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Showing posts with label designer codes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label designer codes. Show all posts

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Another Bagni, I think

While researching Raymor tags recently, I found several lists of codes used by Raymor for designers and manufacturers. The lists were made by serious collectors, and while there are admittedly some guesses, I compiled them to post here, since you might find them useful in identifying pieces you run across.

ANE Toscane
BAG Bagni
BAL Baldelli
BIT Bitossi

CIC Pietro Ciccoli
CIN Cinelli (?)
ETR Etruschi
FAN Fantoni
GA Gambone
ICO Ico Parisi
LAC Laca Albisola (?)
MAN Mancioli
PF Fantoni
TAS Tasca

ZAC Zaccagnini 

If you have other codes to share or any corrections to make, please do. Information is always welcome here.

My Alvino Bagni lidded jar, which retains the tag shown above

I happened upon information indicating that Alvino Bagni pieces are sometimes found with only the word "Italy" stamped or hand-inscribed on the bottom, like this:

Bagni Sea Garden vase

That inscription jogged my memory. I had been trolling eBay a few days before, stashing pieces in my Watch List till I had time to mull them over. I remembered an ashtray with a similar mark. Upon comparing the photos, they looked enough alike for me to hit the Buy It Now button and pay the seller $20.