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Showing posts with label CNN Money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CNN Money. Show all posts

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Two Headlines That Say It All

Related image

You've maybe read or heard that the retail chain Toys R Us is going out of business shortly, right? Going bankrupt? It can't keep up with online toy sales so it's having to shut down, right?

With that in mind, check out these two headlines on that subject. They say everything. Here's the first.

Bankruptcy judge approves $14M 

Toys R Us executive bonus payout

And here, here's the second.

Oh yes.

The deck is stacked, ladies and gentlemen.

And it's stacked, severely, against most of us.

Not done there, here's another beauty.

What scandals? Wells Fargo CEO Tim Sloan 

gets $4.6M raise

Wells Fargo bank has untold scandals and so, fines, from the government, for scamming their own customers out of millions of dollars but what does the CEO get? 

A huge pay raise.

Because, sure, that makes sense.

You or I would be fired, forget about a raise.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Attacks and Irresponsibility and Just Really the Insanity That Are All Donald Trump

President Trump attacks NFL's 'massive tax breaks' on Twitter

In the very, very short time this Donald J. Trump has been President, look at all he's come out against.

He's against equal pay for women.
He has attacked and keeps attacking women, in fact.

He's against National Parks and National Monuments and so, nature. 

Heck, he's against his own political party and people in it.

We've seen, this week, he's against National Football League players and they're desire for justice in our nation, a two-fer for him. 

Long ago now, he's even attacked our nation's Veterans, for pity's sake.

Not done there, he singles out and attacks DISABLED Veterans, as well.

He has attacked and keeps attacking the media. 

Not just attacking the media, he has attacked free speech, the First Amendment. This came early this year, in February.

Trump threatens to weaken 

First Amendment protections for reporters

Then, he did this in the last 24 hours.

Trump Attacks First Amendment

He's certainly not for clean air nor clean water nor soil.

There are things he's for certainly. Here's one of them. He's for our local military, across the nation, having military gear. You know, so they can fight us, the American citizens.

He's all for business, that's for sure.

Another thing he's for and seemingly in a big way is a fight of some kind with North Korea and their President Kim Jong Un. 

Keep in mind, too, this is only a partial list of what this one man has done and said so far.

So the question is now, when does this roller coaster end? How soon?

And how, exactly?

Sunday, September 24, 2017

What Have Poor People Ever Done For This Country?

So many in America call out the poor as "moochers" and the programs for them as unnecessary and even wasteful. They say having these "welfare programs" keep them poor and "enables" them to be and stay poor.

Being Sunday, I think it an especially good day to examine just what and who the poor are and what, exactly, they do.
Image result for poverty in america

What Have The Poor Ever Done For Us

  1. They built it. The country was literally built on the backs of poor immigrants and slaves. To this day, construction workers are some of the hardest working people in the country, yet their average wage is only $50,000 per year, which includes management. People that maintain the roads driven by the wealthy (and everyone else) are paid only $30,000 per year.
  2. They care for our children. The average nanny is paid only about $30,000 per year, usually without benefits.
  3. They teach our children. The average teacher makes around $45,000 a year, which might not sound poor, but for that salary, most positions require advanced degrees.
  4. They make the world beautiful. It would be difficult to determine the average salary of an artist, but very few of even the most talented artists achieve financial success.
  5. They inform and entertain. Writers, actors and filmmakers are just as likely to live in poverty as visual artists.
  6. They create. Inventors are often poorly paid for their inventions, if paid at all.
  7. They are entrepreneurs. Two thirds of startup businesses fail. Many of them fail because they were simply out financed (think the big coffee chain moving on to the same corner as the independent coffee house).
  8. They keep our world clean. People that do the dirtiest jobs are notoriously some of the least paid, yet can you imagine a world without people emptying our trash and cleaning our toilets?
  9. They keep you alive. Without poor people, produce would rot in the fields. There would be no goods on the shelves. There would be no store clerks to sell them to you. Most Americans would most likely starve.
  10. They fight for our country. The average starting salary of enlisted personnel is about $30,000 per year.
  11. They save the world. Many of history’s most selfless people live their lives in or near poverty. They join the Peace Corps. They work for or start charitable organizations.
  12. They pay their taxes. Much is made of the statistic that between 40 and 50 percent of people don’t pay federal income tax. That is typically because they are too poor. But even if they don’t pay federal income tax, they pay taxes. They pay Social Security taxes. They pay state taxes. They pay the identical sales tax on food and clothing as their wealthy brethren. They pay identical gasoline taxes as their more fortunate counterparts. Unlike the wealthy, taxes deeply impact the well being of the poor, yet, unlike the wealthy, they are unable to take advantage of the loopholes that were designed to specifically benefit the wealthy.
What have the poor ever done for this country?


