Showing posts with label Livros sobre Animais. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Livros sobre Animais. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I loved these books! I strongly recommend them to everyone who loves animals! Gostei muito destes livros e recomendo-os com entusiasmo para os que gostam de animais!  

The bestsellling author of A Year in Provence and Hotel Pastis now surveys his territory from a differnt vantage point: the all-fours perspective of his dog, Boy--"a dog whose personality is made up of equal parts Boswell and Dr. Johnson, Mencken and A. A. Milne" (Chicago Sun-Times). Enhanced by 59 splendidly whimsical drawings by Edward Koren.

O inglês Peter Mayle um dia resolveu mudar de vida e foi morar na Provence, França; lá, escreveu dois livros de sucesso, "Um ano na Provence" e "Toujours Provence". Não demorou muito para que seu cão metido a filósofo Boy decidisse que também deveria "escrever" alguma coisa... Boy optou por colocar no papel as suas memórias, contando tudo (e divagando muito): desde o sofrimento de sua infância (quando foi abandonado pela mãe natural e depois maltratado pelo primeiro dono), até a boa vida na casa do escritor que o adotou, sem nunca esquecer das chateações que uma família humana pode causar a um pobre cachorro. Boy tem uma personalidade cativante, chegando em alguns momentos a filosofar: "errar é humano, perdoar é canino". Para os donos de cachorros e simpatizantes, "Memórias de um cão" é uma diversão certa. (Editora Rocco)

Roving from real life to "dogs' lives" (canine biography and autobiography), kennel clubs to leash laws, "puppy love" to dogs as emblems of mourning and loss, Dog Love unleashes a fresh perspective on a favorite topic. What do the stories of such "celebrity hounds" as Lassie and Millie Bush have to say about the demands we place on their human counterparts in political life and popular culture? In an age when information abounds but comprehension seems to be breaking down, how do fantasies about canine communication express our longing to be understood? Why are we able to accept in our pets the very mix of emotional constancy and sexual inconstancy that dogs our human partnerships? How does our preoccupation with canine pedigree reflect social snobbery, nationalism, and other forms of cultural anxiety? What does the growing body of dog law have to say about our desires to regulate human behavior? Why is it that, from Argus onward, the dog has embodied our most elegiac feelings? In exploring these and other questions, Dog Love shows how, in a society that is less and less "humane," it is with the dog that we permit ourselves to experience and express our deepest sorrows and joys. As this profound and profoundly delightful book makes plain, it is the dog who makes us human.

Vivemos dias de cão. Literalmente. Do ciberespaço aos supermercados de produtos caninos, da cultura popular à alta costura, a cada vez mais estreita relação entre seres humanos e cães atingiu um nível de envolvimento inquestionável. Anúncios, filmes, reportagens, todos celebram "o melhor amigo do homem" e suas qualidades. Porém, Marjorie Garber, diretora do centro de estudos literários e culturais de Harvard e uma das mais perspicazes estudiosas de fenômenos culturais dos Estados Unidos, é a primeira pessoa a tentar compreender o que esta ligação com os cães revela sobre os próprios homens. Amor de cão estuda vidas reais, biografias caninas, kennel clubes e inúmeras outras manifestações do gênero para apresentar o envolvimento entre humanos e caninos sob uma nova perspectiva. O que as histórias sobre ‘celebridades’ como Lassie e Rin Tin Tin nos dizem sobre as exigências que fazemos a seus ‘correspondentes humanos’ na vida política cultural? Por que as pessoas estão dispostas a aceitar em seus animais de estimação uma certa mistura entre a constância emocional e inconstância sexual que criticam nos parceiros humanos? De que forma a preocupação com o pedigree reflete o esnobismo, o nacionalismo e outras formas de ansiedade cultural? Quais as relações entre o aumento do número de leis que dizem respeito aos cães e o desejo de regular o comportamento humano? Explorando essas e outras questões, Amor de cão mostra que, em uma sociedade cada vez menos humana, é através dos cães que os homens podem exprimir suas tristezas mais profundas e viver suas maiores alegrias. Um livro que mostra como, hoje, o cão pode ter se tornado um objeto de humanização do homem. (Editora Record)

