Showing posts with label thank you. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thank you. Show all posts

Monday, June 28, 2010

Thank You

I just wanted to take a moment and thank all of my blogging friends who have leave comments, sent emails, and kept me company on Facebook during Confetti's illness and after her death.
Each of you is incredibly awesome and I'm lucky to have you as friends. Your words brought me more comfort than you know and if I could actually hug each of you I would. :-)

Regular posts should resume sometime this week.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Thank You, Katie!

When I went out to fetch the mail today I was surprised to find a package from Katie in the box.

Look at the neat treasures she sent me!
I'm in love with the spinning wheel. It's a pencil sharpener that she found on her trip to drop the kids at camp. The buffalo and bead will go great int eh Trading Post. :-)

And check out the nursery goodies!

I had the Little Bear book when I was a kid! Thanks so much, Katie!! :-)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Thank You!

Just a quick note to say thank you to everyone for their warm thoughts and good vibes while we prepared for Tempie's surgery.

She's having issues eating again, but I know from past experiences that post-dental surgery aftermath doesn't lend itself to making one hungry. So we're back to her "favorite" pumpkin trick again.

I'll be around as time permits this week. Between her feedings and getting some projects finished the blog may be quiet a few more days.

Thanks again, everyone!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Bits and Pieces

So many things are happening this week.

First I would like to thanks both Jayne at Tallulah~Belle Originals and Betty at Live Mini! Somehow I managed to win both of their wonderful contests. I'm so happy right now. The Cheerful Fairy has nothing on me. ;-) Thank you again, ladies!

Last night was the June meeting for the local miniature group. Our group has gotten so small we met at one member's home. Our hostess had prepared some kits for jewelry boards out of card and the "velvet" off of the little boards that real earrings are attached to in the store.My "chains" are a little lopsided, but I think they're cute for first tries. No clue where they will go yet. The jewelry bits are made from micro holeless beads and those shiny iron-on transfers for clothes.

The new wallpaper I ordered arrived.

This is what I'm going to use in the Big Dollhouse's kitchen.
This is for the girl's nursery.
Love the baby bunnies! :-)

The next bits of news is I was chatting with The Mini Maker the other night and we were both wondering how many of our fellow bloggers would be interested in starting a swap circle of some sort? Please let one or both of us know what you think.

That's all for now. I'm going to go enjoy the day. I hop you all do the same. :-)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Very Special Award

Marlene at Somerset House, A project is celebrating the creation of her daughter Felicity's new dollhouse blog, Mini Vintage Home. To that end she has given me this lovely award as a thank you for visiting her blog and to let me know how much she enjoys visiting this little corner of the interweb.

Thank you, Marlene. You've made my day more better than you my realize. :-)

Oh and like I said, Felicity is a new blogger, so let's all make her feel welcome.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Final Musings before Bed

The marvelous Jean Day commented on a recent post of mine, calling me inspiring. Goodness! Thank you, Jean. That means a great deal coming from you, truly!

If I am inspiring to people, I believe I'm giving what I get. There are over 120 miniature bloggers and another 10 fiber artists who inspire me to work through the pain, the frustration, and the fear of "not knowing" what's wrong with me.

I think if I didn't have both minis and people to share them with right now I would be terrified with all these damned medical tests and the waiting... the waiting is the worst part.

At this point I'm convinced one of two things will happen:
1) The doctors won't find anything, the symptoms will go away, and then weird and bad things will start happening again a few years down the line. That's what happened when my hands stopped working correctly seven years ago. Small blessing that it's my legs and feet this time. No hands means no minis...

2) The doctors will find something nasty going on in my brain...beyond the immature gutter humor and sarcastic biting remarks that float around in there. If that's the case (which I hope to all that is good and bright that it isn't) then I will dive as deep into minis as I can for therapy while "treatments" are planned and whatnot.

Either way, I'm thankful and grateful for all of you who have come along for the ride with miniatures, fiber art, critter stories, and random musings. I am thankful and grateful for the inspiration with new techniques, ideas, thoughts, and projects that creep into my head while I read your blogs. Most of all I'm grateful for the friends here.

Thank you all so very much.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thank You

I wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone for their well wishes and positive thoughts. I should be back sometime tomorrow afternoon after I sleep off the last of the tests.

FH gives me the best of care. I'm certain there will be a good deal of relaxation this weekend with a trip to the local museum, a visit to our favorite brew-on-premises pub, minis, and lots of Flogging Molly.

Walk in Harmony

Friday, March 13, 2009

Awarded again!

Thank you, Rosanna, for awarding me the Premo blog award!

Instead of coming up with another list of 15 blogs to pass it onto, I will instead direct folks to the right-hand side of the screen. There is an extensive list of blogs that I follow on a regular basis that are all incredible.

Please go pay them a visit if you do not already.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Thank You, Michelle!

Finding an envelope filled with beauty in the mailbox was the last thing I expected when FH and I returned from St. Louis last evening. But oh my goodness what a wonderful surprise! A beautiful mohair scarf and four lovely note cards, all made by Michelle at Boulderneigh. This is/was part of the "Pay It Forward" game that she suggested a few weeks back.

Isn't the mohair luscious? And the note cards are absolutely breath-taking. I adore the sparkles in the scarf. They are so happy!
These gifts are absolutely beautiful, Michelle. Thank you so very much.

I can't wait to get my Pay it Forwards done and sent off so I have a chance at making someone smile too.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Lovely People... Lots of Them

I wanted to say hello to three more lovely folks who have started visiting.

Golden Unicorn Miniatures has a wonderful blog full of gorgeous miniatures. If you want to see some beautiful pictures, go have a look!

Doreen, not to be confused with my mother-in-law of the same name, has to great blogs full of miniatures! One is for miniature projects, the other is filled with adorable miniatures. Both are a treat to read through.

Daisy Carpi has four blogs that will make you lose time going through the pictures: 1/12 scale miniatures, her life-size paintings, handmade miniatures, and building a set of shops.

Be warned. I lost my Sunday between these six blogs. But is was so wonderful.

I also thought I should publicly say how wonderful Sharon at In Stitches, Karen at Karen's Shetlands, Leigh over at Leigh's Fiber Journal, Miz Minka over at Miz Minka's Musings, Michelle at Boulderneigh are. These great fiber artists have life-sized fun, beautiful landscapes, and multitudes of critter adventures on their blogs.

Paper art. That's what I call Alice's cards. Alice not only makes drop dead gorgeous cards, but she is occasionally allowed by life and her feline "helpers" to make miniatures. Visit her at Double Purr.

For a portrait, landscape, or still-life painted in words please visit Pamella and Edward at From the House of Edward. You will be breathless.

Last but not in any way least, are Catzee and Rascal. They are Leigh's four-footed kids. Their antics and perspectives on life make me think and laugh. Especially since I have a multitude of pets.

These wonderful people have been following/visiting me from the beginning. Their presence makes the world a more beautiful place and stretch my horizons. They are beautiful.

I hope I haven't forgotten anyone. There are just so many wonderful bloggers out there. If I left anyone out, I will remedy the situation quickly I promise.

Thank you to everyone!

I did nearly forget someone and didn't catch it until I had published the post. Eek!

Maia, at Maia's Twinkle Miniatures, is a wonderful artist and has many gorgeous pictures of her miniatures. Go for a visit and see what I mean. She's also the only person who decided to play the Pay it Forward game with me this time around. Amidst the planning for this year's miniature show, my bright spot has been brainstorming ideas for her gift! And I've settled on... well, you'll just have to wait until she's received it! ;-)