
Showing posts from 2011


We had a very nice Christmas...we spent time with my Dad and his family on Christmas Eve and then went to my Moms on Christmas Day.  It was a really good weekend and the kids had a blast! Christmas with G-Pa! They love their bat and ball set...we just may have a couple professionals on our hands :o) The hoola-hoop was the gift of the night! One of their favorite gifts were from their Great Grandma...It's a singing Santa and sing Snowman.  Everywhere we went they would bring it along and play it over and over again!!  It is quite cute to see them dance :o) Christmas with Nana! The coolest shoes ever!! Thanks Aunt Haley and Uncle Kyle! Christmas at home :o) A certain little man...Tyson...had to eat before opening any gifts...sorry Kaila for making you wait, you were a good sport!! The only gift the boys cared about was their big cars they got from Santa... BEST PICTURE EV-ER!! She got her Vans and was beyond stoked!!  The bottoms are pretty cool!   Loving ou

Tree Decorating!

Seeing as how it's the week of Christmas, we thought it'd be a good idea to decorate the tree!  We had hot chocolate, listened to Christmas music and decorated away!! The finished project...they were so proud of the way they decorated the tree that we didn't have the heart to redo it like I normally do...most ornaments were not actually hung on the tree, they were placed on and they were jumbled together :o)  It was so cute!! My three loves! The finished project...

Busy Busy Busy

We have been super busy lately, here's a recap of our Month thus far... -We decorated for Christmas... -Had a little holiday photo shoot...  -I got a stupid speeding ticket...nothing more to say about that. -The boys have a new found love of torturing the cat... -I started working full time...still haven't found my groove just yet, but I'm gonna blame that on the holidays. -Kaila and I went to the concert "Phooson" for the 1st time and had an absolute blast!!  Me and my girl! Nicole Scherzinger Karmin Cory Simpson Gym Class Heroes "This is so cool, I still can't believe I'm here!!" Taio Cruz Oh my gosh, it's Selena Gomez!!!! Flo Rida One Republic--Who was a-maz-ing live!! -A little someone mastered's not funny nor do I condone biting, but he bit Rob in the butt and I'm still laughing about it today! -The boys have taken over mommy's bed...on more than one occasion...someday I'll have a fu