FLUSH, by VIRGINIA WOOLF (Click on this link to read the book)
Virginia Woolf's biography of Elizabeth Barrett Brownings spaniel was what she called 'a little escapade', begun to 'ease my brain' in the wake of The Waves (1931). From London Review of Books: When Flush was published in 1933, feminist reviewers (Rebbecca West and Rose Macaulay among them) immediately drew parallels between the spaniel and Elizabeth Barrett, seeing his story as her psychological biography: she is petted and confined like him, always subject to the will of others. Flush marks the distance Woolf gave herself from Victorian femininity and from the 'poetess' whose literary excesses, as she saw them, were the result of an overwrought, hot-house life.

FLUSH, por VIRGINIA WOOLF - Leia aqui o primeiro capítulo.
Virginia Woolf era uma escritora consagrada quando concebeu Flush, em 1931: já tinha publicado o livro de ensaios A Room of One’s One (1928), assim como os romances A viagem (1915), Noite e dia (1919), O quarto de Jacob (1922), Mrs. Dalloway (1925), Passeio ao farol (1927) e Orlando (1928). Mas em 1931, em pleno verão inglês, deparou-se com a figura de um cão inusitadamente vivo e esperto que brotava da correspondência entre os célebres poetas vitorianos Elizabeth Barrett e Robert Browning.  Publicado pela primeira vez na Inglaterra em outubro de 1933, Flush é a deliciosa e inusitada biografia de um cão. Mostra aventuras e mistérios da existência percebidos através dos olhos do melhor amigo do homem. O personagem central dessa história é um cocker spaniel de origem inglesa, Flush. Virginia Woolf aproveita para tecer, em estilo deliciosamemente espirituoso e bem-humorado, ácidos comentários sobre a sociedade inglesa e vitoriana e seus valores. O gênio criativo da autora permitiu que fosse dada à inusitada idéia de uma biografia canina um tratamento virtuosístico. Embora Virginia já fosse uma unanimidade entre a crítica, foi Flush o seu romance com maior êxito entre os leitores, tanto na Inglaterra quanto nos Estados Unidos. Livro menos conhecido de Virginia Woolf (1882-1941), é uma história baseada em fatos e pessoas reais — o Cocker Spaniel Flush (1842-?) foi o cão de estimação dos poetas ingleses Robert Browning (1812-1889) e Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861). O cachorro foi dado à Elizabeth quando esta era ainda solteira, pela amiga (poeta, escritora e dramaturga) Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855). Para escrever o livro, Virginia baseou-se nas cartas de amor trocadas pelo casal de poetas, nas quais o amigo canino era constantemente citado (a imagem do cachorro deles me fez rir tanto que não pude deixar de dar-lhe vida). Publicado em 1933, Flush foi um sucesso de vendas. (L&PM Editores)

Natalie Angier knows all that scientists know - and sometimes more - about the power of symmetry in sexual relations, about the brutal courting habits of dolphins, about the grand deceit of orchids, about the impact of female and male preferences on evolution. She knows how scientists go about their work, and she describes their ways, their visions, and their arguments. Perhaps most poignantly, she understands the complexities and the sad necessity of death. "The beauty of the natural world lies in the details, and most of those details are not the stuff of calendar art," she points out. Few writers have ever covered so many facets of biology so evocatively in one book. The Beauty of the Beastly tells us how the genius of the biological universe resides in its details and proves why, according to Timothy Ferris, author of the acclaimed Coming of Age in the Milky Way, Angier is "one of the strongest and wittiest science writers in the world today."

