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Showing posts with label gun laws. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gun laws. Show all posts

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Quote of the Day -- Police Officer Edition

Image result for santa fe school shooting

"I know some have strong feelings about gun rights but I want you to know I’ve hit rock bottom and I am not interested in your views as it pertains to this issue. Please do not post anything about guns aren’t the problem and there’s little we can do. My feelings won’t be hurt if you de-friend me and I hope yours won’t be if you decide to post about your views and I de-friend you." 

"...people at the state level and the federal level in too many places in our country are not doing anything other than offering prayers. I'm grateful that I'm working a city with the mayor who is transformative, Sylvester Turner, and what we're starting to see is that local governments are starting to make a difference, and I think that the American people, gun owners, the vast majority of which are pragmatic and actually support gun sense and gun reform in terms of keeping guns in the right hands. We need to start using the ballot box and ballot initiatives to take the matters out of the hands of people that are doing nothing that are elected into the hands of the people to see that the will of the people in this country is actually carried out."

-- Art Acevedo, Chief of Police, Houston Texas


America: We Learn Nothing

It's not remotely deniable.


This was first posted on Facebook in 2012.

We learn nothing.

We don't learn and we don't give a damn.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Two Headlines That Tell All About Guns In America

Yet another shooting.

Image result for santa fe school shooting

Yet one more mass shooting in America.

This one in Santa Fe, Texas.

More students killed in their own grade school.

And with all we know about these and however much we don't want them to occur, there were two very telling headlines, articles in the news this week that describe the situation we're in. It tells of what we're allowing, what with all the far-too-easy-to-obtain weapons. Here they are. Here's the first:

Let's face it, there are so many shootings, so many mass shootings in America, we can't even keep track of them, it's that obscene.

Here's the second headline and article.

2018 has been deadlier for schoolchildren 

than service members

It's nearly incomprehensible that even one of the above is true, let alone both.

It's unconscionable this is our situation. It's unconscionable we allow it.

What's it going to take America?

How many innocent Americans---of any age, really---have to die before we have simple, intelligent, meaningful weapons reform and controls so these at least happen less frequently?

The rest of the world does it.

We should, too.


Santa Fe school shooting: 10 dead 

and 10 wounded in Texas

Friday, May 18, 2018

Another Shooting. Today. More Students Dead

Students and parents at Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe, Tex., where there were reports of an active shooter on campus Friday.CreditMichael Ciaglo/Houston Chronicle, via Associated Press

10 more people dead, today, this morning.

No more "thoughts and prayers."

NOW is the time to talk about gun control.

Now is the time to ENACT weapons controls.

Background checks for mental stability and criminal history, at the very least, required, coast to coast, for all weapons purchases.

For starters.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

On This Day In Weapons History

On this day, April 29, 1996, a rampage by a gunman in Port Arthur, Tasmania, Australia, killed 35 people. Australians were horrified. Their governmental representatives responded.

They quickly and wisely did what we have not done and will not do, no matter how many slaughters of innocents we experience and keep experiencing, repeatedly.

We learn nothing. 

We do nothing.

Thanks, National Rifle Association, NRA! Thanks, Wayne LaPierre!

Thanks, Republican Party!

Image result for guns in america


Monday, April 9, 2018

Check Out How Callous and Cynical and Ugly Kris Kobach Has Gotten

A friend emailed me this. I could nearly not believe how low, how, again, callous and cynical and ugly and heartless it is. Kris Kobach, out of Kansas, sent around this email this week for his event.

On April 20, the anniversary of the slaughter of innocents at Columbine, Kris Kobach has decided to have a rally to support "gun rights."  What he's proposing:

Secretary Kobach has offered to host a pro-gun rally for the Kansas State Rifle Association in his official capacity as Kansas Secretary of State.

Help us get supporters to Topeka on April 20th to defend the 2nd Amendment and promote our shared pro-gun values!

For anyone who doesn't know or remember:

Twelve students and one teacher were killed at Columbine that day. Gunned down. Slaughtered. The Columbine shootings rank as one of the worst mass shootings in US history as well as one of the deadliest episodes of school violence.

At approximately 11:19 a.m., two students, Dylan Klebold, 17, and Eric Harris, 18, carrying guns and bombs, open fire inside Columbine High School, killing 13 and wounding 23 others.

And it's on the anniversary of this day Kris Kobach wants to push for yet more "gun rights."

If that isn't cold, heartless, callous and even sick, I don't know what is.


Monday, March 26, 2018

In Case You Couldn't Make It Out Saturday to March For Our Lives

Herewith, a few YouTube videos of the presentations at our March For Our Lives rally this past Saturday in Theis Park.

Note on this:  I'm told this is Dr. Emily Riegel.

In addition to all this, approximately 6000 people attended the event/rally/march and at least approximately 363 people were registered to vote.

All in all, a big, big day.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Next Local Student-Led Weapons Reform Event

From yesterday's very successful March For Our Lives Kansas City event at Theis Park.

