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torstai 22. lokakuuta 2020

E for Eclectic Witch

Eclectic Witch
An individual approach that picks and chooses from many different traditions and creates a personalized form of witchcraft that meets their individual needs and abilities. They do not follow a particular religion or tradition, but study and learn from many different systems and use what works best for them. Many Eclectic Witches refer to themselves as Solitary Practioners, Sorcerors, Hedge Witches, Green, White, and Grey Witches. Some consider themselves Wicca, as long as the Rede is adhered to, the Earth and the Universe revered. One main complaint made against the Eclectic Witch is that they are not true Wiccans because they build a taylor-made religion or tradition for themselves from the ground up rather than following an established or correct form of Wicca. Their minds remain open and are receptive to knowledge, ideas, beliefs and methods that others practice. They adapt well to different situations and create their own paths by what they believe to be true and right at that time in their life (simply put – they don’t follow rules). They like to explore and make their own mistakes and take from experiences in turn creating their own rules and traditions. It’s why you can bring 2 Eclectic Witches into a room yet they are totally different in the way they practise, live, and believe as they are all different in some way.

I am an Eclectic Witch. I have always been, it´s clearly my thing. But because I am also Wiccan, I kind of make my own rules. I don´t like people to say what I need to do so I decide it myself. And I am that kind of person who likes little bit this and that so.. this fit me. So maybe I make this post about in general witchy things because being eclectic means you are basically little bit of every witch type.

Side note: I am more of a pagan witch now a days, I believe in Finnish old faith/belief.  I made this post like a year ago, oh how things have changed in that time. I still like a lot of things, but I have been more focused on northern beliefs, specially in Finnish. So.. still kinda eclectic.

  • Are you an Eclectic Witch? You are a little bit of everything. This also means that you have a hard time making up your mind on some matters because you find interest in everything. You tend to fall hard in love. You probably could be/study anything!

Little witchy things to do 

- Go look through thrift stores for old candles and objects that seem powerful.
- Give back to the environment. Recycle! Reuse! And care for nature.
- Pick flowers and make them into chains for protection. Give them to your friends, or pets.
- Add essential oils and petals to your bath.
- Add a little honey or vanilla to what you’re baking for a boost of happiness.
- Make a spell in the form of a friendship bracelet.
- Make herb oils with coconut oil.
- Care for yourself and do what works for you.
-Working in glamours with your morning makeup 
-Watering your plants with growth spells 
-Making healing soup spells when you’re sick
-Sewing protective sigils into your clothing 
-Making herbal teas based on magical correspondences
-Painting your nails with colors to match your intent
-Using shower scrubs to scrub away negativity
-Chanting your favorite song lyrics as spells
-Tying knot magic into your shoelaces
-Writing sigils on your skin with concealer
-Wake up and let light in. Say a simple thank you to the God of sun. Here is a simple thank you prayer: here
-Mediate for 10 minutes 
-Have some tea. There’s many benefits from all sorts of tea.
You can also do a simple tea spell. Sleep Inducing Tea , Dream Tea, Anti Anxiety Spell , Emotional Pain Spell, Headache Tea Spell...
-Drink a cup of moon water, or charged crystal water! (Make sure the crystal you use is safe to drink)
-Wear a stone/crystal, or hold it, keep it in your car, your pocket, your purse, etc.
-Spray yourself with Lavender Moon Water
-Turn your shower or face cleansing into a cleansing ritual!
-Add herbs to your eggs! Look up the different magickal properties of the spices you want to use!
-Say thanks before you eat! Here are some I use: Here and Here
-Check the moon phases. You can do a quick Google search or you can just download one of the many moon phase apps!
-Create a seasonal altar. Add leafs, pine cones etc
-Do daily tarot card readings for yourself or others you know.
-Start using a dream journal. As soon as you wake up write down everything you can remember.
-Add something to your Book of Shadows.
-Join witchcraft and pagan groups on Facebook.
-Reduce your use of plastic. Invest in some reusable bags. Or make some yourself! 
-Take shorter showers and turn your water off when washing your face and brushing your teeth. 
-Put out jars or even a bigger bucket (clean of course) outside to collect rain water. 
-Do some witchy crafts! Make a pentacle or pentagram out of twigs and string. Make some scented pine cones. Make candles. Make a wand. Go out to the beach and collect stones or shells or even ocean water. There’s TONS of crafts I could come up with. 
-Talk to your deity(s), ask them questions, meditate and charge and cleanse yourself and your pendulum or whatever tool your using to speak to them.
Make sure to cleanse and charge before connecting with your deity(s)

Ways to get Closer to Your Craft

-Open your curtains in the morning and look outside.
-Always try to stay grounded. Observe life around you.
-Make a list of the correspondences of certain soaps or other products that you have. Use a product with intent.
-Draw sigils.
-Chant in your head.
-Walk, sit, or lie down outside. Watch the plants dance in the wind and listen to your surroundings.
-Carry crystals or objects that mean a certain thing to you.
-Take time for yourself.
-Smile at strangers and visualize sending positive energy their way.
-Listen to music that represents your intent.
-Pick your outfits using colour magic.
-Light a candle.
-Do something for your community. By putting good things out, the universe will repay you.
-Try interpreting a tarot card for each day.
-Be creative. Find the magic in every day objects.
-Practice energy work.
-Schedule days to go to the library and research plants, herbs, your religion, etc.
-Say thank you more often. Even when no one is there.
-Try to grow some plants.
-Have tea more often.
-Go outside! Connect to nature. Go barefoot. Dance in the rain. Anything. Just go out.
-When hiking pick up things that call to you.
-Pick up trash. Give back to the planet.
-Take care and time for yourself.
-Be patient.

