
Showing posts from April, 2015

Hello 2015! January in wrap...

Started the year off with some dance moves...these two crack me up.  Love their faces! Since I was working a lot at night and/or late, we did a lot of face-timing to say goodnight...seriously the greatest invention that keeps you connected! Having a little car wash fun on my day off!   Having a great game of go could I pass up those cute little dudes that ask you play? Had such a great day at school, that we got a treat! Our lemon tree finally produced lemons so we made some homemade lemonade and froze a bunch like my grandma used to do when I was little... Some more face-timing before they went to bed! Finally got a date with the hubs and we saw this amazing great movie, American Sniper.  So good. Afternoon date with the boys...silly as usual!   Such awesome sunsets here...   Sweet little faces...    We got a new couch for the loft...Rob sent this to me and said, "I think the boys like it"

December, December...from 2014 :o)

Here is our December... The trampoline park finally got trampolines placed in and lots of foam!   I finally took a night off, thanks for pushing me to do so hubby, to just relax and enjoy a night with the family and friends!  Jim's dog, Tasha, is getting huge...can't believe how fast she has grown! Tasha loves the boys and Tyson loves her...Lincoln, well he's not too sure of her some days- ha! Somebody accidently took a glass from the restaurant...just like Auntie Emily ;o) We had some beautiful sunsets...   Finally got employees for the park and we opened up for business!!  Football & Soccer finally finished up...They had so much fun and Lincoln got a special award for being the MVP for his team!  He did so great, they both did!!   We celebrated this amazing man of mines 40th Birthday!!  I put together a little surprise party for him at the new Top Golf by our house.  It was kind of hard to keep it