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Showing posts with label CNN News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CNN News. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Deeply Irresponsible Donald Trump

Image for post

Now he's done this, today, just announced.

How insanely irresponsible can this one man be?

Cut funds to schools that don't open?  Because the business of schools is more important than the children and these children's lives?

This is what is currently going on, nationwide, with this ongoing pandemic.

US sets single-day record for new coronavirus cases

And to back up and maybe explain what I said above, take a look at all our engagements this President Trump has taken us out of or he's begun pulling us out of, as a nation.

  • Intermediate Range Nuclear Missiles Treaty
  • Paris Climate Accord
  • Trans-Pacific Partnership
  • UN Human Rights Council
  • UN Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
  • Iran Nuclear Deal
  • WHO, World Health Organization
And that's so far.

Americans need to understand this is unprecedented for a President and his administration. Just look at that last one, the World Health Organization. We are in the midst of the worst, most killing, deadly international pandemic of the last more than 100 years and he wants to take us out of the WHO.  Just when we all need to be standing together, he wants us standing alone.

It's bizarre.  It's deeply irresponsible.

Republicans? We're begging you all. Would you get hold of your guy there?



Sunday, August 19, 2018

This Orwellian Presidency

Did you see this? The latest out of Rudy Giuliani's mouth? And in public? On tape, no less?

Giuliani says 'truth isn't truth' 

I'm telling you, beyond all the rest of the bizarre acts and behaviors and statements from this President and people in his administration, it's clear this is the most Orwellian President and Presidency ever.

Never forget:

Image result for war is peace freedom is slavery ignorance is strength

Which reminds me of another quote that so predicted and reminds me of this man, this supposed leader, this President, tragically.

Image result for As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents,

God help us.

And if he or she can't help us then forgive.


Monday, April 9, 2018

Check Out How Callous and Cynical and Ugly Kris Kobach Has Gotten

A friend emailed me this. I could nearly not believe how low, how, again, callous and cynical and ugly and heartless it is. Kris Kobach, out of Kansas, sent around this email this week for his event.

On April 20, the anniversary of the slaughter of innocents at Columbine, Kris Kobach has decided to have a rally to support "gun rights."  What he's proposing:

Secretary Kobach has offered to host a pro-gun rally for the Kansas State Rifle Association in his official capacity as Kansas Secretary of State.

Help us get supporters to Topeka on April 20th to defend the 2nd Amendment and promote our shared pro-gun values!

For anyone who doesn't know or remember:

Twelve students and one teacher were killed at Columbine that day. Gunned down. Slaughtered. The Columbine shootings rank as one of the worst mass shootings in US history as well as one of the deadliest episodes of school violence.

At approximately 11:19 a.m., two students, Dylan Klebold, 17, and Eric Harris, 18, carrying guns and bombs, open fire inside Columbine High School, killing 13 and wounding 23 others.

And it's on the anniversary of this day Kris Kobach wants to push for yet more "gun rights."

If that isn't cold, heartless, callous and even sick, I don't know what is.


Saturday, April 7, 2018

Doesn't It Look As Though This President Takes His Orders Very Well?

Image result for trump putin

I ask you...

Take a look at these two headlines. First, there's this:

Russia Tells U.S. Military to Get Out of Syria 

- Newsweek

Then, shortly thereafter, this very week, there is this:

I ask you, does that not look, appear as though this President takes his orders seriously and well?

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Two Headlines That Say It All

Related image

You've maybe read or heard that the retail chain Toys R Us is going out of business shortly, right? Going bankrupt? It can't keep up with online toy sales so it's having to shut down, right?

With that in mind, check out these two headlines on that subject. They say everything. Here's the first.

Bankruptcy judge approves $14M 

Toys R Us executive bonus payout

And here, here's the second.

Oh yes.

The deck is stacked, ladies and gentlemen.

And it's stacked, severely, against most of us.

Not done there, here's another beauty.

What scandals? Wells Fargo CEO Tim Sloan 

gets $4.6M raise

Wells Fargo bank has untold scandals and so, fines, from the government, for scamming their own customers out of millions of dollars but what does the CEO get? 

A huge pay raise.

Because, sure, that makes sense.

You or I would be fired, forget about a raise.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Who, Exactly, Is President Trump Tryng to Protect?

This happened yesterday, last evening.

Rex Tillerson condemns Russia 

for UK nerve agent attack 

So what did Trump do today? What did he tweet within the last 2 hours?

Image result for stupid trump

Is our President, Donald J Trump, protecting or trying to protect Russia, ladies and gentlemen? Or someone in it?

Let's ignore that he fired yet one more person of the highest rank in his own administration and by tweet, no less, the coward.

Who, really, is this Republican President working for?