Witchery Tips

-A quartz stone near the oven makes your food taste better.

-Get a lunar calendar to stay up-to-date with moon cycles.

-A full moon increases extrasensory perception and so is the perfect time for psychic spells, rituals or potions.

-Aphrodisiacs should always be prepared during the waxing moon.

-Trust your instincts.

-Always make your intent clear during a spell.

-Sage can smell like weed sometimes, be careful of that.

-Peach and avocado pits ward off negativity.

-Place rosehips in your wallet to attract prosperity.

-Use honey to sweeten the outcomes of your spells.

-Self-care is witchcraft. Baths are literal and metaphorical cleansing rituals. Drawing are like complex sigils to clear your mind and calm you down.


For E there were also these 2 types, but I think that they are well explained in these already, but I still wanted to mention them, although I am not going to make different post about them.

Embroidery / Sewing / Knit - One who embues magick into household “stitching” or “string” hobbies such as embroidery, sewing, knitting, stringing, and knotting ~ Basically, one who identifies with using knot or chord magick in many different skills.

Energy - Those who prefer to do magick through energy exercises and manipulation rather than with many physical tools or materials; using the enhanced power of the mind and the body’s natural energies to bring about a magickal result or feeling. (Also may include aura work)

tiistai 19. marraskuuta 2019

28 days witchy challenge! Day 1- Meet the Witch

Here is some challenge for you to do with me! I will post about my own progress while I am doing it. Find yourself as a witch!

DAY 1 - Take time out of your day to think about, write about, or draw what your witchy self looks like. What they are into. Their favorite witchy activity. Any details you can possibly think of.

This took me 2 hours to make but it was really fun! I think I am gonna do this for my witchy type posts or something too. But basically I just love everything witchy related and the aesthetic. If you start to do this challenge, let me know so I can see what things you do trough this challenge!

DAY 2 - Take the day to meditate. It can be about anything or nothing at all. Let your mind wonder and do it’s thing. Journal about it and let things come to you.

DAY 3 - BUY SOMETHING WITCHY! This challenge is all about self-care for you and your witchy self, so it can be as simple as spending a dollar at the dollar store or buying something elaborate online. If there is no way you can buy something, try to find something. For example, go to the woods/Park and try to find a mushroom for an offering.

DAY 4 - Piggy backing off of day 3, MAKE SOMETHING JUST FOR YOU AND YOUR CRAFT. Like all of these days, it can be something big or small. You can make a set of runes or maybe make yourself a picture for your alter. Just make it for YOU!

DAY 5 - Watch or listen to something witchy. Charmed, Practical Magic, listen to some witchy music, anything!

 DAY 6 - Spend some time in nature! Whether it is sitting on your lawn or taking a hike, or even a walk through the park, just take time to appreciate nature and Mother Earth and all she had given us.

DAY 7 - Let an entire candle burn. I know this may sounds silly to some of you, but I am the type of person that struggles with this (unless doing a specific spell). So, just sit with your candle and watch it burn. Feel free to multitask while doing this. Just try to focus on it now and again. It can be a birthday candle or a very large candle, whatever works for you.

DAY 8 - Make a special cup of tea. If you’re not a tea drinker, try a different kind or hot coco or coffee. When making, focus in your intent. When drinking, focus on all the different flavors you taste and sensations you feel.

DAY 9 - Journal about the elements and what they mean to you.

DAY 10 - Make a list of new worst things you can try. It can be anything like talking more walks or a new spell!

 DAY 11 - Journal about your deities/higher power. What they mean to you. If you don’t have any, then try to journal about the energies around you. What you feel and the power.

 DAY 12 - Piggy backing off of day 12, write down/find a new way you can honor your deities or energies that you journaled about. And if it’s possible, do it! It can be anything from a leaf you found to an elaborate meal. It can be simply praying.

DAY 13 - BATH OR SHOWER MAGIC! This is pretty self-explanatory, but try to just take some time and take a magical bath or shower. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, or it can! Try to just focus your intent and maybe try a shower or bath meditation. There are a ton of different things here on Tumblr, so get creative!

DAY 14 - Spell Jar!! There are a TON of spell jars on Tumblr and all over the internet. You can use those or make your own! They are very easy and great if you’re low on spoons!

DAY 15 - Cook! If you aren’t able to cook due to physical reasons, or even lack of time, then try to eat something special. Regardless, cook or at least eat something that inspires you or harnesses your intent.

