Showing posts with label My life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My life. Show all posts

Monday, January 9, 2012

2012 Resolutions

Okay.. I'll admit it, I love them. I love the idea that I can start FRESH. Kind of like when I say I'm going to start working out but it can't be on any day other than a Monday. New week. New year. You get the drift. New beginnings, and I enjoy them. Mucho.

A few things I want to work on this year..

Quit looking for perfection in my marriage. It wont happen. We can't erase the past, nor is it a romance movie where he'll sweep in and say all the right things and I'll feel that twinge in my stomach, with a twinkle in my eye and know every things better. Nope. Nada.

We'll still have fights.. Will they lead to divorce? Lord help me I hope not, but it's NORMAL to fight. I don't have to stay awake after every fight worrying that this one was the one that broke the camels back, we should have just agreed on where to have dinner damn it. 

Breathe Rachelle. LIVE. Stop worrying. Be happy. Quit being so concerned with the idea that he might not be happy. You make him happy, shut your head up.

Be a Yes Mom. Sometimes I think I'm the cranky Mom who doesn't want to do anything. I'm also not really a "play" Mom. I love to take the girls to lunch dates, or movie dates, or shopping. We snuggle all the time or color but I don't really.... play and I always feel like I'm scarring them for life by not rolling on the floor playing barbies.

I mean, I'm probably not scarring them, but I want them to grow up and have memories of me being fun, loving and a part (Not to be confused with APART.. Thankyouverymuch) of things.

Not remembering me working on something while they played in the playroom. I want to be in their memories. All of them.


Be in photos.
LOL this one sounds so superficial, doesn't it? I'm always behind the camera. I say to Mr. Fingerprints all the time, "What if I were to die. You wouldn't even remember what I looked like!" I'm trying to be better. Say, "hey! Take a picture of us." But I feel so lame doing it. Stop it Rachelle.. Quiet that head up again! ;)

Be happy with my body. This also means taking care of it. Sure I want to lose 20 more pounds but if I don't that's okay. I've been working hard as a mother trucker to lose my baby weight.. (Ha, the baby who is almost...Four. Gulp) But my body will NEVER be pre-baby. It's okay. Learn to live with it, learn to like it. I should probably quit messing with my hair too because it's a hot mess and can't afford any more fried ends or patches from it falling out all the time. ;)

Be a happy person. Be a good friend. Be content. Be the sunshine in someone's life. Be the blog that people feel good after they read. Be the best me that I can be.

Because I only get one shot at this lil' thing called life. I fully intend to rock it this year.


What about you? Do you have any new years resolutions that you're going to work on this year?! Share with us! 

Sharing over at Amandas! 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Q & A Part One.

Ooo! Fun! Here is my question: How do you find the time to blog, coordinate linkups, and do projects? As a stay at home mom myself, I know how difficult it can be :)
   Well, I like to blog either in the morning or late at night, then either schedule them or when I get on randomly I'll post something I feel like talking about. Projects are fairly easy to get around to doing because my girls are close in age, and old enough to play in the playroom and give me some time. Now that one is in school though for half a day the other naps too. Quiet house, busy Mom!
My husband also is gone 90% of the time for work so it's one less person to take care of-- I mean, um, give my attention to. :) But on weekends I work part time and he comes home, so I skip the blogging when both of us can be home together. I try to balance it all out, even then I'm sure something is lacking-- No one can do it all.

I'd like to know how you schedule your day , too. SAHM and blogger here, too. I have only 1 child but sometimes I have a hard time keeping up!

   Schedule? Well, some days it's different but mostly the girls wake up around 9 and we lay around eating breakfast or watching Mickey Mouse clubhouse. I realize I'm totally getting spoiled sleeping in till 9 and I'll probably jinx myself saying it out loud now. But, hey they like to sleep and so do I! :) Then they either play up stairs and I do a load of dishes or laundry. Give them a bath, and get their clothes ready for the day. Pack my oldest her lunch and head out the door for school. Then the youngest and I will either go home and mess around with things that need to get done, take a nap or go grocery shopping/thrifting/errands that need to be done. Pick up the oldest again and go home and get ready for dinner or go to my Mom's for dinner, which she often likes us girls to come do. :) On the rare days that I have to go into work it's the exact same except we get up at 7 and they go to the sitters house or hang out with Dad when he can come home. At night we make sure nothing is on the floor-- put our clothes away from the day, play, work on kindergarten homework, watch a movie or Blues Clues then they go to bed. And, by bed I mean, climb out and come ask me for water..kisses..hugs..turn the fan on.."I'm hot"..."I heard something" 1000 times, each night. This is why they sleep in I guess. :)

How do you keep all of the kid clutter (aka toys and craft stuff) organized? I have triplet 2-year olds and their 'stuff' is taking over the house!!

  I'm working on organized, but for now it's put away. We have four drawers that are in our living room in our entertainment unit that are for toys. 1.) Drawing and coloring stuff 2.) Movies 3.) Small living room toys 4.)Video games..That one is more for my husband.

I get really claustrophobic and can't relax if there are a million toys on the floor. I can't stand it. So it's easier for our family to say "Time for a quick clean!" Either right when we get home, or before we leave (I don't want to come home to a stressful house) and a few times throughout the night when it's getting bad. It might not be the most efficient way but when we had the house on the market and got a call for a showing we just threw them in the drawers. Easy! Right now we're working on having a playroom with a nice system. Hopefully I can show it soon!

And, Triplets? You go girl!

OK so now my mind goes blank...umm oh how about have you ever visited England, 'cause that's where I am!

