January: Rang in the new year with "Uncle" Willy and Donna... eight days later their grand-daughter was born. Starting being unable to walk correctly. Was weird to say the least. Ada and Grace joined the household and I started my Shabby Chic room. Albert Wilbert has gotten himself sick and we had to force feed his to keep his guts going. FH started the tanning process on a wild rabbit hide.
February: Had a wonderful Valentine's Day with FH. Made gifts for Aunt Pat to take to N.A.M.E. for the table gifts. Finished the original Shabby Chic. Willy started the chemotherapy treatments.
March: Started my Poe roombox. FH began carving tradition wooden bows. Worked up my Conservatory Room in a bag to house special flower arrangements. Local flooding was starting to get kind of scary. Was finally able to take the bunnies outside to play again. did my first quarter scale piece. Began the Greenleaf Creatin' Contest. Castor and Pollux turned 10.
April: Finally was able to start walking properly again. FH and I got our respective gardens installed. Finished my Independence Day roombox. Started my collection of Kat's Hats... I swear they are like potato chips.... can't have just one!
May: The start of Rendezvous season... and what an interesting season it was. Unveiled the almost finished Greenleaf aka the Trading Post. Albert Wilbert turned 3. FH bought me the Greenleaf Orchid for Mother's Day. Started to get serious about sewing for Rendezvous.
June: My dad went into the hospital for tests, but was fine. We had a baby shower for one of the Rendezvous couples. A ballpoint pen got left in FH's pockets that went through the washer and dryer, which led to some interesting cleaning tricks. FH blew two discs in his back, causing all kinds of problems.
July: Castor started getting sick. FH's back started to heal. I hand sewed until I was blue in the face. We canceled the local miniature show.
August: Tempie turned 4 and then her teeth became problematic again thus making everything else stop. FH poured roundball in preparation for hunting season and shooting competitions. I started crocheting more baby gifts. Alana joined the mouse house duo.
September: Gracie passed away, leaving Ada and Alana in the mouse house. I joined the local stitcher's guild and started quilting. FH was in full teaching swing for Hunter's Safety Education. Confetti turned 8; I turned 30. The washing machine died.
October: Joined the local fiber guild, did more crochet and some cross stitch. FH and I had Halloween company and had excuses to indulge in sugar. Got the new washer and dryer...finally. Ara's circle swap was loads of fun!
November: More hunting, crocheting, and stitching. The car needed some work. We spent Thanksgiving with Will and Donna... Will was gone less than four days later.
December: Helped Donna get stuff ready for the funeral. FH and I decided to start looking at houses to buy. Forced myself to put up the Christmas tree. Rosana's circle swap made healing easier and was loads of fun! Finished the Christmas outdoor setting I started the year previous. FH and I had our second anniversary and then a quite Yule at home with our new Wii. Snow started falling and hasn't really stopped for very long.
Throughout everything I've had great friends and FH for support, laughter, and fun. I just want to thank everyone for whatever part you played.
We're going to Donna's tonight for New Year's Eve. The year will have come full circle and here's hoping there are more smiles than tears... and more time for fun things like minis, stitching, and laughter.
Oh yeah... it would also be nice if FH could finish tanning that rabbit hide. It's been in salt since January! ;-)