Friday, April 3, 2009

My mom says...

"It'll be better when he's 4"! HA! I guess I was TERRIBLE from the age of two until four- my poor poor mommy... I'm sorry!! (But, look at me now!) :)

Yesterday Brody was "on one". I can't figure out how to get him to stop HITTING and KICKING me... let alone, say "NO" to me. (that word rings in my ears all day long). I don't know how he learned to say it with attitude, I surely don't say it to him in that kind of voice! Lately, I've been trying to just get down on his level, speak softly, and explain to him that we don't hit or kick... or say "no to mommy when she asks you to do something". That usually works, but it hasn't been too effective recently.

So, a little friend named "time-out" has become a member of our family. And, Brody tends love his new little friend. WHAT- You ask? YES! He enjoys time-out. He actually ASKS for time-out. He will scream at me... hit me... whatever it takes, and then say "time-out?". I honestly have never been a fan of time-out, I thought he was still a little too young, but apparently he understands. I am not a supporter of spanking, so I really have no other "discipline" ideas.

Yesterday, after his little "episode" I put him in time-out. This time I put him on his bed and shut his door. He came after me, did a little cry, I put him back, shut his door (no crying from him) and went into my room to get ready. About 5-10 minutes went by and I was pretty surprised! He ended up coming out of his room, and I said "are you ready to say sorry and give mommy loves?" his response... (with attitude) "NO!!", followed by, "time-out?" as he walked back into his room. I couldn't believe it! He sat on his bed for another 5 minutes. I finally went in there and sat next to him. He ended up saying sorry and giving me a big hug and kiss. I think the whole time-out thing affected me more than him.

What a little stinker!!

Isn't he too sweet though!


Ju and Brack said...

Stinker pants. It's hard when they are so stinking cute though. I think you are doing great with the time out. It's okay if he likes it, he is learning what it means still. Good work :)

Brooke said...

Ok, that cracks me up cause boston asks for time out too! he will throw food on the floor and look at us and say "time out?" he loves it. so i'm with you...what next?