I love incandescents, and, thanks to heroic geeks from MIT and Purdue, there is new hope for their renaissance.
Since we're on the topic, let's revisit one of my favorite Remy videos:
You know what I can’t stand to hear about anymore? That we Americans are addicted to oil. It’s a smarmy term that tries to couch an economic and environmental argument in pathological terms. ... It does nobody any good to try and debate economic and logistical necessities while using terminology to imply people who disagree with your view are mentally ill.But what do I know? I'm just another bitter stupid racist clinging to my guns and Bible who wants to push granny off a cliff and destroy the earth by emitting carbon with my Internet searches. Or something. Hey, I'm just 'angin' onto outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic an' social differences in our society!
In conclusion, increasing food prices is a major problem, especially in poor nations with large urban populations. The increases cause political instability, bad economic decisions and real hardship. The US contributes to this problem with its ethanol program; to a lesser extent, China does, too, with stockpiling.Well, DUH! Meanwhile, we continue to pursue the colossally idiotic boondoggle known as ethanol. I can't resist quoting from the report:
The US ethanol subsidy diverted more than 100 million metric tons of corn into ethanol last year. This did little to reduce global warming, and made basic grains and meat more expensive for most people in the world.This is an outrage. What would Norman Borlaug do?
No doubt the Obama administration is hard at work trying to figure out how to force Israel into not only a freeze on settlement construction but also an off-shore drilling moratorium.