Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2017

The Holiday Season- 2016

The holidays started off with a bang, or should I say, a burn?
My parents joined us for Christmas this year which was AWESOME!  I loved having them here!  The day they arrived I put my mom to work helping me make some caramel chex mix and homemade suckers.
We have been making suckers for years without a single incident.
I guess we were due...
We both ended up with hot sucker juice spilling onto our hands.  I am ashamed to admit that I swore.  My mom, however, did not.  Way to go, Mom!
Nothing says Christmas like 2nd degree burns. :/

As per tradition, we went to the zoo on Christmas Eve day.  We usually bring hot chocolate with us and I was very excited this year because I inherited the cutest thermos from my Grandma Holt and I was excited to be able to use it to pump out some delicious hot cocoa while we were at the zoo.  My mom tested it with water before hand so we could make sure it still worked.  It worked beautifully.  However, when I started pumping hot chocolate out of it at the zoo, it leaked like a sieve.  So much for that.  It was fun while it lasted and I can say that I was able to (sort of) use it one time.
Despite the hot cocoa set back, we still had a really fun time at the zoo.  I am so glad that my parents were able to join us and Ellie, of course, was in heaven.  The zoo is her place.  She would live there if she could.

That night we had dinner, presents, and the Nativity at Mark's parents house.  I can't believe how big all of these kids have gotten.  It's not quite the mad house that it once used to be.  Kind of makes me sad.  But it was so wonderful to be together and celebrate the Christmas season together.
When we got home later that night, the kids each opened one present, which was new church clothes for Christmas Day (which was on a Sunday this year.)  I actually accomplished the impossible and chose a dress that Emma liked!  I usually make it a point never to buy anything that she hasn't already approved because that is pretty much a guaranteed "take it back to the store" situation.  But, we witnessed a Christmas miracle and she has actually worn it more than once now!  :)
Bailey enjoyed one of her gifts too, although it was earlier than we had planned on.  While I was bringing her gifts in the house, one of them fell out of the sack.  I went into my bedroom for like five minutes and by the time I came out, she had already mostly destroyed it.  Silly dog.

Christmas morning came and with it, the usual excitement.  I had to take our traditional "kids at the top of the stairs" picture and then everyone headed downstairs to see what Santa had left for them.
Abbie had asked mainly for books this year and that is what she got.  She was in book heaven.
Ellie was loaded with more art supplies.
Josh was spoiled with piano music, cello music, and more piano music.
Emma got an instant camera and the cat onesie she had been eyeing at Target.

Oh ya.  We also got one more special and exciting surprise.

Meet our newest addition...Anastasia.
She is a Russian Blue Mix, hence the name Anastasia...Ana for short.
She is a little sweetheart and thankfully has lived up to the promise that Russian Blues are hypoallergenic cats.  None of my cat allergy sufferers have had once ounce of a problem with their allergies and she gets snuggled a lot.
It was a very wonderful Christmas this year.
Full of fun, laughter, happy tears, and love.
Next year will be very different.  Josh will most likely be serving his 2-year mission for our church and it will be very strange around here without him.  But it will also be exciting because we will be looking forward to our Skype session/phone call with him.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

It's Christmas Time Again.

I feel like I just posted about last year's Christmas adventure to Texas.  Now, here I am posting about our Christmas adventure to Southern Utah.  

Can time slow down a little bit?  Please?

No?  Well, I guess that is okay, but I really just would like a little bit of a breather now and then.

Let's begin with Christmas Sunday and the usual pictures of the kids in their new Christmas church clothes.
 I love these cute faces so much!  
 I am so lucky to be their mom.

The Sunday Christmas picture session would not be complete without a few blooper shots.
Here I am telling Abbie how to take a picture, and posing with my not-so-little-anymore crazy son.

And here is the best shot.  The one that just might make it on the Awkward Family Photos website someday.
Love.  This.  So.  Much.

After the picture shenanigans, (and I might mention here that there are no pictures of Mark because he is still Bishop and was hanging around at the church having meetings or something...) we got changed and ready to head over to Grandma and Grandpa Ogden's house for the annual Ogden Family Christmas Party and Nativity.
Another smashing success!  Unless you count the fact that the Baby Jesus (AKA Rudy) was not happy about being laid in a manger (AKA Rubbermaid container).  
"Unfit Mother!  Swaddle that baby!"
(That's a quote from Four Christmases.  One of my favorite Christmas movies.)
We had the cousin gift exchange and then Grandma brought out the kids' pajama gifts and the mayhem hit the roof.  The kids love their new Christmas jammies.

