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Showing posts with label The Guardian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Guardian. Show all posts

Monday, February 1, 2021

From the Frightening to the Hopeful Today

Heather Cox Richardson's latest summary. I think these daily updates of hers have become nearly required reading she does that great a job of summarizing where we are and what's happening of late, showing where we stand and where we might be going.

January 31, 2021

Heather Cox Richardson 
  Feb 1

The most prominent story these days is that the Republican Party is sliding toward a full-on embrace of authoritarianism. Former president Trump’s exit and ban from his favorite social media outlets has left a vacuum that younger politicians imitating Trump’s style are eager to fill by rallying people to the former president’s standard. 

Notably, Representatives Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) have tried to step into the former president’s media space by behaving outrageously and becoming his acolytes. Gaetz last week traveled to Wyoming to attack Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY), the third most powerful Republican in the House, for her vote in support of Trump’s impeachment. Not to be outdone, yesterday Greene tweeted that she had spoken to Trump and has his support, although neither her camp nor his would comment on her statement.

Republican state parties have also thrown in their lot with the former president. In Arizona, the state party voted to censure former Senator Jeff Flake, the late Senator John McCain’s wife Cindy, and Governor Doug Ducey for criticizing the former president. In South Carolina, the state party formally censured Representative Tom Rice for voting to impeach Trump, and Republican lawmakers are starting to consider stripping Cheney of her party position, a development that led former President George W. Bush to indicate his support for her this weekend. She has already drawn a primary challenger.

Across the country, Republican-dominated legislatures are trying to suppress the voting that led to the high voter turnout that fueled Democratic victories in 2020. According to the Brennan Center, which tracks voting rights, 28 states have put forward more than 100 bills to limit voting. Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, whose voters chose Biden this year after going for Trump in 2016, all have introduced plans to lower voting rates. So have other states like Texas, which have voted Republican in recent years but show signs of turning blue.

The former president would like to solidify power over the party, but he has his own problems right now. The top five lawyers in his team defending him against the article of impeachment in his Senate trial all quit this weekend. Trump apparently wanted them to argue that the attack on the Capitol was justified because Democrats stole the election from him. Recognizing that this is pure fantasy—courts have already thrown this argument out more than 60 times—which could put them in legal jeopardy, the lawyers instead wanted to argue that it is unconstitutional to try a former president on charges of impeachment.

Tonight, Trump’s office announced that David Schoen and Bruce L. Castor, Jr., will lead his defense. Schoen represented Trump advisor Roger Stone when he challenged his convictions; Castor was the district attorney who promised actor Bill Cosby he would not be prosecuted for indecent assault. The impeachment trial is scheduled to start on February 9.

There are signs that some Republicans have finally had enough of their party’s march toward authoritarianism, especially as pro-Trump Republicans grab headlines for their outrageous behavior, including shutting down a mass vaccination effort at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles for about an hour yesterday.

Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), a 2010 Tea Partier but now one of the ten Republicans in the House to vote in favor of impeachment, told Anthony Fisher of Business Insider that “My dad’s cousins sent me a petition — a certified letter — saying they disowned me because I’m in ‘the devil’s army’ now….”

Kinzinger announced today that he has started a political action committee (PAC) to finance a challenge to Trump’s takeover of the Republican Party. Calling Trump’s loyalists in the Republican caucus “political terrorists,” Kinzinger said in the video launching the PAC, “Republicans must say enough is enough. It’s time to unplug the outrage machine, reject the politics of personality, and cast aside the conspiracy theories and the rage.”

It also appears to be sinking in to Republicans that momentum is on the side of the Democrats. Biden’s executive actions have generally been popular, and his support for workers threatens to shift a key constituency from the Republicans to the Democrats.

Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus proposal offers to give to ordinary Americans, hurting badly from the coronavirus recession, the kind of government attention that has lately gone to wealthier Americans. Among other things, it calls for $1400 stimulus payments, extends unemployment benefits, provides funds for state and local governments, and establishes a higher minimum wage. While Biden has said repeatedly that he would like Republican support for this measure, the Democrats have enough votes to pass a version of it without Republican support.

This would put Republicans in the position of voting against a measure that promises to be popular, and at least ten Republican senators would prefer not to do that. Today, they offered their own $600 billion counterproposal, and asked for a meeting with President Biden to discuss it.

