Showing posts with label Mossad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mossad. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Top 10 Reasons Prisoner X was Kept in Solitary Confinement Under Heavy Censorship

As you must have heard, Prisoner X, was kept in a secret government jail, and it's forbidden by the censor to talk about him or his incarceration.

Here at the Muqata, we've uncovered the real reasons why Prisoner X was arrested.

Here they are (a joint Joe-Jameel effort):

10. He tried baking dairy Borekas in the wrong shape

9. He was clandestinely helping fund Women of the Wall

8. Arrested for protesting against the Disengagement

7. Had proof of who really killed Rabin

6. Had a Talansky envelope with Olmert's fingerprints on it

5. Had proof Aryeh Deri really was innocent

4. Censored

3. Had dirt on why the Pope really quit

2. Had a copy of Obama's real birth certificate

And reason number 1 is...

1. Sara Netanyahu told Bibi to put him in jail in solitary confinement.

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Yet another "mysterious" explosion in Iran

4:12 PM Arab sources are reporting a mysterious explosion in the Iranian town of Mashab. An "experimental" facitiliy has been serious damaged, and source are reporting that no civilians are allowed to enter the area. (initial source)

Don't look to this commerical for clues...

The Muqata hereby announces that it cannot confirm or deny any Israeli involvement in today's explosion in Iran. And we also adopy the same policy with regard to this HuffPo article from today.

Deadly attacks on Iranian nuclear scientists are being carried out by an Iranian dissident group that is financed, trained and armed by Israel’s secret service, U.S. officials tell NBC News, confirming charges leveled by Iran’s leaders.

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Israel Evacuates Consular Personnel

Channel 10/Nana News reports that on the third anniversary of the assassination of Hezbollah arch-terrorist Imad Mughniyeh approaches, Israel has recalled diplomatic personnel, temporarily closed embassies and consulates, and has ordered some staff to remain in their homes. Reports from the JPost were slightly more cautious, saying that:
Four Israeli embassies may be closed after serious threats were aimed at them.

The Foreign Ministry said Tuesday that security at the embassies, which it did not identify, had increased to the maximum level. Security at all Israeli embassies has also been increased, according to reports (JPost)
Mughniyeh, the Hezbollah’s chief of military operations and its liaison with the Iranian Revolutionary Guards was killed by a car bomb in Damascus on February 12, 2008. He was assassinated on his way to a celebration at the Iranian cultural center in Damascus, Syria. Hezbollah and Iran blame Israel for his death.

In related news, Israel's Counter Terrorism Bureau issued a travel advisory for all Israelis due to the anniversary of Mughniyeh's death -- the following places should be avoided: Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, the Ivory Coast, Mali, Mauritania and Venezuela.

Yes, I know, the Counter Terrorism Bureau is full of anti-democracy wimps, who don't believe that Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood is secular, peaceful and democratic.

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Mossad Excuse

Last week, Eric Bellucci from Staten Island, who is accused of killing his parents in Staten Island, boarded an ELAL flight and and skipped off to Israel.

What made this story rather strange is that Bellucci isn't Jewish, has no ties to Israel, and yet he decided to flee to Israel of all places.

Personally, I'm surprised that he managed to get on the ELAL flight in Newark, and that ELAL security didn't detain him (I'll have to mention this to my friends in ELAL security)

Bellucci was extradited back to the U.S. from Israel this past Sunday morning.

To make things interesting, the NY Daily News reports the following:
About a month before the brutal double murder, Bellucci called an old friend from Stuyvesant High School and said he was working with Israeli intelligence.

"He seemed a little paranoid," the friend told the Daily News. "He told me that he was working with the Mossad."

The friend, who asked to remain anonymous, said his former football teammate was worried about terrorism and cited the attempted Times Square bombing.

Less than a week before the killing, Bellucci sent an email to an ex-girlfriend, offering her $500 for the name of each person who caused their breakup, a police source said.
The Mossad Excuse. There's a new one...

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dubai Squad Theme Continues

Riding on the coat tails of the alleged Mossad involvement of the Dubai Hit Squad, the "Chatzi Chinam" supermarket chain is about to run TV commercials based on the infamous "hit squad" characters shopping in "Chatzi Chinam" -- including footage from security cameras (I don't know if it includes a cameo appearance by the Chief of Dubai Police).

The ads should be running soon advertising Pesach sales. I'll post it's video when it comes out.

Meanwhile, in related news, here's a decent short video clip (2:45) from Laatma from this past Purim's edition. Sorry, no English captions, but it is captioned in Hebrew...

hat-tip: ynet via Doubletapper

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Aussie "Hit and Run Squad" arrives in Israel

Outraged over the killing of a Senior Hamas Terrorist in Dubai, and the alleged use of Australian passports by the Israeli Mossad, Australia dispatched their own "Hit and Run Squad" to Israel.

