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Showing posts with label lying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lying. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Atlantic Magazine Gets This So Right

 Yes, it's heartening to see the truth spelled out so big and so bold.

Trump Is the Worst President in History - The Atlantic

I like it so much I'm going to post it twice.

Just a bit from the article:

Three particular failures secure Trump’s status as the worst chief executive ever to hold the office.

President Donald Trump has long exulted in superlatives. The first. The best. The most. The greatest. “No president has ever done what I’ve done,” he boasts. “No president has ever even come close,” he says. But as his four years in office draw to an end, there’s only one title to which he can lay claim: Donald Trump is the worst president America has ever had.

In December 2019, he became the third president to be impeached. Last week, Trump entered a category all his own, becoming the first president to be impeached twice. But impeachment, which depends in part on the makeup of Congress, is not the most objective standard. What does being the worst president actually mean? And is there even any value, at the bitter end of a bad presidency, in spending energy on judging a pageant of failed presidencies?

It is helpful to think of the responsibilities of a president in terms of the two elements of the oath of office set forth in the Constitution. In the first part, presidents swear to “faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States.” This is a pledge to properly perform the three jobs the presidency combines into one: head of state, head of government, and commander in chief. In the second part, they promise to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States....”

As Trump prepares to leave Washington, the capital is more agitated than during any previous presidential transition since 1861, with thousands of National Guard troops deployed around the city. There have been serious threats to previous inaugurations. But for the first time in the modern era, those threats are internal. An incumbent president is being asked to discourage terrorism by supporters acting in his name.

...There are many verdicts on Donald Trump still to come, from the Senate, from juries of private citizens, from scholars and historians. But as a result of his subversion of national security, his reckless endangerment of every American in the pandemic, and his failed insurrection on January 6, one thing seems abundantly clear: Trump is the worst president in the 232-year history of the United States.

It's an excellent, not surprisingly well-documented article. Here's hoping lots and lots of Americans read it so they both know more of our nation's history but also so they can and do put this soon to be former President Trump in the correct light and category, perspective.

Not done there, however, Trump and his administration did this on their way out.

Because I guess there's just not enough lies or stupidity to go around for this guy and his people.

Fortunately, there is, rightly, yet more good news, too.

Yet more goodness.

Have heart, America.  In 24 hours, we'll have intelligent, adult, informed, rational leadership again.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Quote of the Day -- On This Excuse of a President

 From the Daily Kos and The Atlantic today.

Post image

As The Atlantic stated in its October 2016 endorsement of his opponent, Hillary Clinton, Trump “traffics in conspiracy theories and racist invective; he is appallingly sexist; he is erratic, secretive, and xenophobic; he expresses admiration for authoritarian rulers, and evinces authoritarian tendencies himself … He is an enemy of fact-based discourse; he is ignorant of, and indifferent to, the Constitution; he appears not to read.”

But no one could have been prepared for just how unfit for office Donald Trump would actually turn out to be, or the incompetence of the people he would choose to surround himself.

Not only did Trump not “grow” into the office—which was the least anyone could expect—he diminished it and poisoned it, along with the country he was elected to serve.

What we have learned since we published that editorial is that we understated our case. Donald Trump is the worst president this country has seen since Andrew Johnson, or perhaps James Buchanan, or perhaps ever. Trump has brought our country low; he has divided our people; he has pitted race against race; he has corrupted our democracy; he has shown contempt for American ideals; he has made cruelty a sacrament; he has provided comfort to propagators of hate; he has abandoned America’s allies; he has aligned himself with dictators; he has encouraged terrorism and mob violence; he has undermined the agencies and departments of government; he has despoiled the environment; he has opposed free speech; he has lied frenetically and evangelized for conspiracism; he has stolen children from their parents; he has made himself an advocate of a hostile foreign power; and he has failed to protect America from a ravaging virus. Trump is not responsible for all of the 220,000 COVID-19-related deaths in America. But through his avarice and ignorance and negligence and titanic incompetence, he has allowed tens of thousands of Americans to suffer and die, many alone, all needlessly. With each passing day, his presidency reaps more death.

Let's do this folks. Vote. And vote blue.  #BlueWave2020

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From the article:

Monday, September 28, 2020

Missouri's Senator Blunt Tries to Clean Up Another of This President's Messes--Again

Did you see this? Missouri's Senator Blunt had to speak in Congress about our election this Fall after his political party's President put it all into question.

As Trump questions U.S. election system, Blunt says it’s ‘secure as it’s ever been’

How pathetic is it that we have to have our Senators come out to speak in Congress, publicly, officially, to reassure the American people, we, the taxpaying citizens, that our President, this President, this very Republican Party President won't threaten our very own election and our vote, our votes?

What's additionally insane is that this is no way, not even remotely this same Senator or other Republican Party Senators have had to go behind this President and clean up after his verbal messes. Here's another. This one took place in October, 2019.

Like Senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham and far too many others, they all prove they're extremely faithful lapdogs to this lying, cheating, conniving, self-serving conman. McConnell came out to "reassure us" this week.

They're all far more interested in keeping and maintaining power--and their own money--than they are for doing what's right and good for the nation, for the people, even for Democracy.

Thanks, Republicans. Thanks again. Thanks again so very much.

Vote, folks.

And vote blue.


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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Okay, Now Senator Hawley is Just Lying

 I was stunned to the point of near anger at what is now coming out of Republican Party, Missouri Senator Josh Hawley's mouth now.

Here's the problem. 

No one said that. 

Quite the contrary. Now he's creating things out of thin air that aren't remotely true.

In the article, it also points out Sen. Hawley says he hopes Americans are all listening closely. It's because we're listening and paying attention that we're going to vote out this Republican Party President Trump, at the very least.

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