Showing posts with label Antisemitism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Antisemitism. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hidden Undertones in the new "Arab Democracies"

I heard this on the radio, this past Sunday:

"Former chief Palestinian Authority negotiator Saeb Erekat told Army Radio on Sunday that Israelis should not be afraid of democracy in the Arab world. Democracy is the "main support system for peace," he said." (JPost)

Should Israelis really fear Arab Democracy?

Let's examine many of the "democratic" Arab revolutions going these days.

A CBS reporter was brutally attacked while covering the Democracy Riots in Egypt (source) As she was assaulted by the peaceful mob, they kept screaming, "Jew, Jew". (source) The reporter in question isn't Jewish, but the mob thought she might be. Noted Israeli-American left wing reporter says she deserved it because she's a "[right wing] warmonger" (source)

Of course, this attack and others on media correspondents, an the rampant violence is completely ignored by Thomas Friedman, as he wrote in the NY Times that "It [the riot] was completely non-violent and only resorted to stone-throwing when faced with attacks by regime thugs." He also wrote, "This was about Egypt and about the longing of Egyptians for the most basic human rights, which were described to me by opposition Egyptian newspaper editor Ibrahim Essa as “freedom, dignity and justice.’" Friedman means freedom and dignity for Arab men, not for Western female reporters.

Digressing from Egypt, let's focus on Jordan. As a result of Democracy demonstrations in Jordan, King Hussein fired and replaced the entire government cabinet. The new and improved Justice Minister has Israel rather miffed.
Minister Hussein Mjali was appointed last week in a government shakeup following protests inspired by the Egyptian uprising. He drew condemnation in Israel after he joined protester calling for the release of Ahmed Deqamseh, a terrorist serving time in Jordan for killing seven Israeli school children in 1997.

Mjali, who is seen as close to the Muslim opposition, served as the defense lawyer for Deqamseh, who was a soldier when he killed the children who were on an outing in Naharayim, on the border between Israel and Jordan.

"Israel is a terrorist state," Mjali said in the interview, adding that that explained Israel's position over freeing Daqamseh. (Haaretz)

While the previous Jordanian monarch visited the 7 families of the murdered girls, and at their homes in Beit Shemesh he expressed his grief and apologies, the current "new and improved democracy cabinet Justice Minister" is lobbying for the terrorist's release.

So much for Jordan. Democracy is also sweeping Tunisia.
In a shocking, horrible video (here) posted to facebook, hordes of Western, modern-looking, "democratic" Muslims attack the Great Synagogue of Tunis to the chants of "Allahua Akbar!" and the genocial Islamic death chant:

"Khaybar Khaybar ya yahud, Jaish Muhammad saya'ud," which means "Jews, remember Khaybar, the army of Mohammed is returning." This cry relates to an event in the seventh century when Muslims massacred and expelled Jews from the town of Khaybar, in modern-day Arabia. (Atlas Shrugs)
Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, don't forget the Bialin weekly security fence riots, where naive Western female "activists" can expect to be assaulted by their male Palestinian co-demonstrators. (source)

When Saeb Erekat says that Israel shouldn't be afraid of democracy in the Arab world, he's basically trying to convince Israel to embrace suicide.

Till we see responsible, moral, ethical and non-antisemitic Arab democracies in the Middle East, Israel needs to be extremely careful and vigilant. To date, none of the "Middle East Democratic Arab Revolutions" fit that bill.

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Thursday, June 24, 2010

German-Muslim teens attack Jews

The Associated Press reports:

BERLIN — A Jewish dance group was attacked with stones by a group of children and teenagers during a performance at a street festival in the Germany city of Hannover, police said Thursday. One dancer suffered a leg injury and the group then canceled their performance.

The teenagers also used a megaphone to shout anti-Semitic slurs during the Saturday afternoon attack, Hannover police spokesman Thorsten Schiewe said.

Police said the incident is under investigation and that they do not have an exact number of attackers yet. Schiewe said there were several Muslim immigrant youths among the attackers.

