Showing posts with label medical life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label medical life. Show all posts

Friday, 30 August 2013

8 non-serious things we did in Family Medicine

Family medicine

Speaking about this, I think my course mates play quite a big role in making this interesting. Put aside all the serious thoughts on how we get through the posting. Due to my jobless syndrome, those time we spent in Family Medicine indeed memorable.

In the morning, we love being the group that went all the way to KK Batu 14.
It takes longer to reach = we can continue our sleep.

On the way back, we prefer to be in Pusat Primer. There is where we can visualize our room better!

Food wise, I think my group fall in love with KK Batu 9 (you know who you are!). We have that guy that had potato wedges every morning as breakfast. The girls that had 3 meals of pineapple per day. And me myself that wasn't very healthy back then filling myself with keropok lekor =.=

The sudden strikes of mini c-ex. Happened to me, Connie & Siang lol..

"Oh that's our examiner for this week"
Dr saw us
"Let's do mini c-ex now"
Heart dropped
Read CPG in iPad madly

Teaching in KK Batu 9 and everyone has to clerk the patients!

Dive ourselves into the sea of patients there, so crowded that we are trying to spot which patient looks like a good target that won't chase us away.

3 minutes of clerking, then the aunty said "I need to go now"

Darn, have to go find another one.

All the teaching is actually awesome!

We have great teaching from the lecturers even though we were messing around looking for patients and trying to spend some time fulfilling what we need to do in the log book.

My group had some Tamil or Bollywood movie moments when we were slacking.

Standing at the road side waiting for the bus for almost an hour because the bus driver decided to take a break before picking us. We were playing with the cat at the roadside for an hour!

This post is made for fun, we did have a lot of serious moments to learn. When everything is mixed up, we had a cocktail of experience in this front-line posting.


Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Medical School Recap: Pre-Clinical Year

Tribute to my Pre-Clinical Year, where life in medical school begins

The memories from UKM KL Campus, Chow Kit :)

Pots of plant in Do Re Mi Fa...
Where university life begins!

Year 1 (2008-2009)

PPD Camp 1 in Kem BTN, Ulu Kenas
First PBL group (PBL 3) with Prof Leelavathy and Dr Heikal

Juniors' Welcoming Night
Organizing an event for ourselves, from the juniors for the juniors and seniors

2nd Semester, a brand new group
PBL 13, the forever famous "Limau RM4 group"
Picture taken after our community visit in Spastic Centre

The marketing team working for Pesta AngPau UKMKL + taking pictures because of the rain!

An evening walk in Tasik Titiwangsa and a ride on "Eye on Malaysia" to watch sunset

Post-conference Project AMSA in Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) and clinical booth set up in Penampang

Medic Night 2009

1st year HM Project, Program Bakti Siswa
This is my family over the weekend, our mak angkat, the super good cook and kuih maker :)

Year 1 batch picture

Year 2 (2009-2010)

Juniors' Welcoming Night 2009
This is the Ex-KMJ students group picture, seniors + juniors!

Year 2 Semester 1, PBL 16
Picture taken during Clinical Skill Learning (CSL) class in HUKM

Did our PBL once in the lab & took lots of picture after that

The PBL 16 outing in Sunway Pyramid, went ice skating for the first time :) :)

Celebrating Khairul's birthday after the PBL session

Year 2, Semester 2 - nearing the end of pre-clinical year
PBL 19 :)
Our last CSL class with Dr. Hazli, then we went to eat together in Paparich

Christian Fellowship Camp in Outdoor Broga Adventure Camp (OUTBAC)
Taken at the peak of Broga Hill, waiting for the sunrise

Another HM project
Went jungle trekking and canopy walking in FRIM

The weird Year 2 batch picture, which they separated us by gender 


Friday, 10 May 2013

Finally, a dream comes true...

