Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts

Monday, June 7, 2010

Diaper Cake wanna be!

A friend of mine is expecting her first baby next month. Woohoo! A little boy named Evan.. Or Carter, depending on if who you ask-- Mom or Dad :) I wanted to take a try at a diaper cake. I absolutely LOVE seeing them around blog land and at parties. Whats the worst that could happen right?



I guess it's not HORRIBLE. I don't think we'll see it on (diaper) cake wrecks ;) or anything. But what I had in my mind was a little more fabulous. Want to make one? Get your husband to sit down with you on a Saturday afternoon 2 hours before said shower and roll and tape diapers with God's speed. :) Some pretty ribbon, wooden animals and sports stuff.. (Nursery theme is Sport safari) and some clothes, shoes and (Matching!!!) bubbles and lotion, and you're set girlfriend! Practice makes perfect, anyone else want to get pregnant so I have a reason to keep making them?? Takers? :-D

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Teacher Gift

A project? Completed? Here?! At Fingerprints on the Fridge?

Yes, I know. It's ahem-- been a while. But this idea did not originate in my head it came from my friend Kimmie, you make recognize her name as I'm spewing out free advertizing for the girl on a daily basis.. ;) She made these super cute flower gifts for her little girl's teachers for Teacher Appreciation day. She's super mom and remembered that day. Me, myself and I forgot.  So, preschool graduation will have to do! I got a super cheap terracotta pot from the craft store.

Something like 1.98, remember I just got back from Disney, otherwise known as drain your bank account world. It's slim pickins around here! :) Used some fun spray paint colors and some scrap book paper. :) Easy as pie!

 Sorry it's so blurry, we were running this morning trying to hurry.

 A nice little tag with the words "Thank you for helping Lily Bloom!" Get it, Lily? Yeah.. har har.. I know. ;) I've seen some super cute projects out in blog land for end of the year gifts or T.A day presents and I love them! If you've made anything special lately for your teachers out there and want to leave the link in the comments I'd love to see them! Now off to my usual procrastination... Happy Wednesday!

Love, the graduate and her cheering section! 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Keys to my heart

In my attempt to finish the entry way sometime this year I've been cramming as much as I possibly can this week while Mr. P is home. Let's just say it's a little easier to craft, paint, and hot glue when there's someone watching the little devils angels while I work. :) Today I worked on this wall.

Tall, and empty are the two words to describe it. Boring would work too. I wanted something cute, nothing too personal since the house is still on the market {ugh!} But something that tugged at my heart strings. Everyone knows I'm a little sentimental about our first home. What's better than the keys to the house!

Each door in our house has it's own skeleton key, and since I've never had a reason to lock any of the doors in the house I've been using them for different things. Santa keys, apothocary fillers, and now art. As you can see I'm running out of keys! :)

Four left, but for this project we'll only be using three. I like things in threes and the fourth is a little shiny for my liking. At least for this project it is.

Nice and rusty and old. Gorgeous!

To start I purchased 3 12x12 frames at Michaels. They're usually 9.99 but this week (and almost everytime I see them) they're 50% off. I liked them because the matte is layered in the frame. Which makes it easy for the key to sit and not bulge out the back.

Other supplies, burlap or another medium for your key to sit on, a glue gun and 10 mintues.

Really, this was probably the fastest project ever! I cut the burlap to fit and glued it.

Making sure to pull it tight so you don't have a million wrinkles. You could double up on the fabric if you're using burlap so it's not so transparent. I for one didn't have enough to go around, and I just flipped the paper in the frame over so the white shows through (instead of the couple getting married, as lovely as they are). Good enough for this chick!

Then I put a smidgen of glue on the key and pressed her down. That's the nice part about hot glue if you ever want to change your mind it comes off so easy! Put everything back in the frame and you're done. Yep, that easy! See, how fast that can go!

The seriously hard part was getting a picture of them on the wall without a glare from the door. So I had to just give in. Forgive me! :) Now one of the the first things I see when I walk into the door, is the pretty (fast, and cheap) art work. I can't get enough of it!

The Girl Creative


The DIY Show Off

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Entry way take 2

I saved a ton o' inspiration pictures (and lost most of the sources-- if these are yours or you know who they do belong to-- drop a line and I'll give credit where credit is due!) when I was trying to decide what to do with our cramped little entry way. They might not make sense to you, but some crazy stuff goes on in my insomnia driven head and well, I don't hate it! I'm just hoping it all comes together and it doesn't resemble my idea folder thrown up all over my entry way.

