
Showing posts from February, 2012

Crazy-Backwards Day!

Kaila went all out on the craziness for backwards day at school... I love it!!! Good job girl, it sure is crazy!


What are your thought on these shades of mommy's make-up?! Silly Boys!

80's B-day Party!

My best friend turned 30 and to celebrate she had a party, 80's style!  We had so much fun and everyone looked great!! Getting ready to leave! Wished the hubs could have joined me, but unfortunately the kids and him got sick :( All the girls  Being silly by taking old school dance pictures in different poses! Ha!! Rockin' out with Matthew Being goofy... Made it home with my crazy hair still in tact! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH!!!

Captured Moments!

A little piece of Heaven :o) He is throwing a fit, but it is so fake! Look at his face in the mirror.. My crazy bed jumpers...they love jumping on the bed when I take the sheets off They have a new found love for wearing my shoes :o) Cuteness! Being super silly in the bathtub!


We were outside playing and the boys were riding their bikes, well someone got a little curious and decided to explore what a cactus does...needless to say he was not a fan! Here's said cactus...which by the way has super tiny thorns that are soft like and very hard to get out! And here's Tyson's little hand full of tiny thorns :( We managed to get most of them out, but he was so determined to keep playing that he rode his bike like this... Poor little guy :(

Best $25 bucks I've ever spent!

I finally bought something off of Craigslist and it serioulsy was the best $25 bucks I have spent!  These two love love love riding their new bikes!

Ethan's Run

Last weekend we attended the 3rd annual Ethan's Run!  I always look forward to this run/walk as it holds a dear place in my heart...Heidi, Ethan's mommy, and her family/friends do such a wonderful job with this event and it keeps getting better and better!  Way to go Skidmore's!   Started the morning with yummy pancake breakfast! The boys and Nurse Kristi's dog---they loved him!   Me and my Heart Hero!!!! Tyson's Story on display! We all enjoyed some yummy brownies & cookies courtesy of my dad!! The kids played on all the awesome bounce houses, slides & rock climbing!! T-man was not very fond of going down the slide, so he'd climb to the top and then climb right back down :o) His face is priceless!   Of course stopped for one more snack...  And then during the awards they had all the heart kiddos sit together on a bench Love this picture of the heart kids!! Giving G-pa knuckles & b
Someone has discovered how to open the gates...awesome.


I love these 2 dearly, but this bed hogging thing has got to stop...

Valentine's Day!

This year was low key but we some had great moments!  The kids made valentine's for all their friends...this year the boys got involved and made some for their friends at Maria's house.  Making their valentine's was quite the adventure... They climbed up to the counter and were so excited to get started and were so cute filling them out!  And then I got a glimpse of what it will be like in kindergarten when doing homework... Tyson did his just fine and pretty quick; Lincoln however decided after doing 2 pages worth (only 4 on a page!) that he was done. Completely done and wanted Mommy to do it. He said: “mama do it” and handed me the pen. I told him no, Lincoln needs to do it. He said a couple more times “no mama, all done” and I replied again that he had to do it and then all dramatic, he threw his arms down on the counter and dropped his head on his arms in the opposite direction of me and says “All done mama. All done”. I told him I’d give him a jell