Showing posts with label FYF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FYF. Show all posts

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Feature Yourself Friday


So glad you could make it.. I'm definitely feeling the TGIF itch.. that's for sure. This week has been a long one! We've had amazing weather though so we've been getting out and about.. Working on things at the house.. drinking green beer (Not this girl.. No beer for me..ick! Strawberry fruity drink? Yes please. )

and plenty of naps. :)

We'll get to the party in a second.. But, first I want to announce some winners from recent giveaways.. :) Thanks to the awesome sponsors who hosted these great events and for so generously choosing a winner. :)

The 70.00 credit to Vinyl Crafts.. Ashley from Life is Beautiful

The 100.00 Amazon Gift Card.. Courtesy of  Appliances Online...Lizy from Lizy B

And, last but not least.. The 100.00 Credit towards Empire Patio Covers is Lindsey from Little bit of inspiration.   
Who didn't leave an email, Lindsey, email me for your loot! {} Everyone else, keep an eye out regarding your wins!

Whew! We've got a lot of lucky ladies around these parts! 

Since we haven't had Feature Yourself Friday in a few weeks thanks to this lovely Michigan weather and me being outside every chance I can get.. I have no highlights to share with you, so let's just get the party started, shall we?!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Feature Yourself Friday - HACKED!

Hello lovely Fingerprints on the Fridge readers!
My name is Kimmie and I blog over at Sugar and Dots.
Rachelle is my BFF, and she texted me from work this morning asking if I could please open FYF for her.
So here I am.
And since I don't have the power to feature anyone, I decided I'd do a little giveaway so that you don't walk away empty-handed.
It happens to be my two year blogiversary today, so I'm in a giving mood.

Up for grabs:
One Premium Ad Space for the month of February.

(That's the big pink one, ya'll.)
You can read all about the awesomesauce that comes with Premium Ad Space here.

To enter:
1. Leave a comment below thanking your hostess Rachelle for this lovely party.
2. Follow FOTF and leave a comment for Rachelle telling her that you follow her blog.
3. Visit Sugar and Dots sometime and say hello.
(You can do one or all of those options.)
Rachelle will announce the winner next week!

Now on to the party!
Have fun!
Happy Friday.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Feature Yourself Friday!

Whew! It's been a minute hasn't it?


Christmas kind of took over, plus Miss. Rachelle got a new job. I know, I know. Crazy. As much as I love staying home with the girls and being the manager of the house.. it was time. I'll tell you all about it this week. :)

Hum..Hum..Hum.. what else what else? I did a little 2011 review and if you feel like browsing through the archives with me, it's a nice ride down memory lane!

In sponsor news.. The winner of the Bellabyte 25.00 shop credit is... 

18. Monsters33 said... I liked Bellabyte on facebook.  

The MiaBella giveaway is going to be open for another week because of the holiday and what not so GO SIGN UP and win some scenty goodness. 

And, if you have some Christmas cash you have (thanks Mom!) check out TinkerBboutique.. She's got an awesome deal going on for 30% off if you use the code FAM30! LOVE her necklaces, she joined in our Birthday giveaway extravvvaaaganza and was a huge hit. Check it, yo.

Okay okay! On with the party! Since it's been so long since the last party and because I already wrote a mile long post.. ;) We'll just jump right in, what have you been working on? What are you gonna feature tonight?! Let us see!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Feature Yourself Friday

Friday Friday! It's a winter wonderland here in the mitten, and I'm definitely feeling the Christmas bug to decorate and listen to holiday tunes. But, I'm trying to hold off, I can't promise much longer though. haha

 All found via Pinterest

The Scentsy giveaway is still open and if you're thinking about ordering anything I have a party open still since I can't decide on a scent to order myself! Order some deliciousness, wont ya?

Let's just jump right into the party shall we? Yes.. We shall!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Feature Yourself Friday

Hey ya'll.. :) Hope you had a wonderful fall-licous week, we're having an extremely rainy one here in the mitten but it's not snow so I can't complain. :)

Totally digging this Halloween table runner

This is bread. Seriously. Crazy.

Love this stencil art.

This made me laugh. Hard.

Gorgeous wreath.

Great job ladies! I'm always so impressed with all the projects on FYF.. :) I wish I could highlight them all, but that may take a while! 

Feature Yourself Friday is brought to you this week thanks to

something diane made

Christmas is coming up and Diane has some awwweeesome handmade goodness that anyone in your circle would love. Check her out!

Okay, it's that time. Party on! 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Feature Yourself Friday

Hey friends! Happy Thursday..Er..Almost Friday..October..Fabulous fall day. :)

Our newest sponsor Brooke from Get out of my head please is having a super awesome giveaway going on! Make sure you check it out!


I had lots of intentions on whipping up some posts this week but.... it was a little hectic.. Good hectic though. How about a little rundown of this week?

First Field trip.
 Pumpkin carving..Free hand, pretty shhweet if you will. 

Yeah. I know.

Family bowling.

The whole family. 


It was a good week, a good good week.

Let's just jump into the party shall we?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Feature Yourself Friday

Hello Friends! If you didn't notice there were a few changes here this week! Woohoo! I'm sure loving it and I hope you are too. I'm tweaking a few things and trying to re-tag all my old posts so they're a little easier to manage, hopefully it gets finished sooner rather than later! ;) Oh! Don't forget the giveaway is still going on from The Birds Papaya! You could win a lovely necklace and set of earrings! Yay!

How about some pretty things from last week!