A paixão pela diversidade do mundo natural foi o que levou Natalie Angier, ganhadora do prêmio Pulitzer e repórter de ciência, a escrever sobre criaturas que a maioria das pessoas acha repugnantes, como aranhas, escorpiões, parasitas, vermes, cascavéis, escaravelhos e hienas. Nestes ensaios ricos e variados - quase todos publicados em The New York Times - a autora discorre também sobre a atividade sexual dos animais, a medicina e a saúde vistas de uma perspectiva evolutiva e os hormônios que modelam a dinâmica da vida familiar. Sem receio de antropomorfismos, Angier vê as moléculas como personagens de pequenas peças teatrais e considera intrigantes o grau de percepção das cobras e o comportamento social dos carneiros. A decadência das orquídeas, segundo ela, deixaria Oscar Wilde perplexo. Outros artigos discutem as mais recentes descobertas no campo da biologia molecular, esmiuçando o trabalho das mulheres cientistas, descrevendo suas idéias e argumentos. De maneira comovedora, a autora também compreende a complexidade e a necessidade da morte. Da incrível resistência das baratas à ameaça aos guepardos, da estrutura do DNA ao namoro brutal entre golfinhos, A beleza da fera nos fornece retratos íntimos e radicais da natureza. (Editora Rocco)

It's not always easy to be a dog—to be a companion to those strange human animals, as Roger Grenier shows us on this literary dog walk. In some fifty self-contained and lovingly crafted vignettes, esteemed French author Grenier visits the great dogs of history and legend, beginning at the beginning, with Ulysses and his dog, Argos, the only creature to recognize him after years of absence. From Virginia Woolf, who became the self-appointed biographer of Flush, Elizabeth Barrett Browning's cocker spaniel, to André Gide, whose diary records his bemusement at his dog's propensity to mount his ancient cat, Grenier reveals how dogs have inspired writers. He introduces us to Freud's chow Lün, who was able to make him understand he was about to die; to Fala, FDR's scottish terrier, who now has his own statue in Washington; and to Michael and Jerry, the heroes of Jack London's novels. Along the way, Grenier tells us about a few of the dogs who have occupied his own life and heart. Though the rapport between dogs and people remains a mystery, it is also, for him, the source of the purest form of love.

O escritor francês Roger Grenier, nascido em 1919, dá o tom deste livro ao contar um episódio da Odisséia: quando Ulisses, depois do longo exílio, volta a Ítaca disfarçado de mendigo, é reconhecido apenas por Argos, seu cachorro, já bem velho, sem forças para fazer mais do que abanar o rabo ao reencontrar o dono. Ulisses então chora, e as lágrimas provocadas pela saudação de Argos dão a medida da cumplicidade que parece possível apenas entre cães e homens. Nem mesmo Posêidon, com sua fúria e poder, havia conseguido fazê-lo chorar. Composto de quarenta pequenas histórias, Da dificuldade de ser cão foi escrito em grande parte como homenagem a um cachorro de nome Ulisses - companheiro de Roger Grenier por muitos anos -, que faz diversas aparições ao longo do livro. Cães de várias raças e índoles - o buldogue de Maeterlinck, os chow-chows de Freud, o cachorro neurastênico de André Gide, o mestiço de Thomas Mann, os muitos cães de Picasso - estão no centro dos relatos e mostram por que, de todas as criaturas, o cachorro foi o escolhido pelo homem como o receptáculo de seu amor puro. Grenier, entretanto, não se restringe a contar histórias de cães - reais ou lendários, cínicos, espertos, sábios, amorosos. Tematiza igualmente não apenas a literatura que inspiraram, mas também as pessoas, enfocando-as pelo prisma da simpatia que têm ou não por cães, procurando captar a singularidade de cada figura humana através da relação com o animal. Propõe, enfim, uma reunião amável com artistas e intelectuais de diferentes momentos históricos, monta um jogo bem-humorado em que histórias de cachorros (e às vezes de outros bichos) desvendam um mundo de idéias e afetos gestados no bojo do melhor humanismo. (Companhia das Letras).