April 20 is the anniversary of the Columbine High School massacre.

We go forward.

The 3 Stated, Official Goals of the March For Our Lives Students and Movement

These are the 3, stated, official goals of the March For Our Lives students and movement, according to their site.

1. Passing a law to ban the sale of assault weapons like the ones used in Las Vegas, Orlando, Sutherland Springs, Aurora, Sandy Hook and, most recently, to kill 17 innocent people and injure more than a dozen others at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Of the 10 deadliest shootings over the last decade, seven involved the use of assault weapons.

No civilian should be able to access these weapons of war, which should be restricted for use by our military and law enforcement only. These guns have no other purpose than to fire as many bullets as possible and indiscriminately kill anything they are pointed at with terrifying speed.

2. Prohibiting the sale of high-capacity magazines such as the ones the shooter at our school—and so many other recent mass shootings used.

States that ban high-capacity magazines have half as many shootings involving three or more victims as states that allow them.

Limiting the number of bullets a gun can discharge at one time will at least force any shooter to stop and reload, giving children a chance to escape.

3. Closing the loophole in our background check law that allows dangerous people who shouldn’t be allowed to purchase firearms to slip through the cracks and buy guns online or at gun shows.

That's it. That's all. It's not long. It's not complicated. It's very doable and people will still have weapons.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Kansas Citians on March For Our Lives

Students and other Kansas Citians speak about why March For Our Lives Kansas City, this Saturday, is not just important but very much so and what it's hoped we accomplish.

The Star also ran an article on the students and the march and movement in yesterday's paper.

Meet the students behind Kansas City's 

march for tougher gun laws

Be there this Saturday, March 24, noon to 4 pm at Frank A Theis Park, formerly Volker Park, just South of the Nelson-Atkins Museum.

See you there!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

March For Our Lives Kansas City----This Saturday!!

In coordination with the national March For Our Lives in Washington, DC with the students from Parkland, Florida.

The March For Our Lives takes place Saturday in Kansas City, Mo., as well as in our nation's capital and more than 700 other locales. Beginning at noon locally, this is our chance to show that overwhelming numbers of Americans of all ages support new restrictions on gun purchases and ownership. Background checks for every gun sale in America and other common sense regulations for the sale and possession of lethal weapons -- and the gadgets that increase their killing potential -- are necessary in order to increase public safety and reduce gun violence.

Please come out to rally at Theis Park (formerly Volker Park), just south of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, where a full program of speakers and performers will be dishing up plenty of food for thought along with creative artistry. When the program winds down about 3 p.m., those who wish to march will embark on a solemn memorial march to the Plaza and back, remembering the 17 lives taken last month at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida; the 206 lives taken in school shootings since the Columbine High School tragedy in Colorado in 1999; and the 7,000 children killed by gunfire in the United States since the December 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.

We'll have live music while participants are arriving at the rally, and a group of UMKC Conservatory dancers will perform new choreography created for this event. Mayor Sly James will speak at 2 p.m., and you will also hear from some of the determined teenagers from the metro area who have taken a huge role in creating this day of peaceful protest. There will be modern slam-poetry, traditional speeches, and songs both old and new. Local long-time activists and families who have lost loved ones to gun violence will also speak.

For a peaceful, smooth-running event causing as little environmental harm as possible, please observe these best practices.

1. Carpool to the event with friends, family or neighbors. Park in any available UMKC parking lot, then walk a few blocks north to the park. If you have the Lyft app, you can arrange for a free ride courtesy of the Lyft company from your parked car to Theis Park. Disabled or elderly people may park at the Kauffman Gardens parking lot, which will also be the dropoff location for Lyft rides.

2. Bring signs, if you like, promoting reasonable solutions to this horrible problem. Bring a peaceful, reasonable sense of comradery and a healthy respect for our right as Americans to peaceably assemble and demand redress of grievances. Certainly, as a people, we are aggieved.

3. No leaflets or flyers! Please do not pass out leaflets or other items that people would tend to lose track of or leave behind as trash. You can save money and bring a page or two of information you want to share and then ask people to snap a picture of it with their phones to have it for reference, or give your web address to follow up. Don't leave our hard-working volunteers with trash to clean up at the park.

4. Do bring food and drinks, a blanket or camp chair to sit on, a hat or sunglasses, and keep yourself comfortable. We will not be selling anything at the event. Portable toilets will be available, and trash cans will be at hand.

5. There will be sign language interpreters, some designated seating for disabled people and a couple of ADA-compliant port-a-potties.

6. Moms Demand Action volunteers will be staffing the event, wearing bright red T-shirts with their logo, so you should be able to find a staff person if you need to report an issue. Paramedics will be on hand if needed, and police officers will provide security.

7. If you choose to march at the rally's end, you must stay on the sidewalks on the route and cannot block streets or intersections. Megaphones will not be allowed during the march portion, but we can chant.

Please remember, the most powerful thing we can do as a nationwide movement right now is to show up, all across the country, to stand together on this day and to say with one voice, "Never Again!"