Of course, we can debate the definition of the word, “poor”, but the fact is that the gap between the people that have the most and the people that have the least is growing. People are not becoming less valuable. They are simply getting paid less.


Friday, June 23, 2017

Republicans' "Wealthcare" Bill Is Just More Class Warfare

It needs to be said, pointed out and emphasized just what this new AHCA, "Trumpcare" is, at its heart. It is, at its core, not concerned with heath care virtually at all. If it were, more Americans would be assured of having health insurance, not less.

No, at it's core, this is yet one more, again, Republican Party, Right Wing money grab for the already-wealthy.

Republican Health Care Bill Delivers 

Big Tax Cut For The Rich

House Health Bill: Tax Cuts for Wealthy, 

Insurers, and Drug Companies, 

Paid for by Low- and Middle-Income Families

Image result for rich taking from the poor

Warren Buffett famously said it so right and this, some years ago.

“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”

Missourians got, in effect, a pay cut when their new, Republican, pretty boy Governor, Eric Greitens and his fellow Republicans put in their "Right to Work" legislation recently. This just makes it that much tougher for the middle- and lower-classes to get, have and keep health insurance.

But they're proposing this for all 50 states.

Link:  Warren Buffett

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Senator Roy Blunt Is Lying To Missourians and America About Health Care Today

Senator Blunt, one of our two Senators here in Missouri, posted on Facebook today. What he posted is not just a lie but it makes me angry.  What he wrote:

Obamacare is imploding. In Missouri, premiums on the Obamacare exchanges have increased by 145 percent, on average, since 2013, and 25 counties may have no provider offering health insurance on the Obamacare exchanges next year.

That's what he says and what Republicans in that political party want us to believe but here are the facts.
First, Obamacare is anything but "imploding."

More Americans have health insurance 

than ever 

Even doctors support it.

Even doctors who voted Trump support Obamacare.

Their plan, the Republicans' plan, the AHCA, "Trumpcare", would hurt the disabled, for starters.

Their plan would also hurt the poor.

It would hurt the elderly.

it would hurt Veterans, for God's sake.

Heck, even their supposed leader, President Trump calls it out for what it is.

And why wouldn't he call it mean?

So just who would or does  their ultra-secret plan help?  Take a guess. It's Republicans, after all.

If you already have money, here's yet one more plan--and a great one--for you. If you're sick or get sick or you're elderly or disabled or a Veteran?

It sucks to be you.

So while the rich get even richer, more Americans would be dropped from heath care insurance, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office or CBO.

That isn't even touching exactly how they're writing their horrible health care bill for nation.

The fact is, right now, Americans very much support the current plan, the ACA, "Obamacare. This is from February of this year.

And this is from April of this year.

And if Obamacare is "imploding", how do Americans feel about the Republicans' upcoming plan?

Check out exactly how few Americans support the Republicans' new plan for us.

So, it seems clear here, given all the above, that Senator Blunt and any and all like him who would say or are saying that Obamacare is collapsing in on itself and/or that Americans don't want or don't like Obamacare clearly don't know the facts or, especially, the wishes of the American people.

Don't tell us it's raining, Senator Blunt. We know better.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Question for Republicans: Donald Trump??

A question for Republicans just now.


How in the name of all that is good and sane and intelligent and true is Donald J. Trump your candidate?

Image result for stupid donald trump

How is he your presidential candidate?

The highest office in the nation. Easily, arguably the most powerful position on the planet, given our nation's economy, relative to the rest of the world alone, but also given that he would be Commander in Chief of the most powerful, expensive, weapons-laden military force in the world?


Let's go over his traits.

He's sexist.