In their letter to the president, they hinted that they think the nation has devoted enough money to the economic crisis already, noting that there is still money unspent from the previous coronavirus packages. But they did not state that reasoning explicitly, perhaps recognizing that this argument will not be popular from people who voted for Trump’s 2017 tax cut, which disproportionately benefited the wealthy, when one in seven adults say their households don’t have enough food to eat.

“We want to work in good faith with you and your administration to meet the health, economic and societal challenges of the covid crisis,” the senators wrote. After years in which Republican senators refused to discuss bills with the Democrats, this is a change indeed.

But perhaps not enough of one. In the Washington Post, James Downie noted that a proposal that is less than a third of Biden’s package is not a compromise. It also cuts stimulus checks down to $1000, cuts supplemental unemployment insurance, gives no local or state aid, and kills the minimum wage increase.

When asked why Democrats should compromise rather than go ahead without them, as Republicans repeatedly did when they held the majority, Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) told “Fox News Sunday” and CNN’s “State of the Union,” respectively, that Biden should honor his call for unity and that refusing to do so would kill future hopes for bipartisanship.

In an article in The Guardian today, former U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich dismissed Republican concerns about the national debt, noting that if they were worried about it, they could just tax the very wealthy. “The total wealth of America’s 660 billionaires has grown by… $1.1 [trillion] since the start of the pandemic, a 40% increase,” he noted. Those billionaires could fund almost all of Biden’s proposal and still be as rich as they were before the pandemic hit.

Reich suggested that “[t]he real reason Republicans want to block Biden is they fear his plans will work.” A successful government response to coronavirus, the economic crisis, inequality, the climate crisis, and poverty would devastate modern-day Republicans’ insistence that the solution to every problem is tax cuts and private enterprise. If Biden’s plans succeed, Reich wrote, Americans’ faith in government, and in our democracy, will be restored.

Tonight, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki announced that Biden has spoken with Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) and has invited her and the other nine signers of the letter to the White House (we later learned they will meet tomorrow).

But Psaki’s statement did not give ground. It reiterated the need for fast action, and noted that “$1400 relief checks, a substantial investment in fighting COVID and schools, aid to small businesses and hurting families, and funds to keep first responders on the job (and more) – is badly needed. As leading economists have said, the danger now is not in doing too much: it is in doing too little. Americans of both parties are looking to their leaders to meet the moment.”

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Things We Americans Can All Now Thank Republicans For

Herewith, just that, a list, incomplete as it is, of all the things we have Republicans and their Republican Party to thank for.

--Senator Joe McCarthy and his attacks, repeated, on fellow Americans

--Richard M NIxon, who famously/infamously quit the office of our Presidency because he illegally had his own men break into a room of the Watergate Hotel to get information on his opponent(s) in the Democratic Party

--Ronald Reagan and his dismantling of the middle class what with cutting taxes on corporations and the already-wealthy and then his additional attacks on Unions across the nation

--The very illegal Iran-Contra affair of, again, Ronald Reagan which was when "Senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which was the subject of an arms embargo."  (Source: Wikipedia)

--George W Bush, who also famously/infamously ignored his Presidential Daily Briefs warning us of a pending attack on the nation

--The 9/11 attack, see above, in which 2,977 very innocent Americans lost their lives

--The squandering of our national budget by, again, yes, George W Bush who took that budget surplus we had under his predecessor, Bill Clinton, and blew right threw it

--And the way "Dubya'" blew through our nation's budget surplus was by, of course, using 9/11 as an excuse to attack not just one but two nations, Iraq and Iran

--Then there's the way Dubya' flew TWELVE BILLION DOLLARS, in an airplane, to Iraq. And let it disapper. Yes. True. Really

How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq

--The intentional disenfranchising of at least hundreds of thousands, if not, in fact, millions of taxpaying citizens by using "voter ID" laws all so they, Republicans, could either get or stay in government office

--The denial of fair and true representation in our government due to gerrymandering which either puts or certainly keeps their own members in government office, instead of the rightly-elected

And now:

--Donald J Trump.