Heya, the MIA version of me is finally BACK :)

On 2nd May 2013,

As the Dean of my faculty read through the name list of the passing candidates of the Professional Exam, when he finally mentioned

"A 121878 Leong Qi Wen"

marks the end of my life as medical student and finally promoted to a Medical Doctor (UKM) degree holder

Nothing can describe how I feel after all the efforts for 5 YEARS! 

Quickly, I texted my brother regarding the good news even though the list is still ongoing being announced, one by one my friends passed, as well

Then, I called my Mom and Dad, just couldn't wait anymore to hold back the news

The nervous and frightening auditorium atmosphere immediately filled with happiness and laughters of a bunch of newborn doctors


Finally, a dream comes true

Couldn't fit all my books in one shot
This is only half of the books I have

My Exam Story (can be boring or exciting, quite long)

Our Professional Exam was conducted for 2 weeks
In the 1st week, we had unmanned OSCE on the first day (20 stations, 5 minutes per station. There is picture or question or x-ray films or bottle/vials of medication in any of the station)

Followed by 4 days of theory paper examination for both surgical and medical papers.
In surgical paper, there are questions on Surgery, Orthopaedics, Obs & Gynae with ENT, Ophthalmology and Anaesthesiology in multiple choice questions paper
For medical paper, there are questions on Internal Medicine, Paediatrics, Psychiatry with additional questions of Emergency Medicine, Community Health and Forensic

Well, nothing more scary than the exam in the 2nd week
I was scheduled to take my Long Case and Manned OSCE on Tuesday

For long case, I have to clerk a patient, do every necessary physical examination for 45 minutes.
Followed by 15 minutes of preparation.
The next 30 minutes, we will have case presentation and discussion with 2 specialists as my examiners

I'm glad that after from the "cabut undi", I got a surgical case
I'm so afraid of Paediatrics and O&G case, actually

After the morning scary long case, the scariness continues in the afternoon
Everyone has to go through 4 stations of 10 minutes
Each station, either there will be a patient or mannequin, any question is possible
We will have to perform anything required in the questions, most of the time, we have to perform physical examination in front of the examiner

I guess, again I'm quite lucky after another round of "cabut undi", I got myself the Yellow card. 
The only obvious thing that differs from the color of the card is only 1 station:
Yellow - ENT/Ophthal station
Pink - Paediatrics station
Blue - Psychiatry station

My Yellow Card Station Circuit
Station 1 - Orthopaedics (Did a hand examination)
Station 2 - Obstetrics (Did a routine obs examination - abdominal palpation)
Station 3 - ENT (Otoscopy, hearing tests -Rinne & Weber)
Station 4 - Medical (Did a examination of abdominal system)


Graduated :)

Many thanks to:
Almighty God
My parents, bro and family 
All the professors and doctors, nurses, kakak PK!
Patients that had taught me everything
All my friends who have sail through the sea and storm with me

Thank you to MD (UKM) class of 2013



Monday, 10 September 2012

Not Quite "33 Hours" On-Call

PRHO (a short form for Pre-Register House Officer) is what they call us when we are in Paediatrics posting, which means if your team is on-call today, you'll have to be on-call. If you're the incharge PRHO of the week, you'll have to do 24 hours on-call.

Thank God they allow us to have at least 2 people being the PRHO on-call at a time and we are able to arrange shift with each other or go around the clock together, it's mainly our choice.

With a bit of luck, my first on-call as PRHO started yesterday, yeah, SUNDAY! I was lucky because we have a half day compulsory programme for everyone until 1pm, which means I escaped the on-call for 5 hours. Periyah, my PRHO on-call partner and I agree to do it in shift, from 2pm onwards, at least one of us will be in the ward. So, this was how my day went on.

7.50am : Rise & shine!
9.00am - 2.00pm : MeCCa program and lunch
3.00pm - 6.00pm : Spent 2 hours to sleep and 1 hour to get ready for oncall
7.00pm (Sunday) - 5.00am (Monday) : On-call
5.00am - 7.00am : Nap zZzzzZzz (not a really good sleep anyway >.<)
7.00am - 11.00am : Continue my on-call & morning ward round
11.00am - 12.30pm : Went back to shower and have my lunch
12.30pm - 5.00pm : Back to the ward and then went for seminar (My group is presenting, me included!)

A total of 33 hours here with only 4 hours of sleep. Can't imagine what I will turn into if I really go through on-call 36 hours!! But, currently Malaysia hospitals are using shift system.

The happiest moment when the clock strikes 5.00pm. It is the time for both of us to hand over our PRHO on-call job to the other team on-call after that. *Phew* But, I have to resist being too overjoy about that because I have another PRHO on-call day coming up this Thursday.

Didn't really bother taking pre and post-oncall picture of myself because it is something really common in the course. They might point at me and say "Like that also want to show ah?" Haha.. So I better keep the zombie look to myself :P

This is the only part I isn't really looking forward to, entering the working world so fast. However, with God's will, I hope to face this in less than a year from now :)


Thursday, 12 July 2012

Final Year: PPD Camp 3

Before things get serious in hospital, we were sent off to Kem Bina Negara Ulu Sepri, Rembau for our 3rd and last Personal & Professional Development (PPD) Camp for all the Final Year medical students

We had the first one during Year 1 in Ulu Kenas, Perak

We were here in Ulu Sepri on our 2nd camp during Year 3

So, here we are again

No yellow man and Maxis line available here, only lucky Celcom users have full bar!

It was a bit different this camp, the first 3 days were under Biro Tatanegara (BTN)
They gave us talk about our country and introducing us the Perlembagaan Persekutuan with all the Perkara-perkara stated inside

We had morning and evening exercise everyday, divided into groups for small group discussion all about 'kenegaraan' topic

My watch matches with my set of baju kurung
During BTN camp small group discussion, I looked at my watch most of the time, waiting for break

We had no internet connection, no TV here
But, we have 6 MEALS per DAY!

 Our exercise area
Surrounded by trees and trees and trees!
And a river, we even need to cross a bridge to get to the Dewan Makan :)

On the left of this road, stretches of girls' dorms were here!
The guys' dorms were the other side of the camp

We have 146 girls and 89 guys
Yeap, my batch has 235 people

Hopefully all 235 of us will pass as doctors 9 months from now :)

 5A, this was where I slept for 5 nights :)

 Night view of my dorm

 Best friends - Xu Vin & Suganthini
That's my bed 
Blues - UKM's signature baju kurung colour :)

 Went over to 5B for some chat and laughter with friends
Left to right:
Wei Yeng, Yun Ting, Siew Im, Kah Yan, Me :)

Group photo session
My friend sempat lagi take our picture when the people-in-charge busy arranging the others for the session

After 3 days of BTN (finally), the next 3 days were conducted by Faculty of Medicine, UKM
PPD camp 3!
We were still in our group, but this time we were facilitated by HUKM doctors and specialists
So coolio of them to come into the jungle to join us despite loads of work back in HUKM

Oh yea, I'm in Group 8
 Group 8!
My group members and facilitator (in green shirt), Dr. Esa (an anesthesiologist)
This was taken on our last night in the camp

This was taken on Day 4 of the camp
We were given some time to come up with cheers and group flag

Lucky me, my groups had a bunch of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) people
You should see how they were so particular about the flag!
No one can interrupt then or take over their jobs!

Great job!

Day 5 -  Medical Explorace

That explains why we need to come up with cheers and flag!
They even give each group a big piece of cloths for identity
We were free to create anything from it to wear on us during the explorace
 My group weren't very OCD about this
So, we wore it like some pahlawan!

This group was the super creative one!
Look at them, so cool :)

There were 5 stations to run
We started from the furthest station, run run run
Lucky those jogging all these years help!

The first group who reach the finish line are not necessary the winner
It depends on our performances in each station conducted by our doctors

 I've no idea what we were doing that time
I think I'm clapping, but the timing is just so nice that turn me into praying
Yun Ting has the same pose with me at the back XD

 At our 5th station, waiting for our turn

Oh yeah, I forgot to intro my group's name
We called ourselves

The number 8 in the flag was made of 12 orang lidi indicates the 12 of us
Triangle indicates people with triangle personality - with mission and vision (Taught by BTN)

Our camp commandent, Prof Dr Harlina were the one in the final checkpoint waiting for us
She made it like Amazing Race when she announced "You were the 3rd team to arrive"

Overall, we have 20 teams
The color of the identity cloths actually means something
Red, Blue, Yellow, Green
But I'm lazy to explain

A picture before closing ceremony with my pretty 8vengers member, Yun Ting

We were now separated into 5 groups with different posting, each posting 7 weeks
Professional exams will be next April

Time flies
We officially go back to the hospital to face the seriousness
No more ooh ahh-ing

*Some photos courtesy of Dinesh, Asyrab, Mardhiah & Myzarith


Saturday, 30 June 2012

4th Medical Undergraduates' Annual Scientific Research Meeting (MUASRM), UKM

On 27th June 2012, marks the finale of our Special Study Module (SSM) with the grand Medical Undergraduates' Annual Scientific Research Meeting (MUASRM)

Our very first event as the final year students

*clap clap*

It was started 4 years ago in UKM, where all the 4th year medical student were placed randomly in a group of 4 to 5 members to conduct a research from clinical-based, laboratory-based as well as community-based.

All 57 groups started their research since June 2011 from proposal submission, presentation to respective department, ethics approval, data collection and analysis, manuscript writing and final presentation.

To make things interesting, on the day of MUASRM, 21 groups compete in oral presentation while 36 groups go for poster presentation.

We had a very interesting opening ceremony that day, officiated by Dean of Faculty of Medicine, UKM, Prof. Dato' Dr Raymond Azman Ali, alongside with our module coordinator, Prof. Dr. Ruszymah and Dr. Shahnaz Murad, the Director of Institute for Medical Research.

By the way, I love the theme for this year MUASRM
"Medical Research: The Aperture to Infinite Possibilities"

1-day transformation of the medical students into men & women in black and white
Most of us had our blazer on, especially all the oral and poster presenter

Each group will have one presenter that spend their day feeling restless and crazy waiting for their turn to present and shaking endlessly during the presentation

Congratulations to all the groups for completing all their research and to all the presenters, well done!

This is my group's photo in the abstract book
My group members, from the left, Lina, Dayang, my supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Faridah, Mizan and ME ME ME!

My group, Group 41's research abstract
We picked clinical-based research and we were then put under Forensic Department

All the lack of sleep efforts paid off after the abstract is out and we've done with our manuscript

We overnight and sleep in National Institute Forensic, Hospital Kuala Lumpur just to wait for subjects for data collection. Usually we will be there by 10pm and went home around 6am. Some of the time we  will go back again around 12pm on the same day.

This was one of the experiences that I won't forget

The worst case scenario was having no subject at all for a few nights there
There was this one night where we watched Battleship repeatedly for 3 times with the staffs

 Our goodie bag for the event
Our abstract book was designed by Kevin Tan
See the 2 yellow black tubes there on the left, they were from sponsor - Sloan's Analgesic Rub samples
Very interesting stuffs!

I was the first oral presenter in the afternoon after lunch
While everyone having lunch, I feel so restless that I can't even put anything in my mouth
8 minutes of presentation, 2 minutes Q & A session =.=
I end up feeling super hungry right after my presentation
But, I'm more relieved and happy than any other thing
This thing had finally comes to the end after 1 year of ups and downs, more downs

One of my favorite picture of the day
Oh yea, this is the stage where the oral presenter has to present in the auditorium

Dinesh, the guy sitting on my right in the picture, is the WINNER of the oral presentation!
I remember I clapped so hard when his group was announced as the winner, I've foreseen their group winning weeks ago.
I keep telling him how good the research was from his group, but he didn't want to trust me 

It was such a crazy day for me before my presentation
It was awesome after my presentation because it is finally over

All the committees had done a great job for making the 4th MUASRM a success!