After arriving in Israel, the 3 police agents went directly from the Ben Gurion airport to the Australian embassy in Tel-Aviv. After 2 few hours, the agents drove off in search of interviewing the Australian national,s whose passports were forged and used by the Dubai Hit Squad.

While driving away from the embassy, their diplomatic-plated car hit an Israeli cyclist, knocking her to the ground.

The Australian agents fled the scene without stopping, without offering any assistance, and without even inquiring as to the extent of the cyclist's injuries, which they caused.

We have obtained the following photo of the Australian Police agents -- if you see them around Israel, excersize extreme caution, as they are considered extremely rude and immoral to be part of a "hit and run" squad.

Israel Army radio reported this morning that the cyclist was lightly wounded, and ynet reports that the cyclist would like a apology from the Australian Embassy over the issue, and a new wheel for her bike.

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

More Dubai Assassins -- Released for Publication

The Dubai chief of police has released yet another 5 passport photos of alleged assassins. These people should be considered extremely dangerous, and they are wanted for murder by Interpol.

Please alert the authorities if you see them...or their passports.

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Facebook Dubai Hit Squad Group

Feeling depressed that are aren't among the millions of people around the world who work for the Mossad? Upset that the Dubai Police Chief hasn't personally named you as a chief assasin yet? Now's your chance -- you too can join the "I was also in the Dubai hit-squad" Facebook group. Click here to join.

JoeSettler reports that someone (with way too much time on their hands) opened up facebook personality accounts for every single "assasin" listed by the Dubai police, complete with pictures, hobbies, etc.

The Irish Times reports:
Supporters of Mossad are showing their pride sales of T-shirts glorifying the spy agency have risen tenfold since it was linked to the murder of Mabhouh, a leading mail-order company of Israeli products told the Irish Times.

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Monday, February 22, 2010

BBC: 7-13% of World Jewry work for the Mossad

Gordon Thomas, author of Gideon’s Spies was a guest on a BBC Radio 4's PM program, and was discussing his understanding of he Mossad’s operating methods outside Israel.
Thomas told PM host Eddie Mair, “They have a whole backup system called ‘asylum.’ These are people, local residents, Jewish people, who help the Mossad. It is estimated to be in the world about half a million; some people say a million; I tend to say it’s about half a million, all of them Mossad people.” (JPost)
Should Israel challenge such a statement? Maybe its better to leave that impression...
The New York-based American Jewish Committee blasted the BBC on Sunday for airing an accusation that Jews around the world assist in supposed Mossad assassinations.

The AJC said in a statement that it was “dismayed that a guest on BBC Radio 4 was allowed to state unchallenged” that the Mossad relies on Jews for assassination plots.

“This baseless accusation crosses every red line between legitimate public discussion and bigoted fear-mongering,” said AJC executive director David Harris. “In less than a minute, the BBC has cast a shadow on the lives of Jews worldwide.” (JPost)
I did almost go to Dubai a few years back. Hmmm.

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Was it really a Mossad hit squad?

As some British Olim from Beit Shemesh are finding themselves on Interpol watch lists for having allegedly participated in a hit squad (and reporters are camping out in front of their homes...though if they really were professional assassins, I don't think the best thing would be to hang out in front of their homes), the following was sent to me, describing the covert actions of the Mossad.

It reads like a blue and white Robert Ludlum spy novel.

Fantasy, fiction, hyperbolated or maybe understated?

Here's a sample. Read it all here. Decide for yourself.

"The plan to assassinate Mahmoud al-Mabhouh had been finalised in a small conference room next to the office of Meir Dagan, who has run Mossad for the past eight years. The 10th director-general, Dagan has a reputation as a man who would not hesitate to walk into a nameless Arab alley with no more than a handgun in his pocket.

Only he knows how many times he has asked a prime minister for legal permission to kill a terrorist who could not be brought to trial in an Israeli court, along with the kidon to whom he shows the legally stamped document, the licence to kill.

Mahmoud al-Mabhouh's name had been on such a document, which would have been signed by Benyamin Netanyahu. That, like every aspect of a kidon operation, would be firmly denied by a government spokesman, were he to be asked. This has not stopped Dubai's police chief, Lt-General Tamin, from fulminating against the Israeli prime minister.

Two years ago this week, Dagan sent a team of kidon to Damascus to assassinate Imad Mughniyeh. His Mossad file included details of organising the kidnapping of Terry Waite and the bombing of the US Marine base near Beirut airport, killing 241 people. The United States had placed a £12.5 million bounty on his head. Dagan just wanted him dead.