The idea of human cruelty to animals so consumes novelist Elizabeth Costello in her later years that she can no longer look another person in the eye: humans, especially meat-eating ones, seem to her to be conspirators in a crime of stupefying magnitude taking place on farms and in slaughterhouses, factories, and laboratories across the world. Costello's son, a physics professor, admires her literary achievements, but dreads his mother's lecturing on animal rights at the college where he teaches. His colleagues resist her argument that human reason is overrated and that the inability to reason does not diminish the value of life; his wife denounces his mother's vegetarianism as a form of moral superiority. At the dinner that follows her first lecture, the guests confront Costello with a range of sympathetic and skeptical reactions to issues of animal rights, touching on broad philosophical, anthropological, and religious perspectives. Painfully for her son, Elizabeth Costello seems offensive and flaky, but--dare he admit it?--strangely on target. Here the internationally renowned writer J. M. Coetzee uses fiction to present a powerfully moving discussion of animal rights in all their complexity. (...) Coetzee's text is accompanied by an introduction by political philosopher Amy Gutmann and responsive essays by religion scholar Wendy Doniger, primatologist Barbara Smuts, literary theorist Marjorie Garber, and moral philosopher Peter Singer, author of Animal Liberation. Together the lecture-fable and the essays explore the palpable social consequences of uncompromising moral conflict and confrontation.

Convidado a proferir uma palestra na Universidade de Princeton, o escritor sul-africano J. M. Coetzee surpreendeu sua audiência. Em lugar de um ensaio teórico, ele leu esta inquietante narrativa sobre a relação entre os homens e os animais. O romance é protagonizado por uma escritora, Elizabeth Costello, que, assim como Coetzee, se prepara para um ciclo de conferências e discorre sobre as questões filosóficas e éticas que envolvem o nosso trato com os animais. Num bem articulado jogo entre ficção e realidade, teoria e prática cotidiana, Coetzee nos conduz por questionamentos sobre a vida e a razão. A prosa inflamada de Elizabeth Costello, vegetariana radical, faz uma polêmica analogia entre o abate do gado bovino e o Holocausto nazista. As resistências às suas idéias começam em ambiente familiar. Hospedada na casa do filho, ela tem que contrapor suas convicções ao dia-a-dia da família. A vida dos animais traz também as réplicas de alguns estudiosos às conferências de Coetzee. (Companhia das Letras)

Meet Mr. Bones, the canine hero of Paul Auster's remarkable new novel, Timbuktu. Mr. Bones is the sidekick and confidant of Willy G. Christmas, the brilliant, troubled, and altogether original poet-saint from Brooklyn. Like Don Quixote and Sancho Panza before them, they sally forth on a last great adventure, heading for Baltimore, Maryland in search of Willy's high school teacher, Bea Swanson. Years have passed since Willy last saw his beloved mentor, who knew him in his previous incarnation as William Gurevitch, the son of Polish war refugees. But is Mrs. Swanson still alive? And if she isn't, what will prevent Willy from vanishing into that other world known as Timbuktu? Mr. Bones is our witness. Although he walks on four legs and cannot speak, he can think, and out of his thoughts Auster has spun one of the richest, most compelling tales in recent American fiction. By turns comic, poignant, and tragic, Timbuktu is above all a love story. Written with a scintillating verbal energy, it takes us into the heart of a singularly pure and passionate character, an unforgettable dog who has much to teach us about our own humanity.
Read an Excerpt - Chapter One

A amizade entre um vira-lata e um poeta semilouco: esta é uma história de amor sem cinismo ou ironia, e, para contá-la, Paul Auster compôs Timbuktu (1999), um misto de romance e fábula. Em inglês, Timbuktu (nome de uma cidade em Mali) designa um lugar tão distante que nunca se consegue chegar lá. Para Willy, o poeta maldito, o mendigo visionário, é o lugar para onde vão os mortos: onde o mapa deste mundo acaba, começa Timbuktu. Willy vagueia pelas sarjetas com um amigo que acredita fielmente em suas aventuras, ensinamentos e delírios: mr. Bones (sr. Ossos), um vira-lata que compreende a língua dos homens. Quando Willy morre, o cão é obrigado a sobreviver sozinho num ambiente hostil, povoado de perigos que podem mandá-lo para Timbuktu antes da hora. À medida que as privações e os maus-tratos acentuam o espírito meditativo e melancólico de mr. Bones, percebemos que só um animal poderia nos deslocar para uma esfera de sentimentos puros como os que aparecem nesse livro. (Companhia das Letras)

