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Showing posts with label fraud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fraud. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Quote of the Day -- Post-Presidential Edition

 Former CIA Director John Brennan wrote the best, most true and deserving lines on Twitter this past  Monday on this President.

“For four years, I spoke out vigorously against Donald Trump’s craven dishonesty, corrupt pursuit of personal interests, & trampling of our democratic principles. After serving over three decades in national security, I felt compelled to condemn Trump’s depravity & incompetence. My outspokenness has brought criticism, retaliation by the Trump Administration, & threats by those blinded by Trump’s demagoguery,” he continued. “Yes, it is unusual for a former CIA Director to speak out, but when an autocrat descended upon the White House, silence was not an option for me. I now plan to ignore Trump, I leave his fate to our judicial system, his infamy to history, & his legacy to a trash heap.”

Thank you, sir, for your service.

And for these very fair, very deserved words.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Huge, Fantastic Presidential News Breaking This Morning!!

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It's yet another tough, tough day for the Trumpster today, campers. Check out this incredible, breaking news from just this morning 

Federal prosecutors say Bannon and three associates illegally funneled money from the “We Build The Wall” fund

Truly incredible. And wonderful.

Not done there, yet more good---no, great news.

NEW YORK — President Trump’s latest attempt to block the Manhattan district attorney from obtaining his tax records was rejected by a federal judge Thursday.

U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero threw out the latest lawsuit brought by Trump’s lawyers which had argued that a subpoena to Mazars USA, Trump’s accounting firm, was “overbroad” in its request for documents and that it amounted to “harassment.” Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. argued repeatedly that the subpoena, issued by a grand jury, was legally valid and tied to a legitimate criminal investigation.

And then one last breaking story today.

The case was initially dismissed due to its similarity to the federal charges

The Manhattan District Attorney's office fought Thursday to reinstate the indictment against President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, according to court documents filed in the case.

Manafort had been charged in New York for allegedly conducting a yearlong residential mortgage fraud scheme before the case was dismissed in December due to its similarity to earlier federal charges.

The Manhattan DA's office argued, according to court filings, that the state's double jeopardy law contains an exception that would allow the case to proceed.

Isn't it a beautiful day, ladies and gentlemen?

So. herewith, a summary of this Trump, very Republican Party administration so far, to date:
  • Rick Gates: Convicted
  • Paul Manafort: Convicted
  • George Papadopoulos: Convicted
  • Mike Flynn: Convicted
  • Michael Cohen: Convicted
  • Roger Stone: Convicted
  • Steve Bannon: Arrested, charged with fraud
  • Donald Trump: Impeached
"Only the best people..."

"So much winning..."

Thanks, Mr. President!

Thanks, Republicans!

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Thursday, May 14, 2020

What They're Saying On the Internet About This President and Our Coming Election

Literally, I saw this on Facebook two days ago.  What they're saying about this President Trump and the coming election. They may well have a point. Points. (Edited slightly and 2 comments added in parentheses). Author unknown.

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Trump is getting increasingly desperate about his ever-dwindling chance of being reelected in November.

Why? Because he knows what awaits him if he loses his so-called "presidential immunity" which, by the way, in my humble opinion, should be abolished. When he becomes a "civilian," Trump knows that he faces endless litigation to attempt to defend himself in both the Districe of New York and the State of New Jersey for many very serious offenses. Some of these are:

  1. The 2016 Russian election attack
  2. His own election campaign's possible--likely? apparent?--collusion with Russia to get elected
  3. Wikileaks 
  4. Middle Eastern influence (on the Trump administration I feel sure they mean)
  5. Paul Manafort’s activities 
  6. The Trump Tower Moscow project 
  7. Russia-Trump Campaign contacts 
  8. Presidential obstruction of justice 
  9. Campaign finance violations and Trump Organization finances 
  10. Inauguration funding 
  11. SuperPAC funding 
  12. Foreign lobbying violations 
  13. Russian spy Maria Butina 
  14. Russian Internet Research Agency accountant Elena Alekseevna Khusyaynova 
  15. Turkish influence (not certain what they mean here)
  16. Trump Organization tax fraud
  17. Trump Foundation fraud 
  18. Violations of the emoluments clause 
  19. Lawsuits from a VERY LONG list of unpaid creditors
I'm sure there will be an additional tsunami of litigation by grieving and very angry surviving family members of the tens of thousands of people who needlessly died as a result of the COVID-19 virus,  caused from Trump's endless excuses, disastrous mismanagement, his complete lack of leadership and his overwhelming criminal negligence in this disaster, which is obviously still ongoing and will be ongoing for long into the future.

Trump's insistence on "opening up the country," by HIS own twisted reasoning "to improve the economy," is an EXCUSE and a LIE. It's only for the purpose of promoting himself for one more four-year term of horror in the Oval Office, thereby allowing Trump to escape what awaits him if he loses reelection.




Saturday, January 4, 2020

Donald Trump is a "Man of God"?

It's one thing for President Trump to have supporters, sure, and a lot of us don't understand even that but there are those who take this even further. In fact, they take it much, much further.

Evangelical Christians see Trump as ‘man of God’

Millions of Americans Believe God Made Trump President

And it gets worse, too.

Evangelicals Call Trump A God 

Donald Trump.

Donald J Trump. A "man of God". Or worse, a God himself.


To clear this up, let's make a list, even just a short list of hings we know about Donald J Trump:
  • He was given 493 million dollars from his father, upon his father's death
  • He declared bankruptcy at least 6 times, in his business dealings
  • He was found guilty of fraud through his Trump University and had to repay 25 million dollars
  • He was found guilty by a judge, in a court of law, for stealing 2 million dollars from a charity. And it was a charity for American Veterans from which he stole this money
  • He was married and cheated on this first wife
  • He ended up divorcing his first wife and marrying the woman with whom he cheated on this first wife
  • He cheated on his second wife
  • He ended up divorcing his second wife and marrying the woman with whom he cheated on that second wife
  • He cheated on his third wife
  • He paid $130,000 to the woman with whom he cheated on his third wife in order to buy her silence because, after all, he was in the middle of campaigning for election to the Presidency, the highest office in the nation
And that's all just for starters. There's a lot more, certainly, but I think the above all make my point.

If that's a God, that is one warped, even sick God, if not also universe.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Whom Will We Honor Memorial Day? (Guest Post)

Because no one has said it better than Howard Zinn :

Whom Will We Honor Memorial Day?