Again, who is he trying to protect?

Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Attacks and Irresponsibility and Just Really the Insanity That Are All Donald Trump

President Trump attacks NFL's 'massive tax breaks' on Twitter

In the very, very short time this Donald J. Trump has been President, look at all he's come out against.

He's against equal pay for women.
He has attacked and keeps attacking women, in fact.

He's against National Parks and National Monuments and so, nature. 

Heck, he's against his own political party and people in it.

We've seen, this week, he's against National Football League players and they're desire for justice in our nation, a two-fer for him. 

Long ago now, he's even attacked our nation's Veterans, for pity's sake.

Not done there, he singles out and attacks DISABLED Veterans, as well.

He has attacked and keeps attacking the media. 

Not just attacking the media, he has attacked free speech, the First Amendment. This came early this year, in February.

Trump threatens to weaken 

First Amendment protections for reporters

Then, he did this in the last 24 hours.

Trump Attacks First Amendment

He's certainly not for clean air nor clean water nor soil.

There are things he's for certainly. Here's one of them. He's for our local military, across the nation, having military gear. You know, so they can fight us, the American citizens.

He's all for business, that's for sure.

Another thing he's for and seemingly in a big way is a fight of some kind with North Korea and their President Kim Jong Un. 

Keep in mind, too, this is only a partial list of what this one man has done and said so far.

So the question is now, when does this roller coaster end? How soon?

And how, exactly?

Monday, October 2, 2017

Donald Trump Is Going to Puerto Rico This Week?

This week, in the last few days, our illustrious President Donald J. "You're Kidding Me Here" Trump took it upon himself to insult the Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico. In Tweets, of course.

Trump attacks San Juan mayor 

over hurricane response

Not done there, that, alone, wasn't bad enough, he went on to INSULT THE ENTIRE CITIZENRY of that nation.

So, now, given all this, what could he possibly, possibly think he can do to help these people, given that he has, again, insulted each and every one of them, already?

What good could he possibly do now?

How are they to receive him?

Sunday, October 1, 2017

We Are, As a Nation, Normalizing the Insanity and Irresponsibility That Is Donald J Trump

Lots of us swore we would not, could not let this happen. That is, we swore we would and could not possibly let the normalization of Donald J. Trump and all his petulance and non-logic and emotionalism and rantings and ravings and tweets and self-centeredness and narcissism. We were sure we wouldn't all "go there."

But it's happening. Sure as he's called President, to this day, it's happening.

An example?

This past week.

Donald Trump's last 7 days are just 

mind-bogglingly bad

And then, today, there's this.

He has no idea, I expect, that he's flirting with some sort of nuclear disaster, at minimum, if not out and out nuclear war.

Bravado is one thing when you're in the locker room and disrespecting women. God knows that's bad enough. But as President of the most ridiculously powerful nation on the planet to, again, flirt with nuclear warheads being rained down on some part of the planet--anywhere, really--is just outrageously stupid, even childish but certainly irresponsible.

We, the United States, can't allow, hell, exist with this, again, irresponsible dolt as leader.

The planet can't, either.

No exaggeration.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Could This Be the Year We All Finally Admit Global Warming?

After the flooding and mudslides, killing approximately 1,000 people in Sierra Leone last week and the widespread, devastating flooding in Bangladesh, along with Hurricane Harvey decimating so much of Houston and Southeast Texas and West Louisiana, then the record-breaking high temperatures in the Western US, there is this.

Image result for san francisco heat wave 2017

San Francisco smashes all-time record high temperature, hits 106 degrees

Anyone who knows anything of San Francisco knows that's insane.

And it doesn't stop there. With all of California's record-breaking high temperatures, wildfires have, again this year, been breaking out.

This is not alarmist, either. These are facts. These are real, actual events, not concerns about what may happen in the future.

Then there's Irma, building this moment.

Hurricane Irma remains potential threat 
to the East Coast
possibly matching Harvey’s wind strength

And finally, this.

Two new tropical threats are taking shape in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean

Could we all get on this same bus now?



Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Republicans and Closed Government

First this President, now the Republican Congress, too, show how closed and aloof and distant Republican government out of both houses of Congress and this White House are.


Trump did this last February.

Trump Ousts Real News Outlets 

From Press Conference

This happened yesterday.

It got worse, too.

Sean Spicer took questions from 

Russian media but not CNN, WaPo 

 or Politico

And then there's Congress' well-publicized but very private internal negotiations over our health care.

Senate GOP defends writing its 

healthcare bill in private

Fortunately, some even in their own political party are, in fact, thinking this is maybe wrong.

Can you imagine if that last President and the other political party tried ANY of this?

Why aren't we raising Hell yet?