DAY 16 - PRAYER! This is pretty self-explanatory, but try to honor and show your intent. Ask even, for guidance, hope, strength, whatever!

DAY 17 - Sky watching! You can watch the Moon and stars or just the clouds go by.

DAY 18 - Journal about what magick means to you. Go into as much detail as possible.

DAY 19 - SIGILS! Make your own sigil! Focus your intent and be creative! If there is no way you can come up with your own, then feel free to use one from the internet.

DAY 20 - Alter time!!! Try to redecorate your alter! If you are in the broom closet, then maybe draw one!

DAY 21 - Journal about ways you can, from now on, nurture yourself. Whether it’s teas, baths, putting on makeup, whatever! Make lists or just woke about the things you want to do!

DAY 22 - Worry Stone! You can find one or make one or but one, it’s totally up to you! Which brings us toooooooooooo……

DAY 23 - Cleanse and charge your items!! There are umpteen different ways you can cleanse and charge your items, just pick one! Please make sure that however you cleanse and charge your items, it is safe for them.

DAY 24 - PLANTS! Take care of your plants, harvest a plant, buy a plant, even take some time to talk with your plants!

DAY 25 - SCAVENGER HUNT! No, not literally. But, go find something that nature has given you. A mushroom, a leaf, anything! Place it on your alter and honor it! By honoring it, you honor Mother Nature and all that she has created. Including you!

DAY 26 - Do a glamour!! This can be anything from enchanting your chapstick to make you feel loved or carrying a self-love charm bag. Get creative with it! Try to make your intent focus on love from yourself or self-confidence!

DAY 27 -MAKE YOUR OWN SPELL! Literally, just have fun with this. Use your alter, use your journal entries and the internet and books! Get creative! Focus your intent and be specific! It can be low spoons or high spoons. Whatever works for you!

DAY 28 - MEDITATE! Meditate about the past 28 days and all the work you’ve done! Think and focus on your craft and all the self-care you have worked for!

sunnuntai 23. kesäkuuta 2019

Litha 2019

Litha (Date: on the summer solstice, Jun 20-23)
A Sabbat for celebrating the longest day of the year, as well as for mourning the shortening days after. Some Witches burn bonfires or light candles to represent the Sun.

Litha (pronounced “LEE-THA”) is known also as the Summer Solstice, and Midsummer. It is a Sun and fire festival that marks the longest day and shortest night of the year. In the Wiccan Wheel of the Year, the height of the summer and the height of the God’s powers are celebrated on Litha. It is one of the Germanic festivals of the year and was most likely not observed by the Celts. The Christian holiday of St John’s Day coincides with the summer solstice, its date is the 24th of June. The summer solstice is still widely celebrated in Sweden, where it is known as Midsommar. In Finland we have Juhannus. This is my first Litha post so I will give you bunch of information.

This years Litha was amazing, we were in sauna every night, ate so much I couldn´t move, I practiced my poi (fire thing) tricks, I cleaned, took pictures, we listened music, I read books, did some sketchings, picked flowers and made a flower crown and we just enjoyed our surroundings and chilled. Sometimes you don´t need much, you don´t need to talk. You just need to smell, see and feel the summer and nature vibes. I picked so much things to our trip but ended up doing nothing in the end most of the time. I couldn´t have been any more happier. I wish I would be still in our little cabin in our little island. I hope we get there soon again. Try not to be without your phones, computers or tv´s for a while, you end up being happier. Connect with the Mother Earth, I bet you will enjoy it.

The Midsummer sunset was creating such a macigkal light, no edits needed

Earlier Sabbats:

Lughnasadh 2018 English
Lughnasa 2012 Finnish

Imbolc 2018 English

Beltane 2011 mostly Finnish

Oestara 2012 Finnish and second Oestara post in English

Yule 2011 Finnish
Yule 2010 Finnish

Samhain 2011 Finnish

Mabon 2011 both

Historic Litha/Summer Solstice Traditions:

-Traditions in ancient/pre-Christian Rome:

In the run up to and during the Summer Solstice, ancient Romans celebrated and honored the goddess of the hearth, Vesta, during an aptly named festival - Vestalia. During this festival, alongside generic merriment (eating and drinking), women would leave offerings for Vesta in her temples hoping to bring blessings to their families.

-Traditions in ancient/pre-Christian Greece:

Around the Summer Solstice a festival named Kronia was held to honor and celebrate the god of agriculture, Cronus. It was a time of merriment and feasting, and during this time the social structures of Greece were flipped on their head: slaves were not required to fulfill their duties as slaves and were allowed to enjoy the festival alongside those of higher standing. 

-Traditions in ancient/pre-Christian Europe: 

In Europe, it was customary in many faiths and religious circles (including Slavic, Celtic, and Germanic) to celebrate the Summer Solstice with bonfires. Bonfires were believed to bolster the energy of the Sun and ensure a bountiful harvest come the end of the harvest season. The fires were believed to drive away and banish negative energies and evil spirits. 


