Showing posts with label car. Show all posts
Showing posts with label car. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Today, we (the kiddies and I) were driving to the mall and were in the far left lane about a mile from our exit. I was next to a semi with a long trailer attached, carrying 2 huge pieces of metal equipment (stacked on top of each other). As we were going around a curve the semi started to come into my lane (road construction was causing the lanes to be extremely narrow). So, I noticed him getting too close and slowed down to get away from him. As soon as I slowed down I noticed the top piece of equipment start to fall toward me and I slammed on my brakes watching this huge thing fall right in front of me. I had nowhere to go because of the narrow lanes- there was no turn off or shoulder to pull into. I was amazed that it kept bouncing and rolling in the same direction I was going- I kept expecting it to stopped dead in it's tracks- thank goodness it didn't or else I probably would've ended up hitting it. As I was breaking, trying not to hit this thing flying in front of me, I was looking in my rear-view making sure the people behind me weren't going to rear-end me. Luckily, they all saw what was happening and they stopped. I finally got my car stopped and pulled over as far as I could. I was scared to death!

I called HP and told them about the incident. A couple in a van stopped with me and checked to see if I was OK. The man came up to me and said "how did that not hit you?". At that point, I realized how blessed I was to have been aware of my surroundings and stay calm while all of that was happening. If I had stayed where I was in the first place (right next to him) that huge machine would've landed right on top of my car. Our car wasn't touched at all except for a big piece of plastic that draped over my mirror. I am so extremely thankful for the many angels that surround us each day. As soon as I stopped my car, with shaking hands and tears rolling down my cheeks, I prayed and thanked our Father in Heaven for watching over me and my babies. Throughout the day I've had some mixed emotions... I've cried a few more times, and I've laughed a little- I've laughed just thinking of Brody's reaction. As soon as he saw the thing flying in front of us and the debris going everywhere he said "oh-no" over and over... it was so cute! I know the Lord truly blesses us and am so thankful for all that he does.