After we cleaned up all the wrapping and torn open boxes, I brought out my gifts for everyone- copies of my newly printed memoir.
It's hard to believe that I actually have copies to give to everyone.
I have dreamed for a couple of years now for the opportunity to surprise everyone with copies for Christmas and my dream actually came true this year.  
It was awesome.

As I mentioned earlier, we spent the Christmas holiday week down in Southern Utah.  Danette's family had traveled there from Texas, so we had the whole Fowlks Family crew together for the holiday.
It was loud, crazy, and a lot of fun.

We got to my parent's house on Monday the 21st.  The cousin's were there and Abbie, Logan, and Ellie decided to walk down to the park to play for a bit.  When they came back, Abbie was limping and said that she thought she might have broken her toe.  I guess she stepped off a ledge wrong and twisted her foot on the way down.  I found out later that she half crawled, half limped all the way home.  Poor girl!  I feel badly that I didn't send them with the extra cell phone so she could have called for a ride home!  Her foot looked a tiny bit swollen, but not too bad, so we iced it and wrapped it up in an Ace bandage.  Fortunately my mom has a pair of crutches so she was able to hobble around on those while we went to see some of the lights of St. George.
 St. George did not disappoint.
First we started off at the temple and loved walking around and feeling the spirit of the season there.  Then we headed over to the Town Square, which was beautiful as well.  Then we drove on to a couple of houses that won thousands of dollars in two different lighting contests this year.  Talk about overachievers.  These houses were ah-mazing.  Abbie was a trooper the whole night and did not start complaining about her foot until we were nearly done.  She decided that she was well enough to have a sleepover and we dropped her off at Brittany's house so that she and Logan could hang out.  Britt gave her some more ice and some pain medication and she did fine for the rest of the night.

The next day we went bowling at the Fiesta Fun Center and man, did we have a ton of fun.

I often complain a bit how I am never in any pictures because I am always the one behind the camera.  Well, on one of my turns, Mark decided to be helpful and take some pictures of me.
Umm, ya.  Maybe no pictures of me is the better way to go.
Thanks, honey.

While we were in St. George, we were blessed to see the red rocks of Southern Utah with a little dusting of snow and it made for some really breathtaking scenery.

We live in such a beautiful world.  I am constantly amazed by it.

The following night, we left all of the kids at Grandma's house in Emma and Abbie's capable hands and the adults had a nice dinner out at the Cliffside Restaurant.  
My dad had asked us to come prepared to share some of our favorite Christmas memories and we had a really wonderful night together.  I love my family and I am thankful that we were able to create this beautiful night together.  It was also nice to have Grandma Great with us.  Josh even accompanied her as her dinner date.

A little update on Abbie's foot.  
She was still hobbling around on it after a few days and I kept going back and forth- should I take her in for an x-ray or not?  Just when I would decide to take her in, she seemed to turn a corner and feel better.  We kept it wrapped and I encouraged her to stay off it as much as possible.

Finally, it was Christmas Eve.  We spent the day being lazy, watching the Christmas Story, making cookies, and playing games.  We had a delicious dinner and then some of the kids put on a Christmas show.  They did such a great job and it brought back so many memories of me and my sisters and cousins putting on our own Christmas shows.

After the show, the craziness level went up a few notches when we said it was time for the cousin gift exchange.  There was wrapping paper flying everywhere.
Josh was excited to get his "Chewie" onesie and we had to get a picture of him with his "Yoda" Grandma.  (My mom LOVES Yoda.)
We finally got the children calmed down enough to get ready for bed.  It is the one night of the year when there are no arguments about bed time.  It's very nice.

Christmas morning dawned...snowy!  We actually had a white Christmas in St. George!  That almost never happens.
Santa found us, even though we were away from home and he did not disappoint.  Abbie and Ellie received their "Reborn Baby Dolls", Josh received an electric shaver, and Emma was in clothing gift card heaven.

I had already given my family their copies of my book, which was the best Christmas gift for me.
The rest of Christmas day was once again, loud, crazy, and so much fun.  I did have to escape to my room for a little nap and to avoid getting a headache, but I loved being surrounded by my family.  There is nothing like it in the world.

