My SIL...abetted by Grandson #1 pounding on my door yelling "Grammo, Grammo" as loudly as he could... rousted me out of a perfectly pleasant sleep yesterday to take me shopping for upholstery supplies.
After my ill-fated attempt to sign up for an upholstery class at a local community college, I found some excellent online tutorials and decided to teach myself. However, setting me up in my own upholstery workshop had taken a backseat to moving into the new store, but when we got another pair of Kofod-Larsen chairs the other day, I mentioned (OK, whined) that I really needed a pneumatic staple gun and air compressor before I recovered the seats...hence, today's shopping trip to a local upholstery supply store.
$400 later, my SIL unloaded a top-of-the-line Fasco stapler, a 1.3 horsepower, 4 gallon, twin tank Hitachi air compressor with a maximum psi of 135, a 25-foot coiled hose and my very own rubber mallet and staple puller into my living room. I must say it all looks lovely with the 5 bolts of upholstery fabric that were already there.
He thinks he's found the perfect work table for me...with a red formica top, no less...and now the hunt is on for an industrial sewing machine, preferably a Consew Model 226.
We started making plans to clean out and renovate my workshop, which has been a catch-all this past year for overflow from the shop/Etsy store, such as odds 'n' end lamps, pottery and refinishing their bicycles and a couple of infant carseat bases, which they're supposed to post on Craigslist.
Today's purchases marked the end of procrastination and committed us to actually following through on the upholstery idea. When I said, "I guess I need to learn to upholster now, huh?" my SIL replied, "Yeah, unless you want to find a bill for $400 on your doorstep."
My first project will be the Kofod-Larsen seats, which will be so much easier than the last ones I did with a hand stapler. The next item of business will be a cute little swivel rocker that has been languishing in the workshop for a while, followed by a chair we've had since our antique mall days. Ironically, someone contacted us about it yesterday, so it may sell before I have a chance to recover it.
My new air compressor...all 60 pounds of it. Huh? That's portable? |
My pneumatic stapler, hose, mallet and staple puller make me legit. |
We got another pair of Kofod-Larsen chairs like these.
The backs have already been refinished.
Now I need to recover the seats. |
#2 Project: A cute little swivel rocker that will soon be orange |
This will probably be #3 Project,
unless it's sold first. |