  I haven't but maybe someday! How fun that you get to live there though, I want to live somewhere fabulous. :) I haven't been too many places-- Mexico (Honeymoon) Dominican Republic (Anniversary) and of course Disney a handful of times.

*Dominican Republic-- Hot, Sweaty bus trip.. Pregnant with LB2, no makeup and a killer sunburn*

What made you decide to start a blog? :)

  Well I read them, loved them, and wanted to do it.
I also had no one around here that was really interested in the same things I was and I was getting to be sad not having anyone to relate to. Now I have this whole huge community of people who *love* what I love. Have kids and *understand* exactly what I'm going through. Some of them live all the way on the other side of the United States and I can just text them..Vent.. and they just KNOW what I mean. It's an outlet, one that I'm very blessed to have.

My questions are:
1. You are so stinkin' cute! Every picture you look adorable. Do you look like that all the time? or just when you take pictures? Where do you buy your cute clothes?

LOL. That's funny. No I do not look like that all the time, I usually only share cute pictures. I'm seriously vain like that. Want to see what I really look like? Okay... But you owe me, google is forever, and now I'll end up on some site making fun of me.

And I doubt she gave you the stinkeye that's just how her face looks, you know? That's just her face. 
Name that movie.

And all my clothes come from Target... Seriously. Maybe a little Kohls sprinkled in or Vanity. With the exception of jeans which come from Old Navy or American Eagle.. I need jeans that don't sit to low, I have a lot going on in the back and pants never stay up. No one wants a picture of that burned in their brain.  I just purchased the "Flirt" style from O.N and they have some stretch in them. They're like Heaven. :)

2. How in the world do you keep that white sofa white? I knew it's slipcovered, but my kids love red clay and Sharpies. How do you do it?

I don't stress. My husband however, he's a different story. He made a "No crayon, marker, pen, food, drink, shoes, dirt, germ, grain of pepper" rule for the living room-- Just in case. Then I let the girls do it anyways.. They always tell him I say it's okay when he's gone.. Blast those children! Here's what I do. If something gets on it, I wipe it up. If it's a mean ol' stain like lets say... Mild sauce from Taco Bell, I spray a little cleaner on it. My own solution of bleach and water chased with some dish soap and prayers... And it comes out pretty well. I just actually washed them for the first time last Friday, I put bleach in the machine and washed it like the regular whites and they came out shiny new. Oh, and I did it on cold so they wouldn't shrink.. That I would most definitely get in trouble for. I figure.. It's just a couch. Life happens, a stain wont kill me. I could always turn the cushion over. ;) 

That was fun girls! I'm going to slowly go through these considering there's quite a few! Plus it's fun to throw a little Q & A in on the blogging right? We've also had a few new friends come by.. *Hi!* I'm so glad you came, stick around eh? Have a totally random, fun question? Go to this post and I'll slowly but surely answer it!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Q & A

So I thought this would be kind of fun.. Or really lame if no one wants to participate.. If you don't we're going to lock this away and pretend like it never happened, deal? Good.

I get a lot good amount of little questions in my inbox-- sometimes they're totally random...

What husband and I do for our date nights-- :) When we get date nights, it's Carrabbas *Yum* and a movie.. Or Home Depot, not going to lie we love thinking about all the things we could do to improve our house. Sometimes we just eat cake.. :)

Questions about my family..

Why I let my kids dress how they'd like...

Or what color my hair is this week...

And, questions I forget to answer like where I bought something in my house. Duh.

So how about we have a big ol' question and answer day? Comment on this post any question, and I'll answer it.

Go ahead, make me blush! Ha.. But because it's family let's keep it PG-13, that's for you silly trolls out there! ;-P

I'll come back this week and answer them. Let's have some fun! Ready set go! 

Weekend Bloggy Reading

Monday, March 15, 2010

Something cute for the kids!

So in an effort to tame some of the never ending papers that LB1 gets from school and the little doodles that LB2 makes all day long, I put together another binder. I made one for LB1's preschool stuff ages ago but it got spilled on (of course) and I waited 10 years to get another. This one is cuter anyways-- fate maybe.

Okay so I purchased two of the cheap 1.50 white 1 inch binders at WM and...


They ended up cute!


Doesn't work like that?

Okay we'll tell you the real story, I recently ordered some vinyl from my vinyl girl, Dawn. And, I told her how much I loved loved loved these flower name labels and I'd love some for the girls' bedroom doors. But, alas right now they don't have doors. (Don't ask.) I said I'd wait for them till later- but guess what came in the mail! So for the time being I used them for this project!

I LOVE it, the girls love it. They're so fun looking! Dawn is fabulous- want to see some more cute things that I ordered?

I've been stuck on this blog lately and she had an awesome idea for a chore/coin/token/point system in her house and I adore the idea! I think my kids are going to LOVE it and actually help out a bit. Wait, what? Did I say they don't help out? I mean.. they're angels.



So the idea is that they each have their own box and they get a coin (or two) for a certain thing they do.

Ie. Putting their shoes away, cleaning up after themselves, remembering to brush their teeth without me nagging (getting better at this!)

After enough coins they can get a treat or save up for something even better like a movie with Mom and Dad or something small from the store! Actually twice tonight LB1 has mentioned to her sister that they've gotta get along to get some coins! :) I think for now we're going to use beads or buttons-- my store didn't have poker chips. Oh well, same idea! Same results I hope! :)

So wish me luck! I hope both these ideas help out in my house. Crossing my fingers! Thanks Dawn for the fabulous pink vinyl. You really are the best!


Todays creative blog

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