In the UK, bonfires used to play a central role in the celebration of the summer solstice and St John’s Day. The etymology of the word “bonfire” is unclear. Possible origins are “bone”, “boon” (a gift of goodwill), “bane”, or the Old Norse “baun”, which means “beacon”.

In 14th century Shropshire, three fires were lit on Midsummer Night:

A bonfire made out of bones
A wakefire made out of wood
A St John’s fire made out of both
The bonfires were for protection and luck, since crops are especially vulnerable to diseases and bad weather at the time of the festival.

Wheel of Fire

Another tradition at the summer solstice is the Wheel of Fire. A haystack was lit and rolled down a hill. If it burned all the way down, a good harvest was to come. A text from 4th century France first mentions the custom. By the 19th century, it was widespread in Europe. (Here is a short video of a similar German tradition that gives you an idea of what it looks like.)

Plant Magic

Litha has always been a potent date for plant magic. St John’s Day celebrations often included processions were flowers were carried. In 16th century London, doors were decorated with birch twigs, fennel, St John’s wort, orpins, and white lillies.

Source: Hutton, Ronald, The Stations of the Sun (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1997)


-Take a bath with gold/yellow bath bombs or corresponding herbs and flowers. 
-Leave offerings for the Fae. 
-Try divination using fire scrying. 
-Meditate in the morning (or when ever)
-Listen to happy music
-Light yellow and orange candles
-Make rose oil
-Pick flowers and herbs
-Bake a cake, cookies or make other sweets
-Eat them with your loved ones
-Surround yourself with light
-Wear or make flower crowns
-Cleanse your room/home with light
-Clean out cobwebs
-Admire Summer: Whether it’s a hot, bright summer day or a summer storm, enjoy the Solstice! Stop to smell the flowers, bask in the weather and full bloom of nature, or just enjoy the longest day of the year. 
-Make a fire when it’s dark (or light a candle or incense if you can’t do that). As Fire is the primary element, simply lighting a candle is a great way to celebrate! Some choose to light it during the day and allow it to burn throughout the day. But it is way better to watch your fire and not get your place on fire, so don´t leave your candles alone! Praying to the candle is another aspect to consider. Bonus if you a light a candle that is made from beeswax!
-Use Summer herbs.
-Color-coordinate and accessorize: Yellows, oranges, and other similar summer colors are a low-key way to celebrate. Wear these colored clothing or accessories in celebration. If you have accessories or clothing that have butterflies, bees, other pollinators, and birds, even better! Got sun-theme jewelry? Also good! Wear warm colors or any bright color that makes you happy and what makes your own light shine!
-Watch the sunrise/sunset: Many suggest watching the sunrise on Litha, and others say watch the sunset. Your choice! Just enjoy the beautiful colors and scenery of a sunrise/sunset.
-Focus on yourself: Figure out what you want to let go. We’re 6 months in and it’s time for a review. Are you happy? Are there things you can let go of? Take the time to review yourself, your path, and your life. See what you want out of your life and make a plan to achieve it.
-Celebrate love: Love yourself, your family, your friends, and/or your partner. Single? Say a prayer to search for love. Cast a love-magnet spell, or a self-love spell. Hell, do some divination on the topic of love (romantic, platonic, and/or familial) Most importantly, express your love. Do things that promote self-love. Tell your family, friends, and/or partner you love them. 
-Do something outside! Litha is the longest day of the year, so go into nature and spend some of those hours doing something you enjoy. 
-If you have an altar, decorate it to celebrate. Use the symbols and colours and other things listed in this post to decorate your altar for the sabbat.
-Have a bonfire! You can have a big one, or a little one, but bonfires have been a big part of celebrating Litha for as long as we know. The bonfires are cleansing, energising and purifying.


Daisies, Marigolds, Carnations, Sunflowers, Chamomile, Parsley, Frankincense, Lemon, Lily, Hydrangea, Orchids, Sandalwood, Thyme, Sage, Peonies, Mint, Myrrh, Pink /White Roses, Red Clover, Chili Powder, Chamomile, Cumin, Arnika, Valerian, Mugwort, Yarrow, Verbena, Clover, Bay,
Chicory (Endive), Cinquefoil, Elderflower, Eyebright, Fennel, Lavender, Mistletoe, Pine, St. John’s Wort, Vervain, Oak, Lemon, Heliotrope.



Light Pink
Light Green




Sea shells.
Oak leaves.
Symbols of the sun.


Seasonal foods are always the best for sabbats.

Seasonal fruits (especially berries)
Sweet cake
Fruit salad (any kind of salad actually)
Fruit tea
Sunflower seeds
Wild rocket
Wild fennel
Wild mushrooms
Broad Beans
Fruit & veg
Herbed bread
Honey cakes
Ice tea

Oils and Scents:



Moon Stone, Amethyst, Tiger Eye, Red Jasper, Citrine, Fluorite, Agate, Carnelian, Sunstone, Aventurine, Topaz, Jade.,Garnet,Fire opal., Pyrite, All green stones (esp. jade and emerald), Diamond, Quartz, Fluorite, Pearl


The Sun.
Oak trees.
Oak leaves.
Sun wheels.