In his new book, erstwhile Freudian scholar and psychoanalyst Masson gathers, with the help of McCarthy, the evidence to date for the existence of emotions and, hence, something approaching human consciousness in animals. The various researchers' observations on the feelingful behaviors of dolphins, apes, bears, lions, elephants, and other well-studied creatures that Masson and McCarthy recount will not be news to those who keep even desultorily abreast of ethology--something that, given the plethora of naturalist TV programs, books, and reportage, isn't hard to do. Masson and McCarthy do a commendable job of synthesizing the material they tackle, however, making it efficiently readable. Finally, Masson succinctly and without any radical breast-beating makes, arguably as well as anyone ever has, the moral case for ceasing the exploitation and slaughter of animals.

Animais sentem emoções? Choram, sentem raiva, amor e ódio? Baseado em estudos científicos e em pesquisas cheias de histórias engraçadas e comoventes, este livro mostra a profundidade com que os animais experimentam emoções, estejam no cativeiro ou na vida selvagem. Embora tenha sido escrita por cientistas, a linguaguem clara e simples torna-o acessível não só para os que estudam as emoções dos bichos, mas também para qualquer um que possua em casa um animalzinho de estimação, seja cão, tartaruga, papagaio ou gato. (Geração Editorial).

PS: I did the same post in February 07, 2008.

Thursday, February 07, 2008



(Books are in alphabetic order by title)


MEMÓRIAS DE UM CÃO - Link in Portuguese

Synopsis: The bestsellling author of A Year in Provence and Hotel Pastis now surveys his territory from a differnt vantage point: the all-fours perspective of his dog, Boy--"a dog whose personality is made up of equal parts Boswell and Dr. Johnson, Mencken and A. A. Milne" (Chicago Sun-Times). Enhanced by 59 splendidly whimsical drawings by Edward Koren.


AMOR DE CÃO - Link in Portuguese

Synopsis: Roving from real life to "dogs' lives" (canine biography and autobiography), kennel clubs to leash laws, "puppy love" to dogs as emblems of mourning and loss, Dog Love unleashes a fresh perspective on a favorite topic. What do the stories of such "celebrity hounds" as Lassie and Millie Bush have to say about the demands we place on their human counterparts in political life and popular culture? In an age when information abounds but comprehension seems to be breaking down, how do fantasies about canine communication express our longing to be understood? Why are we able to accept in our pets the very mix of emotional constancy and sexual inconstancy that dogs our human partnerships? How does our preoccupation with canine pedigree reflect social snobbery, nationalism, and other forms of cultural anxiety? What does the growing body of dog law have to say about our desires to regulate human behavior? Why is it that, from Argus onward, the dog has embodied our most elegiac feelings? In exploring these and other questions, Dog Love shows how, in a society that is less and less "humane," it is with the dog that we permit ourselves to experience and express our deepest sorrows and joys. As this profound and profoundly delightful book makes plain, it is the dog who makes us human.

FLUSH, by VIRGINIA WOOLF (Click on this link to read the book)

FLUSH - Leia um Capítulo - Link in Portuguese

Synopsis: Virginia Woolf's biography of Elizabeth Barrett Brownings spaniel was what she called 'a little escapade', begun to 'ease my brain' in the wake of The Waves (1931). From London Review of Books: When Flush was published in 1933, feminist reviewers (Rebbecca West and Rose Macaulay among them) immediately drew parallels between the spaniel and Elizabeth Barrett, seeing his story as her psychological biography: she is petted and confined like him, always subject to the will of others. Flush marks the distance Woolf gave herself from Victorian femininity and from the 'poetess' whose literary excesses, as she saw them, were the result of an overwrought, hot-house life.