Published on June 2, 1976 in the Boston Globe and republished in The Zinn Reader with the brief introduction below.
Memorial Day will be celebrated … by the usual betrayal of the dead, by the hypocritical patriotism of the politicians and contractors preparing for more wars, more graves to receive more flowers on future Memorial Days. The memory of the dead deserves a different dedication. To peace, to defiance of governments.
In 1974, I was invited by Tom Winship, the editor of the Boston Globe, who had been bold enough in 1971 to print part of the top secret Pentagon Papers on the history of the Vietnam War, to write a bi-weekly column for the op-ed page of the newspaper. I did that for about a year and a half. The column below appeared June 2, 1976, in connection with that year’s Memorial Day. After it appeared, my column was canceled.
* * * * *
Memorial Day will be celebrated as usual, by high-speed collisions of automobiles and bodies strewn on highways and the sound of ambulance sirens throughout the land.
It will also be celebrated by the display of flags, the sound of bugles and drums, by parades and speeches and unthinking applause.
It will be celebrated by giant corporations, which make guns, bombs, fighter planes, aircraft carriers and an endless assortment of military junk and which await the $100 billion in contracts to be approved soon by Congress and the President.
There was a young woman in New Hampshire who refused to allow her husband, killed in Vietnam, to be given a military burial. She rejected the hollow ceremony ordered by those who sent him and 50,000 others to their deaths. Her courage should be cherished on Memorial Day. There were the B52 pilots who refused to fly those last vicious raids of Nixon’s and Kissinger’s war. Have any of the great universities, so quick to give honorary degrees to God-knows-whom, thought to honor those men at this Commencement time, on this Memorial Day?
No politician who voted funds for war, no business contractor for the military, no general who ordered young men into battle, no FBI man who spied on anti-war activities, should be invited to public ceremonies on this sacred day. Let the dead of past wars he honored. Let those who live pledge themselves never to embark on mass slaughter again.
“The shell had his number on it. The blood ran into the ground…Where his chest ought to have been they pinned the Congressional Medal, the DSC, the Medaille Militaire, the Belgian Croix de Guerre, the Italian gold medal, The Vitutea Militara sent by Queen Marie of Rumania. All the Washingtonians brought flowers .. Woodrow Wilson brought a bouquet of poppies.”
Those are the concluding lines of John Dos Passos angry novel 1919. Let us honor him on Memorial Day.
And also Thoreau, who went to jail to protest the Mexican War.
And Mark Twain, who denounced our war against the Filipinos at the turn of the century.
And I.F. Stone, who virtually alone among newspaper editors exposed the fraud and brutality of the Korean War.
Let us honor Martin Luther King, who refused the enticements of the White House, and the cautions of associates, and thundered against the war in Vietnam.
Memorial Day should be a day for putting flowers on graves and planting trees. Also, for destroying the weapons of death that endanger us more than they protect us, that waste our resources and threaten our children and grandchildren.
On Memorial Day we should take note that, in the name of “defense,” our taxes have been used to spend a quarter of a billion dollars on a helicopter assault ship called “the biggest floating lemon,” which was accepted by the Navy although it had over 2,000 major defects at the time of its trial cruise.
Meanwhile, there is such a shortage of housing that millions live in dilapidated sections of our cities and millions more are forced to pay high rents or high interest rates on their mortgages. There’s 90 billion for the B1 bomber, but people don’t have money to pay hospital bills.
We must be practical, say those whose practicality has consisted of a war every generation. We mustn’t deplete our defenses. Say those who have depleted our youth, stolen our resources. In the end, it is living people, not corpses, creative energy, not destructive rage, which are our only real defense, not just against other governments trying to kill us, but against our own, also trying to kill us.
Let us not set out, this Memorial Day, on the same old drunken ride to death.

--Howard Zinn in the Memorial Day article that led the Boston Globe to cancel his column in 1976.

Monday, February 16, 2015

A Senate Republican Speaks Truth to Their Power

At last, long overdue, but we get some truth and honesty from someone inside this political party, calling their "Voter ID laws" what they really are and that is voter suppression.

Most assuredly un-American.  It's shameful. We need to rise up, speak out against this and overturn these efforts and soon as possible.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Probably the most important documentary most Americans will never watch

But you won't because it takes 1 and a half hour or you're too busy or it was a long time ago or some other thing. It was put up on You Tube in 2007 but still fits in extremely well right now with the "Occupy" movement. It makes if very timely. Winston Smith is alive and well. I hope you had a nice weekend. Say, hand me my fiddle, will you, Nero?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Local columnist so wrong on defense spending

A few days ago, columnist for the Star E. Thomas McLanahan wrote a piece warning that we--the US--need to absolutely keep our defense spending where it is or, as so many Right Wingers do, he warned we'd lose our strength and power and some such rot. Nonsense. He's wrong on so many levels, it's nearly obscene. First of all, we spend so far much more on defense than any nation on the planet, it's already nearly insanity, by itself. We spend approximately 698 billion dollars, annually, on defense and no other nation remotely comes close to spending that much. And that's just what's on the books. It's fairly common knowledge that, actually, we spend far more than that. China, for instance, if they're our next big threat, only spends $114 billion annually, by comparison. I won't tear Mr. McLanahan's article completely apart here (see link below) but will point out that a) if Europe would pick up the tab for their own defense and b) we stop trying to fight WWII, what with outposts still in Italy, Germany and other spots across the world we don't need and finally, c) if we cut the waste and fraud in the defense budget (see link below), we could easily, easily cut the amount we spend by half--as we should--and so, actually strengthen the country. We could apply that amount to both our debt and our infrastructure (health care, roads, highways, education, etc.) We didn't learn France's lessons on Vietnam and we went in. Big mistake. We didn't learn the Soviet Union's lessons on Afghanistan and we went in. Same thing. Now we don't seem to be able to learn the Soviet Union's lessons, again, on huge defense spending, which actually ended up breaking their nation. Could we please learn from history? And soon? >Links:;;