--Immigrant children in cages at our Southern border

--Immigrant families separated at our Southern border

--Immigrant children lost in our governmental penal system, away from their parents, because they were separated at our border and with no clear way to rejoin them, the children to their families

--Some of the greatest wealth inequality, today, in our entire nation's history

US income inequality jumps to highest level ever recorded

--Large tax cut after large tax cut for the already-wealthy and corporations all the while ignoring or denying the people's true needs, fairness, decency, equity and/or the nation's debt

--The worst national response to the worst international, killing pandemic in the last more than 100 years resulting in our nation's death toll from it all is the worst in the world, literally. The "world's wealthiest nation" with nearly 400,000 citizens dead from COVID-19 and still counting

--An insurrectionist, treasonous, traitorous attack from a President's supporters, on our nation's Capitol

--Pipe bombs, during that same attack on our Capitol, by this President's followers, at the Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee Buildings

--Feces and urine left behind on this same treasonous attack on our nation's Capitol

--Threats from more of those same treasonous, traitorous people following a/this President to do it again, that is, attack our nation's Capitol again, this time on January 17, January 19 and/or January 20 because their leader told them he didn't lost an election which he really did decisively lose

--The legitimately most scandalous, scandal-ridden presidency and President in the nation's historycomplete with obstruction of justice, perjury and collusion with our known, sworn international enemy, Russia, to get himself elected. (That last part verified by our own FBI and intelligence agencies

So there you are, fellow Americans. An ugly, ugly and yes, keep in mind, very partial list of what Republicans have done and are responsible for in our nation and our nation's history. And keep in mind, this is still with 10 days left to go in this President Donald J "Jenius" Trump's presidency.

Let's hope it doesn't get any worse.

Additional link:

50 Reasons You Despised George W. Bush's Presidency

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Four Different Formal Groups of Republicans Against Trump

Four, four different groups of Republicans now that formed formal organizations to defeat the sitting President of their own political party.

Post image

The Lincoln Project

Republican Voters Against Trump

And there's this, too, from The Guardian (link below):

A set of Republican national security officials has also emerged in opposition to Trump.

That group hasn’t given itself a name yet, and includes the former Bush homeland security adviser Ken Wainstein, and John Bellinger III, who served in the state department. The group is looking to rally national security officials away from Trump – either by supporting Biden or writing in someone else.

I'm telling you, folks., this is completely unprecedented in our nation's entire history.


And vote blue.


86 45



A slew of organized Republican groups have sprung up to do all they can to defeat Trump in November

Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Collapse of This Presidency Likely Began Yesterday

With the soon to be released books on this President by John Bolton, from within his own administration, and his niece, from within his own family, it very much looks like the collapse of this Presidency began either yesterday or more broadly, this week.

Either one is excellent, of course.
donald trump

It seems there are new, negative stories released about this President at least daily, if not hourly. Here are just a few of them from John Bolton's book, his former National Security chief:

Bolton says Trump asked China to help him get reelected

And then there are the claims of his niece, as we know.

Can you imagine making fun of your father who's suffering from Alzheimer's?

Even if he WEREN'T going to give you 493 million dollars---but especially if he were.  Wow.

Meanwhile and additionally, the Supreme Court ruled this past Monday that LGBTQ Americans should have equality in our nation---imagine that!---and shouldn't be able to be fired in the workplace for being gay or transgendered, etc. This goes completely against Mr. Trump and his goals.

Then, today, there was this Supreme Court ruling, also:

That was breaking news this morning. Within the last hour, the President tweeted this:

Do you get the impression that the Supreme Court doesn’t like me?

Ah... pobrecita....

To add complications to his re-election bid, it was announced yesterday that Tulsa, Oklahoma had it's largest outbreak of coronavirus yet. Famously, his re-election rally is set to be there this Saturday.

It was announced this week he's scouring the White House to find out who ratted him out about going to the bunker during the protests. And not just find out who it was but prosecute them in court, too.

That this President is using our own Department of Justice to do his bidding to keep Bolton from selling and distributing his book should alarm virtually all Americans.

Finally, at least here and now, today, ABC is going to air an interview with John Bolton this Sunday night, 9 pm Eastern time, covering and giving yet more details of his pretty scathing book on President Trump.

So yes, ladies and gentlemen, either yesterday was the day, I feel strongly, or this is the week but the wheels seem to have absolutely come off this Donald Trump re-election. You're all, we are all witnessing it now. It's not pretty, certainly, and we hope we can and do keep the nation safe and secure, even strong from here to Election Day, November 3rd and then from then until the following January 20 when the next President takes office.

God help us all and keep us safe.

May this long, national, dangerous, reckless nightmare be soon over, safely over.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The New York Times Asks a Great Question Today on Democracy, This Pandemic and Even Our Nation

Yes, today's Sunday New York Times asks, I think, an excellent question.

Online, they change it to "Will Americans Lose Their Right to Vote in the Pandemic?"

