Showing posts with label house work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label house work. Show all posts

Friday, March 2, 2012

Still Here

The furniture moving/crafting integration has turned into full blown Spring Cleaning.  I decided that if I'm moving everything hither and yon I might as well get the cobwebs and dust dealt with.  It's slowing me down just a bit, but I think it's worth it.

I've been playing/working in the furnace room getting shelves put up, boxes sorted through, and things on the shelves.  The craft area is now also my office, so everything for correspondence now gets shuffled into the mix.  I've still got containers of fabric and yarn upstairs that need to come down once I have places for them.  Hence the shelving. 

The cleaning isn't even the time consuming bit.  There are about 5 or 6 more "boxes of stuff" to go through in the the furnace room.  The more that gets out, the more room we have to put things away.  One of the problems in the craft area are the bags and boxes of "my mom/granny/great aunt/neighbor passed away and she did that stuff you do, so here" that I get from time to time.  I have 2 or 3 of those left to sort through.  I really hate those for the simple fact of I feel like a ghoul.  Who am I to sort through someone's scraps and treasures and decide what I will deign to keep?  I wised up and stopped accepting things like that, but I still have to go through what's here.  And my "filing system" (put papers to keep in a crate next to the computer desk) can finally be dealt with since I can actually get to the filing cabinet now.  That will be an afternoon's work by itself. 

I'll be headed south in a few weeks too.  My father needs to have surgery.  It's one of those "darned if you do and damned if we don't" situations.  The surgery is risky thanks to his age and other health issues, but if he doesn't have it he's at greater risk.  So he's decided to go through with it.  The family is preparing for the worst in the background while hoping for the best on the surface.  At least my house will be clean and wonderful when I get back.

Oh, the cats are fed up with the weather here and I can't say I blame them.  It was raining this morning, then the sun came out for a while.  Then it started hailing, followed by snow.  I think I can handle locusts, but if we get frogs I figure they'll be frozen and I really don't want to explain that to the insurance adjustor when we call about a new roof.

Anyways, I'm going to get back to it.  Or else it will never get done.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Update from Artie

Mom's still workin'.  Dunno why she's messin' up my playroom though.  Hmph.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

This Is Going to Take A While

I may be gone for a couple of days trying to get this mess dealt with.  Life and Artan have been wreaking havoc upon my mini work area for weeks.  Artan is the most destructive though.

That printer's draw used to be filled with minis.  Artie dumped it for me.  He's also made a habit of reaching into mini scenes, around plexi-glass, and stealing minis to chew on.  Many things need to change.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Where Mom Has Got To

Tempie here!  Don't mind me... I love this ottoman thingie.  Anyways Mom's playin' catch-up from while I was sick.  She got behind on all sorts of inside chores and now it's nice enough for her to work outside too.

I'm supposed to say the Panda Nursery thingie will get the missin' mural sometime next week... she thinks.

Oh and Castor got hurt the other night when Mom and Dad were givin' him his fluids.  Mom forgot to warm them first and he fought a lot.  He ended up getting stabbed in the muscles at his shoulders.  It freaked Mom out but he's fine now.

I'm not supposed to mention this next bit but I'm really bad about keepin' secrets.  Mom's gonna do another giveaway to promote "Make Mine Chocolate" like she did last year.  I think she'll have things ready next week.  But don't tell her I told you!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

News and Whatnot

As some of you know FH has injured himself and I've been proving to him and the world what I can accomplish when I have to. Both gardens have been tended, watered, and weeded. Laundry is going, animals, are dealt with, food is prepared, husband is literally waited on since bed had been the only place he was allowed to be... So much to do since he is physically incapable of his share of the housework.

We will hopefully know more after more tests are run. Right now we aren't even sure what the injury is, much less how to fix it.

I'm off to do more around here and then hopefully I can squeeze in some mini time tonight.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Random bits

Well it appears that my sister is suffering from kidney failure. No clue yet as to whether it's the version that can heal with help or not.

I apparently was out in the cold wind too long yesterday and have developed a fever and a general feeling of "ick." Taking it easy in the hopes that I just need to recover from drying out in the wind and such.

Working on various Yule gifts and one birthday gift.

Post trip laundry is being run. Almost have the kitchen back under control.

Began decorating the house yesterday. We put the tree up Sunday to see what the menagerie would do. The cats apparently remembered that they aren't supposed to climb it. The rabbits had never seen one before but like the low-lying branches.

I grabbed the roving and some stashed yarn from my MIL's house. Once the gifts are out of the way and I get caught back up with some miniature work I plan on making myself a coat out of chunky weight baby alpaca yarn. It's heavenly to the touch.