Litha is a time for abundance, cleansing, creativity, divination; fertility; growth; healing; power; and manifestation. Any magic[k]al workings pertaining to these will be appropriate during this sabbat. Your workings may be somewhat amplified during thie time of heightened magic[k].

Spells to Do:

Happiness and Joy
Personal Growth
Glamour and Beauty

Campfire ritual

-Perform ritual at midnight preferably on a full moon
-Make a campfire in a safe area (check the weather broadcast!), or alternatively light a white candle. have a bucket of water nearby just in case.
-Leave out an offering (food, drink, flowers) for the local spirits near the fire.
-Play music or sing and dance around the fire (naked is good). empty your mind and let there only be music.
-Speak a prayer to your ancestors. ask, if you have questions.
-Listen to the sounds of nature in silence.
-Put off the fire before leaving the spot.

Altar ideas: 
Symbols of the Sun and the Moon, feminine and masculine symbols if that’s a thing in your tradition; decorate with black and white to symbolize the night and day.
Celebration ideas: Get up before the Sun rises and go to sleep after it sets, so you can experience the day and night; have a bonfire (again, safety is important); have a picnic; just spend a lot of time outside.

Litha Altar Decorations

- Lots and lots of flowers that grow native in your area this time of year
- Sunflowers, roses, lavender, dandelions
- Flower crowns and flower garlands
- A bowl of fruit and vegetables, especially anything citrus like oranges 
- Lots of candles (Litha is a fire sabbat)
- Colours like yellow, gold, and orange
- You could have a vase of sticks with fairy lights in it to represent a bonfire
- Maypoles are still a thing for Litha
- A cute offering dish to leave out sweets for the fae
- A jar of local honey
- Anything that represents the sun
- Incense (sandalwood, rose, lavender, frankincense, dragon’s blood)
- Oak leaves and acorns
- Anything that reflects the sun like suncatchers, glass beads, and mirrors

Things to enjoy while celebrating Litha:

-Sunshine, sun flowers, bright clear sunny blue skies, cold lemonade, soft yellows, candied lemon peels, bubbles and sparkles in the air and dandelions. Water balloons and hot air balloons. Honey bees and warm breezes
-Bonfires, sparks, barbecue, flame dancers, roasted peppers, loud drums, the smell of charcoal, heat, charred marks on grilled food, hot sun and bright orange day lilies. Orange paper plates, dragons, smoke and habaneros. 
-Fire flies, thick emerald and lush greenery and woods, camping in the backyard, the soft glow of lanterns, cool melons and cucumbers, the musical chirping of crickets, a lakeside party in the middle of the woods, a softly playing guitar the golden glow of the setting sun layered on everything.
-The crashing shores, mermaids and bejeweled bikinis, a bonfire by the sea, fries and seafood, soft colorful shawls billowing in the wind, blazing sun, sunscreen and colorful towels. Salt water taffies and gummy candies. Sea shell tea lights and sparklers.
-An open field and a hot oppressive heat, an bright blue sky, the screaming sounds of cicadas and the smell of frying food. Colorful tents, neon colors, funnel cakes, tie dye, a lute playing, a summer festival with carnival-like qualities. Electric lights, holographic scales, neon black lights.
-Strawberries, pink lemonade, sunset skies and sweet smelling candles in glass lanterns. White linen, rose petal infusions, hanging votives from trees, elderflower wine and lemon glaze icing. White lace dresses and flower crowns. Bouquets of summer flowers, the countryside’s grass of many streaks of colors.
-Gold tiara chains, blood oranges, tiki torches and flame flag dancers. Night skies with thousands of stars, hibiscus iced tea, Gold rings, chain jewelry, bohemian cushions and sheer veil canopies. Warm summer nights, fire pits, story telling and spiced liquor.

Don´t worry, be one with the nature.
Blessed be darklings!

tiistai 7. elokuuta 2018

Lughnasadh 2018

Lughnasadh, also known as Lúnasa, Lùnastal, Luanistyn or Lammas, is a Gaelic festival of the first harvest, which also corresponds with other European early harvest festivals. It is held on the 1st of August, halfway between the Summer Solstice (Litha) and the Autumn Equinox (Mabon).

The festival is named after the Celtic god Lugh, and part of the festival is often offering some of the first harvest’s bounty in gratitude, and feasting or athletic competitions. Historically, journeys to sacred wells or holy shrines, or climbing mountains or hills have been popular, and in some places are still observed. Lugh is often seen as a personification of the first harvest, or the corn itself, and he is sometimes recast as folkloric figures such as John Barleycorn.

 Lughnasadh colours: gold, orange, yellow, green, light brown

Today´s outfit:
All thrifted except the knee socks, they are from H&M
Everything here is my actual favorites at the moment.

