
Showing posts from August, 2014

School & Counseling

The past month has been busy to say the least.  That is good and bad when you're in the midst of grieving and healing from a loss.  Everyone is back in school and work so Rob and I have been just super busy.  Kaila started High School and is our little Freshman :o) She was so nervous, but it is doing well.  She is in 2 honors classes so she has been very busy!!    The boys started Pre-K and are just loving it!  I am so thankful because we ended up switching their preschool last minute and adding more time, so we were a little nervous, but it's been so good for them.   I am officially back to work and I am enjoying that "normal" as it keeps me going and my brain busy in the right direction.  I was working M/W/F and then working from home Tues/Thurs., but I recently changed that and am now working half days in the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  The Hubs and I didn't agree at first because I had that flexibility to work from hom, but it was something t