Former Donald Trump Executive: 

'He's a Supreme Sexist'

Donald Trump’s Unconscious, Unending Sexism

He's misogynist.

Donald Trump has one core philosophy: 


He's deeply, deeply racist.

Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump 

Being Racist

He's homophobic.

Trump courts the homophobes

He's a simpleton, frankly.

Donald Trump speaks like a sixth-grader

He's wrong about any number of topics, both national and international.

He has courted and even praised Russia's leader, Vladimir Putin.

He's a widely known and repeated liar, publicly and privately.

Donald Trump's 'Big Liar' Technique

With all his bankruptcies--is it 4 or 6?--he's a horrible businessman. And that's supposed to be one of his BEST traits.

And geez, he's even fighting you all. He's fighting what is supposed to be his own political party.

And he's been doing it through the entire campaign. This next link is from back in May of this year.

And with all that, rather understandably, there are plenty, plenty of you who cannot and do not support Mr. Trump, your own candidate.

More Than 160 Republican Leaders Don't 

Support Donald Trump

So much of him and his candidacy is unparalleled, unprecedented in the history of our nation, it's so bad and apparent.

It's one thing if you all did this to yourselves but you're proposing to do this, to unleash him, on the rest of us, on the entire nation. Heck you're proposing unleashing this deeply dangerous man on the world.

Truth be told, at this point, even given all the above, I could go on about him, about Trump and what other, additional, ugly, negative traits he has but for now, here, I'll stop with these.

About what other candidate for the presidency of our nation could this have ever been said? One of them, maybe but all of them? There's no one, no one. Go all the way through our history, no presidential candidate has ever been this phenomenally bad and/or so unfit for this office.  Again, no one.  Warren G. Harding, bad as he turned out to be wasn't this bad.

So I ask you Republicans---how in the love of God and nation and all that is good is this your candidate for the presidency of our United States?  We all know how we got here but how could you let this happen? And a lot of you aren't even apologetic about it. A lot of you are STILL supporting this man.

We know you've all been "party firsters", putting the success of your political party ahead of the nation's best interests and for years. It's obvious. For the last nearly 8 years, you've obstructed anything and everything our twice-elected President has put forward, nation and people be damned, because you wanted your party to somehow "come out on top." Sure. That's obvious.

But none of us thought you would go this far or this low, to even propose, let alone try to elect someone of Donald Trump's character and low abilities to the highest office in our nation.

No one.  We no way thought you would go this far. Heck Dan Quayle, Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney and George W. Bush weren't this bad.  (Well, truth be told, Sarah Palin was this bad but she was only the Vice Presidential candidate and we knew those two didn't have a chance).

So please, now, at this point, we're only 28 days away from this election, again, for the love of God, will you please, please all come back from the brink and somehow, somehow fix this? Take Trump off your ticket, put in someone else, admit defeat, give it up, lose this election and let's all move on. It's for even your own good but especially for the good of the nation.

And yes, we know you won't do it but we're this desperate. We thought we'd ask, anyway.

So here's a thought. Once Mr. Trump is beaten so badly, so thoroughly this November 8 in the polls, once he and all of you are cast out (and frankly disgraced, once you see the votes against him and you), as you most surely will be, won't you all join us back in the world of sanity and, again, intelligence? Won't you, once again, work for the better of the entire nation and not just your political party? Please? You used to compromise and work together with others, with (shudder), Democrats.

It would be good for all the people, sure, but heck, it would even be good for you, good for your party, good for your brand. You used to be for Unions and higher wages and and the middle- and lower-classes and Social Security and just, all around, the good and growth and health of ALL the people, not just the already-wealthy and corporations.

Won't you join us?


Monday, September 5, 2016

On This Labor Day...

On this Labor Day, let’s ensure large corporations pay the taxes they owe us. When they do, we’ll be able to grow our economy and invest in workers and our communities.

Americans for Tax Fairness

Let’s ensure that large corporations pay the taxes they owe us.

When the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share, we’ll create millions of good paying jobs by rebuilding our crumbling roads, bridges and water systems, investing in a clean energy future, supporting our children and their education, and researching new medical cures.

Together we are fighting for a tax system that works for all Americans, not just the wealthy few.

Thank you and happy Labor Day weekend.

Frank Clemente
Executive Director