December Happenings...

I was going to post all of December in one, giant post, but I decided that I needed to break it up a bit.  So this post will include everything but Ellie's Birthday, Christmas and New Year's.

Let's start out with a little creativity on Abbie's part.  Her first doll, Paige, is not a real American girl doll, so she has some issues.  One of which is a head that is not so stable anymore.  Abbie decided that she needed to make her a neck brace so that her head will not fall off, which meant that before she could get a neck brace, she would need neck surgery.  Not to worry though, Dr. Abbie is a skilled surgeon with a very loving bedside manner so Paige was in good hands. :)

Miss Bailey decided that she liked my warm just-out-of-the-dryer-freshly-washed blanket so she moved right in.  I guess it's not so freshly washed anymore...

Miss Abbie had her second orchestra concert and they did really well.

Josh had his 2nd annual White Elephant Gift Exchange party.
From the looks on their faces, I would say it was a success.
The night ended on sort of a sour note when Josh's friend had a small car accident, but fortunately he wasn't hurt to badly and we were able to be right there to help him.

The girls and I decided to take advantage of the freshly fallen snow and spend an afternoon on the sledding hill.  Once again, it is moments like this that makes homeschooling worth it.  It was so nice to just have my two girls, my niece, Penny, and a couple of other homeschooled friends.  It was the perfect way to spend a bright winter afternoon.

And way back at the beginning of December, not long after our Thanksgiving dinners had finished digesting, we set to work putting up our Christmas tree.
It always gets a bit crazy, but somehow we manage to get it together, make all of the lights sparkle, and the end result is a perfectly perfect family Christmas tree.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Holiday Roadtrippin'

On Christmas morning, we woke up to snow.  
Lovely, white, glistening snow.
Perfect, right?  A white Christmas!  Everyone dreams of a white Christmas!
Except for when you are wanting to get started on a very long road trip; then a white Christmas is not so perfect.
We said lots of prayers and crossed all of our fingers and toes and made sure that our van was packed and ready to go at a moments notice.  That moment came around 10 am on Christmas day when the snow let up and we decided to take a chance.

Let the road trip begin!
 I have been wanting to make this trip for a very long time.  My sister and her family live about an hour way from Houston, TX.  We had plans to go for Spring Break about 3 years ago, but then that little thing called cancer showed up in our lives and well, you know the rest of that story.
Finally, the stars all aligned (or somewhat aligned), and we decided to take the holiday break to go and visit them.  It is about a 24 hour drive if you do it straight through.  With four kiddos, that was definitely not a possibility, so we made the journey a part of the adventure.  We drove through some beautiful places and made a lot of fun memories.  Christmas night we stayed in Monticello, UT.  What did we have for Christmas dinner?  Just a little fine dining from the local Maverick is all.  Jealous?  The kiddos had fun in the pool and we snuggled and watched a little Snowball Express.  I love that show.  Everyone was out like a light by 8:30 pm.  All in all, a really great first day.

Day 2 dawned beautifully, although very cold.  We knew that we were still going to encounter some wet roads.  We were just praying that they wouldn't be too slippery.  I will say that our prayers were answered in the fact that we did not get in a horrendous accident, but dry roads?  Not so much.  I think Mark and I figured that out of the whole 24 hour drive there, we had about 5 hours of dry roads.  Everything else was either wet, slushy, or just downright scary.  I feel so blessed for the angels that were with us on that journey.
 We drove through the state of New Mexico on Day 2 and made it all the way to Clovis for the night.  We found an awesome Italian restaurant for dinner.  I seriously have never had Italian food like that.  It was amazing.  We took another dip in the pool, (an indoor pool was first on our list when looking for places to stay) and then rested up for another full day of traveling.  Day Three started out a little less cold, and we were hopeful that the rest of the journey would be a little less stressful, driving wise.  Heading into Texas was definitely better, although we still had wet roads.  It rained most of the day.  We decided to stop in Waco, TX and visit the Dr. Pepper Museum.  I am so happy that I made that little discovery.  Have you ever had a Dr. Pepper float?  Delicious.  We finally pulled in to the McLane residence about 7:30 pm.  It was fun to go in and surprise the kiddos who didn't know we were coming.  Then the party truly began.
 The next day was a Sunday, and it was still raining.  We went to church in the morning and spent the rest of the afternoon just chilling at the house.  We so appreciate Chad and Danette for letting us invade their place.  It was so fun to be together.  They have a beautiful place and the kids had a ball there.  Ellie was in heaven with all of the farm animals.