Two suspects, a 14-year-old and a 19-year-old, were being questioned, he said.

Alla Volodarska, whose Progressive Jewish community of Hannover group held the performance, told The Associated Press in an interview that members were still in shock.

"What happened is just so awful," Volodarska said. "The teenagers started throwing stones the moment our dance group was announced, even before they started dancing."

"There were many kids throwing stones, many of them, but we don't know the exact number," she said, adding that the community had performed Israeli group dances at many festivals in the past and never experienced this kind of hostility before.

As many well-meaning people might say, this isn't antisemitism at all (despite the anti-Semitic slurs), but simply valid criticism of Israel and its handling of the flotilla.

Update: Oleh Girl has some more info:
Arab and Turkish ‘youths’ caused a serious anti-Semitic incident last Saturday at a city festival in Hannover. A variety of dance groups and other entertainers (I’ve been to these kinds of festivals in Germany so things like local school gymnastics groups and so forth) took the stage. However, when an Israeli troupe of folk dancers, invited on the behalf of the liberal Jewish community, came on the stage they were attacked by approximately 30 stone-throwing Arabic and Turkish teens between the ages of 12-16 who shouted: “Jews out”. The dancers were forced to flee the stage and one of the dancers was injured with a concussion from the stones thrown.

The teens had come prepared with stones and a mega-phone over which a 16 year old boy repeatedly yelled “Juden Raus” (Jews out) and his cry was joined by the other stone-throwers.

I wonder what reaction Hannover's Jewish community had towards Israel's treatment of the flotilla incident.

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Monday, March 08, 2010

The dogs of Sheikh Jarrah

by Lurker

Have you ever wondered about what Arabs think of their Jewish anti-Israel fellow travellers? The video below might provide a hint. It's from one of the weekly demonstrations held by the radical left in the Jerusalem neigborhood of Shimon HaTzaddik (aka "Sheikh Jarrah")*.

In the video, several demonstrators can be seen getting arrested by the police. The overwhelming majority of the arrestees seem to be Israeli Jews. Meanwhile, starting at about 3:19 in the video, a woman in traditional Arab garb, looking on as these pro-Arab Jewish demonstrators are led away by the police, loudly shouts the following chant:

"Falasteene Bladna, al-Yahud klabna!"

This translates into:

"Palestine is our land, the Jews are our dogs!"

(It should be noted, by the way, that she did not say that the "Zionists" are the Arabs' dogs, or that the "Israelis" are their dogs -- she said that the "Jews" are their dogs.)

Now, this raises an interesting question: Who, exactly, are the Jews that this woman is describing as her "dogs"? Surely not the ones living in the building! While there is no question that the Arabs despise those Jews, it would be absurd to suggest that those particular Jews are playing the role of the Arabs' "dogs". Quite the opposite -- the Jews who live in Shimon HaTzaddik stubbornly refuse to obey the Arabs' will, and do not allow themselves to be intimidated into abandoning their heritage. Hardly what the Arabs would expect from their "dogs".

Clearly, the Arabs' "dogs" about whom the woman is chanting can only be the leftist Jewish demonstrators, who are being marched off by the police as she watches and grins. And very obedient "dogs" they are, dutifully and eagerly carrying out the desires of their Arab "masters", and basely seeking their masters' approval.

The woman seems quite animated and enthused about all the tricks that her "dogs" are performing for her. On their masters' command, they can sit, fetch, beg, play dead -- and even get arrested.

Now, since this video shows an Arab demonstrator in Shimon HaTzaddik shouting a disgusting antisemitic slur, you might assume that the video was publicized by a right-wing, pro-Jewish group, seeking to publicly expose the antisemitism and condescension of the Arab demonstrators at these events.

But then, you would be wrong: In fact, this video was publicized -- believe it or not -- by one of the leftist organizations that demonstrates regularly in Shimon HaTzaddik, as part of their effort to promote their anti-Israel agenda! (The organization, "Ta'ayush", which means "coexistence" -- is funded by -- guess who -- yes, the New Israel Fund.) Apparently, these leftist, anti-Israel Jews have become so accustomed and desensitized by their constant exposure to blatant antisemitism, that it didn't even occur to them that it might not be so smart to publicize a video in which one of their fellow Arab demonstrators declares that "the Jews are our dogs".

