Showing posts with label South Korea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label South Korea. Show all posts

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Quirky Asia Files: Ceremonial First Pitch, South Korean Style

Ki Bo-bae is an Olympic archer.  So, really, what did you expect when you asked her to throw the first pitch, right?

My all-time favorite, though, has got to be this one.  She's a rhythmic gymnast, people!

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

LOL: "Gangnam Style"

On the off chance that you are not one of the 200 million+ people who have seen this already on YouTube, here's the now-infamous "Gangnam Style."  This crazy song has gone globally viral, and it is as weird as all get out even for K-Pop.  So!  Do you think it's as annoying as that other earworm of the moment "Call Me Maybe"?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Awesome: A Foodie's Vacation Video

Check out this video compilation of some gorgeous food photography from South Korea and Japan. Warning: music alert!

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Quirky Asia Files: Chopsticks to China

Here's a neat little tale about a Georgia company making chopsticks to send abroad because China's got a chopstick shortage.  The company also exports to Japan and Korea.  Well, whaddyaknow?  (I like bamboo chopsticks instead of wooden ones, but to each their own.) Belated link xie-xie to Sushiphagos the Progenitor of Alessandra!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Quirky Asia Files: Judaism's Popularity in South Korea

Fascinating!  Here's a blurb:
The Talmud is a bestseller in South Korea - even the government insists it is good for you, and has included it on the curriculum for primary school children. 
Lee Chang-ro heads a literature research team at the Ministry for Education. He says: "The reasons why Korean children are taught Talmud are pretty obvious. Koreans and Jews both have a long history of oppression and surviving adversity with nothing but their own ingenuity to thank. There are no natural resources to speak of in Korea, so, like the Jews, all we can develop is our minds."