My friend Heather who has an awesome love for Disney like me updates on all her trips and I drool most of the time. ha! One day we'll plan a trip at the same time! :)

6.00 Duvet? Yes please.

Seriously swooning over this faux fireplace. So pretty!

Love it ladies, such talented bloggers around here. :)

Now if you'll excuse me it's time to snuggle up and watch some Jersey Shore and check out this weeks link ups! :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Feature Yourself Friday

Why hello there you! I hope you're having a wonderful week and getting pumped for this weekend, I sure am! I'm ready to not get up at 6 every day that's for sure. :) How am I going to do this for 12 more years? Someone tell me that! haha.

So I have some fun things coming to FOTF that I wanted to give you a heads up on. I'm working with a lovely designer and getting ready to have some things tweaked around here. So next week should have a whole fresh new look for you! Yay! I'm really excited.

I'm also changing things up on the sponsor end and I'll be offering two different sizes for ads. 


I have a few slots left for October so If you have a shop or blog that you think would be a good fit here at FOTF send me an email with the subject Advertising and we'll set something up, we'd love to have you!

Oh! And, Giveaway Saturdays are coming back! Yay! :) You're going to love the shops I have lined up for you, I might be a little jealous that I can't win..Just sayin'.
If you have a shop and would like to get some exposure now is that time! It's gettin' close to Christmas shopping time! As always it's free to sponsor a giveaway at FOTF. Shoot me an email with the subject Giveaway and we'll make it happen!

Enough with the business end, time for the party end right? Yes. 

Gorgeous Mantel goin' on here!

Love this ode to fall and the pretty outfits!


Lovely lovely! Alright, your turn. You know the deal, link up--feature yourself--mingle--have fun!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Feature Yourself Friday

Everyone ready for Fall, isn't it official tomorrow? I sure hope so because I'm 100% ready.

But, in other news. . . Woowee did we have some great link ups last week 'ch-yall. 

Just guess what this mirror is made out of.. Awesome.

Gorgeous playroom reveal 

Pretty paper wreath.. swoon.

Great work ladies.. fabulous! Now, lets get this party started!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Feature Yourself Friday

Hey ya'll.

It's baaaack

Did you say it in your head like in the Poltergeist? I sure did. Anyway I'm so glad to be back to share some awesome Feature Yourself Friday with you. :) It was a much needed break but I'm happy to be back to partying that's for sure!

Since it's been so long I don't have any past features to share but..let's see what I have on the computer that's some eye candy..

My recent library chic

This little chick started preschool..Gosh she's cute.

My first grader's best friend started kindy this year.. She's super excited to have her be in the same school and sent this in the first day. be still my heart, it's too cute

Want to see just how cute they are? Here's a fuzzy iphone picture of them dancing and the best friend's parent's wedding. The older girls have some moves, seriously but look at little miss and her boyfriend...Oh my gosh. I die.

Sleeping buddies.

Okay enough cute for the night, I wouldn't want you to get a cavity or anything ;) Let's party on! You know the nice..visit..comment..have fun.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Feature Yourself Friday

Bless my little heart I was too busy fist pumping to remember FYF! Whoops!

Okay pretend I didn't admit that.

But seriously? Yeah. I know.


I'll make up for it with.. Um. Pinterest love? Yes.

Swoon. I could spend all day on there.
Okay buddies.. party hard!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Feature Yourself Friday

Why hello there friends! Is everyone else baffled that July is long gone now and it's AUGUST?! I know! Trust me, I know. It was a glorious 75 degrees today and I swear I could start to smell fall in the air. But that could be because I want it..bad.

Oh yes! Thank you for all the emails for guest posts! I'm going through the emails and just going by who sent one first and I will get through all of them. Can't wait.. YA'LL ARE THE BEST!

Want to know what else you're 'mazin at?

Gallery Walls..

Coolest rocks evvah..

And awesome furniture makeovers..

Just to name a few! :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Feature yourself Friday!

First off the winner of the Word Whipped giveaway is #46 The Clayborn Family

So thankful to wonderful sponsors and friends who want to host giveaways! We have another good one coming up soon! :)

I put a little shout out on facebook, but because of the lack on my part I'd love it if a few of you would be interested in Guest Blogging!
I'm just not ready to come back full time right now.
Instead I stalk pinterest for things that make me think..and smile..and cry.

Boo. I know.

But I don't want the blog to come to an end. While I take my little sanity vacation I'd love to have some fun posts, so if you're interested email me at {} and we'll hook somethin up! 

Let's get to the party shall we? We shall.

Rock on, buddies! 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Feature yourself Friday!

Talk about losing track of time.

It's FRIDAY? When did that roll around? I had a meeting last night at 8 so by the time I got home and crashed, 10 pm Feature Yourself Friday was a dream floating around in my head, as I was snooooozing. Then my lovely children slept until 11 this morning. I think they knew their mama needed some beauty sleep.

I feel refreshed.

Well sort of. When I get too much sleep I feel way more groggy. Does that happen to you? I got the sleep cycle app on my phone because I've heard good things but I've yet to try it. It's kind of magical and wakes you up when you WONT be tired and groggy.

This just went to no-where land didn't it?

Want some more randoms?

Talk about twins right? And, when did this child get so big? Um.. she's supposed to be 3 not 13.

This little gal is a pirate. Can you tell? I don't know what says pirate more, the eye patch, tattoo or flowered dress.
But, she does get 100 points for popping out her sunglasses lens and using a headband to fashion a eye patch. Atta girl. How can I be mad about broken sunglasses when you use mad DIY skills to use your imagination? Awesomesauce, baby.

Okie dokie.. time for me to wake up, and you all can party hard. Sound good? :) 

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