Coming up next, all of us are heading to camp this Sunday, will be back on Friday!


Monday, 20 February 2012

When books are too mainstream...

Some of the doctors don't really mind when we took our notebook along when we are in the operation theatre

Even anesthetists brought in their books and iPad in while the operation is ongoing

Well, there was this one day my anesthesiology supervisor told us not to bring in book into the operation theater. We thought we are going to observe the procedures only. So, we left our book outside.

Suddenly, he started to give us lessons. All of us were standing in front of him in that freaking cold operation theater wearing that freaking thin operation gown trying to remember what did he taught. He came up with more and more information.

Since none of us have a book or even a piece of paper, we invented something new




Wednesday, 11 January 2012


(click to enlarge)

Schizophrenia (DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria)

2 / more in 1 month:
"HD, So Cool Neh!"
H - Hallucination
D - Delusion
S - disorganized Speech
C - disorganized / Catatonic behaviour
N - Negative symptoms


Only ONE (1) required if:
- Delusions are BIZARRE
- Hallucinations voice - Running COMMENTARY
- 2 OR MORE voices conversing


1 or more functioning area below level achieved PRIOR to the onset


Continuous sigs of disturbance persist for at least 6 months, include at least 1 month of symptoms of HD, So Cool Neh


- Schizoaffective
- Mood disorder
- Substance / general medical condition

*Can't put the whole story inside the picture*


Saturday, 15 October 2011

Hui Fang's convocation

This was way back to 23rd September, where this event I wouldn't want to miss out to place it in my blog for remembrance. It feels like just a blink of an eye, we just had a gathering dinner with Yu Jun for his graduation last year.

This year, it is my grand buddy's graduation!
(Finally, the hard-earned title of Doctor)

If you aren't very sure what does grand buddy really stands for, there is this system in my uni called "Buddy System". Every time when you're promoted to Year 2 as senior, you're able to pick 1 junior which had just entered Year 1 as your buddy. This system were created initially to guide the freshmen when they first enter uni and the course. Years to years, the chain of choosing your own buddy goes on, it forms a line of buddy from Year 1 to Year 5 until graduation

It is okay if this is confusing, I'm pretty bad at explaining

Hui Fang (my grand buddy) & myself in front of the hall of KTSN
When I first enter Year 1, she was in Year 3. Time flies.

The number posed by each of us shows the sequence of our Buddy Line
Left to right:
Boon Chin (Year 5), Eddy (Year 3), Hui Fang (Houseman), myself (Year 4), Joanne (Year 2), Wan Ngor, our new little buddy! (Year 1)

After the event, we decided to have a dinner together because it takes all of us to have this gathering once a year (which we called it "annual" meeting)

We left KTSN which is located in Taman Tasik Titiwangsa around 6pm and we were stucked in a terrible jam on our way to Cheras. We spent 2 hours + in the car. We reached Cheras Leisure Mall with super flat tummy at 8pm. We had dinner without Hui Fang in Boston as she had a gathering in MV with her friends. But she promised to meet us up around 10pm.

We finally meet up with Hui Fang & we settled down in Gilly cafe

In Gilly cafe, having a private cubicle on our own with rounds of Jenga 

After breaking the ice for the little buddy...

Tests on hand stability and concentration:

Boon Chin always go for the tough piece

I'm always going for the safe one or sometimes the one that will give the next player a really hard time

Joanne in full concentration

We left the place around 1am and Hui Fang paid for our drinks!
Really grateful to her, she stayed up late for us when she had her real convocation in UKM main campus the next morning!

During our sharing with each other, her graduation did give a push for us to keep moving on until our very own graduation day

All pictures courtesy of Hui Fang


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