Showing posts with label The Girls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Girls. Show all posts

Monday, March 15, 2010

Something cute for the kids!

So in an effort to tame some of the never ending papers that LB1 gets from school and the little doodles that LB2 makes all day long, I put together another binder. I made one for LB1's preschool stuff ages ago but it got spilled on (of course) and I waited 10 years to get another. This one is cuter anyways-- fate maybe.

Okay so I purchased two of the cheap 1.50 white 1 inch binders at WM and...


They ended up cute!


Doesn't work like that?

Okay we'll tell you the real story, I recently ordered some vinyl from my vinyl girl, Dawn. And, I told her how much I loved loved loved these flower name labels and I'd love some for the girls' bedroom doors. But, alas right now they don't have doors. (Don't ask.) I said I'd wait for them till later- but guess what came in the mail! So for the time being I used them for this project!

I LOVE it, the girls love it. They're so fun looking! Dawn is fabulous- want to see some more cute things that I ordered?

I've been stuck on this blog lately and she had an awesome idea for a chore/coin/token/point system in her house and I adore the idea! I think my kids are going to LOVE it and actually help out a bit. Wait, what? Did I say they don't help out? I mean.. they're angels.



So the idea is that they each have their own box and they get a coin (or two) for a certain thing they do.

Ie. Putting their shoes away, cleaning up after themselves, remembering to brush their teeth without me nagging (getting better at this!)

After enough coins they can get a treat or save up for something even better like a movie with Mom and Dad or something small from the store! Actually twice tonight LB1 has mentioned to her sister that they've gotta get along to get some coins! :) I think for now we're going to use beads or buttons-- my store didn't have poker chips. Oh well, same idea! Same results I hope! :)

So wish me luck! I hope both these ideas help out in my house. Crossing my fingers! Thanks Dawn for the fabulous pink vinyl. You really are the best!


Todays creative blog

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Happy Birthday, Bug.

Love you, boo!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Oh how you complete me.

Next week is Miss LB2's Birthday. Her Second Birthday. God gave us such an amazing piece to our little family puzzle & I can't imagine life without her. She really completed us!

Because I'm goin' all Mama Bear on you all, enjoy this re post from her first birthday last year.

My love, my life.

I prayed for this child and God has given me what I asked of Him 1Samuel 1:27
Almost Two years ago I decided to have another baby. Yes, I was barely 20. I was still too young, still too crazy. What was I thinking? What was I thinking when I had my first at 18? Well, your right..the first time I wasn't.
Things changed. I wasn't 18 anymore, I was a mom with a family, in a little house with a little dog. A house with pictures in them. Pictures of a family of three.

Someone was missing. 20 or not, something was missing. Everyone said I was crazy when I was going to actually TRY and get pregnant. Gasp! Who does that when they have the rest of their lives ahead of them?
Oh you didn't get the memo? Your life ends with children. Anyways we planned and...tried. And planned and tried. Nothing, no baby? It wasn't this hard the first time? Time went by, and after 50 or so pregnancy tests one finally gave me what I wanted. +

Flash forward 9 months...

Hello beautiful.

Today is her birthday. We went out, had some fun. A fellow mom said to me "You're my daughters age and you have two kids?"

Yes, yes I do.

At 18, yes I wanted to be free. Move far away somewhere warm make a ton'o money and worry about numero uno.

At 21 I want to be a mom. My children are the absolute best thing that were given to me. I'm not the average 21 year old, I'm a mommy. Is it so hard to look at me without sad eyes at what my life could have been? Instead seeing how amazing my life really is? I have no regrets, why do strangers with no clue, tell me how hard it must be.

Babe, the bars ain't got nothin' on you! ;)

Happy Birthday love, my life.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tease that hair, girlfriend.

Snowed in Monday nights tend to get a little...crazy 'round these parts. It involves Michael Jackson's Beat it, some hair spray. And, cowgirl boots. Jersey shore aint got nothin' on us!

Dishes can wait.

