Showing posts with label talking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label talking. Show all posts

Monday, August 2, 2010


Brody: I a pirate!! I a pirate!!

Me: you're a pirate?!

Brody: No, I the golf channel!

Monday, July 26, 2010


we're not racist (one of my BFF's is black, well brown, but you get the point!)

Today at Arden B (clothing store) a black girl was ringing up my clothes and talking to Brody:

Girl: How old are you?
Brody: (holds up 3 fingers)
Girl: you're 3?! wow!
Brody: (shakes his head yes)
Me: Can you tell her your name?
Brody: (shakes his head no)
Me: :) Tell her your name, silly!
Brody: No! She looks too dark!

Luckily this nice girl didn't take offense to my 3 year olds comment, she thought it was pretty funny! I talk about wanting to be dark alot- especially during the summer, so I think that's where he came up with that idea! My bad!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Funny Boy!

Brody's conversation with the worker at the bank (the place he thought we were going to eat dinner!):

Worker: Hi! What's your name?
Brody: Brody James McGuire Fourteen

(He has a BYU jersey that says MCGUIRE on the back with the number 14, so he thinks it's part of his name! Also, if we ask him what Gavin's name is, or mom or dad's name, he says Gavin James McGuire 14... Daddy James McGuire 14... etc.)

Worker: Oh! That's a cute name :) How old are you?
Brody: SIX!!!! (yells it!)
Worker: Six?! WOW! Are you in school?
Brody: Yeah!
Worker: Do you do math and reading??
Brody: No
Worker: Oh. Do you study the fine arts of play-doh?
Brody: yeah!

Then, she gave him a sticker and asked where he wanted to put it... on his arm? his shirt? He said "my shoe!!"

He is always entertaining me! I had to call Bobby and tell him about this conversation - it was too funny! I love when kids make things up... like their age! They come up with the funniest stuff!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Word number TWO?! Already!

I think so!

After realizing IT IS possible for an almost 7-month old to be saying "mama" Bobby decided to "teach" him to say "dada".

Bobby is amazing at teaching the boys'. He taught Brody a ton of words (one of the first being, "no mom" and one of the most recent being "first down!") I love that he has an interest in helping the kids learn and grow... and has a sense of humor about most of it!

Well, last night Bobby was sitting in Gavin's room next to him. I walked in and hear Bobby saying over and over... "dada, dada, daaadaaa..." After a few minutes, if Bobby would look away from him or start talking to me, Gavin would lean to him and say "dadadada". It was so cute!

Now, I realized it stuck this morning because as I was upstairs checking my e-mail, I heard a cute little conversation (the first of many) between our sweet boys! It went like this:

Gavin: dada dada
Brody: dada!!?
Gavin: dadaaa dada
Brody: dada!! dada!

on and on...

See? Brody even understood what Gavin was saying! How cute is that!?

Friday, July 3, 2009

"Oh! My!...


That's Brody's new favorite sentence. (Thanks to me) oops!

Friday, March 27, 2009


Brody says "again"! For the past 6 months it has been "nih". He really has been able to say "again" for a while, but just WOULDN'T let go of the "nih"- Bobby finally put his foot down the other day and kept making Brody say the actual word over and over (a NICE foot down, of course!)... I think it FINALLY set in, and he has been saying "again" ever since! Good job Brody! Let's hope it sticks!