In fact, I would say that the most striking thing about this video is not the fact that an Arab said that Jews are dogs (which is hardly unusual), but the fact that the leftist organization that posted it saw nothing at all untoward or embarrassing about this.

Jews have always been particularly adept at convincing themselves that it's only raining while they're being spat upon. But as this video shows, groups like "Ta'ayush" have turned this pathological character flaw into a veritable art.

(For the record, I did a search to see whether "Ta'ayush" or any of the other leftist or Arab organizations who sponsor the demonstrations in Shimon HaTzaddik issued a condemnation of the "Jews are our dogs" chant. I failed to find any such condemnation.)

At 2:36 in the video, extremist anti-archaeology Rabbi Arik Ascherman of the grossly misnamed "Rabbis for Human Rights" (funded by -- surprise, surprise -- the New Israel Fund) can be seen urging all the demonstrators to come back the following week for more of the same.

One cannot help but wonder what the Jewish demonstrators -- especially the ones being led away in handcuffs -- thought as the loud Arab woman "thanked" them for their devotion and sacrifice toward the Palestinian cause, by proclaiming them to be the Arabs' "dogs" -- and in their very presence. Do you think any of them took offense at this vile affront to their people, and decided not to come back the following week?

I doubt it.

Hat-tip: ck of Jewlicious

* Some background on the Shimon HaTzaddik neigborhood:

Shimon HaTzaddik was a Tanna (Jewish sage of the Mishnaic period) and a Kohen Gadol (High Priest), who lived approximately 2300 years ago in Jerusalem. The neighborhood in question is named for Shimon HaTzaddik because his tomb is located there.

The neighborhood was built and settled by Jews in 1876. A community of poor Sefardic Jews lived there, until they were driven out during the Arab massacres of 1936, but they returned shortly afterward. In December 1947, the community came under attack once again by the Arabs, who drove them out.

Jordan did not allow the Jews to return to Shimon HaTzaddik after the war. The armistice agreement stipulated that Jordan would permit Jews to visit their holy sites, and the tomb of Shimon HaTzaddik was mentioned explicitly. However, Jordan did not abide by this agreement, and in fact shot dead any Jew who approached the border. (Similarly, Jordan did not allow Jews to come to the Western Wall, or to the ancient Mount of Olives cemetary, whose tombstones they desecrated and turned into latrines.) In addition, Jordan changed the name of the neighborhood to "Sheikh Jarrah", and populated the Jewish-owned homes with Arab settlers.

After Israel captured eastern Jerusalem during the 1967 war, the illegal Arab settlers were permitted to remain on the property, with the stipulation that they pay rent to the legal Sefardic Jewish owners. The Arabs refused to pay rent, however, and eventually the Jewish owners filed suit for the squatters' eviction. Several months ago, the Jews won their (rather open-and-shut) case in Israel's Supreme Court, and two illegal Arab settler families were ordered to vacate the premises. After they refused, they were evicted. Jewish families then returned to the Jewish-owned homes of Shimon HaTzaddik, for the first time since they were attacked and driven out in 1947.

From that point onward, radical Israeli leftists have been holding anti-Jewish demonstrations in "Sheikh Jarrah" every Friday. As a rule, the Israeli left purports to hold the "Rule of Law" as a fundamental value, and demands strict adherence to the rulings of Israel's Supreme Court, which they regard as the cornerstone of Israel's democracy. In spite of this, however, these same leftists are now stridently calling for the Supreme Court's ruling to be disregarded, and for the "Rule of Law" be abandoned: They are demanding that the State flout the Supreme Court's ruling by expelling the Jewish, legal owners of the Shimon HaTzaddik homes, and by allowing the illegal Arab squatters to return. Apparently, for Israel's leftists, the true value of "Rule of Law" and "Democracy" depends upon the ethnicity of whose ox is being gored...