The floor will still have crumbs and toys on it.

Bed time can be pushed back.

While we poof our hair, do a combination of a ho-down & the jersey shore fist pump-- dancing like mad women, laugh until we cry ... and pee a little.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

One last Christmas post

My last Christmas post. Pinky promise. Meet Mr. P's sister Kathlyn, to otherwise be known as Miss Katie Baby. The girls adore her & these pictures are too presh not to post. Enjoy! I'll be back tomorrow with my first project off my to do list! :)

Here I'll help you open your gifts.

New slippers!

Just like Cinderella.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Childrens tree

The girls came home to a decorated tree. Someone was busy today.

Love the tiny pink ornaments, and the polka dot garland.

Matches the pink polka dot room perfectly!

Now if I Christopher could only get about 2 more baggies of garland and another box of ornaments it'd be perfect. It's a little slim, eh? :) The girls loved it though, that's all that matters.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The elf, has landed. Again.

Sorry for the disappearance everyone! We had a lovely Thanksgiving and Mr. P stayed home for a bit so we've been just loving on him as much as we could before he went back to his second home. But I have been working hard on my Christmas decorations, the tree has to wait as I need to shampoo the carpet this weekend before it goes up. Is that weird? I feel like the carpet needs to be clean. Maybe I'm nesting.

Not. :)

I worked a little bit on this..

Which is coming together lovely. It needs a bit more fluffing before I give the reveal. And, in bigger news. Guess who crash landed tonight just in time for Advent?

Christopher Pop-in-kins. Right now he's perched in our wreath but we shall see how mischievous he gets tonight. I wonder if he has anything to do with LB1 being so helpful tonight with the tiding up? Hmm..

Hope you all are enjoying your countdown to Christmas, it's gorgeous here in the mitten, no snow. I think that's a first. I probably just jinxed it.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Countdown to Halloween

I know two little ones who are ready.

Be back tomorrow with the rest of our decorations!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Wow! July has been one BUSY month! I'm kind of excited it's settling down. Weekend after weekend we've had an event that took up each day!

Yesterday though, was a major fun one. My darling friend Jen had her wedding ceremony and I was lucky enough to be included in it! I'd never been to a Greek wedding, let me tell you.. it's LONG!

But, we all know what happens after the ceremony..RECEPTION! Fun times, fun times! I even did the dance! You would be proud. Enough about that- enjoy some pictures. It's time for me to clean up and get ready for the week. :)Everyone kept throwing money on them during their first dance. Pretty sure it paid for the wedding ;)

Well, I guess not with all those sticky fingers..there goes half! :)
Be back tomorrow with my 4.00 serving tray! I know,I know.. I have issues! It's so much better now!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Canvas Masterpiece

I've been trying to think of fun things to do this summer on my days off with the girls, since it's just the 3 of us, and things can get old fast!

One thing we did was get some 16x11 (I think? Whatever, it was a good size and on sale for a pack of 2 for 6.99 @ Hob Lob) and some .99 cent paint (that matched my decor) and went to town.

LB1 said hers is DEFINITELY not a boat.

So, there you go.. Not a boat. Gotcha.


I did one too, obviously for fun. I'm no Picasso, basically I painted the first word that came to mind. There's no hidden meaning, or is there?

I plan to put the girls' paintings in my room when I finally get off my butt and make it look like an adult bedroom and not a college dorm. Can't wait! Some free abstract art, that perfectly matches the paint color in my room!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Busy doing..

While Mr. P is away, the girls will go out and play!

Lovely week of this..

and this..

some of this..

and more of this..

Much needed break at the beach. So fun, LB2 tried to crash a couple times on the sand. She was POOPED! She's so cute, one of these days I'm just gonna eat her up. Serious.

However, today all of us at the lovebug household had a garage sale. (Too much work, but 124.70 And, let me tell you.. I understand and it's Michigan and all. But, it was wayyy to cold out for July. I think I might have saw a snowflake.

Jus' sayin'.

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