan]
2. Tens of thousands continue to riot in Cairo...Foreign Minister flees under heavy fire.
Former Egyptian Interior Minister Habib El-Adly was evacuated from the Interior Ministry Building in Cairo under heavy fire, Al-Jazeera reported Sunday afternoon, despite the authorities' attempt to shut down the Qatari network in the country.

At the same time, tens of thousands of protestors were making their way to the Tahrir Square in central Cairo. Al-Jazeera said the protestors were carrying signs calling on President Hosni Mubarak to resign and throwing stones at his picture. Military forces remained deployed in the area, observing the protestors. (Ynetnews)
3. Remains of Egyptian Government Shuts Down Al-Jazeera. (No Leaks for YOU!)
Egypt said on Sunday it had shut down the operations of Arab satellite broadcaster Al-Jazeera, which according to the authorities had encouraged the uprising in the country, in an attempt to restore order.

"The Information Minister ordered ... suspension of operations of Al-Jazeera, cancelling of its licenses and withdrawing accreditation to all its staff as of today," a statement on the official Mena news agency said. The Qatari network said the move was aimed at "silencing the Egyptian people". (Ynetnews)
4. IDF building emergency fence to block roads coming in from Egypt.
No sitting on the fence: Red Division's engineering prepares to block the first of a number of roads on the international border with Egypt. The first roadblock, set up as a pilot, will soon be build via the combined forces of the engineering department (desig), Field Engineering Command, Eilat's IDF Control Center and the IAF-Israeli Air Force.

The model was built by civilian officials, with planning and building lasting only two weeks. The Division is being tasked to seal roads in problematic Eilat IDF Control Center sectors.

The first point to be blocked is considered a "hot" sector, due to multiple infiltrations at that location. For example, this point was infiltrated by a Palestinian terrorist in 2007, who attacked civilians.

The road will be blocked by fences, with varying heights. Designed to be "thorny" and with razor blades on the sides will make it difficult for infiltrators to pass through. The fence will have such small holes in it, that it will be too narrow to insert even a finger. Special sections of the fence will be installed by transport helicopters and constructed by the engineering corps. (IDF Spox)
5. As Egypt hunkers down, Al Jazeera reports that Hosni Mubarak is planning his getaway.

Not to Europe, England or the USA.

Al Jazeera believes he's on his Tel-Aviv!
"According to sources in the Egyptian Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel is making preparations to welcome Hosni Mubarak into exile after Saudi Arabia rejected overtures" (Al-Jazeera)
You don't have to believe it (after all, it's from Al-Jazeera), but take a look at the faces of Mubarak's good friends from Israel's Labor and Kadima parties.

Fuad "Binyamin" Ben-Eliezer promised us last week that his good friend Mubarak was in total control of his country (and that Mubarak cares about his people).

Olmert is smiling wider than a cat that swallowed the canary...

And don't forget Labor Leader (oops, aren't they now called the "Independence" party?) Ehud Barak with his close friend Mubarak.

Don't fool yourselves -- this is exactly what we can expect from Abu Mazan in the Palestinian Authority...and unstable regime with a peace treaty not worth the paper it's signed on.

6. Last but not least...Globes is reporting that the Iranians are blaming the entire destabilization demonstrations in Egypt...on Israelis vultures and sharks? Nope...Israeli command units.

(poorly translated by google translate)
"Israeli commando forces came to Cairo in order to create tension and unrest in the city," he distributes today (Sunday)'s official news agency of Iran's Islamic Republic. Information sources to IRNA reported that the appointment of Egyptian Intelligence Chief Gen. Omar Suleiman, whom they call the main negotiating with the Zionist regime, the deputy of President Mubarak, shows in fact that Mubarak gives green light to the Zionist regime to intervene in local events in his country. "

Eyewitness to the Iranian news agency said on the phone that "he saw suspicious attacks on commercial and residential places and killings by people suspected of Cairo which created uncertain conditions in the country." Witness referred rumor that Israeli agents integrated into the crowd to lead the public protest turned violent civil conflicts.

Several witness that when his contract with a number of American and Zionist leaders in the last 24 hours, President Mubarak warned that toppling his administration will pave the way for the "flow of oxygen" to Israeli rule.

Meanwhile, Zionist officials have expressed strong support for Mubarak's dictatorial regime and believe that the possible collapse will lead to further isolation in the Zionist regime" was written.

The article noted that while the American daily newspaper, The Washington Post reported that Israel is closely following the developments in the Arab world as developments in the area are considered "an earthquake." (Globes)
There are other reports of demonstrations in Jordan and Saudi Arabia, but the press is keeping a tight lid on those. (The Muqata posted about Mubarack's son fleeing to England a full 24 hours before most news outlets picked up on it)

Stayed tuned.

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