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cold Turkey

I hope this Friday we get to hear Caroline Glick weigh in on this.

If you read my post on JoeSettler, you'd know that relations with Turkey are going down the toilet at warp speed.

Apparently there isn't much the Turkish government won't do at the moment to effectively end its relationship with Israel.

On Turkish State sponsored TV TRT1, the Turks are running a new prime-time show that portrays Israeli soldiers as indiscriminately and bloodthirstily murdering Arabs left and right - even lining them the Arabs up to be killed by firing squads.

As you can see, the fighting scenes are really poorly choreographed. It looks like the Palestinians are shooting each other in the back. Hmmm. Rather true to life on second thought.

Anyway, unless you're an anti-Semite, you know that Israel doesn't do such things. (Here's where our idiotic/dweeb anti-Semitic readers actually think they receive an invitation to comment).

Yet the question deserves to be asked, where are the Turks coming up with ideas like firing squads and the other things they blame on Israel in this popular TV series?

Why actually one needn't look much further than Turkey's own sordid trysts with Genocide.

Firing squads are part of the history of Turkeys in their attempt at genocide against the Armenian people, and more recently the Kurds.

Yup, the writers of this Turkish trash are actually projecting and portraying parts of their own sordid history on TV, and rebranding Turkey as Israel.

Must be the guilt.

This Latma piece on Turkey is far more entertaining.

The piece starts at 3:47 and finishes at 6:13

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How the Arab World Views Israel's Democratic Elections

Roundup of Political cartoons from the Arab world depicting Israel's Democratic elections. (source)

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Friday, November 21, 2008


This has already been posted at my own blog (At the Back of the Hill, but I am opportunistically posting it here to give it wider exposure.

Background: On Thursday November 13 there was a confrontation between alleged Palestinian students and several Jewish students at UC Berkeley. Since then, the 'Students for Justice in Palestine' have ramped up the hate-filled rhetoric, on a campus already sodden with anti-Israel bias, in an attempt to have certain Jews expelled and the pro-Israel students silenced. The city and university at Berkeley have for a long time represented a far-left extremism, and as you can probably guess, being pro-Israel, being a Zionist, or even being a non-quivering Jew, are considered politically incorrect in Berkeley.

By John E. Moghtader & Elodie Resseguie

Long a hotbed of anti-Israel activity, U.C. Berkeley has barely had a strong pro-Israel presence on campus. Until now, with Tikvah: Students for Israel, the Zionist student group at U.C. Berkeley.

We are the group that stepped up to protest when academics John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt visited Cal in October 2007 to hawk their book, a nefarious smear job titled "The Jewish Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy."

We were also there last month when the virulently anti-Israel academic Norman Finkelstein came to speak.

Before the lecture, we respectfully distributed our literature outside. Once inside, Finkelstein’s level of anti-Semitic vitriol prompted a walkout of Tikvah students and others not associated with our group. We shouted out our opinions while exiting, as the crowd hurled expletives at us. Finkelstein and his colleague then continued delivering their insulting lies.

As a result, the dean of students is now seeking to discipline Tikvah and individual students for an "offense" which in the past barely warranted mention when undertaken by student groups involved in anti-Israel activities.

For example, when Middle East scholar Daniel Pipes tried to speak on campus several years ago, he was shouted down by members of Students for Justice in Palestine and the Muslim Student Association. At the time the chancellor said, "Uncivil behavior, lamentable as it is, is not a crime, nor is it a violation of the Code of Student Conduct." No disciplinary action was taken against SJP or its members for that incident, nor when Nonie Darwish was likewise shouted down a year ago.

Only last week, SJP disrupted an innovative Zionist hip-hop concert on campus. Even though no Jewish students were involved in the physical altercation that ensued (contrary to what was reported in the school paper and what SJP claims), we wait to see how the university will deal with the assailants from SJP.

Other violations by SJP of the U.C. code of conduct — such as blocking of pedestrian traffic with demonstrations, the brandishing of fake firearms, physical harassment and intimidation of Jewish students — were presented to the dean of students but have been ignored.