See you there!!

Monday, March 19, 2018

Here's That "American Exceptionalism"

Related image

Worst vacation policies of any developed country

Most expensive health care of the top 17 industrialized nations

And check that out--also the least effective health care of those same 17 nations

We own more guns than any other nation.

Americans own more guns than residents of any

 other country

Our gun homicide rates are more than 25% higher than other high-income nations.

America's gun culture vs. the world 

in 5 charts 

Oh, yeah. We're exceptional, all right.

At least we have Grand Canyon, eh?

Friday, March 9, 2018

The Time Has Come. Our Time Has Come

Image result for march for our lives logo

Yes sir and ma'am. The time has come.

Our time has come.

The time to put people, people's lives, Americans, innocent Americans, at that, as a higher priority than weapons and weapon ownership has come. Is now.

No one's talking eliminating guns in the nation, either.

Not remotely.

We're not proposing doing away with the 2nd Amendment or confiscating all the weapons in the country.

It's just that the taking of, again, innocent American lives must end.

A few simple, obviously necessary, helpful, intelligent regulations of weapons only makes sense.  Three that come to mind are:

  • Background checks, required, coast to coast, for mental stability and criminal history, for all weapons purchases to finally, finally close the gun show loophole
  • Making the maximum number of shots per clip to be 10
  • Re-instituting the Assault Weapons Ban

This is no way asking too much. And again, people would still have their weapons if they wish.

It should have ended long ago.

This is a grassroots effort and movement. It's coming from the people. It started with the students and we mustn't let it stop.

Let's do this.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Idiocy and Death-Enabling Irresponsibility Out of the Florida Statehouse

Image result for armed teachers

Florida Senate rejects ban on assault weapons, 

votes to arm teachers

Idiots. Irresponsible, death-enabling, Right Wing, Republican idiots. On top of an extremely recent shooting death of 17 students, this is what they do.

Then there's also the thoughtlessness. And heartlessness.

Think of it.

Think of your teachers from school.

Now think of them armed. With weapons.

What part of that even SEEMS like a good idea?

Friday, March 2, 2018

The NRA Is In a World of Hurt Just Now

Think about it. Think about what's going on right now in America regarding the NRA. The NRA is getting his--hard--on three fronts and it's all pretty terrific.

Image result for march for our lives

First, Americans are sick to death of the shootings and killings and are finally standing up and demanding change regarding weapons ever since the Parkland, Florida shootings. Coast to coast, people are organizing and demanding change from their legislators on both the state and national level.

Second, companies are abandoning NRA left and right 

Then, finally, quite possibly the biggest development is that the NRA is also getting hit with reports like these, showing money being funneled from a Russian oligarch/banker to the NRA.

Russian politician claims he knows Trump through NRA

The Russian banker under scrutiny for money transfers to the National Rifle Association said that the organization helped him meet President Trump.

Alexander Torshin, a deputy head of Russia’s central bank, is one of his country's strongest supporters of the NRA, even hosting dinners for an American delegation that came to Moscow in 2015.

A report earlier this year said that federal investigators were looking into whether his payments to the group were funneled towards Trump’s election as part of what Fusion GPS investigator Glenn Simpson said was a “very concerted effort” by Russian officials to get in with the gun lobby.

Here is my favorite headline on this topic.

So put all that together and face it, folks. 

The NRA is in a world of hurt presently.

Oh, darn.

Pass the popcorn.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Again, To Missouri State Legislators, Are You Kidding Us Here?

In the face of the latest mass slaughter of innocent Americans, check out what our Missouri State Legislators are doing this week in Jefferson City. Check this out from the Star today.
Image result for missouri state capitol

In wake of mass school shooting, Missouri lawmakers push forward pro-gun legislation

After hearing five hours of testimony Monday afternoon and into the night, lawmakers returned to the Capitol on Tuesday and voted out of committee a handful of bills that would expand where Missourians can carry their concealed firearms. They voted down bills that would have required background checks and repealed aspects of concealed carry without a permit, which lawmakers legalized in 2016.

It's nearly unbelievable.

We keep getting more and yet more shootings and killings and all these Right Wing, Republicans can come up with is the NRA mantra: "MORE GUNS!!"

It's insane. It also goes against every scientific study out there.

Heck, it even goes against Missouri's own experience with guns after they just loosened our laws a few years ago, in 2015, with negative results.

They learn nothing.

Check out the data for yourself:

Then, very famously, there is the glaring Australian example of what works with guns.

Massive study of Australia's gun laws 
shows one thing: they work

I'm not suggesting we here in the US are capable of doing what they did. What I am saying is that it proves less weapons are the way to go for reducing shootings and killings. It doesn't even seem it needs to be said but sadly, it does.

How many people have to die, have to be killed, until they realize and then act on the hard fact that more guns is exactly the opposite, wrong way to go? We are the only nation in the world with this many weapons that also has these problems. Does that tell us nothing?