Showing posts with label dr's visits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dr's visits. Show all posts

Friday, January 8, 2010

FMI (WHAT? You don't know what that means?)

For My Information. DUH!

I took the boys to the Dr last week to get Gavin's ears checked. While we were there they were both weighed.

Gavin (at 8 months) = a whopping 18 pounds!
Brody (2 yrs 10 months)= 31 pounds!

Holy COWS! haha! Seriously, what would it be like to weigh 18 or 31 pounds???

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Real Quick...

I have to write down what Brody did at the Dr's office today.
I took Gavin in for his 6 month well check- I'll put up his stats later. Ah, heck! I'll do it now...

He weighs 16 pounds = 40%
Length... I don't have the paper in front of me but I know it's 55%
head... no paper, but it was about 15 % (I think?)

(Now I have my papers in front of me... height: 26.5 inches. Weight: 16.5 lbs. head: 16.5 in)

See why i wanted to do this later? But, see why I did it now?
Are you confused?

Anyway, Brody had to get his flu shot (and HIB) and a wart burned off. Needless to say, it was NOT a pleasant experience. Brody cried for about an hour because of his wart- poor guy. He cried because he got 2 shots (that makes 3 total in the last 2 days- we got our swine flu shots yesterday! YAHOO! I stood in line, in the snow, for 2 1/2 hours. I didn't mind at all. My mom, Bobby, and the boys made good company!) Gavin got 4 shots today, equaling to be 5 in the last 2 days.

So, as we were in the room waiting, Brody got in the drawer and pulled out some latex gloves. I put them on him! (I wasn't about to put gloves back to be used on someone else!) He thought they were pretty cool. I was holding Gavin on my lap and Brody decided to put his hands on Gavin's head and start to pray. (Bobby gave both of them blessings the morning of getting the swine flu vaccine) Brody always says the same prayer..

"heavenly father, thank you for this day, thank you for the food, bless daddy be safe, in the name... Jesus Christ... amen."

So, as he put his hands on Gavin, he began this prayer- I wasn't quite sure what I was supposed to do, so I just put his hands down and started asking him about when daddy gave him a blessing. Brody tried to do it one more time, then ended up taking his gloves off. Sweet boy!