O HOMEM E O MUNDO NATURAL - Link in Portuguese

Synopsis: Throughout the ages man has struggled with his perceived place in the natural world. The idea of humans cultivating the Earth to suit specific needs is one of the greatest points of contention in this struggle. For how would have civilization progressed, if not by the clearance of the forests, the cultivation of the soil, and the conservation of wild landscape into human settlement? Yet what of the healing powers of unexploited nature, its long-term importance in the perpetuation of human civilization, and the inherent beauty of wild scenery? At no time were these questions addressed as pointedly and with such great consequence as in England between the sixteenth and late eighteenth centuries. "Between 1500 and 1800 there occurred a whole cluster of changes in the way in which men and women, at all social levels, perceived and classified the natural world around them," explains Keith Thomas. "New sensibilities arose toward animals, plants, and landscape. The relationship of man to other species was redefined; and his right to exploit those species for his own advantage was sharply challenged." Man and the Natural World aims not just to explain present interest in preserving the environment and protecting the rights of animals, but to reconstruct an earlier mental world.


A BELEZA DA FERA - Link in Portuguese

Synopsis: Natalie Angier knows all that scientists know - and sometimes more - about the power of symmetry in sexual relations, about the brutal courting habits of dolphins, about the grand deceit of orchids, about the impact of female and male preferences on evolution. She knows how scientists go about their work, and she describes their ways, their visions, and their arguments. Perhaps most poignantly, she understands the complexities and the sad necessity of death. "The beauty of the natural world lies in the details, and most of those details are not the stuff of calendar art," she points out. Few writers have ever covered so many facets of biology so evocatively in one book. The Beauty of the Beastly tells us how the genius of the biological universe resides in its details and proves why, according to Timothy Ferris, author of the acclaimed Coming of Age in the Milky Way, Angier is "one of the strongest and wittiest science writers in the world today."


DA DIFICULDADE DE SER CÃO - Link in Portuguese

Synopsis: It's not always easy to be a dog—to be a companion to those strange human animals, as Roger Grenier shows us on this literary dog walk. In some fifty self-contained and lovingly crafted vignettes, esteemed French author Grenier visits the great dogs of history and legend, beginning at the beginning, with Ulysses and his dog, Argos, the only creature to recognize him after years of absence. From Virginia Woolf, who became the self-appointed biographer of Flush, Elizabeth Barrett Browning's cocker spaniel, to André Gide, whose diary records his bemusement at his dog's propensity to mount his ancient cat, Grenier reveals how dogs have inspired writers. He introduces us to Freud's chow Lün, who was able to make him understand he was about to die; to Fala, FDR's scottish terrier, who now has his own statue in Washington; and to Michael and Jerry, the heroes of Jack London's novels. Along the way, Grenier tells us about a few of the dogs who have occupied his own life and heart. Though the rapport between dogs and people remains a mystery, it is also, for him, the source of the purest form of love.


A VIDA DOS ANIMAIS - Link in Portuguese

Synopsis: The idea of human cruelty to animals so consumes novelist Elizabeth Costello in her later years that she can no longer look another person in the eye: humans, especially meat-eating ones, seem to her to be conspirators in a crime of stupefying magnitude taking place on farms and in slaughterhouses, factories, and laboratories across the world. Costello's son, a physics professor, admires her literary achievements, but dreads his mother's lecturing on animal rights at the college where he teaches. His colleagues resist her argument that human reason is overrated and that the inability to reason does not diminish the value of life; his wife denounces his mother's vegetarianism as a form of moral superiority. At the dinner that follows her first lecture, the guests confront Costello with a range of sympathetic and skeptical reactions to issues of animal rights, touching on broad philosophical, anthropological, and religious perspectives. Painfully for her son, Elizabeth Costello seems offensive and flaky, but--dare he admit it?--strangely on target. Here the internationally renowned writer J. M. Coetzee uses fiction to present a powerfully moving discussion of animal rights in all their complexity. (...) Coetzee's text is accompanied by an introduction by political philosopher Amy Gutmann and responsive essays by religion scholar Wendy Doniger, primatologist Barbara Smuts, literary theorist Marjorie Garber, and moral philosopher Peter Singer, author of Animal Liberation. Together the lecture-fable and the essays explore the palpable social consequences of uncompromising moral conflict and confrontation.


