I mean every word of that headline of this article. This President has gotten dangerous. Here's how.
‘Stop The Steal’ Rallies Now Feature ‘Lock Him Up!’ Chants Aimed At Georgia Guv Brian Kemp
This is outrageous. Some of the article:
The pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood proclaimed near the end of a “Stop The Steal” rally in Georgia Wednesday that he had seen the “real” results of the 2020 election.“He won over 410 electoral votes,” Wood said, referring to President Donald Trump. “He damn near won every state including California!”
That about summed up the day’s proceedings. Wood and co-counsel Sidney Powell — formerly of the President’s campaign, now leading a bustling fundraising-based legal effort to somehow deliver Trump a second term — riled up the crowd with tempting promises that Trump would, indeed, remain President on Jan. 20.
The pair trotted out the same old nonsense they’ve been riding for weeks in light of Joe Biden’s electoral victory: The communists have infiltrated America’s election infrastructure! They’ve bought off Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State!
The effort has never been legally rigorous: Powell and Wood’s filings have included clumsy typos and embarrassing errors; a recent federal suit to overturn the results in Wisconsin, for example, sought video footage from the TCF Center… which is in Detroit, Michigan.
But even now, the movement appears to be growing more aggressive.
Wood and the recently pardoned former national security adviser Michael Flynn, for example, called on the President to declare martial law Tuesday over the supposedly stolen election. Powell has boosted calls for Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act.
On Wednesday, at least one person in attendance carried an actual pitchfork. Wood, rallying the crowd, seethed at outsiders.
“We’re not going to vote on your damn machines made in China,” he said at one point.
“Get out of our country, George Soros!” he yelled separately of the American citizen and Jewish bogeyman for the right.
The pair even turned on Republicans deemed insufficiently fervent in supporting Donald Trump’s inevitable second term. “Lock him up!” Wood said of Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R).
Forget, ignore this, the facts--
Fortunately, going back to that first, original article I posted above, the following may well take place.
If they, Republicans in Georgia, don't vote---God love 'em---it's more likely the Democrats' candidates for the Georgia Senates seat would get put in, they'd win, of course.
Wouldn't that just be a dang shame?
What isn't reckless to the point of, again, dangerous and frightening could be to love about these irrational knuckleheads. If you go to Trump's Facebook page, there are all kinds of people on there, all excited and ginned up about seeing him get this election, in spite of his decisive loss across the states, across the nation.
For now, we need to get this President to concede, first, and then have all his other fellow Republicans stop ginning up their followers.
These people all need to figuratively come down off the edge. They all need to calm down, get rational and accept this President Trump's defeat in our election. They need to stop referring to their guns and whatever other insanities they might threaten or dream up.
And their leader in all this, their President, needs to get them there.
More dangerousness, recklessness and irresponsibility: