Monday, April 12, 2021
Quote of the Day -- Crazy Political Party Edition
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Quote of the Day -- Conservatives and Coronavirus Edition
Sunday, February 28, 2021
Quote of the Day -- Former President Edition
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Truth Is Already Coming Out on Trump
The truth is already starting to come out on this Republican Party President Trump and his administration. And even sooner than I thought. Or hoped.
"Outgoing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has just accused President Trump of provoking the violent crowd that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, saying: 'The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people.'"
Quote of the Day -- Soon to be Ex-President Edition
The Atlantic Magazine Gets This So Right
Yes, it's heartening to see the truth spelled out so big and so bold.
Trump Is the Worst President in History - The Atlantic
President Donald Trump has long exulted in superlatives. The first. The best. The most. The greatest. “No president has ever done what I’ve done,” he boasts. “No president has ever even come close,” he says. But as his four years in office draw to an end, there’s only one title to which he can lay claim: Donald Trump is the worst president America has ever had.
In December 2019, he became the third president to be impeached. Last week, Trump entered a category all his own, becoming the first president to be impeached twice. But impeachment, which depends in part on the makeup of Congress, is not the most objective standard. What does being the worst president actually mean? And is there even any value, at the bitter end of a bad presidency, in spending energy on judging a pageant of failed presidencies?
It is helpful to think of the responsibilities of a president in terms of the two elements of the oath of office set forth in the Constitution. In the first part, presidents swear to “faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States.” This is a pledge to properly perform the three jobs the presidency combines into one: head of state, head of government, and commander in chief. In the second part, they promise to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States....”
As Trump prepares to leave Washington, the capital is more agitated than during any previous presidential transition since 1861, with thousands of National Guard troops deployed around the city. There have been serious threats to previous inaugurations. But for the first time in the modern era, those threats are internal. An incumbent president is being asked to discourage terrorism by supporters acting in his name.
...There are many verdicts on Donald Trump still to come, from the Senate, from juries of private citizens, from scholars and historians. But as a result of his subversion of national security, his reckless endangerment of every American in the pandemic, and his failed insurrection on January 6, one thing seems abundantly clear: Trump is the worst president in the 232-year history of the United States.
It's an excellent, not surprisingly well-documented article. Here's hoping lots and lots of Americans read it so they both know more of our nation's history but also so they can and do put this soon to be former President Trump in the correct light and category, perspective.
Monday, January 18, 2021
Donald J Trump Legacy, Part II
Thanks, Mr. President. Again, thanks. So much.
(click on picture for easier reading)
Thanks, Republicans.
That's quite the guy you got there. Quite the guy you foisted on us all, on the nation.
The Donald J Trump Legacy, Part I
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, what he did. And what he most certainly didn't do.
Saturday, January 9, 2021
Quote of the Day -- Prescient, Prophetic Edition
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Our Next National Hurdles Once Trump Is Gone
Thursday, December 3, 2020
This President and His Supporters Have Become Dangerous
I mean every word of that headline of this article. This President has gotten dangerous. Here's how.
‘Stop The Steal’ Rallies Now Feature ‘Lock Him Up!’ Chants Aimed At Georgia Guv Brian Kemp
This is outrageous. Some of the article:
The pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood proclaimed near the end of a “Stop The Steal” rally in Georgia Wednesday that he had seen the “real” results of the 2020 election.“He won over 410 electoral votes,” Wood said, referring to President Donald Trump. “He damn near won every state including California!”
That about summed up the day’s proceedings. Wood and co-counsel Sidney Powell — formerly of the President’s campaign, now leading a bustling fundraising-based legal effort to somehow deliver Trump a second term — riled up the crowd with tempting promises that Trump would, indeed, remain President on Jan. 20.
The pair trotted out the same old nonsense they’ve been riding for weeks in light of Joe Biden’s electoral victory: The communists have infiltrated America’s election infrastructure! They’ve bought off Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State!
The effort has never been legally rigorous: Powell and Wood’s filings have included clumsy typos and embarrassing errors; a recent federal suit to overturn the results in Wisconsin, for example, sought video footage from the TCF Center… which is in Detroit, Michigan.
But even now, the movement appears to be growing more aggressive.
Wood and the recently pardoned former national security adviser Michael Flynn, for example, called on the President to declare martial law Tuesday over the supposedly stolen election. Powell has boosted calls for Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act.
On Wednesday, at least one person in attendance carried an actual pitchfork. Wood, rallying the crowd, seethed at outsiders.
“We’re not going to vote on your damn machines made in China,” he said at one point.
“Get out of our country, George Soros!” he yelled separately of the American citizen and Jewish bogeyman for the right.
The pair even turned on Republicans deemed insufficiently fervent in supporting Donald Trump’s inevitable second term. “Lock him up!” Wood said of Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R).
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Quote of the Day -- Post-Presidential Edition
Former CIA Director John Brennan wrote the best, most true and deserving lines on Twitter this past Monday on this President.
Monday, November 23, 2020
Quote of the Day -- Presidential Edition
I'm not violating any pledge of journalistic confidentially in reporting this: 21 Republican Sens–in convos w/ colleagues, staff members, lobbyists, W. House aides–have repeatedly expressed extreme contempt for Trump & his fitness to be POTUS.
The 21 GOP Senators who have privately expressed their disdain for Trump are:
- Portman
- Alexander
- Sasse
- Blunt
- Collins
- Murkowski
- Cornyn
- Thune
- Romney
- Braun
- Young
- Tim Scott
- Rick Scott
- Rubio
- Grassley
- Burr
- Toomey
- McSally
- Moran
- Roberts
- Shelby
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Entertainment Overnight -- Presidential Election Edition
If only this President and his Presidency were somehow entertaining.
Monday, November 16, 2020
Entertainment Overnight -- Presidential Edition
These people do great work. You might want to check them out or follow them on YouTube.
Sunday, November 15, 2020
This Presidential Legacy
Monday, November 9, 2020
Lots of Big News This Morning
Yes, lots of breaking news today. Lots of good, it seems and yes, some bad. First the good. If not even great.
Pfizer says virus vaccine 90% effective
But the official is not opening the door just yet — citing an ambiguity about the election results advanced by the Trump administration.
A spokesperson for the General Services Administration says Emily Murphy, the GSA administrator, hasn't signed off on the transition yet because she's waiting for an “ascertainment” about who officially won the 2020 presidential election, which President Donald Trump is contesting without evidence.
it's one thing for the Trumpster to deny reality. It's a whole 'nother thing for even one of them to start blocking this transition.
Thursday, November 5, 2020
The Nearly Unbelievable Things Coming Out of The Orange One Now

How come every time they count Mail-In ballot dumps they are so devastating in their percentage and power of destruction?
The PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES asked this. Today. This morning.
Unreal. With anyone else asking it, it would be unbelievable.
How about they count them BECAUSE THEY ARE OUR AMERICAN CITIZENS VOTES? You know? Us? The taxpayers out here? The citizens?
You dolt.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
They are finding Biden votes all over the place — in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. So bad for our Country!
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Quote of the Day--Presidential, Election Day Edition

Donald Trump says facts are fake, science is a hoax, votes are illegal, windmills cause cancer, Obama is from Kenya, Russia is our friend, and the coronavirus is over, but we're supposed to take his word that if we give him four more years he’ll fix all the problems he’s caused.
Let's do this, folks. Get out there and vote. And VOTE BLUE.
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