TIMBUKTU, Link in Portuguese

Synopsis: "Where the map of this world ends, that's where the map of Timbuktu begins." Paul Auster, whose idiosyncratic novels range from the noirish cult classics now collected as The New York Trilogy to the breathtakingly brilliant Leviathan, returns with the poignant story of Brooklyn-born poet/saint Willy G. Christmas and his empathetic canine companion, Mr. Bones. Though unable to speak, Mr. Bones understands every nuance of human "Ingloosh" and provides a dog's-eye view of his master's alternately troubled and beatific existence. Tubercular and knowing that his days are numbered, Willy sets out with his four-legged friend on a last, quixotic adventure—to Baltimore, and the last known address of his revered high school English teacher, Bea Swanson.



Synopsis: In his new book, erstwhile Freudian scholar and psychoanalyst Masson gathers, with the help of McCarthy, the evidence to date for the existence of emotions and, hence, something approaching human consciousness in animals. The various researchers' observations on the feelingful behaviors of dolphins, apes, bears, lions, elephants, and other well-studied creatures that Masson and McCarthy recount will not be news to those who keep even desultorily abreast of ethology--something that, given the plethora of naturalist TV programs, books, and reportage, isn't hard to do. Masson and McCarthy do a commendable job of synthesizing the material they tackle, however, making it efficiently readable. Finally, Masson succinctly and without any radical breast-beating makes, arguably as well as anyone ever has, the moral case for ceasing the exploitation and slaughter of animals.

