I know it's been a while, life has been a whirl wind these past few months and staying balanced has been a challenge. Another school year has ended for the kids and since January, between my husband and I, we have undergone three surgeries. It's been rough and with three kids in school and pre-school one of the things we have let go by the wayside is working out...at least I have! And now that it's bikini season, I really wish that I hadn't! But, what's a girl to do, what's done is done and we can only move foward!
I have recently started working out again. One of my favorite sites to workout with had lost it's hostess and gotten a new one (which I wasn't as fond of) so I went seaching... and I have found my beloved Zuzana! I love working out and doing the videos because you can tell she is working hard in the video, she sometimes stumbles or looses her balance, she isn't perfect, se doesn't mind and I love that...plus she has a rockin body that I am striving to achieve!
Here is a link to her bikini body workout #19 Amazin!!!
She has a bunch of workouts, do one a day and keep at it, add eating healthy and you will see results in no time!
Have a great day and sweat a little (or a lot!)