Showing posts with label employment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label employment. Show all posts
Saturday, November 19, 2016
2 Perspectives on American Working Class Voters
Take a look at these posts by a lay observer blogging and a law professor writing in the Harvard Business Review. Quite a bit of overlap.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Monday, January 04, 2016
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Dr. Feelgood Doesn't Feel So Good
"How being a doctor became the most miserable profession." You may remember one doctor's cri du coeur from a little while ago.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Davos 2014 Global Wage Calculator
Here it is! I took it and found out that an admin manager in Finland makes more than I do. Excuse me while I take my overeducated self off to rage-eat a whole pint of Ben and Jerry's. (Chocolate Therapy, natch.)
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
One Law Grad's Cri du Coeur
As commentary on the craptacular prospects for law grads these days, this is some kind of brilliant. (Language warning.)
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Satire Except It's Kind of Not: The Onion On College Grads
It's graduation season on college campuses all over the nation, so cue up "Pomp and Circumstance"! Given that, along with my ongoing jeremiads about how the young are getting screwed and will go on getting screwed, this "satirical" Onion headline makes you laugh ... uncomfortably: "Study Finds College Education Leaves Majority Of Graduates Unprepared To Carry Entire American Economic Recovery."
Friday, March 01, 2013
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Edupunk: "Stop Requiring College Degrees"
Here's an interesting opinion piece in Harvard Business Review. A bit of it as the Quote of the Day:
I think what's going on in my home industry of higher education at present is something between a bubble and a scandal. And I don't think it'll change unless and until employers shift, and start valuing signals other than college degrees.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Chinese Office Supplies: Guy Outsources Own Job
Well, it's certainly a ... er ... creative approach. *slow clap*
Friday, November 09, 2012
Sunday, November 04, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
From Florida: It's the Economy, Stupid
That's the overwhelming reasoning behind every single newspaper endorsement for Romney that I've read, and that is the overriding reason why papers that endorsed Obama in 2008 are supporting Romney now. (A little background.) The latest paper is the Sun Sentinel, and these Florida papers I think may be especially interesting because Florida is the perpetual battleground state. Here's a piece of it:
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Questions for the Presidential Debate
What do you think? What would you like to ask Obama and Romney about domestic policy?
2012 presidential election,
debt and deficit,
energy issues,
government spending,
Mitt Romney,
private sector,
US economy,
US politics
Living in Utter Defiance of Reality
I was going to write a full-blown post about this administration's foreign policy and public relations follies, but the thought occurs to me that everything I want to say can be summed up in the blog post title.
When Hillary Clinton insists that Benghazi residents took the late ambassador to the hospital as if performing a good deed instead of dragging his corpse in the street while snapping photos, when Susan Rice insists that the riots were spontaneous when the Libyan president says otherwise, when Jay Carney insists that the riots weren't about America but only one asinine video when even a cursory look at history would prove him wrong, when the president would rather go to Vegas and hang out with Beyonce and Jay-Z than go to security briefings and meet with Netanyahu, when the First Amendment seems to evaporate at a convenient moment, when the prospect of a nuclear Iran doesn't make you do anything other than pay lip service, and when Mitt Romney seems to be a bigger problem than the fact that abroad you have alienated your allies and inflamed your enemies while at home you have presided over 40+ months of 8% unemployment and $16 trillion national debt and unsustainable entitlements ... Well, you just might be living in utter defiance of reality. It's not just denial. It's the active, willful defiance of it.
(And, no, it's not raaaaaaaaaaaaacist to say so.)
When Hillary Clinton insists that Benghazi residents took the late ambassador to the hospital as if performing a good deed instead of dragging his corpse in the street while snapping photos, when Susan Rice insists that the riots were spontaneous when the Libyan president says otherwise, when Jay Carney insists that the riots weren't about America but only one asinine video when even a cursory look at history would prove him wrong, when the president would rather go to Vegas and hang out with Beyonce and Jay-Z than go to security briefings and meet with Netanyahu, when the First Amendment seems to evaporate at a convenient moment, when the prospect of a nuclear Iran doesn't make you do anything other than pay lip service, and when Mitt Romney seems to be a bigger problem than the fact that abroad you have alienated your allies and inflamed your enemies while at home you have presided over 40+ months of 8% unemployment and $16 trillion national debt and unsustainable entitlements ... Well, you just might be living in utter defiance of reality. It's not just denial. It's the active, willful defiance of it.
(And, no, it's not raaaaaaaaaaaaacist to say so.)
2012 embassy riots,
Benghazi debacle,
debt and deficit,
First Amendment,
foreign policy,
political commentary,
US economy,
US politics
Thursday, September 06, 2012
Awesome: Mike Rowe's Letter to Romney On Skilled Labor
Mike Rowe is even more awesome than previously thought. (Marry me, Mike.) Oh, be sure to read his open letter to the very end. Zing! Oh, and what this country needs is fewer bureaucrats and more Mike Rowes. Here's more about the Dirty Jobs show and even more common-sensical, hard-working, pure awesomeness from Rowe's 2008 TED talk:
Thursday, August 02, 2012
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
Let the Preference Cascade Begin: "Obama Is Overmatched"
Well, this seemed pretty painfully obvious, but nothing is so obvious that it doesn't need to be said:
Whatever fault one wants to ascribe to Obama’s predecessor, and whatever excuses the president can dream up, what is now beyond any reasonable dispute is that Obama has no clue how to fix things. That is not a political judgment; it’s an empirical one.
Barack Obama may be well-intentioned. He may be a fine father. He may have an excellent jump shot. And he may be a first-rate community organizer. But as president, he is simply — and by now almost undeniably — overmatched by events. By Obama’s own standards – by what he said and by what he promised — he is a failure.
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