Showing posts with label sewing leather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sewing leather. Show all posts

Sunday, March 10, 2019


I reached the last one with the leather nonsense that was supposed to be FuzzyHusband's part of the project. It just wasn't turning out the way it needed to look. This is what's left of one section after I cannibalized it for parts. Patent leather doesn't like to be made into piping. And it certainly doesn't like to be stretched around tight curves. And no fabric that I could find looked good as a piping option.

It's on himself now and we figured out what direction he needed to take.

I've reclaimed the dining room table to do pattern layout and will be getting back to the fabric portion of things in the morning. I hope to have things done by mid week. Tonight is for Netflix, junk food, and kitty snuggles.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Sewing Leather

I've been stuck learning to sew with leather on the fly for several weeks. When FuzzyHusband and I agreed to take this project on, the original plan was for the items to be made in vegetable tanned leather. However our client had other ideas and thus it became my problem. I really do need to teach Himself how to sew so next time I'm not doing the lion's share of the work.

Said commission consists of many leather straps, some hardware, and three larger chunks of leather. It's rather mature in nature, so I shan't be showing the final product here. Let's just say it's for a burlesque show in an extremely specialized venue and leave it at that.

What I can show are pictures of the unassembled straps that are waiting for me to finish the larger chunks.

The lighter leather is chromium tanned. Quite lovely and soft. Someday I'll make myself a gorgeous purse out of scraps in different colors. The darker gray is patent leather. Patent leather has become a pain in my backside and Himself owes me big time for having to pull off the miracles I'm making with it.

I shall be spending the rest of my Sunday trying to finish those chunks so I can wash my hands of the mess and get back to finishing the fabric portions of the project. I don't mind learning by trial and error, but when I'm working with expensive material that someone else has paid for and have a timeline, I'm less fine with it. Once I'm done with the fabric portion, FH and I will start his sewing lessons.

I shall leave you with adorable distractions. They're so much fun to watch together. Victor adores Ellie. Ellie is intrigued by Victor, but beyond that she's still figuring things out.