What a couple of weeks!!
I feel like these past 2 weeks have gone by so fast and have been so busy! And I can't explain how crazy tired I am too...I guess that's what happens when you work a full time job, teach guards, take care of a 8 yr old and hubby, not to mention currently pregnant!! My body is working overtime and it's sure time for a break!! Since the last time I blogged, the babies have grown and so has mom!! That's right, my stomach has popped out!! I woke up on Saturday morning about 2 weeks ago and I had this stomach and I feel like it just keeps getting bigger...I know, I know I'm caring twins so I will show earlier, but I was not ready for this!! When I went to the doctor 2 Monday's ago, they said my uterus was the size of at least 10-12 weeks...I was only barely 8 weeks along at the time!! Which explained why my stomach popped out. I now can't button any of my work pants and my "fat" jeans that I used to have to wear a belt with or they'd fall off,