Mossad psychiatrists, psychologists, behavioural scientists, psychoanalysts and profilers – collectively known as the "specialists" – were told to decide the best way to kill Mughniyeh.

They concluded that he would be among the guests of honour at the Iranian Cultural Centre celebrations in 2008 for the celebration of the Khomeini Revolution. The team rigged a car-bomb in the headrest of the Mitsubishi Pajero they discovered Mughniyeh had rented, to be detonated by a mobile phone. As Mughniyeh arrived outside the Culture Centre at precisely 7pm on February 12, the blast blew his head off.

At Mughniyeh's funeral in Beirut, his mother, Um-Imad, sat among a sea of black chadors, a sombre old woman, who wailed that her son had planned to visit her on the day after he died. She cried out she had no photograph to remember him by. Two days later she received a packet. Inside was his photograph.

It had been posted in Haifa

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Don't these people look like Facebook friends?

Facebook friends? Or an alleged Mossad hit squad that took out Senior Hamas Terrorist Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in a luxury hotel in the Gulf emirate last month?

The guy at the bottom left looks like MK Uri Orbach, and the second row guy in the middle could be Tipex singer Kobi Oz (or CK from Jewlicious?).

That woman is familiar too. "
Gail Folliard" from Ireland?

YNET reports:
A man in Israel with the same name as an alleged member of a hit squad that assassinated a top Hamas militant in Dubai said on Tuesday he was "angry, upset and scared" over what he called a misidentification.
Meanwhile Ireland's Department of Foreign Affairs said three alleged Irish citizens that Dubai authorities claim helped with the assassination do not exist.
Dubai police listed "Melvyn Adam Mildiner", a British national, as one of 11 Europeans suspected of killing Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in a luxury hotel in the Gulf emirate last month.
Speaking in British-accented English, Melvyn Adam Mildiner, resident of a town near Jerusalem, told Reuters he had nothing to do with the assassination and had never been to Dubai.
"I woke up this morning to a world of fun," he said in a sarcastic tone, after Israeli newspapers splashed names and photos of the suspects distributed by Dubai.
"I am obviously angry, upset and scared - any number of things. And I'm looking into what I can do to try to sort things out and clear my name," he said in a telephone interview.
"I don't know how this happened or who chose my name or why, but hopefully we'll find out soon."
A photo of "Melvyn Adam Mildiner" released by police in Dubai did not match a picture of the Israel-based Mildiner on his Twitter social networking page, though it had some similar features.
"It's not me. Which is one silver lining on this entire story because at least I can point to it and say, 'Look, that's not me. It's not the picture that I have in my passport, and it's not the picture that I have on my face that I walk around with every day', Mildiner said.
"I have my passport. It is in my house, along with the passports of everybody else in my family, and there's no Dubai stamps in it because I've never been to Dubai," he said.
Acknowledging that his name was uncommon, Mildiner said: "There's probably not many of us."
Meanwhile Ireland announced that the trio of alleged Irish passport-holders identified Monday in Dubai as Gail Folliard, Evan Dennings and Kevin Daveron do not appear in Ireland's records of legitimate passport-holders.
"We are unable to identify any of those three individuals as being genuine Irish citizens. Ireland has issued no passports in those names," the department said in a statement to The Associated Press.
The government says the Irish passport numbers publicized by Dubai authorities also are counterfeits, because they have the wrong number of digits and contain no letters.

See the whole squad in action here:

Whoever they are...kudos on a successful take down of a Hamas terrorist.

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Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Blog "kills" Mossad Spy Chief

The anti-Israel "Filkka Blog" (authored in Jordan or perhaps Lebanon) has created something of a news sensation which was covered by Iranian and Jordanian media outlets for the past few days.

They reported that Meir Dagan, Chief of Israel's Mossad Spy Agency was assasinated in Amman, Jordan this past Sunday in a traffic "accident" between Dagan's car and a gasoline tanker truck on the Amman Airport highway -- in retaliation for the assasination of Hizbollah intelligence office, Imad Mughniyah on February 12, 2008 by a car bomb blast in the Kfar Suseh neighborhood of Damascus, Syria.

Israel Government sources report (much to Iran's dismay) that Meir Dagan is alive and well, and the entire story is a fabrication.

Try to figure the whole story out from the Google "Arabic to English" translation of the blog, here

Wishing Meir Dagan a long, healthy life and many more years of protecting the Jewish people in their homeland.

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Friday, July 04, 2008

Duping the Mossad

I have never seen the Borat movie, nor am I a huge fan of the Sacha Baron Cohen genre of humor.