And sure that's one good and appropriate, timely question but the better question is the one in the print, paper version you see above here. With this pandemic and the need for social distancing, will we lose voting privileges? Especially since the Republicans are in charge of the US Senate and White House currently.

But I have, I think a far better question presently. I think there's a far better and more timely and important question we need to be asking just now.

That is, "Can Democracy Survive this President?"

And then, can Democracy survive the Republicans in, again, the US Senate and White House?

Can America?


Donald Trump is destroying the United States’ standing 

And note, Right Wingers, Conservatives and die-hard Republicans are asking this, too.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Harry Truman and V-E Day, Same Day!

Yessir and ma'am, today would have been President Harry Truman's 136th birthday!

And then yes, the 75th Anniversary of V-E Day--Victory in Europe Day, the end of World War II.

Huge, huge day.

So happy birthday, Harry! And thanks so very much for all you---and certainly our Veterans---did.

Would that we had such leadership today.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

I Ask You, Which Is It With Trump?

Related image

So with all of Donald Trump's ignorance and kow-towing to Russia and Vladimir Putin and overtures to him and them while attacking our allies, what is it? Is it that--

--Vladimir Putin and Russia are all blackmailing him because he owes them all too much money or

--there really is some "pee tape", ugh, or

--he actually is really just this stupid?

Which is it, exactly?


NRA, Russia and Trump: Money laundering 

poisoning US democracy 

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The Hard Reality of Transportation

The fact is, ladies and gentlemen, there are far, far too many people on this planet for us all, humankind, to keep driving our own, individual cars to and from our destinations.

We need public transportation.

And we need it all over our cities and states and nations. We need it across the world.

We have to stop pretending it's--what?--the 1940's? and there aren't that many of us and we can continue this expensive, very polluting insanity.

As just one example, look at traffic in Los Angeles.

Image result for crowded la freeways

Image result for crowded la freeways

Keep in mind, too, this is daily. Sure, it's Los Angeles but it's not just them, not just that one city and again, it's not just a one day occurrence. It's repeated all through the year and in far too many cities across the globe.

It's getting worse, too.

It's Not Your Imagination, 

Los Angeles County is Getting More Crowded

Not only is it Los Angeles, but it's only growing worldwide. With more and more people in our cities, states and nations, across the globe, this only becomes more apparent and real and necessary.

This is crazy. This is no way to live.

Think about it. Los Angeles. San Diego. San Francisco. Houston, Dallas, Austin. Heck, traffic is so bad on the other side of the country, we just give up and call it the "Northeast corridor."

As usual, Germany and Europe are far ahead of us here in the US on this, too.

German cities to trial free public transport 

to cut pollution 

Not only is this a good idea, we need to take it steps further.

We will need to actually further tax cars so we can accomplish three big goals:

--Cut down on all that traffic
--Reduce the pollution and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
--And, yes, increase those of us on public transportation

Public transportation can no longer be only for the less affluent or even thought to be only for them.

We have to realize all the benefits we'd reap from this, too. We can't only think of it as what we would lose. Herewith, just some of those benefits.

--Again, less pollution
--Repeating, less traffic
--Cleaner air
--Less irritated asthma and respiratory ailments for hundreds of millions across the planet
--Less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere so...
--Less increased global warming and
--Slower human-caused climate change
--Less time wasted sitting in traffic
--Maintaining public transportation is far less expensive than having to maintain all the more singular roads required to keep all this traffic going

We have to learn to live together, we have to learn to work together and yes, we all, all of us, need to learn to travel together. Lots of people across the world have done this.

Now, we all need to.


Saturday, February 10, 2018

This President and His Administration Don't Even Pretend for Whom They're Working


You have to hand it to this Republican President and his administration.

They don't even remotely  pretend to be working for the average, working Joe and Jane out here in America. They don't make any attempt of any kind to try to appear they're working for the middle- and/or lower- and working classes. I give you this article from none other than Rupert Murdoch's own very Right-Wing, business-friendly Wall Street Journal.

This is just the beginning of the article:

Airlines want to nix a host of rules that attempt to keep them from mistreating customers. The Transportation Department is considering it.

The DOT has asked airlines to suggest changes or cuts to regulations, part of a broad initiative from President Trump, once an owner of a small airline, to reduce government red tape. It comes as DOT fines against airlines fell by half last year.

The rules matter because DOT is just about the only protection consumers have in U.S. air travel. If the airlines get what they want, the government would weaken the tarmac delay rule, which imposes hefty fines for stranding passengers on planes for long periods, and eliminate a requirement that they show the full price of a ticket when people shop.