This Lughnasadh was super special to me. Week early I planned what to eat and we cook together, it was so homey. I also wanted to have special outfit, make my altar, clean the whole house and do stuff that I planned. I also read a lot of info that I even didn´t know and now I want to share them with you. Some reason, in many years I haven´t celebrated this Sabbath but I guess, now I am taking it back, and more! I am planning to celebrate the whole month and until Mabon. I have baked 3 breads, cleaned everyday (this still seems endless because I have so much stuff) and I have obsession about my closet, I need to declutter it this autumn so I can have piece of mind.. and I can make a closet tour. Finally.

Lughnasadh foods: Bread, corn, soup, root vegetables, berries, mead, rice, barely, nuts, seasonal fruits, roasted meats, honey, beer

Blueberry pie

"Similar to the Roman god Mercury, Lugh is known as a god of both skill and the distribution of talent.  He is a patron of the arts and a skilled warrior.
The Book of Invasions tells us that Lugh came to be associated with grain in Celtic mythology after he held a harvest fair in honor of his foster mother, Tailtiu. This day became August 1, and that date ties in with the first grain harvest in agricultural societies in the Northern Hemisphere. In fact, in Irish Gaelic, the word for August is lunasa. Lugh is honored with corn, grains, bread, and other symbols of the harvest. This holiday was called Lughnasadh (pronounced Loo-NA-sah). Later, in Christian England the date was called Lammas, after the Saxon phrase hlaf maesse, or “loaf mass.“"

"Lughnasadh is a festival called by many names as it is celebrated throughout the Pan-Celtic cultures. One of the names that has been documented in Ireland is Brón Trogaill, from Tochmarc Emire. Máire MacNeill in her book The Festival of Lughnasa tells us that  Brón Trogaill is understood to mean “Earth’s sorrows” giving the strong implication of a woman in childbirth.  Brón is a word with the meaning of “sorrow, grief, grieving, lamentation; distress, burden” and is also used in phrases like ro and brónbríg, “ weakened sorrows’ force” and brón déisi ag dathaghadh,  “harvest’s gloom.”  In  Tochmarc Emire Trogam is said to mean “earth” and on eDIL it is defined as “body” and the root of the word Trog is defined as “parturition or offspring”"

"The most well known story associated with the festival is that of Lugh’s foster mother Tailtiu. We’re told in Lebor Gabála Érenn, “the Book of the Taking of Ireland,” that Tailtiu was the daughter of a king of Spain and the wife of Eochaidh mac Eric, who was the last Fir Bolg king in Ireland. After the battles between the Fir Bolg and Tuatha Dé Danann she survived and went on to foster Lugh. We know very little about her as a person but she was honored by her foster son with the funeral games, Áenach Tailteann, after she died in a noble sacrifice to clear the plains of Ireland for agricultural purposes.

These funeral games are what we enjoy now. People would come together for everything from; horse racing, feats of strength, reciting poetry, marriage ceremonies, trading, feasting, judgments, divorces, etc. The whole community would be under a truce while the festival was carried out, it likely lasted about a week."

"By Lughnasadh, The Sun God has already begun his downward journey, facing now toward the dark frosts of Winter. The Goddess, however, never wanes. She simply changes appearance. At Lughnasadh, She wears a face of exquisite abundance.

During the season of high Summer the bounty of our planet is in full swing. We reap the benefits of fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs. This is a time when most of us experience exceptionally good health and robust living.

Lughnasadh marks the last heyday of the Sun God. Beneath the Barley Moon and Summer stars we, too, enjoy the expiring passions of the season. Marriages are often entered into at Lughnasadh as well as at Midsummer, and as Robert Burns tells us, it is a “happy night” that he spends among the cornfields with his lover. Lughnasadh is a tome when the symbolic aspects of the life-sustaining elements of grain spill over into every part of life."

Magical Herbs 

"Lughnasadh marks a turning point in the Earth’s life cycle. Although Summer is hot and bountiful, more visible signs of the Sun’s waning strength lie just around the corner in Autumn’s fallen leaves. During this time of year, Witches use herbs to bring good fortune and abundance in their cooking, healing, potions, and spellwork. All grains, seeds, herbs, and flowers gathered now can be dried for later use during Winter or for decorating the altars of future Sabbats. Like herbs, grains are considered sacred and should be harvested with a magically charged “golden” sickle."

"In many regions in the northern hemisphere, Lughnasadh is berry-picking time. In the British Isles, bilberries are particularly plentiful. Gathering bilberries at Lughnasadh is an ancient ritual that has bearing upon the Summertime harvest as a whole. If the bilberries are bountiful, the crops will be plentiful. Just about every herb, flower, and grain reaches its peak of color, flavor, and magical potency in Summer. Garlic is a particularly versatile herb that is used for protection against negative energy and to cleanse and purify the body. Marigold helps us to communicate with Faeries and increase psychic ability. Moss is for financial gain, and at Lughnasadh vervain is used for wealth as well as protection.

During this season of marriages, yarrow is a common ingredient in wedding gift philtres and oils for love and union. Hops, used in flavoring beer and ale, favorite Lughnasadh beverages, are also good for sleeping and healing. Witches make healing compresses and teas from comfrey to enhance the healing of broken bones, scrapes, and bruises."

