Showing posts with label quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quotes. Show all posts

Friday, 23 April 2010


Thanks God
Feel really b.l.e.s.s.e.d today

You heard my prayers


Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Mouse + Dream = Dream comes true

Love this
Mouse + Dream = Dream comes true

Never stop dreaming

"Nothing is more beautiful than you wearing only the moonlight & my kisses"
"Did my heart love til now? Foreswear its sight--for I never saw true beauty til this night"


Friday, 26 February 2010

Cute but E.M.O

I found this somewhere.. I am not emo, but they are so CUTE^^
Just to update my blog even there is no special event around me.. hehe XD

I mean, look at the cartoon's head, body and hands... It is freaking cute.. lol..

I am not emo, XOXO

Friday, 19 February 2010

What I need

I need no other than good time management right now
I am so lost in my neuroscience module
I am so lost where should I start from
I am so lost til I know I have to do MES
Oh Gosh..

As what Uncle ZY said, "You got Post-CNY Syndrome"
Yeah right
I am so going to be kill softly by this syndrome


Help this soul... xoxo

Saturday, 31 October 2009

From the gal facing the screen

Older days, there is no computer but only mirror, they learn self-reflection.. These days, young people facing computer screen everyday that can't reflect themselves, that is where addiction comes from..


Saturday, 28 June 2008

kung fu panda

Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, As you live today, It's a gift, That's why you called it 'PRESENT'

That's right.. It was a quote from KUNG FU PANDA.. A comedy anime about Po, a big fat panda learning Kung Fu.. You should watch it yourself, more suspense... Haha.. It is a very funny cartoon which I enjoyed it very much.. And love that quote a lot.. Hehe.. I like the name, Master Oogway (read as ooguay).. In chinese, ooguay (or u prefer to read as u-kui) means tortoise.. The character is indeed a tortoise.. Haha... Don't miss the show!!

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