Saturday, April 19, 2014
Dirty Jobs: Soil Contamination in China
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
A River Runs Through It
Friday, August 24, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
The Hungry Dragon: China and Raw Materials
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Swan Upping on the River Thames
UPDATE: Oh! Here's a tidbit especially for my friend Lady Bird, herself an ornithologist. The Swan Upping crew even has a resident nerd -- Professor Christopher Perrins of the University of Oxford, an ornithologist who specializes in swans (natch). His role is helping to check Her Majesty's swans and cygnets for disease. He gets the very cool title of "the Queen's Swan Warden." Just imagine how that looks on a CV!
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Quirky Asia Files: Chopsticks to China
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Saturday, June 04, 2011
If You Built It, They Will Come
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Eco-Guilt Trip of the Day: Hot Showers
Listen, if I really did live my life the way they wanted me to, it wouldn't be a life worth living, and I might as well lemming myself off a cliff and put myself out of my misery. Then it'd be one less human being tormenting Gaia with her carbon footprint ... Hey, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute!
Anyway, the latest eco-guilt trip is hot showers. I'm totally not listening. NOBODY is going to tell me how to take a shower, for Pete's sake. It's almost winter here in Nerdworld. What kind of nutcase takes cold showers in the winter? I pay for my utility and water bills, and that means I pay for my hot showers. SO BACK OFF.
Hey, eco-fanatics! Here's a wee message:
Friday, October 02, 2009
Environmentalists Not Welcome on Indian Reservations
Total reductionist possibility here:
Tree-Hugging Greenie: "Look, you Native Americans, you need to do X and Y and Z to protect the Earth!"Seriously, though, the Hopi and Navajo tribes are not pleased with enviro-crusaders who want to shut down coal operations on tribal lands. The tribes are concerned that doing so will further harm their already-bad economies.
Annoyed Native American: "Your ancestors massacred my ancestors and forced the survivors onto this reservation. And now you want to tell me how to live? BACK OFF, MAN."
MM: *snort-giggle*
Even better is this quotation by Navajo leader Joe Shirley:
"Environmentalists are good at identifying problems but poor at identifying feasible solutions," Shirley said in a news release. "Most often they don't try to work with us but against us, giving aid and comfort to those opposed to the sovereign decision-making of tribes."Indeed.
. . . "Unfortunately, many of these people don't know about Navajos, sovereignty or self-determination," he said. "They just want any use of coal stopped. However, coal is the Navajo Nation's most plentiful resource, and our prosperity depends on it."
But who cares about the livelihood of a bunch of minorities anyway, man? We gotta SAVE THE EARTH BECAUSE AL GORE SAID SO!
Anyhoo, this is just the sort of thing that I'm talking about: enviro-nuts simply do not seem to understand (or care) that many of their "green" policies ultimately mean the economic devastation of many people, a large number of whom are already poor! Plus it's much easier and more glamorous and much more narcissistically satisfying to cavort around on some wild-eyed messianic mission to SAVE THE WHOLE FREAKING PLANET than to deal with the harsh practical realities of folks trying to pay their bills and make a living for themselves. Oh, don't EVEN get me started on cap-and-trade!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Satire Alert: Cunning Government Plan Revealed: Stimulus Bill to Lay Foundation for New Clean Power Plants
(And, YES, I am fully cognizant of the word choice about how the bill got through Congress.)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Weird News of the Day: Thieves Steal Jamaican Beach
Life's a beach, man.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Beijing Olympics Watch: Thousands of Peasants Face Man-Made Drought
THOUSANDS of Chinese farmers face ruin because their water has been cut off to guarantee supplies to the Olympics in Beijing, and officials are now trying to cover up a grotesque scandal of blunders, lies and repression.
In the capital, foreign dignitaries have admired millions of flowers in bloom and lush, well-watered greens around its famous sights. But just 90 minutes south by train, peasants are hacking at the dry earth as their crops wilt, their money runs out and the work of generations gives way to despair, debt and, in a few cases, suicide.
In between these two Chinas stands a cordon of roadblocks and hundreds of security agents deployed to make sure that the one never sees the other.
The water scandal is a parable of what can happen when a demanding global event is awarded to a poor agricultural nation run by a dictatorship; and the irony is that none of it has turned out to be necessary.
. . . About 31,000 people around Baoding are said to have lost their homes or land.
Disgusting. Read the whole thing. More here with a slideshow that should make you cringe.
But haven't I been telling you forever that the shiny face of Olympics-ready Beijing conceals an entire underworld of misery that the CCP big shots don't want you to see? that they feel no qualms about steamrolling over their own people? that the vast populations of invisible peasants are the ones who suffer the most? Besides, man-made disasters are a fine old tradition in Communist China, doncha know?
PS: Hey, Obama, do you still want the US to emulate China in our infrastructure? Wise up.