However, that he managed to dupe former Mossad spy and current political analyst Yossi Alpher is enough to make me smile.

Sacha Baron Cohen's German rock star character interviewed Alper for his upcoming movie, and Alpher didn't quite realize he was being duped.

The JPOST reports:
Alpher - who served in the Israel Defense Forces as an intelligence officer, followed by 12 years' service in the Mossad and senior positions at the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University and the American Jewish Committee's Israel/Middle East office - realized something might not be quite kosher when the "rock star" interviewee brought up Hamas:

"Vait, vait. Vat's zee connection between a political movement and food? Vy humous?" asked the interviewer in heavily accented English, echoing the obsession with the chickpea spread shared by Adam Sandler's Zohan. "Yesterday I had to throw away my pita bread because it vas dripping humous. Unt it's too high in carbohydrates."

The absurd Hamas-humous confusion went on for several minutes, and Alpher began to smell a rat, but stuck with the interview nonetheless - thus joining the long list of prominent figures down the years who have sought to maintain their gravitas while being tricked by one of Cohen's ridiculous personas.

It got worse, Alpher acknowledged: "Then the interviewer declared, 'Your conflict is not so bad. Jennifer-Angelina is worse.'"

Alpher and his Palestinian partner exchanged puzzled glances at the comparison of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie fighting over Brad Pitt, but because they had both received a fee for their appearance, and still hadn't completely internalized that their interviewer was not exactly who he seemed, they soldiered on.

"We played it straight and square... We smiled at the idiotic questions and answered them patiently... We knew something ludicrous was happening but couldn't quite figure it out," Alpher wrote. "Our rock-star host concluded with a mind-boggling song about the epic Middle East conflict between 'Jews and Hindus.' At the crescendo, he grabbed our hands and joined them with his."
If former Mossad spies who hold senior positions at the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University and the American Jewish Committee's Israel/Middle East office can't realize that they are being fooled by a Humus joker like Sacha Baron Cohen, then it totally explains how the Olso process gained steam in the first place...and that we still believe agreement after agreement that we sign with the Palestinians.

Wherever I am, my blog turns towards Eretz Yisrael טובה הארץ מאד מאד

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Secret Agent Tzippi Livni

See what the Palestinian Liberation Organization's "Media Center" drudged up on Israel's Foreign Minister, Tzippi Livni.
"Israel's incumbent foreign minister, Tzipi Livni, was a Mossad agent and ran a series of killings against the Palestinians in Europe in the early 1980s, The Sunday Times says.

According to the daily, Livni's former colleagues have revealed that she traveled throughout Europe in the early 1980s, "taking out" Palestinians the intelligence agency had labeled as "terrorists."

Livni was on active service when Mamoun Meraish, a businessperson and a top lieutenant in the Palestine Liberation Organization, was shot dead by a Mossad hit squad in Athens on August 21, 1983.

Two young men on a motor bicycle, their faces covered by crash helmets, shot Meraish car as it waited at a traffic junction. They also wounded another Palestinian in the car and Meraish's three children, aged 4, 9 and 13.

The newspaper adds Livni was not directly involved in the killing but her role in Mossad is shrouded in mystery.

The Palestine Liberation Organization's mission in Athens at the time condemned the killing, saying it was "the work of Israeli agents and part of Israel's general policy to exterminate the people of Palestine".
I guess the PLO really wants Tzippi Livni as Prime Minister once Ehud Olmert is kicked out of office. This sort of bio will just impress Israelis even more that she's the right man for the job.

Just in case you think the PLO is making this stuff up, the story first appeared in today's Sunday Times, where they add a few more salient details about Livni and her lineage.
Her career was forged in the violent creation of Israel. Both her parents were arrested for terrorist crimes in the 1940s. Her mother Sarah, who died recently aged 85, was a leader of Irgun, the militant Zionist group that operated in Palestine at the time of the British mandate and whose exploits included train robbery.

“I was disguised as a pregnant woman and robbed a train carrying £35,000,” she said in an interview shortly before she died. “Then we blew up another train en route from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv.”

Livni’s father, Eitan, was sentenced to 15 years in jail for attacking a British military base. He escaped.

Livni, unlike her parents supports a Palestinian state....
Despite her Mossad career (which depending on reports, Livni runs the gamut from anywhere from office secretary to commando), her affiliation with Kadima and Olmert has led some Israeli commenters to call her "Olmert in a Skirt".

I'm not quite sure what the dollar bill below is implying, but she's not on everyone's top 5 list. (Is Morris Talansky the new Lubavitcher Rebbe?)

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