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Showing posts with label deceit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deceit. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What's going on with Americans?

What's up with Americans today? What has happened to America? The America I knew? The tough, smart one? I see, hear and read so much paranoia and suspicion anymore, it's shocking. There is expectation of much ugliness and evil and huge "powers that be" and it's surprising and new to me. It seems paranoid and really gets tiresome. We had a financial collapse in 2008, we elected a black man president in 2010 and lots of large weather anomalies have taken place in the recent past. That and a lot of people have lost their jobs or their socio-economic status and still others are having to get used to women having more power and clout in our society possibly. I understand all that but the suspicion or paranoia or whatever it is is really getting out of hand. I've never known Americans to be like this. What brings this about is a conversation on Facebook with "friends" due to this video: People were saying it's chemtrails they think and that the government must be poisoning us, instead of just jet contrails. And sure, it could, remotely be possible. Governments around the world have done some of this stuff. England recently admitted to doing it from the 40's to the 70's but honestly, I see and hear so many people saying that it's "the end of the world", literally, and that the government is preparing to either kill us, like this, or heard us all into FEMA camps and it gets really old. Here's the thing, if everyone's so upset now, why weren't they raising hell when that white moral and mental midget George W. Bush was spending us into oblivion, giving away tax cuts to his already-obscenely rich friends and taking us into a horrible, tragic, needless, mindless, nationally and internationally illegal war in Iraq? Where were these people then? Why didn't they raise hell about the honky who was screwing things up? I'd love to know. Link:

Friday, December 2, 2011

It's 1968 all over again

I found a blog recently, by accident, railing about how bad and stupid and mistaken and apparently just wrong the "Occupy" movement is and my first thought was "it's 1968 all over again." Back then, I was a teenager and I had come to the conclusion that the Vietnam War was wrong. Monumentally wrong. And I said so. Other friends at the time thought it important to go along with the official line of the administration. Then there were the Conservatives, Republicans and Right Wing of the country that was also for fighting and supporting that war. Later, when Robert McNamara, then-President Nixon's Secretary of Defense told us the truth, that it was all a lie and he cried on TV about it, well, it was too late but at least we were all vindicated, those of us who were against the war. Now, it's the same thing all over again. The students and young people are out in the streets, protesting. They're protesting Wall Street's ripoff of us, the American people. They're protesting the stranglehold corporations have on the country. And there are the same, mostly older, Conservative, Republican and Right-wing folks, thinking the kids are just hippies and druggies and unemployed low-lifes, looking for "Uncle Sugar" to give them something. Well, as I said, they were mistaken then and they sure as hell are mistaken now. And it just makes me mad. It's very disheartening, at least.

Michele Bachmann and Donald Trump to lead the nation?

Are you kidding me? That's who Michele Bachmann says she might pick for her Vice President if--God and heaven forbid--she should get anywhere even remotely close to the White House? She says she would pick The Donald or Rick "Mr. Sensitivity" Santorum. Yikes. Double barrel nightmares. And we thought Dubya' was bad. (and stupid).

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Thank you, George W. Bush

From the news today:
President Barack Obama and former president George W. Bush (both photos AP)

Bush declines Obama's ground zero invite

WASHINGTON – A spokesman for George W. Bush says the former president has declined an invitation from President Barack Obama to attend an observance at New York's ground zero.
Obama plans to visit the site of the destroyed World Trade Center towers Thursday in the aftermath of a Navy SEALs raid that killed Osama bin Laden. The al-Qaida attack, which killed about 3,000 people, occurred in the early months of Bush's presidency in 2001.
The spokesman, David Sherzer, says the former president appreciated the offer to attend but has chosen to remain out of the spotlight during his post-presidency.
As I said, above, I, for one, am most appreciative and grateful that he is staying "out of the spotlight" at this and any and all times.
Did you read, years ago, as I did, during President Bush's presidency when he was in New York City at the UN, making a speech and he crossed paths with former President Bill Clinton and he was quoted as saying to an aide--paraphrased--that you wouldn't see him around after his presidency?  Remember that?  I sure do.  I'll never forget it.
True to form, now-former President Bush knew himself very well.  He knew that, once out of office, he wasn't about to do any "heavy-lifting."  
He didn't do any of it during his presidency, heaven knows--we wouldn't have attacked Iraq if he had, among many other things.  He surely isn't about to start doing any of it now.
What he lacked in judgement during his presidency, he seems to have gained now, now that he is out of office.
And for all that I am very, very grateful.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Quote of the day

"Republicans are geniuses at making people believe stuff that you wouldn't think you could make people believe – like schoolteachers are responsible for our budget deficit. But at the moment, the Republicans are all afraid of Obama. Only the fringe people are in the race right now. Donald Trump? Why are we even listening to this forgotten clown?"  --Bill Maher