Showing posts with label blizzard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blizzard. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


10:30pm last night: FH geared up to deal with 3+ feet of snow on the deck, which is also the roof of the sun porch.

Snowdrift up to his hips.

Oh so much fun to clear.

My turn to work.

3:30 am this morning: You can hardly tell we worked for 90 minutes out there.

1:00pm today: Getting ready to start digging out.

The drifts remind me of the white sand dunes back home.

As far as I got on the first shift of shoveling today.  To my credit I did clear the front walk and the small steps in the side yard for the postman to use.
I didn't get the slate on the porch finished last night.  Too much time trying to prevent the deck from collapsing.  The wind was blowing all the snow from the roof onto the deck.  If you think about it, it's preferable than the snow staying on the roof.  At least this way we could not worry about the roof buckling.

FH's first round of digging today almost reached the street.  There was just a few feet left to do plus digging out halfway into the street to the single plowed path.  However on my second shift I re-cleared the deck and made my way out and around the side of the house to the back yard.  We needed to clear the path from the basement door, up one set of stairs, and around in case of fire or other emergency.  The 2+ feet of snow that was blocking the door has been moved.  By the time I got done the sun was setting.

Tomorrow we will finish the driveway and make it to the plowed part of the street.  Hopefully by then the street plows will come through again and widen the clear portion of the road.  There would be much less work for us that way.

I'm going to get cleaned up, changed into comfortable clothes, and then spend the rest of the evening on Rose Cuttings.  Ugh.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Snowpocalypse is Upon Us

Snow is falling, the wind is howling, trees are cracking, and I'm shocked we still have power.  Last night we got about 5" of accumulated snow over the course of about seven hours.  Today we've had that much again in half that time.  The wind is really violent and there is little visibility.

FH and I have agreed that our usual plan of shoveling as snow falls just isn't going to work this time.  We're staying inside until tomorrow sometime.  He's been home all afternoon, working via the desktop computer.  The plan for tomorrow is the same.

For anyone interested in statistics the current rate of snowfall is approximately 1-3" per hour and the temperature is 22F (-6C) with a wind chill of 6F (-14C).  The wind is blowing at 30 mph.  We can expect anywhere from 13" to 19" of snow before the storm is over.

 While FH is working I've been playing with minis.  I'm laying slate tiles on the porch.  I've never done this before, so I'm not too sure I'm happy with it.  Time will tell though.

I'm using the same method that Casey used for one of her current projects.  Follow the link over to her place if you would like details.  I'm using larger "pieces of slate" though.  Every slate porch I've ever seen has large slate slabs instead of small ones.  Plus it makes the work go a bit faster.

While I'm at it, here's last night's progress on "Rose Cuttings."  I should finish the small rose and the buds tonight.  I might even get back to the stems and leaves.

I'm going to go back to work on the porch.  Hopefully the slate will be finished tonight.  I also need to put up the remaining interior trim.  It's painted and should be dry by now.  Tomorrow I will finish up any final details on slate and then start the stonework along the base.  I should see about making some steps too. 

I hope everyone in this line of storms stays safe and warm!