Following is a list of herbs to use in your magic during the Lughnasadh season:

Golden rod, nasturtium, clover blossom, yarrow, heliotrope, boneset, vervain, Queen Anne’s Lace, myrtle, rose, peony, sunflower, poppy, milkweed, Irish moss, mushroom, wheat, corn, rye, oat, barley, rice, garlic, onion, basil, mint, aloe, acacia, meadowsweet, apple leaf, raspberry leaf, strawberry leaf, bilberry leaf, blueberry leaf, mugwort, hops, holly, comfrey, marigold, grape vine, ivy, hazelnut, black thorn, elder, bee pollen, Magical Stones

"Our imaginations can easily be taken in by the magical charms of stones. They are simple enough in themselves, yet we watch and touch and remember, sometimes brooding upon their eternal composition. Witches believe that stones, despite their seeming lack of animation, are objects of wisdom and great positive energy and, like water, are one of the purest of all of Nature’s forms. For untold centuries we have paid attention to the effect of light on form. The geometric forms of crystals reveal fresh new perspectives that aid us in preparing for the future.

At Lughnasadh, as at all the Sabbats, we affirm the time-honored importance of stones as our friends. In addition to prosperity and growth, we seek confidence to face what lies ahead and a strengthening of our bond with Nature. The constancy of each individual stone on Earth centers on a mystical kind of compressed raw energy. Stones contain dynamic qualities and to us they exhibit a magical sensibility seemingly at odds with their concreteness. Within the core of each lies imprisoned, like the Young God himself, the concentrated, exquisite spirit of energy and light. Realizing these truths about about the magic of stones is particularly helpful during this turning point on the Wheel of the Year, when we straddle Lughnasadh’s amazing paradox of abundance and loss."

Following is a list of stones to use in your Lughnasadh magic:

Cat’s-eye, golden topaz, obsidian, moss agate, rhodochrosite, clearquartz, marble, slate, granite, lodestone, amber, citrine, aventurine, peridot

Ideas for Lughnasadh celebrations:

-Bake bread! Baking bread is one of the most traditional ways of celebrating this festival, and the first of the grains have been harvested. Consider baking different types of loaves, experiment with plaiting the dough or drawing designs on the top. Add seasonal berries, nuts or seeds to the dough to add flavour and interest. I make different kind of bread every time, I am trying to find the perfect way to make bread.

-Have a picnic with friends and family – with lots of bread! I went a picnic with Anna, it was awesome.

-Just go outside and enjoy the nature.

-Play games with friends or family
-Make a donation of food to your local food bank or donate money to a charity
-Hold your own Lughnasnadh ritual, light a fire and offer some food to the god Lugh and thank him for your harvest, and feel gratitude in knowing that all your efforts are coming to fruition
-Make corn dollies, instructions for lots of interesting designs can be found online, or make sculptures and decorations out of salt dough
-Light a candle and make a list of all that you are thankful for, and meditate upon this
-Go on a foraging trip, look for early apples, plums, berries and edible fungi (ensure you are certain of what you are harvesting before you eat it!)
-Dress to impress!
-As summer winds to a close and autumn approaches, make crafts and decorations for your home that celebrate the outdoors and the gifts of nature.
-A unique wearable craft would be a harvested wheat crown!
-The season from late summer to the middle of fall is often a season of heightened energy for those who identify with the warrior soul.  Meditations focusing on courage, physical strength, dexterity, and valor would be a great way to honor your inner warrior.
-Clean and change your bed sheets. It´s amazing feeling to sleep and smell clean sheets.

For all the info: I found from Tumblr from here here and here

Blessed be!

maanantai 6. elokuuta 2018

July favorites

-July started with a haul lookbook about new colorful clothings. At midsummer festival we decided to be in our summerhouse and there was so much Jani´s mom old clothing she said we can throw away or keep. I took a bag full of new autumn goodies with me. This pumped me up with colorful clothing. I don´t even mind some of the clothes are broken, I patch them up or keep them as they are. Some reason I like the fray and torn up look. Now I am in love with all of the fall colors: red, orange, yellow, green and brown. I after many years, I am not afraid of using color in my outfits. Finally, they make me happy, like clothing should do.

-I started a challenge to draw or paint for 31 days, but this lasted only 8 days until I forgot to do it. Damn it. But I made many paintings that I really like and I think I improved my skills a bit. I really love the girl with the moon and sun jacket, I used my golden pen for it, it shines so lovely.

-I found new Youtube channels, mainly Van life based. I started obsessing about it. Now I have dream to have my own van and travel across Finland and maybe even in other countries.

-I made my first sketchbook tour, this was so exiting thing to do. I have 2 other ones coming up.

-I was in a party at our workplace. It was such a fun night. So much dancing.

-I was at the friends wedding. It was epic day. Again, so much dancing, drinking and oh so much fun. Best wedding I have ever been. I also had a fake fur jacket which I used the whole night. I got questions like: "Are you goth?" and "Are you a witch? Aren´t witches bad?" But I had my game face on.


-Lumous. Again, an amazing experience. Best time I have had in this year and I got to have my best friends with me.

