
Showing posts from September, 2009

Finally Home :o)

First off I have to say that I have been trying to post this since's now one week later---oh the life of having twins and a 9 year old!! Crazy Crazy! After a very long month, we're finally home with our boys!! It is the most amazing feeling ever! We can finally get into a routine and enjoy our babies like we should! And start our life as a family of 5! The plan is to keep Tyson home to gain some weight and hopefully at the end of October he'll have his surgery! We would like to thank everyone for their continued support and prayers. We could not have made it through this past month without all of you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Majorek Family

Happy 1 Month Birthday!

We're 1 month old today!! Can you believe these boys are already a month old?! I can't, this past month has gone by so fast, but has had so many memories that will be cherished forever! From the cute little smiles that both of them have when they are sleeping, to the many many times of pee going every where, and of course the screaming and crying matches between them to see who's louder! Those are just a few but mainly we are just so thankful to have these little guys in our lives... I like to sleep in mommy & daddy's bed :o) 1st time having a bottle! Bath time is so relaxing! No oxygen tube!! Go Big Red!

Our Boys 1st Debut...

This is Lincoln & Tyson's 1st video since they were born...just know that for weeks we haven't been able to hear Tyson because of the ventilator so, as soon as it was out we captured this video!

Moving Forward!

As most of you know Tyson's surgery was stopped due to a possible lung infection. The doctors took a biopsy of the lung so that it could be tested and find out what they were dealing with. During surgery they thought it was a viral infection, but need to run tests to be sure. Preliminary reports indicated indicate that he does not have a bacteria nor a viral infection. The Infectious Disease Doctor as well as his other doctors feel that it was over stimulation to the lungs. They are still waiting for final results. Now with that being said, where does that leave us now? Well, the plan is to remove the ventilator, have him start eating again and go home for a while---that's right, I said it GO HOME! Crazy the thought of our little guy coming home, but it would be great! The Doctors want him to get bigger and healthier, then they'll plan to do the surgery in a couple of months. With the band on his Pulmonary Artery that is allowing him to breathe better and easier which is a

Incomplete Surgery

Tyson's surgery was unfortunately stopped shortly after it was started this morning. After the surgeon opened up his chest, he examined his lungs and when he did his lungs were in bad shape. So, they took a specimen of the lung and had the pathologist review it very quickly in the operating room and to him, it looks like he has a viral infection of some sort. They have sent the remainder of the specimen to get a more accurate diagnosis of what type of infection he may have. With him possibly having a viral infection, they were not able to put him on bypass because it could have been very dangerous for Tyson so, they were unable to complete the surgery. Instead, the surgeon placed a band on the Pulmonary Artery to help strengthen the artery as well as the left ventricle . By doing this it will allow more of the oxygenated blood to the rest of the body and will help wean him off the ventilator. The surgeon and doctors plan is to remove the ventilator and get him eating again befor

Surgery Time!!!

Finally after a very long wait, Tyson has been taken into surgery this morning! Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers today! We'll let everyone know how he is doing when he is done with surgery. Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers you've already given, we really appreciate it!

The past 2 weeks...

These past 2 weeks have been indescribable, lots of tears, love, frustration, happiness, extreme fatigue--the list could go on and on. Here's how everything went and where we are currently... On Friday, August 21st (as most of you read in earlier posts), my water broke around 4:30pm while on the phone w/ Sarah! I called Rob to tell him it was time and to hurry home!! While waiting for Rob, I went through towel after towel trying to consume the fluid, it was a lot of fluid!! After making another phone call to my mom to let her know the news, Rob came home and changed, Jim came to watch Kaila and then we were on our way to have babies!!! When we arrived at the hospital, it turned out I was only a centimeter dilated, we were in for a long night! My contractions started to become harder and more frequent and I finally decided to get an epidural during the middle of the night---I was scared to get it, not sure why, but I was. After receiving the epidural I became very nauseous and cou

Tyson's Surgery has been postponed

Hello, this is Sarah posting for Rob and Ashley. Tyson was scheduled to have his surgery this morning, but it has been postponed. In the middle of the night, his blood pressure dropped and he was having some other issues which led the doctors to give him a blood transfusion. Tyson did not react well to the transfusion, so they stopped. He had a fever spike in the middle of the transfusion but as soon as they stopped, his fever went down. They are running tests to see what is going on with Tyson and are starting another blood transfusion shortly and have put him back on a ventilator. The doctors told Rob and Ashley that it will be at least 48 hours before they can do the surgery, and no exact date/time has been given. As soon as they know more, they will update everyone. Please say a prayer for Tyson and the rest of the family.