What we see here is a double standard, one for the rest of campus and another for the Jews and those who actively support Israel.
Our tax dollars support the U.C. system, and Jewish donors are very prominent in supporting the U.C. campuses. It’s time for the Jewish community to become aware of what is happening at our university.

Meanwhile, Tikvah has a consistent record of positive, pro-Israel programming on campus. Until our inception a year ago, there was no substantive pro-Israel voice on campus. We changed that, attracting students of various religious and cultural backgrounds to our cause. We have collaborated with many off-campus groups, including the Israeli Consulate, Israel Peace Initiative, S.F.-based Jewish Community Relations Council, U.C. Berkeley Chabad, CAMERA, StandWithUs, JIMENA and more. Once again Jews walk with pride across Sproul Plaza.

We have also sponsored many successful events. On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we took out ads in the student newspaper highlighting the civil rights leader’s strong support of the Jewish state. We have hosted lectures by Dennis Prager, Stanley Urman, Israeli Vice Consul Ishmael Khaldi (who spoke about being the highest-ranking Muslim in the Israeli foreign service) and others.

Last year we held two weeklong programs brimming with pro-Israel activities: Israel Peace and Diversity Week and Israel@60 Week (which included a widely attended on-campus Holocaust memorial on Yom HaShoah). We just finished our latest effort, Israel Liberation Week, and we have also been a positive influence on student government, with John Moghtader, a current senator in the Associated Students of the University of California, leading our group.

Regarding the Jewish Student Union and Berkeley Hillel, we must clarify misstatements that ran in j. Even though Tikvah is the largest and most active Jewish student group on campus, we have been allocated precisely zero dollars from the JSU this school year.
While the JSU and Berkeley Hillel remain silent, we are the ones on Sproul Plaza and around campus protesting the Finkelsteins of the world, educating students about Israel, organizing rallies and holding Holocaust memorials.

We were dumbfounded to find that Hillel is presuming to play some role in all this, as Tikvah has never been affiliated with Berkeley Hillel, nor have we ever received funds from them for any of our activities.

We are a grassroots student group. Our goal is to make sure Jewish students do not have to be subjected to a hostile anti-Israel, anti-Semitic environment on campus. That’s our bottom line.

John E. Moghtader, a third-year undergraduate at U.C. Berkeley, is an Associated Students of the University of California senator and president of Tikvah.
Elodie Resseguie is a fourth-year undergraduate at U.C. Berkeley and is on the Tikvah executive board. To learn more about Tikvah, e-mail or visit


Message above reproduced here as a courtesy. This blogger both sympathizes with them and admires their courageous stand.

Please give Tikvah your attention and support, visit their site, and blogroll it. Thank you.

Posted on Friday November 21, 2008 at 1:20 PM - Pacific Standard Time.

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Rabbosai, I am taking the liberty of posting this here for the benefit of residents in the New York area who may cruise into this blog over the weekend. I am doing so because Jameel has more readers than I do, and reaches a wider, more connected audience.

[Some of you may have reservations about Stand With Us. If so, I urge you to put them aside for the time being. But I would be keen to hear your feedback or ideas, so please feel free to contact me at my own blog: ----- B.O.T.H.]

[This Monday, September 24]

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's will visit to the US this coming Monday, September 24. It is shocking to think that he will not only be addressing the United Nations in New York but he will also be speaking at Columbia University, spewing his hatred of America, Israel and Jews.

Since he will be allowed to make his voice heard, our voices must be louder.

Multiple organizations are mobilizing two different rallies to challenge this insanity. One at Columbia University: W 116th street and Broadway (across from Lerner Hall) Monday, September 24th 1 - 3 p.m. Busses will be coming from Brooklyn College, Queens College, Rutgers University and more.

The Second Rally will take place at NOON at 2nd Ave. and 47th street, Subways 4, 5, 6 or 7 to grand central station... TWELVE NOON-- rain or shine.