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Founding Father James Madison, on war

"Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare." ----James Madison, the essential author of Constitution.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The fraud that is Afghanistan and their President Hamid Karzai

Just out from The Christian Science Monitor: Ballot-stuffing witnessed amid troubled Afghanistan vote "As Afghans voted Saturday, a reporter in Wardak Province spoke to an election worker about how his team had set out to stuff ballot boxes. The widescale fraud in Wardak may speak to troubles in the broader Afghanistan vote." Years from now, folks, sadly, years from now, there will be reports citing how many millions of dollars, at least, Hamid Karzai took from the US and his people--his own country. But he'll be gone by then, living very peacefully and very nicely, immune from it all. Mark my word. It won't come out for years. Enjoy your Sunday. Links to original post:;

Saturday, January 16, 2010

What we do wrong in government

We, as a nation, went through the Great Depression, sure, as we all know.

And with the collapse of the stock market back in 1929, there were examinations of what was done wrong and then we made laws to make sure we didn't do that again.

That makes sense, doesn't it?

So now we've experienced the worst collapse and decline of our economy since that Great Depression, some 80 years ago and what do we do?

Nearly nothing.

Since our economy collapsed, mostly due to banks, the banking industry and the big banks, in particular (read: Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, etc.), there hasn't been one new law put in place--or put back in place--since.

It's only just now, this week, that we're examining what happened and finding out who did what, when, where and to whom.

Some of it we've known for a long time but this Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission's role is an important one--and long overdue.

One of the worst things that was done was this: "...Wall Street's biggest investment banks bought many of the $2 trillion in home mortgages issued to shaky borrowers, converted them to high-yield bonds and sold the bonds to investors including pension funds, insurers and foreign banks. Many of the securities have since defaulted, and investors have lost billions of dollars.

Goldman Sachs even admitted improper actions in the sales of securities, for pity's sake, earlier today.

This was all nightmare enough but then they had to add credit default swaps to this list.

Instead of truly having and buying insurance, for which there are regulations and rules, these companies bought these "swaps", which weren't regulated, as a substitute for true, real, backed insurance.

Only the swaps weren't backed.

There was nothing behind them.

With these 2 details alone--and there was a lot more done blatantly wrong --is it any wonder our banking system and so, our economy, collapsed?

So the thing that's wrong now is that 1) nothing has changed yet, from when these large banks took us all for a ride, so to speak, to all of our peril, for which we are now paying and have to pay and will have to pay, into the future and 2) unlike after the Great Depression, we're letting the banks and their lobbyists and their money into our government, to tell us what should happen with THEIR regulations.

Does this make any sense?

And the answer is, of course not.

80 years ago, we had enough sense to correct our problems and to keep the proverbial fox out of the chicken coops.

We don't seem that smart this time around.

We don't seem to have learned that you don't let the person who made the mess in the first place make the rules for the future in order to avoid future collapses and problems.

That's not very bright, on our part.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

More good things from this White House

Notice came yesterday from the US House of Representatives that a new agency is finally being created to "regulate home loans, credit cards, savings accounts and other financial services."

The agency is to be called the Consumer Financial Protection Agency.

Let's hope it has some teeth and can do its job and do it well.

It's unfortunate, I think, that we need this additional function in our government and yet another new agency but I think it's important we do, indeed have it.

If we learned anything from the last couple of years, it's what can happen when business isn't regulated so out-and-out theft doesn't occur under the heading of "business as usual."