Carriers also have asked DOT to scrap the 24-hour grace period for a full refund when buying a ticket—you would pay a change fee even if you realized right away you booked the wrong date or made a mistake in the passenger name. They want to eliminate a rule that requires them to honor tickets sold for “mistake fares,” and they are asking for flexibility from a requirement they provide “prompt” wheelchair service. They argue the term “prompt” is ambiguous and complain that providing wheelchair service at zero charge costs the industry $300 million annually and exceeds benefits.

They also want their own booking systems to be free from the DOT ban on display bias so they don’t have to disclose to consumers they exclude competitors’ flights, and they want to drop requirements to show on-time and cancellation data with flights.

It's insane.

It's obscene.

What little protections we have, that we've been able to gain, as customers and passengers on airlines and these people are working to take them away. They're actually asking the airlines what rules they don't like and what they want to have done away with.

This guy and his henchmen and women are working, fighting for the already-wealthy and corporations, folks, not you and I, not, again, the middle class. 

They just recently handed out huge, deficit-creating tax credits and deductions to and for the, again, already wealthy and corporations. Then they have Betsy DeVos working for the same wealthy people in our schools, against the working schlubs like you and I. And then there's Scott Pruitt at the EPA, eviscerating our clean air and water and soil rules.

Here's further proof, today, from The New York Times:

Not only are they doing it, they're all but throwing public parties to celebrate it all.

Why anyone but the wealthy votes Republican is beyond me.

Meanwhile, we've seen lots of predictions and projections of just where, exactly, his and the Republicans tax package will take us. They already are.

Trump's America will be saddled with debt – 

like his bankrupted hotels 

God help us, America.

Not that we deserve it.

Friday, November 3, 2017

This Headline Hurts

So I was on Facebook, just scrolling through posts and suddenly I saw one with a headline from an article published out of the UK. This one:

Decline and fall: 

how American society unravelled

And damn.

That hurt.

That hurts.

With Trump President, I've been hoping this is just a swerve, a bump in our road to and of progress, you know? Just a brief mistake, if, yes, more than just slight.

But then, you look at the already-wealthy and corporations of the nation, firmly in control, creating more and yet more ways to shovel money their way since they own the Republican Party, at minimum. And you look at the way the NRA owns them and so, runs America, getting and keeping far too many weapons out there in the nation, on our streets. People being shot and lots killed, needlessly.

Then there's the opioid crisis, killing thousands of Americans and all because Big Pharma also has their sway with our government and so, us.

And now, this President Trump putting more and yet more science deniers in charge all over our government, in the EPA and at NASA, etc. Then putting people from the big banks in offices to support the banks and not the people, not protecting the people, you and I.

Then China has stepped up on the international politics and leadership field since there's a yawning gap of leadership with The Orange One in the White House.

I think, maybe they're right.

I still hope they're wrong but maybe we have, in fact, already begun to slike, as a nation and society and "great power."


Our best days behind us?

No longer the world's leading power and "beacof light", "beacon of hope"?


Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Attacks and Irresponsibility and Just Really the Insanity That Are All Donald Trump

President Trump attacks NFL's 'massive tax breaks' on Twitter

In the very, very short time this Donald J. Trump has been President, look at all he's come out against.

He's against equal pay for women.
He has attacked and keeps attacking women, in fact.

He's against National Parks and National Monuments and so, nature. 

Heck, he's against his own political party and people in it.

We've seen, this week, he's against National Football League players and they're desire for justice in our nation, a two-fer for him. 

Long ago now, he's even attacked our nation's Veterans, for pity's sake.

Not done there, he singles out and attacks DISABLED Veterans, as well.

He has attacked and keeps attacking the media. 

Not just attacking the media, he has attacked free speech, the First Amendment. This came early this year, in February.

Trump threatens to weaken 

First Amendment protections for reporters

Then, he did this in the last 24 hours.

Trump Attacks First Amendment

He's certainly not for clean air nor clean water nor soil.

There are things he's for certainly. Here's one of them. He's for our local military, across the nation, having military gear. You know, so they can fight us, the American citizens.

He's all for business, that's for sure.

Another thing he's for and seemingly in a big way is a fight of some kind with North Korea and their President Kim Jong Un. 

Keep in mind, too, this is only a partial list of what this one man has done and said so far.

So the question is now, when does this roller coaster end? How soon?

And how, exactly?