We are aware that the Columbia event MAY GET CANCELED but as of now, Friday afternoon in New York, it is still scheduled to happen. STAY TUNED to the home page at, and we will give you an update if it is canceled. AND...IF IT GETS CANCELED we need you to go to the United Nations location for the rally organized by the Conference of Presidents and supported by multiple organizations including StandWithUs... and will be held at 2nd Ave. and 47th street, Subways 4, 5, 6 or 7 to grand central station... TWELVE NOON-- rain or shine.

Busses will leave Rutgers at 11:00 Busses will leave Queens and Brooklyn Colleges 11:30 Exact pick up points to be announced on Sunday, check back with home page for updates before Monday.

Bring friends... this is a time to stand up together and condemn the face of evil, and any platform that would allow evil to promote itself.

phone: 310-836-6140

Regards, gmar chasimah tovah to all, and may you have an easy and meaningful fast.


Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Chuchill to Jews: Assimilate and your troubles will stop.

In 1937, Britain's leader, Winston Churchill arrived at the same conclusion as Theodore Herzel:

For Jews to survive as a people, and to avoid antisemitism, they need to assimilate (while Herzel said they should just outright "convert".)

In a recently found article entitled, "How The Jews Can Combat Persecution", Churchill wrote about the Jews:

"The central fact which dominates the relations of Jew and non-Jew is that the Jew is 'different'.

"He looks different. He thinks differently. He has a different tradition and background. He refuses to be absorbed."

Though, as Herzel, Churchill wasn't specifically "targeting Jews", and he also praised them as "sober, industrious, law-abiding" and urged Britons to stand up for the race against persecution.

So as anti-Israel sentiment and antisemitism continue to race across Europe today, is the solution to remove one's kippa, and hunker down in the trenches to disguise one's Judaism?

I don't blame Churchill -- he was thinking "pragmatically".

Moving to Israel and building a Jewish State was such a "crazy" idea, that he probably didn't think it was viable.

It's still not viable today.

Yet we continue to survive anyway.

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Paris Wrapup. On to England...

Paris is history.

I'm now sitting in a Hilton hotel lounge in southern England, waiting for their CRASHED computer system to come up so they can check in all the people (like me) waiting here in the lounge. Some are on their laptops typing away, others drinking and drinking...

So, while I'm waiting to check in, here's my Paris story for you.

(Just as a side point, I was given a demo today, and the person who presented the demo was named, "JAMAL". I almost burst out laughing in his life is such a blog post, or the otherway around)

My French work colleague was very gracious and offered to drive me around Paris a bit before my flight out this evening. When I hosted him in Yerushalayim last month I went around the old city with him, so he was very happy to reciprocate.

On our drive to the Eiffel Tower, he told me about how as a French national, he was proud that France is doing a lot to come to grips with its complicity with the Nazis during the Holocaust. He spoke about memorials being erected to remember France's part in the deportation of Jews, classes being taught in schools, and the rigid "Holocaust anti-denial" laws.

I told him that I still hadn't decided whether I would wear a kippa or a cap when going outside to the different sights to take pictures, and when he heard my indecision, he was absolutely horrified.

He was deeply embarrassed that antisemitism is so rampant that almost all Jews refrain from wear kippot in France, and he insisted that I wear my kippa. He was literally overwhelmed that I was considering otherwise, and repeated over and over, "you MUST wear must," as if wearing a cap would humiliate him -- that I would be in danger by proudly expressing my Judaism in his country.

I decided in the end (to his relief) to wear my kippa as I got out at the Eiffel Tower to take some pictures and mingle in the crowd to get better shots. Don't get me wrong -- there were stares and stares from many people there, but I ignored them as I took my pictures (and kept looking around, ready to defend myself from any attack).

While it was depressing that I had to be in such a defensive mode, my colleague was very appreciative, and he respected me even more afterwards. hotel just announced (after a whole hour of waiting) that their computer systems are up and running. Therefore, I'll just post some pics of mine from today, and will continue blogging tomorrow.

Layla Tov.


Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael

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