The next day, we all piled in our van and their RV and headed even further south to Galveston.  Did we find warm weather there?  Nope.  I think it stayed pretty close to 50 degrees all day long.  That didn't stop us from having fun though.  We went to Moody Gardens and went through the aquarium and rain forest pyramids they have there.  Pretty cool places.  

 On the way home we stopped at Bucee's, the Texas gas station anomaly.  This place is huge!  It is bigger then most grocery stores.  You know it's going to be an experience when they have grocery carts at a gas station.  Pretty crazy.  We also stopped to get some Texas BBQ.  That was one of two places that Mark requested to go on our trip.  He wanted to have some good BBQ and find a Waffle House.  I am happy to say that we accomplished both of those goals.

The following day, we headed to Houston so we could do some temple work at the Houston Temple.  My dad had been doing some family history research and found a few names of people in his family who had not yet been baptized.  It was a very cool experience to be baptized for people in your own family.  Even though I have never met these people in this life, it was hard not to feel a connection.  Josh, Emma, and I were able to be baptized for them and Mark confirmed them with the gift of the Holy Ghost.  All strange words, I know, if you are not of our faith, but I can tell you that this experience of doing temple work for someone who has passed on, is like nothing else I have ever experienced. 
 After the temple, we found Mark's beloved Waffle House and stopped in for a bite to eat.  Have you ever been inside a Waffle House?  If you haven't, let me enlighten you.  Imagine a dumpy little diner with great food and interesting people and that is pretty much a Waffle House in a nutshell.  Needless to say, we were slightly overdressed and received more than a few strange looks.  But the waffles were good and that's all that matters.

That afternoon, we went to the Woodlands Mall and watched "Into the Woods".  I will say, it was okay.  I love the music and the actors were really great, but I am undecided about the play itself.  The kids were enthralled by the fairy tale aspect of things and when we got home, they spent the rest of the afternoon and most of the next day recreating scenes from the movie.  I love watching little imaginations at work.
 On New Year's Eve, we drove to Spring, TX, to meet up with my Uncle Roger and his family.  We had lunch with them there and it was fun to see them all.  Spring is a very cool old town with a ton of fun little shops and things to see.  It was still very cold, so we did not do a lot of walking around.  We did find a fun toy store and candy store.  That's all the kids wanted or needed, so we were pretty much set after that.  We went back to Danette's and ordered more BBQ.  The kids had fun throwing smoke bombs and we capped off the night with fireworks and sparklers.

Oh, and we did burn a giant 5 lb. gummy bear.
 Definitely the high light of the trip.
I can't believe my son actually ate some of that.

We partied until midnight by playing games and just being together.  It was a great New Year's Eve other than the fact that we were concerned about what would be happening the next day when we were supposed to be driving home.  Pretty much all of New Mexico was getting slammed with a huge winter storm and we had to head straight through it.

We woke up New Year's Day and the forecast had not changed.  We decided that it would probably be best to take the southern most route back home.  Even if it meant adding a little time to the total driving time.  Well, as luck would have it, the storm did a little shift-a-roo after we had started on our way and we pretty much just drove right along side it the whole way home.  It was awesome.
Poor Mark.  It was a tad on the stressful side for him and rightly so.  As I was looking through our pictures, I realized that I did not really have any of the roads when they were covered in snow and ice.  Probably because I was too busy praying that we would make it home alive.
 We were hoping to make it to Roswell, NM that first day, but we had to stop in Pecos, TX for the night.  I can honestly say that I never want to visit Pecos, TX again.  I'm sure it is a lovely place in the daytime, but the nighttime?  Not so much.  The last few hours of the drive that night were horrible.  We could not find a hotel room because everyone was getting off the roads and holing up for the night.  We finally found one in Pecos that had a really nice indoor pool, but that was about the extent of its niceness.  The room was okay, but overall, it was not a great hotel.  The best part about it?  It was the most expensive night out of all the hotels we stayed in, plus we got to buy microwave pizzas and Cup-O-Noodles from the hotel's concession shop for dinner.  It was really the perfect way to end a very long and stressful day on the roads.  Laughable really.  The kids didn't seem to mind.  They were just happy to get out of the car and have a pool to swim in.  Another thing I need to mention is that Mark had finally come down with the nasty cold that I had the week before Christmas.  So on top of the driving, he felt like crap.  Happy New Year!