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Shall We Dance Daniel date David Hockney Dawn Death in Venice Desert Canyon Inger Desert Canyon Living Desing Despedida Destruction Destruição Dia das Mães Diana Krall Diário de uma Paixão Dogs Dogs and Cats Art Domingo Domino Dominó Duane Hanson Ducks Dusk Earth Earth - Landsat Earth as Art Ecological Day Eddie Vedder Edifício Copan Eduardo P. Lunardelli Edward Hopper Egret El Poder de la Palabra Elefante Elephant Emma Stone Emma Wallace Enseada Azul Entardecer Entrevista Envelhecimento Erik Johansson Escola Escola Caetano de Campos Escritores Escultura Escultura. Estado de São Paulo Estilo Estrada Estrada. Photo Friday Estradas Everybody's Talkin' Família Family Farewell Farm Farmers Father Fazenda Fazendas Feliz Aniversário Feliz Ano Novo Feliz Ano Novo 2012 Feliz Ano Novo! Music Feliz Natal Fence Fences Fences. Good Fences Feral Houses Ferdinand Cheval Férias Fernando Field Film Filme Filmes Fire Flamboiã Flamboyant Flame Vine Flor-de-São João Flora Flores Flowers Fogo Fome Food Footprints Footwear Formigas Fortaleza Fotos Fotos antigas Fotos de Família à Moda Antiga Freddie Mercury Friends Friendship Fruits Frutas Frutos Fun Fungi Fungos Fungus Futebol Gabriel Medina Gado Garça Garden Gata Gatos Gavião Carcará Gena Rowlands George Segal Giant Anteater Ginásio Golden Trumpet Tree Golden Trumpet Trees Good Fences Grades de ferro Graffiti Gran Torino Grandfather Grandmother Grandparents Great Aunt Grécia Greece Green Walls Guitarra Portuguesa Gustav Mahler Hábitos Esquisitos Habits Weird Happy Happy Birthday Happy New Year Happy New Year 2012 Happy New Year 2013. Feliz Ano Novo 2013 Harry Nilsson Havaí Hawaii Henry David Thoreau Hera Hergé Heron Heron. Represa Jurumirim Hibiscus High School História Real Holambra Holambra's Fields Holidays Homeless Horse Horses Horto Florestal de Avaré Horto Florestal Park Horto Florestal Parkin Avaré House Hugh Grant Humans of New York Hunger Ideal Palace Immortality Imortalidade Infância Internet Interview Invasive plant Ipê Amarelo Ipê Rosa Ipê-Amarelo Ipê-Rosa Irmã Irmão Iron railings Italy Itu Ivy J.Seward Johnson Jaboticaba James D. Griffioen James Garner Jamie Cullum Jardim Jardim Botânico Jardim Botânico. Botanical Garden Jato Jeff Koons Jerry Lee Lewis Jet Ski João-de-Barro John Barry John Seward Johnson II John Tenniel Johnny Mathis Josh Groban Jurumirim Dam Juventude Karin Bugge Katinka Matson Kites Krokalia La La Land Lagarta Lago Landscapes Leaves of Grass Leitura Leo Tolstoy Lichens Lichia Lichia Merry Christmas Lillian Gish Lily Lindsay Anderson Líquens Líques Lírio Lisa Literatura Literature Little Daisy Livros Livros sobre Animais Lobo Lobo Guará Lobo-Guará Lola & Hauser Love Love Actually Lua Luchino Visconti Lucian Freud Lychee Lydia Davis Mãe Mãe. Mother Mamãe Mandarin Orange Maned-Wolf Manhattan Máquina de Escrever Marcos Valle. Paulo Sergio Valle Margaridas Mario Mariotti Mark Jenkins Market Matej Krén Matosinho Matosinhos Memória Memories Mercado Mercado Municipal Mercado Municipal de São Paulo Merry Christmas Meryl Streep Meu Jardim Mexerica Mia & Sebastian Theme Michelle Pfeiffer Mid-August Lunch Milan Kundera Milano Marittima Mimetismo Mimitry Minha casa Misty Monastério de Santa Cruz Monastery of Santa Cruz Monstera deliciosa Montserrat Caballé Moon Morte em Veneza mosaic mosaico Mother Mother's Day Mouvie Mouvies movie Movie Filme Movies Municipal Market Municipal Market of São Paulo Muros Verdes Music Music. Música Musica Música Músicas Musics My Garden My garden. Meu jardim My house namoro Natal National Dog Day Nature Natureza Neighborhood Neil Finn Nest Never Forget Névoa New Year New York NewYear Nick Cassavetes Nick Georgiou noivado Nova York Nuvens O Céu que nos Protege Ocean Oceano Old Age Old Age and Aging Old Building Old Buildings Old Cars Old house Old Houses Old Man Old photos Older Orchard Orchid Orchids Orquídea Orquídeas Os Yankees Estão Voltando Oscar Niemeyer Ovenbirds Paddle Pai Paineira Painter Painting Paintings Paisagens Palácio Ideal Palettes of Colors Palm Tree Palmeira Palmeiras Pará Rubber Tree Parachutes Paranapanema Paraquedas Parents Parque de Diversões Parque Trianon Party at the Palace Passagem para a Índia Pássaro Preto Pássaros Passeando Pata-de-vaca Patos Patric Doyle Paulista Avenue Pausa no Blog Pearl Jam Pegadas Pets Pharrell Williams Photo Friday Photographer. Fotógrafia Photos Photos of Old Fashioned Family Photoshop Piano Pink Tabebuia Pintor Pinturas Pipas Pitanga Pitangueira Pitangueira Tree Placas Planta invasiva Plantas e Animais Plants and Animals Playing For Change Poet Poeta Pomar Pond Ponte Ponte Estaiada Ponte Estaiada Octávio Frias de Oliveira Pôr do sol Pôr-do-sol Porto Portugal Portuguese Guitar Postcards Praia Praias Prédios Antigos Primavera Purple Glory Tree Quaresmeira Quiz Quote Rachel McAdams Rain Rain of Gold Rainstorm Rainy Weather Reading Reflections Reflexos Reino Animal Relax Relaxamento Remington Represa Jurumirim residential houses Rio Claro Rio Pardo Road Roads Roadside Hawk Ron Mueck Roseman Covered Bridge Rua Ruas Rural Rural Scenes Ryan Gosling Ryuichi Sakamoto Salva Tela Samba

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