This door. I'm in love. We have a door to the kitchen from the "Mud room" Think I can pull it off?

Yes, this is a dining room. I'm aware. Look at the letters though. I have big plans. Love how huge they are, such an impact.

Look at those little boy & girl signs! Adorable! And, the grates that the boots are sitting on-- LOVE! Michigan winters mean snowy icky boots. Can't stand going downstairs to do the laundry and having wet socks from someones slushy shoes.


Love the shelf in the first photo. And, the buckets in the third--just presh! :)

So there's a few lovelies.
Hopefully tomorrow I'll have phase three completed! Cross your fingers!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

All I want for Christmas...

Continuing on our Jar journey.. har har.. While browsing around Target on my day off I spotted this adorable little cookie jar with a green holiday lid. So I scooped her up and knew right away what she'd be used for.
(Because I didn't take a before, picture this one with a green lid, and a tad bit smaller.)

Cookies? No, I'm just beginning with that area of life remember? Something better, something we need around this house with the wishy washy "I don't know what I want for Christmas/Birthdays" A Wish Jar.

Now instead of thinking about what I we want and racking my our brain; because it's truly hard--me this family? Want something? Now when I we think about it or see it in a magazine, we tear it out, circle the item and throw 'er in the jar. So when Christmas rolls around it's like a big list for Mr. P or I to choose from. Everything in the jar is something I/we like.. Basically it's a big wish list with the place to get it.. Much easier for those husbands who shop on Christmas Eve, wait what? Did I say that? Yeah mine doesn't do that either. :) Three months in advance all the time. Yup. Plus, it's not just Christmas colors so it can stay up all year and be used for Birthdays, need a gift idea? Go to the wish jar. Loves it.

Okay let's be honest here, who's noticing the lazy I (Get it) going on there. And, if you didn't notice now you do. Wow, I should fix that.


Friday, October 23, 2009

Whimsical Pumpkin

I'm really getting bad at these titles. Sorry about that. :) But anyways I received a lot of comments and emails about the silver pumpkin. This one here, from this post.

Well this may be the worst and/or easiest tutorial ever. Take a pumpkin; preferably one from Michael's at 60% right now! This one here is a bigger one, he was 7.00ish the smaller one was 4.00 and tax.

Grab some silver spray paint- any will do. Take a sharpie and write whatever you wish, I preferred House of Czuk--Scribbly and not perfect-I'm cool with that; it looks kind of like something out of the Wizard of Oz doesn't it? No? Really? Huh.

Then add some witches brooms and polka dots. Easy peasy. Once everything is dried put about 17 coats of high gloss clear, this gives it the sheen. I love it- it's the one thing that everyone comments on when they come over.

Even with all drips, I love it. Remember Nester's Mantra "It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful!"

Sorry about the lack of photos; I'm no pro at the tutorial game! Come back tomorrow for a front porch reveal, that is if the rain lets up! Night!


The DIY Show Off

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rachelle 1, Table 0.

It was a tough fight, but I did come out victorious. Really I guess we both won, since the table doesn't have to be little boy blue anymore. Not that I have anything against that, but ya know.. House of girls here. ;)

Remember this beaut?

Right now it's on sale for 49.99 but it's regularly 59.99 and I got it at goodies for 29.99. Lovely. I knew right away it was getting a coat of paint. I went with the natural choice Heirloom white, I seriously don't think you can go wrong with that color! It's the best by far. Then I took a pretty little knob that was left over from our kitchen remodel and hello gorgeous! Well anyways enough deets, here's the goods.




No, that's not it either.

I love it! I realize that it's a bedside table but c'mon, when you're using a foot stool as a table-- anything is an upgrade! I think it looks much better now, perfect for our living room.

I should have gotten the other table that they had. Oh well-- live and learn! Did you see the other project that was from last year? I totally forgot about that little pretty!

So when do you think Mr. P will notice somethings different? He went all last weekend with the table in the basement in front of the laundry pile.. I mean, what laundry? Anyways he walked past it a million times and didn't notice. Men.

See you tomorrow with the other project!

Now go check out the other laides at The Shabby Nest for Frugal Friday!


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