Did you see this? Missouri's Senator Blunt had to speak in Congress about our election this Fall after his political party's President put it all into question.
As Trump questions U.S. election system, Blunt says it’s ‘secure as it’s ever been’
What's additionally insane is that this is no way, not even remotely this same Senator or other Republican Party Senators have had to go behind this President and clean up after his verbal messes. Here's another. This one took place in October, 2019.
Like Senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham and far too many others, they all prove they're extremely faithful lapdogs to this lying, cheating, conniving, self-serving conman. McConnell came out to "reassure us" this week.
They're all far more interested in keeping and maintaining power--and their own money--than they are for doing what's right and good for the nation, for the people, even for Democracy.
Thanks, Republicans. Thanks again. Thanks again so very much.
Vote, folks.
And vote blue.
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