
Showing posts from December, 2010

Goodbye 2010!

I was hoping for an easy last day of 2010, but God had different plans for me today haha... When I was taking a shower I thought I heard the garbage truck man driving down the street, but wasn't sure because it was quieter than usual.    I thought maybe it was just a bigger truck so I continued to get ready.  Then as soon as I got out, I heard him coming down the road.  I jumped onto the bathtub to look out the window and of course our garbage can was not out yet.  So, I threw on a robe to take it out when I looked back and there he was driving away.  We missed trash day.  Awesome.  We now have a crazy full trash can that has to last us another week!!  Ugh. To top things off while I was getting ready our smoke detectors went off --- to this minute I still have no idea as to why....we weren't cooking and the heater had been on all night!  After fanning the detector to stop alarming, I proceeded to go around the house to make sure there wasn't a fire.  I couldn't see

A very entertaining Majorek Christmas-Month...

For some reason, this Christmas was not as smooth as one would hope for...Let's start from the beginning... For starters I could not decide on what type of Christmas card to send out --- I have no idea why, but I was incredibly stressed about it!!  Finally we decided on this one from Shutterfly... Then shortly after addressing them, I realized I didn't have enough so, I made these instant ones at Walgreens... Not too bad, I think they actually turned out pretty nice. Bad news, Shutterfly was way expensive and we may not use them next year and yes I used coupons :o(   Good news, only 2 were had the wrong address and the other cause I forgot to put a stamp on it -- haha haha! We attempted to see Santa Clause...we went to Bass Pro Shop this year (were hitting the mall next year).  Not that it wasn't fun, but I'm not into the dead-stuffed animals everywhere and the kids were too little to really enjoy all the activities... We were in line for what

Lil' Bruiser

This poor little guy is always getting hurt, and unfortunatley it's usually on his head! In this particular incident, he was running into the living room to get to the toys and before his Aunt Haley could catch him...he fell right onto his toy tonka truck resulting in a black eye :( "You think a little black eye is gonna stop me? Ha-who are you fooling? Football is in my future, I'm just getting started!"


Kaila had her very first Orchestra Concert and she did an amazing job!  It was actually our entire families first Orchestra concert and the boys were not so bad...since they love music they managed to sit through most of it really well, until the toddler in them came out!   She has worked so hard everyday and we are so proud of her!  Great job Kaila!

Loving me some mash-potato-ers!

While the boys are becoming more independent these days, I have dreaded the day they'd feed themselves with a spoon or fork, because I knew it was going to be a disaster!! They started out not so bad... Then got a little worse...  And then the hope was gone...we got messy, messy, messy boys!  They had mashed potatoes every where, all over the chairs, trays, their hair, on their clothes, all over their faces in about a 5 minute span! But how could you be upset when you look at these adorable little faces?! 

Chocolate Donuts...mmm-mmm-mmm!

While trying to leave for work one day, my kids were just not having it!  I was running late and had exhausted all my options until I turned and immediately locked eyes on the chocolate donuts...need I say more? Ha Ha Ha!!  Normally we don't give the boys sweets, but today was one of those days :o)  Normally we don't give the boys sweets, but it was one of those days :o)

Best Buds!

Lincoln & Tyson became instant best friends with Matthew the moment they met (basically when we found out we were pregnant-haha!) and we hope they will forever be best friends just like their mommies are!  They love playing, going to lunch/dinner, Target, Old Navy, Arizona Mills Mall, parks/playgrounds, basically anywhere together! And they are so excited to meet there newest best friend, Baby Richardson, in March of next year! Here are a few shots of them...aren't they just so cute together?! Halloween 2010  Superhero's!!  And no we did not plan them all being Superhero's, we're just awesome like that! Running around crazy in their costumes! November 2010 Picnic in the park, then playground fun!! As Matthew says... "Best playground EVER!" SO FUN!