When we left the next morning, our van was covered in a layer of ice that eventually fell off the car somewhere in New Mexico.  We prayed harder than we had ever prayed before that we would make it to our next destination safely, although we were undecided where that would be.  We debated back and forth between just making it to Roswell and making a day of it there or heading on to Albuquerque, which would be much closer to home and less driving on the third day.
 The road out of Pecos was a slushy mess with more storms building up.  I kept looking at the Ipad at the weather apps and the road apps until finally I lost my mind and just could not look at another doppler radar screen.  The storm just seemed to keep following us and we could not escape it.  We finally settled on just spending the day in Roswell and even booked a hotel there.  
Then we got to Roswell and it was beautiful there!  The radar had been showing snow there most of the day and there was very little to be found.  The skies in the direction to Albuquerque were gorgeous; just taunting us to go on.  So after some deliberation, we cancelled the hotel room and continued on our way to Albuquerque.  Sorry aliens.  We will have to visit you another day.
We made it safely to Albuquerque and stayed there for the night.  We went to Old Town and had a little bit of fun there after another long day of traveling.  We were all looking forward to the next day with mixed feelings.  We knew we would finally be home at the end of it, but we were not looking forward more time in the car.
The final day of our adventure was really beautiful.  As we left Albuquerque, I looked behind us and was in awe at the beauty of the sunrise behind us.  We ran into a little bit of weather over some of the mountain passes, but overall, it was not a bad day of driving.

I have to say that my kids are rockstars.  This trip included lots and lots of car time; even when we were in Texas.  They were so good.  They all got along really well and kept themselves entertained with books, toys, tvs, and video games.  It wasn't until we were about 4 hours away from home when Abbie and Ellie finally broke.  They had had enough of each other and enough family bonding time in the car.  We pulled over the car and had a nice little chat outside in the cold weather.  It was enough to snap them out of it and sustain them for the next four hours of being together.

This trip was filled with so many fun memories.  I have only touched on a few hear and wish I had time to write more about it.  Even with all of the bad weather we encountered, I am so glad that we finally had the opportunity to go to Texas and be with Danette's family there.  I almost forgot to mention that my parents and sister, Sharise and her husband, Craig, were there as well.  We saw some gorgeous sites along the way, had some good conversations and laughs, had our first and definitely not our last Dr. Pepper float, and so much more.  

I leave you with a little video I put together to recap our drive time.  As I was putting it together I realized that I never took any pictures of us in the car.  I think I did take one of Mark driving, but that's it!  No kids, no selfies of me.  Oh well.  Maybe next time. :)
(PS.  It looks like we are driving really fast in this video, but we're not.  I sped it up so you wouldn't have to sit through 20 minutes of video.  Instead it's just over 5.  You are welcome.)

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Christmas 2014

I think this Christmas season was one of the best I have ever experienced.
I did not experience stress, even though we were leaving Christmas day on a big road trip.
I was truly able to just enjoy the beauty and wonder of the season and it is one that I will cherish in my heart for a long time.

The girls have decided that they want to keep up the tradition of a Christmas show.  They worked very hard in preparing for this magical event.  I love their enthusiasm and I love watching them be creative.  

We spent Christmas Eve with the Ogden clan this year.  It was a smaller crowd then we are used to, but the kiddos still pulled of the nativity beautifully.

Christmas morning dawned bright and clear....I mean overcast and snowy.
Normally I love a white Christmas, but this year we were planning on leaving on Christmas day to venture to the land of Texas.  Snowy roads=stressed travelers.  
But, that didn't stop us from enjoying our Christmas morning together.
After opening gifts, we started packing up the van and decided we would take a chance on the weather and head to warmer weather.
But warmer weather is not what Mother Nature had in mind.
Stay tuned for a post on our Texas adventure.....

Gingerbread Success

Last year we tried our hand at making a gingerbread house.

It was an epic failure.  Even with Grandma Great's help.
(Click here to relive that experience.)

This year, I was smarter.
I purchased a lovely little Gingerbread village kit from Walmart.
It is most likely a left over one from last year, but we weren't buying it for consumption so it's all good.
Josh declined this year.
I guess last year's disaster scarred him for life.....