- I had an awesome hike.

-I got bucket full of flowers from my friend. Our bedroom smelled like a flower shop for a week. I even decorated my altar (you can see the old altar in the picture) in totally new one because the flowers.

-And here is my new altar with all the stuff I got from pagan market at Tampere I went with Laura.

-I went for a date. Sadly I didn´t take picture of the food or my outfit, both looked awesome btw. But my outfit will probably be in my upcoming lookbook of my summer style.

-For our 6th wedding anniversary, we went to our summerhouse and had oh so much good food, drink, sauna and because I have a thing for cleaning at the moment, I did some cleaning too.

Before and after

Best dinner in our summer house ever

I have started to collect some light blue, turquoise and light green items in our summerhouse. I really love those colors, but now at home. This is awesome way to show my colorful side and enjoy it in a place where I am so happy.

Pillow case from IKEA, picnic planket is from my friend Anna

Plate and the mug are from IKEA
Music I listened:

Tv- show I watched:

My month was awesome, really can´t wait what happens in August.

lauantai 30. kesäkuuta 2018

A for Astronomy witch

Picture edit: https://joutomaan.blogspot.com/
All the pictures was shot by https://www.instagram.com/luna.nocturnal/

Astronomy/Space - (A wider variant of lunar) Those who practice magick and correlate their beliefs in conjunction with the planets and stars! These witches may focus their magick with the properties of each planet, regularly read a horoscope or study astrology, and have a love of the stars and the night.

Astronomical Witch / Astro Witch / Space Witch / Cosmic Witch: Are witches who use cosmic, or astrological bodies in their crafts and practice such things as astrology, and cosmic witchcraft, and would work with the energies of the stars, moon, sun, and planets among many other cosmic bodies.

Cosmic witch: You feel a deep connection with the otherworldly. You love conspiracy theories, and you are are always deeply curious. You probably want to be in a field of engineering, flight, aeronautics, astronautics, astronomy or physics.

Star Witch: Not to be confused with a Space witch, who works with all of the cosmos, primarily aliens and astrology. Star witches draw their power from constellations, stars, and the sun. They love star gazing, have star charts hanging on the walls of their room, and never miss a meteor shower. Very chipper individuals who always want to go to the planetarium rather than out to see a movie or to the park. They may also work with planets as well as stars.

Today´s outfit

Necklaces: Glitter
Unicorn dress: Deadfine.fi
Shirt: Second hand
Leggins: Deadfine.fi
Belt and shoes: Borrowed

Cosmic witches draw their power from space in some way whether it be the stars, moon, and various celestial bodies (like Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, etc.). They’re probably super knowledgeable about both astronomy and astrology, and are usually the best to go to when it comes to figuring out what cool space things might be coming up this year since their craft revolves around being in the know. There are lots of different space oriented witches so the sub-types are plentiful and would take forever to delve in to.

I talked and interviewed one of my friends who I think is very Space Witch, she said things so lovely about universe and universal majick and I had permission to use our talks in my blog.

"We are all the same ligh, you could call it universal central sun which is like a big spirit to us. I saw it like a big bird one day, like the world was made in Kalevala, Ilmatar landed over the water and scaup came to her knee, laid 6 golden and one iron egg, which made the world.

Our solar system is like a mirror, everything we can detect to be real. And because worlds structure is symmetrical or geometric, our world can be seen like a mandala from far away, which pieces work together in harmony. Every celestial body is like divine messenger who brings us that source of light where we all came from."

"Although every celestial object, including us, is divine channel in the end, and so we all have purpose to even be here is that we all have ego, persona. Likewise every star has their own persona. They change the source of light through their persona, when it flows in our consciousness in different color light frequency. And because they are a lot bigger particles than us, they have an effect, although it is sort of interaction, stars also have awareness."

"Like the moon effects on water, it has same effect inner waters on human body. Sun is our brightest star which reflects brightest to us that source of light. That´s why probably the sun has been so worship in trough time.

And because every celestial object have their energy field, their aura, they kind of dance there their own trajectory which is their purpose and glow their own energy. And in same way we people have our own dance, which we go trough our life with the purpose of just to beam that same core."

"When you think about it, everything is already kind of ready and humans free will would be that, we can choose our vibration level and that way we can configure a lot of our life course through gravitational pull's law... But when you think about celestial objects on their own paths while being our mirrors, so why would one of them suddenly start bouncing elsewhere when its been around millions of years on that track. so would all things happen no matter what like higher ups have decided before our new infragmentation here and we can either make a little more bounces in the way and useless suffering, or only give our will to the highest and start worshiping this whole thing accepting 'our fate', what is kind of the word of the stars also."

This was super fun post to do. I really love the universe, sciense (can´t wait the Science witch post!) and the stars. I really find light, calmness and even knowledge from the skies. I don´t really mind about horoscopes but I find them interesting. I find everything interesting if it is astronomy or astrology related. I would really have some star researching stuff in my collections. Like a sextant, a globe, spyglass and some cool planetary thing that everything goes around and around, don´t remember what it is called (help me out?).