Considering what's happened to our banking, mortgage and credit sectors and what literally thousands of unscrupulous lenders did, first to their clients and then, ultimately, to our economy, what with our banking and credit crisis and collapse, it seems incredible anyone could voice any complaint about it.

But the bankers and business sector is, let there be no doubt.

The thing is, we need to get the banking and insurance (and all other corporations and their lobbyists and money) out of our government.

And the only way to do that is to have true, complete, bold, in-your-face campaign finance reform, with the corporations thrown out of both the process and ultimate legislative product.

But the American people, sadly, don't connect those dots.

Until that happens, until we all truly revolt for this result, it will remain more of the same, regardless of the political party in power.

There are two things about this, though, that are worth noting--one a question, the other an observation:

First, it would be good to know if this important work couldn't be done within an existing agency, like Commerce or something, so we don't create yet another bureaucracy that ends up living for it's own success.

Second, unfortunately, it's not a sure thing that this consumer protection agency will be created. Bankers and their money being what they are--and our government being how it is, subject to yet more lobbyist's money, etc.--this may not get out of Congress. It's too early to tell.

Sure, we're doing somewhat better now, as citizens and consumers, with this Administration and political party, compared to the previous one but we won't have that true, complete reform unless and until we all push mightily for said campaign finance reform.

That's the only thing that will finally get all the ugly money out of our government that is corrupting the officials, the process and the ultimate legislation.

God, I miss Molly Ivins.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

An education and warning

I hope you--and lots of people, nationwide--watched the "Frontline" special on PBS last evening named "The Warning."

It was about how our unregulated markets were allowed to be created, first, but then, further, how they were allowed to propagate, complete with rules that allowed out-and-out fraud and manipulation of the markets, with the thought that completely, utterly free markets were important and good and that they could and would regulate themselves.

They did and, because of the lack of regulation, they also collapsed.

Last evening's one-hour report told of one woman's attempt to regulate the quantity of trades--so we know how much or our economy was tied up in it--as well as regulating, again, possible manipulation and fraud.

So now, here we are in 2009 after two collapses in our markets and where are we?

After seeing it, I had to ask: How could you not come to the conclusion that we are in very much the same place, without having learned any lessons?

Goldman Sachs and Citigroup and all these people are still in power, the bonuses are still being paid out, there were no penalties, we still allow fraud and manipulation in commodity futures, we still don't regulate the trillions of dollars in hedge funds, etc.

It's hard to be optimistic about either what happened in the 1990's and its collapse, the recent collapse, now, in the 2000's and into the future.

If you didn't see "The Warning", you need to.


Monday, December 22, 2008

Regarding stolen elections

Did you see where 'Karl Rove's IT guru' Mike Connell died in a plane crash this last weekend, mysteriously enough?

Not only were the 2000 and 2004 elections quite probably (provably?) stolen from the American electorate, but one man--this Mike Connell--was going to testify about it and suddenly, again, mysteriously, and tragically dies all of a sudden, just before he's to testify about GOP computers, emails and servers.


(Thanks for sending, Bryce!)

original link here:

Monday, May 26, 2008

I want my country back

If you didn't see HBO's movie, "Reount", you need to make sure you do. After having seen it, it's easy to come to a few important conclusions:

1) It shows on film what we've read about for years and already knew and that is that George W. Bush, the Republican Party and W's brother, colleagues and associates literally stole the 2000 Presidential election and its results;

2) The United States and its 150,000 soldiers would not be in Iraq today;

3) 4,083 American Soldiers who have since died, to this date, in Iraq would not have died;

4) The 30,000 plus American Soldiers by official count, up to 100,000 by unofficial count, would not have been maimed and/or wounded;

5) the half-million Iraqis who have since died in their own country would not be dead

6) the United States would not be in the debt we are in today and

7) finally, as my friend Bryce first and once told me--and I quote him here--"Republicans are evil, Democrats are retarded."

We don't any longer have a democracy folks, if we ever did.